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Nan,e: tzr*f lZflt

AII 250- I Art throLrgh the Ages I

Intro lecture worksheet (20 points)

('ontplqtc thc..fitllotring based on the lntro lac'ture.

, A f | il '*//-,, ,,rnn*ty based i, historicat conrexr.

2. In addition to thc age.;ub,lect. and artist of an artwork. art historians are also interested in
fQlrun Wlnu lrr,) [U, ;+

3. ln deterlrining a work's agc. art ltistorians look a varicty of'cvidcnce. including the fbllow'ing:
, P[vr;," ( .uio.l.., rike carbon dating
u.0Qtgr f.r {€fiJ.r.e, Ii ke pri mary and secondary solrrces.

. !t/l"tht evidcnce, which can includc considcratic'rn of a period or rcgion.

zl . Catcuorics l-or
oictorial strhiccts irrcludc rcli!rirrrrs. historical. rr-r Ilrolt,gical. scrrrc.
?0f l{u;}rF1ru,,j..apc. ano 5},ll
5. 'l'he pictorial sub.iect of qe nl?- refbrs to sccnes of daily liIb.

6. ]'he pictorial subject tfi ll 1,' FC rnight inclLrdc a bowl of lrLrit and f'lowers.
7. lcorrography ret-ers to content ancl svrnbols. cspecially in (€ 1,10U)
^t. t

materialpseci to create a u,ork olart' lbr examplc. oil pairrt is its fu ( J 'UA
e.rna fe lttt !
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ll. A work like Michelanselo's David is nradc Lrsirrg tlre )u(, * hicrr rcquircs
thc artist to cut away l'roln a block.

12. A rvork like a clay vase is made using ,n. rechnique. throLrgh which rhe arrist
builds up lbrrns. ^I'f,fi\e I

li. A work rnade of gold and precior-rs stoncs has high t\A u'+( f iL{ 1r.1r',..

lzl . A urrrk b1 a larrrotrs arlist (likc Monct or Picasso) has high in h/as' t"alr-re due to thc
narne and lamc olthe crcator.
depiction o1'thc signing of thc I)eclaration of lndependcncc has high /l;
nal,Syttrulr. lbp tlrc Ilrrited Statcs. ,U
jan tl!il'.,',
6. l t'i: to artyorl< that trics to t.ol thc v iew,cr tlrrough hv pe r-rcalisticallr nurnr"r, /
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