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MEC 536 Heat Transfer by


Dr. Mohamed Salem Elmnefi

Department of Aeronautical Engineering

Faculty of Aeronautics and Astronautics
University of Turkish Aeronautical
Association (UTAA)

•Free convection is encountered in many situations.
•It is always present as long as fluid temperature is not uniform and
there is an acceleration field such as gravity.
• In some applications, free convection heat transfer is small compared
to other modes and therefore may be neglected.
• In other applications free convection is the dominant mechanism for
heat transfer, such as in heat loss from steam pipes,
• windows, and solar collectors.
•On the other hand, one seeks to enhance the transfer
• of heat by free convection in cooling microelectronic
• components and packages.
Features and Parameters of Free Convection
(1) Driving Force
(i) Gravitational field
(ii) Density change with temperature
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(2) Governing Parameters: two parameters play a key role in the

determination of the Nusselt number in free convection:

(i) Grashof number:


L is a characteristic dimension of the body. For a horizontal cylinder
it is the diameter and for a vertical plate it is a dimension in the
vertical direction.
β is a fluid property defined in equation (2.16). It is called the
coefficient of thermal expansion, also known as compressibility factor.
For ideal gases it is given by:

where T is in absolute degrees.

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(ii) Prandtl number

•Rayleigh number
In some solutions, the Grashof number appears multiplied by the
Prandtl number. This dimensionless product is called the Rayleigh
number (Ra), defined as:

Where α is thermal diffusivity

(3) Boundary Layer
• Flow: Laminar, turbulent, or mixed.
• Boundary layer approximations are valid for Rax> 104
(4) Transition from Laminar to Turbulent Flow
•For vertical plates: transition Rayleigh number, Raxt , is:
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(5) External vs. Enclosure Free Convection

(i) External free convection: surface is immersed in infinite medium.
Examples include free convection over vertical plates,
horizontal cylinders, and spheres.

(ii) Enclosure free convection: free convection takes place inside closed
volumetric regions, such as rectangular confines, concentric cylinders,
and concentric spheres.

(6) Analytic Solutions

•The velocity and temperature fields are coupled in free convection.

•Analytic solutions require the simultaneous integration of the continuity,

momentum, and energy equations.

•Even for the simplest case of laminar free convection over an isothermal
vertical plate, the results are obtained through numerical integration.
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Governing Equations
(1) Constant density, except in evaluating gravity forces.
(2) The Boussinesq approximation (relates density change to temperature
(3) No dissipation.
•Considering steady state, laminar, two-dimensional flow with constant
properties ,continuity, momentum, and energy equations are given by:



Fig. 1
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•In equation (5) gravity points in the negative x – direction as shown in Fig.1.
Boundary Layer Equations:
•continuity equation (4) is unchanged
•x-component of the Navier-Stokes equations simplifies to:


•Energy equation (7)


•Equations (4), (8), and (9) contain three unknowns: u, v, and T.

•Momentum and energy are coupled.

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Laminar Free Convection over a Vertical Plate: Uniform Surface

•Uniform temperature Ts (Fig.1).
• Infinite fluid at temperatureT∞ .
• Determine: velocity and temperature distribution.
(1) Assumptions:
(3)Steady state,
(4)Laminar flow, Fig. 1
(5) Two-dimensional,
(6) Constant properties,
(7) Boussinesq approximation,
(8)Uniform surface temperature,
(9)Uniform ambient temperature,
(10) Vertical plate and
(11)Negligible dissipation.
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(2) Governing Equations:

•Based on the above assumptions the governing equations are:
continuity (4), momentum (8), and energy (9)




Where Ө is a dimensionless temperature defined as:


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(3)Boundary Conditions:
(1) u (x,0) = 0
(2) v (x,0) = 0
(3) u (x,∞) = 0
(4) u (0, y) = 0
(5) Ө (x,0) = 1
(6) Ө (x, ∞) = 0
(7) Ө (0, y) = 0
(4) Similarity Transformation: Equations (4), (8), and (10) are solved
simultaneously using similarity method to transform the three partial
differential equations to two ordinary differential equations.
The appropriate similarity variable η(x, y) for this case takes the form


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Substituting (13) into (12) , gives the similarity variable η


where the local Grashof number based on (1) is defined as:


Continuity equation (4) is satisfied by introducing a stream function ψ
which gives the velocity components u and v as:

(17) and (18)

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Using the stream function of Blasius solution for forced convection over
a flat plate as a guide, the stream function for this problem is given by:


Where ζ(η) is an unknown function to be determined. Introducing (19) into

(17) and (18)


Substituting (20) and (21) into (8) and (10) and using (11) and (16), gives:


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•Note that the original variables x and y do not appear in the transformed
equations (22) and (23). They are replaced by the single independent
variable η.
•Using (14), (16), (20), and (21), the four boundary conditions on velocity
and three conditions on temperature give transformation of boundary
conditions as:

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•The problem is characterized by a single parameter which is the Prandtl

(5) Solution
•Equations (22) and (23) and their five boundary conditions are solved
•The solution is presented graphically in Figs.2 and 3.

