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Eng 111- Purposive Communication

Unit 1-
Understanding 21 Century Communication

Lesson 1: Communication Processes, Principles,

Instructor I
Lesson 2: Communication and Globalization
Lesson 3: Local and Global Communication in
Module 1 –
Understanding 21 st Multicultural Settings
Century Lesson 4: Varieties and Registers of Spoken and
Written Language
Lesson 1 Lesson 5: Evaluating
Communication Messages
Processes, and/or
Principles Images of
and Ethics
Different Types of Texts Reflecting Different
1. Why do people communicate?

We communicate for many different reasons! We use communication to share information, make comments, ask
questions, express our wants, and needs, build social relationships, practice social etiquette, and so on. Communication
entails far more than just wants and needs. Our primary reasons for communicating change only slightly over time.
According to Janice Light's research, we communicate for social reasons more than half of the time during our lives. Wants
and needs play a minor role. The exchange of information grows over time.

2. What might happen to the world if communication does not exist?

Without communication, one would be able to function solely as an individual, because communication is required for
interpersonal interaction. Everything would be done extremely inefficiently due to a lack of thought sharing. Communication
is indeed a requisite in every society, and it is necessary to study the subject to understand and appreciate the functions of
communication. In today's world, communication between people is not limited to one's own culture or region, making
communication studies even more important.

3. Why do miscommunications and misunderstandings happen?

Miscommunications occur because there is a significant gap between the sender and the receiver. When you send a
message, it goes through a few processes, and its original meaning is lost. Keep in mind how collaboration and

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communication work to avoid misunderstandings.

1. Illustrate a communication process through a diagram.





2. Identify possible communication blocks in the following situations:

a) A written letter of complaint
Poor letterhead, imprecise letter layout, and the manner the letter is written or typed
can all be communication hurdles. It is possible that the message will be solicited or
unsolicited. It should, however, pique the reader's attention. An attractive envelope
plus a well-written letter will outperform a sloppily written or typed communication sent
in an unappealing packaging.

b) Interaction between a nurse and a patient in pain

Ineffective communication between nurses and patients might be hampered by

competing expectations, a lack of privacy, and background noise. The ability of
patients to communicate effectively may be hampered by their condition, medicine,
discomfort, and/or worry.

c) Songs with figurative language

The perception barrier is a common stumbling issue in songs using figurative

language. People perceive things differently, especially when it comes to interpreting
figurative languages. The song's concept may be misunderstood by the recipient of the

3. Through a slogan, state how the knowledge of the communication process aids people in communicating effectively.

"Know and Learn; Efficient Communication Will Follow"

Every day, the sender and receiver begin the communication process by expressing their
thoughts or facts. We require communication in all aspects of our lives, from professional to
social gatherings and everything in between. We must listen and understand in order to
obtain the correct or accurate information, avoid misunderstandings, and maintain a close
and harmonious relationship despite cultural and linguistic differences. As a result, barriers
may be avoided, and we will be able to communicate more easily.

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In this lesson, I learned that to be an effective and ethical
communicator, I should listen and understand attentively to the
people who are talking so that I can understand it and I can
share it to others clearly. I also learned about the barriers that
block the communication process, we should avoid it to
understand each other as well.

Module 1 – Understanding 21st Century Communication

Lesson 2 Communication and Globalizations

1. Interview a person who is a native of another country and who has spent an extensive time in the Philippines. Ask them the
following questions:

a. How do citizens of your country perceive Filipinos?

Filipinos judge the residents of their own country based on how they live. The issues of perspective
in which one lives are essentially how one goes about their everyday lives and perceives their
environment, which may lead them to do the same at times.

b. How do you think Filipinos perceive citizens of your country?

Filipinos trust in themselves and believe that they are strong, resilient, and welcoming people. These
characteristics of Filipinos are readily apparent not only to fellow Filipinos but also to people of other
ethnicities from throughout the world. Despite the calamity that the Filipinos are suffering, they still
have joys on their faces. This is not to say that they do not cry or feel lost; they do, but they choose
to smile and move forward, which is what strong and resilience imply. On the other hand, the most
common adjective used to characterize Filipinos is "hospitable." This is one that every Filipino, and
possibly every other nationality in the globe, is familiar with. Filipinos are extremely hospitable, not
only to their fellow Filipinos, but also to visitors from other countries. Filipinos treat their tourists so
well that, even if they don't have the financial means to do so, they will find ways to provide so-called
hospitality. When Filipinos receive visitors, they cook foods that they would not prepare on a regular
basis, and they use plates and other utensils that they would not use on a regular basis. These
actions demonstrate how welcoming Filipinos are.
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c. Describe the differences in manner of speaking

In general, Filipinos are generally nice to outsiders, yet many will be too hesitant to speak with them
owing to a lack of trust in their English skills. Even though many Filipinos are aware that foreigners
are not necessarily "evil," they are nevertheless unaccustomed to conversing in English with them.

d. What are the different behaviors of Filipinos that are not acceptable or not usually done in your home country?

