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Group 2: Waste Management/rubbish in school

We stayed in touch with our inter-cultural peers through Zoom

meetings and communication on WhatsApp. A WhatsApp group
was formed and we communicated on this group.

While we were preparing for the video conferences, we had

discussions among ourselves on Zoom. The entire group met
multiple times where we discussed the content relating to our
topic and we also researched some appropriate questions to ask
our inter-cultural peers in the video conference. Through these
meetings, the group prepared, as best we could, for the video

The conferences with our peers did assist us by providing us with

various insights about waste management in their country. They
briefly told us how the manage waste at home and at school, how
they dispose their sanitary waste and even a few systems by which
waste management is implemented in their country.

Primarily, they follow waste segregation at home and at school.

Different bins are placed where waste is segregated into plastic,
paper, glass and other waste.

Images from the video conferences

Overall, the conferences went well and were smooth. The communication
from both groups was good. Our peers gave us new insights and inputs
regarding waste management which did assist in our report. We were also
able to answer all their questions satisfactorily.

However, there were a few minute things which could have gone better.
More questions could have been posed both by us, and by our inter-cultural
peers. Also, though the answers given in brief were helpful, more in-depth
answers from our Dutch counterparts would have been ideal. All in all, this
process was very enriching, informative and helpful to us.
Our interaction on WhatsApp
Some additional images:

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