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Group 3: My Green Meal

Our interaction with the Dutch students was a once in a lifetime


It was wonderful to connect with students from another continent. We

got to know about their cultures, values and experiences. We had a fun
and light- hearted conversation about our schools. It was exciting to
know the different lifestyles that are being adopted worldwide. We
then exchanged our views and opinions on the importance of eating
greens. We would like to thank our teachers for arranging such a
meeting. We are blessed to have had this golden chance. With every
discussion, we explored uncharted territory of thought, and learnt
something new!

Before the video conferences our group had a meeting in

which we discussed questions that we could ask our
intercultural peers and the ones they might ask us.

Our points were quite informative and to the point. Our

Dutch counterpart has done a good job at presenting their views
on green meal by keeping it simple. However, some of their
questions were not very clear.

In the video conference, we asked our Dutch Counterparts

various questions for them to answer. Their answers were
simple and creative, it gave us an insight on how different
people from around the world thought about green meals.

Their questions were very much lifestyle based, some of
which were not clear.

Communication through WhatsApp or email.

We weren’t able to communicate with our Dutch counterpart
through WhatsApp or through using email as we tried
chatting with them but there wasn’t any response from their
side maybe due to a valid reason.


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