Putting your hand on someone’s head, Bringing home leftovers, Loud and open-mouthed laughing
and Smiling at strangers.

e. What are similarities of Filipinos and citizens of your country in terms of behavior and thinking?

Both countries are significantly more religious than their closest economic counterparts elsewhere:
the United States is far more religious than Canada or most European countries (Poland being an
exception), and the Philippines is far more religious than any non-Muslim Asian country. Both are
traditionalists in their faith, but they also have modern "social justice" leanings, though these are not
as important to their religious cultures. The Philippines, on the other hand, is over 80% Catholic,
whereas the United States is predominantly Protestant with a sizable Catholic minority.

f. What was your most difficult adjustment staying in the Philippines?

When you're in the metro Manila districts, the heat and humidity are unbearable. When you go out,
you'll be drenched in sweat. Storms throughout the rainy season flood the streets of metro cities in a
matter of hours. Malls can be chilly at times. Get some water whenever you can, and if you're going
to be in an area with a lot of air conditioning, bring a few extra layers. If the weather prediction
predicts rain, bring an umbrella or consider taking public transit to avoid getting wet.

Tips are appreciated, but it's difficult to know whether you should give them or not. Giving a small
amount, such as 50 pesos or less, when asked is a nice suggestion. You're asked to pay a modest
fee for any reason: they lead you while you're in unknown territory, they allow you meet some girls,
they assist you in finding something you can't locate on your own. When they ask, keep in mind that
there may be a little fee to pay afterwards, and it's always a good idea to haggle first, especially if
you're using private transportation.

g. Have you ever experienced difficulty in transacting or communicating in English with Filipinos? If yes, tell your group
about the experience.

Communicating in English with Filipinos has never been tough. Filipinos are excellent English
speakers, and even undergraduates can comprehend basic English. Since the American
colonization of the Philippines, English has been present in the Philippines.

2. Based on your findings, formulate a possible strategy for you to be an effective global communicator.

To become an excellent global communicator, I will first learn about the cultural backgrounds of the
countries so that I will know what to do and what not to do if I must connect with someone. I'll pay
attention to and understand what the foreigner I'm speaking with is saying so that we can
communicate effectively.

Module 1 – Understanding 21st Century Communication

Lesson 3 Local and Global Communications in Multicultural Settings

Engaging: Putting Things in the Right Perspective

How do you get to communicate effectively across cultures? Indicate whether you agree or disagree with each of the
following statements:
AGREE 1. I am interested in interacting with people who are both like me and different from me.
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AGREE 2. I am sensitive to the concerns of all minority and majority groups in our multicultural country.
AGREE 3. I can sense when persons from other cultures seem not to understand me or get confused by my actions.
DISAGREE 4. I have no fear communicating with persons from both minor and major cultural groups.
AGREE 5. People from other cultures may get angry with my cultural affiliates.
AGREE 6. I deal with conflicts with people from other cultures depending on the situation and their cultural background.
AGREE 7. My culture is inferior to other cultures.
AGREE 8. I can manage my behavior when dealing with people of different cultures.
AGREE 9. I show respect to the diverse communication practices of other people.

Note: The greater number of agreements you have indicates the more prepared you are in expanding your communication
arena by welcoming people from different cultures.

Module 1 – Understanding 21st Century Communication

Lesson 4 Varieties and Registers of Spoken and Written Language

1. In what situations are the local and global varieties of spoken language used?

People's linguistic variants, or lects, are sometimes used to judge them, and even to exclude them
from specific social groups, professions, and corporate organizations. Many of the most widely
spoken languages share a large number of vocabulary with other languages, or at least have slight
changes on these words. There are several prominent language families in Europe, which has had
such an impact on the modern world: Latin, Germanic, and Slavic tongues.

