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The University of Zambia

Department of Mathematics & Statistics

MAT2110-Engineering Mathematics I
Tutorial sheet 4

1. Evaluate the following limits

a) lim
x→0 tan 4x
x 3 −1
b) lim 2
x→1 x 3 −1
1−cos x
c) lim 2
x→0 ln(1+x )
sin t
d) limπ t
t→ 2
1 1

e) lim t
− teat

f) lim (x − x2 + x)

2. Find the rate of change of the area of the square whose side is 8cm
long, if the side length is increasing at 2cm/min.

3. The area of a circle is decreasing at a rate of 2cm2 /min. How fast is

the radius of the circle changing when the area is 100cm2 ?

4. A water tank is in the shape of an inverted right cone with top radius
10m and depth 8m. Water is flowing in at a rate of 10
m3 /min. How
fast is the depth of the water in the tank increasing when the water is
4m deep?

5. Water is pouring into a leaky tank at a rate of 10m3 /h. The tank is
a cone with vertex down, 9m in depth and 6m in diameter at the top.
The surface of water in a tank is rising at a rate of 20cm/h when the
depth is 6m. How fast is the water leaking out at that time?

6. An aircraft is 144km east of the airport and is traveling west at 200km/h.
At the same time, a second aircraft at the same altitude is 60km north
of the airport and is traveling north at 150km/h. How fast is the
distance between the two aircraft changing?

7. Two positive numbers have sum 7. What is the largest possible value
for their product?

8. Two negative numbers have sum 60. What are the numbers if the
product of one of them and the square of the other is maximal?

9. Find the largest possible area for an isosceles triangle if the length of
each of its two equal sides is 10.

10. A rectangle with sides parallel to the coordinate axes is inscribed in

x2 y2
the ellipse a2
+ b2
= 1. Find the largest area for this rectangle

11. A billboard is to be made with 100m2 of printed area and with margins
2m at the top and bottom and 4m on each side. Find the outside
dimensions for the billboard if its total area is to be a minimum.

12. All 80 rooms in a Motel will be rented each night if the manager charges
$40 or less per room. If he charges $(40 + x) per room, then 2x rooms
will remain vacant. If each room rented costs the manager $10 per day
and each unrented room $2 per day in overhead, how much should the
manager charge per room to maximize his daily profit.

13. You are in a dune buggy in the desert 12km due south of the nearest
point A on a straight east-west road. You wish to get to point B on the
road 10km east of A. If your dune buggy can average 15km/h traveling
over the desert and 39km/h traveling on the road, toward what point
on the road should you head in order to minimize your traveling time
to B?

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