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* Daily Learning Log Maya V-Kim K2 Term 01

Date: 07/Sept/2021, Tuesday

❀ Orientation: Welcome to Kindergarten!!! You are officially a
Living Book: One Smart Cookie Bite-Size Lessons for the School Years
and Beyond
Read the book and learn the new words. Talk about different qualities introduced in the book.
Discuss which qualities would make a student's learning experience more involved and enjoyable.
Talk about what kind of student you would like to be during your precious school years!!! :)

❀ Math: Introduction to Math.

Kit: Everything you need to know about Science P.10-11
You know what numbers are, but do you know why we learn them? How are numbers being utilized
in our world? Explore from page 10 to 27. Talk about different aspects of Math we encounter in our
daily lives.
Living Book: The Boy Who Loved Math
What happens to someone who cannot stop thinking about numbers? Read the book and hear about
the very special life of a very special mathematician Paul Erdos.

❀ Tray Center (free exploration of Montessori trays and


In the evening, Maya built various three dimensional

structures using apparatuses; Geometric solids, Pink
Tower and Brown Stair for her pretend play. She must
had been impressed by the images on P.20-P.23 while
independently scheming through the Kit book,
'Everything You Need to...'. It is nice to see Montessori
method of learning effortlessly manifesting with the
new materials.

Notes / Daily Insights: 1. Maya is really getting advanced at pretend

play. Today, I have witnessed how she makes even a crayon come vividly
2. Maya really loves the book 'Boy Who Loves Math'. Though we've already read the book a few times, she lights up
whenever we read the book as if it's the first.

L'ecole de La Maison de
* Daily Learning Log Maya V-Kim K2 Term 01

Date: 08/Sept/2021, Wenesday

❀ Daily Bhagavatam Reading:
Setting the Scene: Read 'King Parikshit; The king who got liberated by hearing Srimad
Bhagavatam'. Talk about King Parikshit's origin and history. Introduce other characters using the
illustration in the Bhagavatam book alongside P.4 Character Description from the curriculum book:
Srimad Bhagavatam; A comprehensive guide for young learners.

❀ Daily Letters & Numbers: Letter Aa. Introduce initial sound Aa using flashcards created from
Initial Sound Booklets (
eSfv9M) Introducing the letter tray.

Number: 0-5 Sequencing and counting number 0-5.

Materials: Number progressions chart, Montessori number
cards and ladybirds for counting.

activities were carried out in the morning, please don't be confused by the same outfit! lol)
❀ Putting together a funeral for our pet Yoga; Today, as the
homeschool was starting with great energy, we received an unexpected visit from one of the
neighbours asking if we have a male cat. Sadly, there was an accident, possibly two nights ago,
someone hit Yoga and dumped his body in the bush next to the road. The kind neighbour had
discovered him while walking her dog, and took his body to the vet to keep it frozen until she finds
the owner of the cat. So that we could give him a well deserved funeral... We stopped all we were
doing and ran to the vet to collect Yoga's body and we gave him a Krishna funeral. We were sad to
see him leave us so suddenly, but we were OK after singing kirtan during the beautiful funeral. We
give our blessings to Yoga and his next life journey.

Notes / Daily Insights: 1. It is nice to see our everyday life being a part of our school curriculum. Usually, children hear
such terrible news when they come back from school after all the business had been taken care of. Fortunately for
Maya, the terrible news also happened to be a valuable life lesson that replaced other structured lessons.

L'ecole de La Maison de
* Daily Learning Log Maya V-Kim K2 Term 01

Date: 09/Sept/2021, Thursday

❀ Bush School: Preparing for the winter: Helping dad to build a new woodshed before the firewood

a. Finding appropriate logs for dad: Go around the premise and collect the type of log that dad
needs. Compare length, thickness and weight to determine suitability.

b. Throw the logs down the hill onto dad's invisible docking station: All around body workout,
building strength, throwing with precision, understanding the concept of space while moving long
logs, hand eye coordination to move the logs without hurting people around.

Notes / Daily Insights:

L'ecole de La Maison de
* Daily Learning Log Maya V-Kim K2 Term 01

❀ Daily Bhagavatam Reading:

❀ Daily Letters and Numbers:

Notes / Daily Insights:

L'ecole de La Maison de

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