•Fig. 2 gives the axial velocity u(x, y) for various Prandtl numbers
•Fig. 3 gives the temperature distribution T(x, y) for various Prandtl

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Fig.2 Axial velocity


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Fig.3 Temperature distribution

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(6) Heat Transfer Coefficient and Nusselt Number

Fourier’s law and Newton’s law:


Expressing the above in terms of the variables Өand η

Using (11) and (14), the above gives:


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Introducing the definition of the local Nusselt number, the above becomes:


The average heat transfer coefficient for a plate of length L is defined as:

Substituting (25) into the above equation and performing the integration


The average Nusselt number is given by:


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•Surface temperature gradient, dӨ(0) / dη , which appears in the above

equations is obtained from the numerical solution of equations (22) and 23).
•This important factor depends on the Prandtl number only and is listed in
Table 1 for selected values of the Prandtl number.
Also listed in this table is d2ζ (0) / dη2 .
•This constant is needed to determine surface velocity
gradient and shearing stress.
Special Cases
Equations (22) and (23) are simplified for two limiting cases
corresponding to very small and very large Prandtl numbers.
The local Nusselt number for these cases is given by:


Table 1
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Example Vertical Plate at Uniform Surface Temperature

A square plate measuring 8 cm x 8 cm is

suspended vertically in air. The plate is
maintained at uniform surface temperature of
70 o C. The ambient air is at 10 o C. Of interest
is the determination of flow and heat transfer
conditions at the trailing end x = L. Specifically

(1) Axial velocity u at y = 0.2 cm

(2) Air temperature T at y = 0.2 cm
(3) Viscous boundary layer thickness δ
(4) Thermal boundary layer thickness δt
(5) Nusselt number
(6) Heat transfer coefficient
(7) Heat flux
(8) Total heat transfer rate from the plate.
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(1) Observations
(i) This is an external free convection problem over a vertical flat plate.
(ii)The plate is maintained at uniform surface temperature.
(iii)The Rayleigh number should be computed to determine if the flow
is laminar.
(iv) If the flow is laminar Fig. 2 gives the axial velocity u and viscous
boundary layer thickness δ. Similarly, Fig.3 gives temperature
distribution, and thermal boundary layer thickness . δt
(v) Attention is focused on the trailing edge of the plate. This means
that local values of Nusselt number and heat transfer coefficient should
be determined.
(2) Problem Definition: Determine flow and heat transfer characteristics
for free convection over a vertical flat plate at uniform surface temperature.

(3) Solution Plan. Compute the Rayleigh number to determine if the flow
is laminar. If it is, use the similarity solution results including Figs.2 and 3.

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(4) Plan Execution

(i) Assumptions
(2)Newtonian fluid
(3)Steady state
(4) Boussinesq approximations
(5) Two-dimensional,
(6) Laminar flow (Rax < 109)
(7) Flat plate
(8) Uniform surface temperature
(9) No dissipation
(10) No radiation
(ii) Analysis and Computation. The Rayleigh number is computed at
the trailing edge to establish if the flow is laminar. The Rayleigh number
is defined in equation (2) as:

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Properties are evaluated at the film temperature Tf

Properties of air at this temperature are:

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Substituting into (2)

Thus the flow is laminar. Axial velocity u is given by (20)


where dζ / dη is given in Fig.2 as a function of η

where, according to (2)

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Using (a) to evaluate η at x = 0.08 m and y =0.002m

At η = 1.21 and Pr = 0.71, Fig.2 gives:

Solving for u at x = L = 0.08 m

At η = 1.21 and Pr = 0.71, Fig.3 gives the temperature at x = 0.8 m and y = 0.002 m

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At the edge of the viscous boundary layer, y = δ , the axial velocity

vanishes. Fig.2 gives the corresponding value of η as:

Solving for δ

At the edge of the thermal boundary layer, y = δt , the temperature reaches

ambient value and thus Ө ≈ 0. Fig.3 gives the corresponding value of η as:

Solving for δt

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The local Nusselt number is given by equation (26)


Table.1 gives the temperature gradient at the surface dӨ (0) / dη for various
Prandtl numbers. Extrapolation to Pr = 0.71 gives:

Using (26), the local Nusselt number is evaluated at the trailing end, x = L = 0.08 m

The local heat transfer coefficient at the trailing end is obtained from the
definition of the Nusselt number above

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Newton’s law of cooling gives surface heat flux

Total heat transfer from the plate is determined using the average heat
transfer coefficient

where A is surface area and is given by (27)


Substituting into (b)

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