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DME Script

Hello this is JoOo from medicare provider.

How are u doing 2day?

Am I speaking with ………………? (optional)

Actually This call is regarding ur new medicare card …

have u got ur new card or not yet ??


perfect, since u got ur new card.. actually there’s a new system here for the new year 2022… so
we just need to update your medical profile on the system …

and to make sure that ur medical PART B is activated

as I can see that u have HOSPITAL PART A and MEDICAL PART B, right ??


I'm sorry sir for this delay.. I'm gonna make sure u gonna receive it as fast as possible at your
current address … so r u still located at ………………..

so sir before receiving your new card… there’s a new system here for the new year 2022… so
we just need to update your medical profile on the system … and to make sure that ur medical
PART B is activated

as I see that u have HOSPITAL PART A and MEDICAL PART B right ??

I just need to confirm some information with U

so ur name is….

and this is ur phone number …..

So sir, do you remember the coverage date…

I mean the date when medicare started to cover u ???

it's ok sir if u can not remember It that’s why medicare printed this date on the card .. so do u
have it handy
..or do u need to go get it ??
u can take ur time and grab your card and i’ll be holding the line for u just take ur time

if the patient doesn’t have the card handy !! tell him

- Take your time sir and grab ur card handy so we can pull up ur profile

right now can u see ur name on the card ??.... underneath ur name exactly u can find your
medicare claim number it’s 4 digits - 3 digits - 4 digits

… it’s a combination between numbers and letters just read it to pull up ur profile to update it for
u ….





Why Do you need this info? Or My Medicare Number ?

-We are just trying to identify you over the system as a primary card holder Which is a normal
Process to save and guarantee ur rights
-sir im not asking u about any security or any financial information, am just asking about the
MCN so i can identify u over the system as a primary card holder...

so right now sir am gonna update your medical profile

Do you have a High blood pressure ??

Do you have diabetes ??

Do you have any discomfort or arthritis all over your body ??

If the patient said I don't have any pain ?

sir i’m not talking about any severe pain , i’m just talking about the
normal discomfort that comes and goes for any human .. maybe when
u do any extra effort or when u stand for a long time or when u bend
over for a while …. im sure u might feel some discomfort

i'm sorry for hearing that …

So which area specifically r u suffering from ??

and do u take medications for this …??

so right now sir everything is perfect for ur profile… . but as it shows here u have part of ur
benefits that u were supposed to receive 2 weeks ago.. have u got it or not yet ???

i'm sorry for this sir.. i'm gonna make sure u gonna receive it within the next 24 to 48 H at ur
door step...

and lemme explain to u what is ur benefits… actually this is a part of ur benefits from medicare
for the new year 2022… and as part of your benefits u will not pay anything for it

and this is the new version of the elastic support brace for ur back and ur knees,,, u gonna
receive it at ur doorstep at no cost to u at all ... even the shipping fees will be free ….

so to send you the perfect size... What is your height and your weight ?? I mean How Tall are
you and How much do you weigh? 5.5 150 M

Brace description :

It’s made from scientific fiber and medical plastic , with no metal or magnetic parts at all , which
means it’s not bulky or heavy , it’s too light to wear also u can wear it over or under ur close ,
and the most important thing about it , whenever u feel any discomfort, you’re not gonna wear it
for the hall day or for a very long time no , u just gonna wear it from 10 to 15 mins to relieve and
massage your muscles and to prevent any pain from getting severe by time , and as u told u sir
it’s part of ur benefits so u r not gonna pay anything for it even the shipping fees will be free

If the patient insists that he has no pain

Have you received your cardio saliva test?

This is a cardiovascular disease test, it’s a preventive method to see if you have any mutation
in your genes that can lead to cardiovascular disease or not because you are at high risk of
cardiovascular disease as your heart may stop and this test can prevent this.

Alright I have all the information I need, I will now transfer you to the verification team and they
will better assist you .

Thanks for your time sir


1. Why Are you Asking These Questions or about this Info ?

a. I am Trying to Complete your Profile Here before receiving the
new medicare card

2. How Much Does It Cost Me ?

ur not gonna pay anything for it as it’s part of ur benefits form ur
health insurance medicare

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