2. What registers are appropriate to such situations?

Professional writing and letters to an employer or stranger should be written in the formal register.
When writing to friends and individuals you know well, the informal register (also known as casual or
intimate) is conversational and suitable. The neutral register is devoid of emotion and strictly adheres
to facts.

3. Why is it important to use appropriate varieties and registers of language in certain communication contexts?

Language differs from one place to the next, from one culture to the next, and from one scenario to
the next. To suit diverse communication contexts, we utilize distinct varieties and registers of
language. To clearly explain the message in writing, we must use specific properties of words. It is
now the reader's or receiver's obligation to determine how the message will be interpreted. When it
comes to speech, this is impossible. The speaker's tone of voice, facial expression, and body
language help the recipient interpret the message. As a result, language varieties and registers are
concerned with appropriateness and context in speaking and grammatical correctness in writing. In
order to determine the level of 'formality,' we must also use appropriate varieties and registers of
language in a given communication setting. We can now simply predict how we will approach and
deal with a certain individual in a specific setting for a specific objective, using the appropriate
terminology and style.

Module 1 – Understanding 21st Century Communication

Evaluating Messages and /or Images of Different Types of Texts Reflecting

Lesson 5 Different Cultures

Analyze the advertisement below. Generate questions and ideas about the message conveyed by the advertisement
using the Key Concept Questions as a guide. Justify answers in different ways from the text. Make personal, world, and text
connections. What are your observations or generalizations on how texts and/or images are presented? In what ways should
media present text/images about various cultures?
In this advertisement, it shows that people are more
focused to gadgets, liquors, foods and etc. They used a
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person holding a tablet that shows people who are
interested with this. We don’t have the same thought
especially in this advertisement, but our thoughts are
right because it yours. This advertisement portraying
Answer the following:

1. How do you define communication, without using a dictionary? On a scale from 1 to 10 (1 being low and 10
being high), how do you rate the importance of communication?

Communication is an essential gift to everyone. It is important that we can communicate

the way we want to, for us to understand the people around us. Communication is in our
life yet we can live without it. On a scale 1-10, I will give 10 because however you
communicate to others, they will understand you and you understand them too.
Communication is good into our life for us to make new friends and help others as well.

2. What bugs you when it comes to communication?   Do you have a communication pet peeve?

Communication to others is easy. You can communicate through chat, messaging, written or in person. But in
my case, I would prefer communicating to someone when in see them because it helps me listen and
understand what they are saying. However, many things bugs me when I used to communicate, I always
afraid to say what’s my thought is and I always think the grammar that will use.

3. What have been the biggest lessons you have learned about communication?

I learned that in every situation there is always blocks that conveys in every communication. Communication
teach us how to be a effective global communicator by stating some possible steps that we should do in order
to understand them. Communication is efficient to understand one another.

4. On a scale from 1 to10, (1 being poor and 10 being excellent) how would you rate yourself as a communicator?

I would say and I rate my self as 7, because I have many things that I have learn from others to become a
good communicator. I have some shyness that I must get away from it because I know that a good
communicator can learn from others by listening them well.

5. What do you think you do well when you communicate?

As for myself, I will communicate with a positive attitude and have great confidence for me to make a good
conversation to others. I will be grateful for me and others that we can communicate well, and we understand
to each other. I should only get away this feeling of afraid to make myself comfortable.

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6. What communication skills are you working on or would like to further develop?

As I said, I am afraid to share my thoughts to others because I always think that they may laugh at me. I was
working to sharing feedbacks to others with proper words that I use to make them understand me.

7.  The digital age has brought many new ways to communicate such as email, Twitter, and Facebook.  How has
communication changed?  What is helpful?
For me as a teenager and student, this is helpful because I can send messages to others in just one click. By
using my phone, I can communicate them virtual by chats and video calls for us to see each other. But we
know that communication in person is so much helpful for we can touch them and hug them and to say them
what is the right words that I want to say to them.

8. What are the problems that you see when it comes to the digital age and communication?

I have a lot of those that I encounter, when I send messages to others, I don't know if we have the same way
of reading so it's also difficult to just chat. When I was trying to convey a message, it was different from him.
There a lot of problems, for example is the internet. When you are sending a message urgent to someone, it
didn’t send that fast because of the internet connection or you might have no data load.

9. Based on what you have learned about communication, what advice do you offer?

I would advice that the more we listen to others, the more we read about some information, we can be a good
communicator by learning to others.

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