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2021 年台灣近視病新知研討會
2021 Myopia Update Symposium in Taiwan

大東文化藝術中心 2 樓演講廳
Auditorium, Administrative Building 2F,
Kaohsiung City Dadong Arts Center,
Kaohsiung City, Taiwan

主辦:高雄長庚紀念醫院眼科部 近視防治中心

近視控制 家長放心
自由自在 孩子開心
Ready to take on myopia



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高雄長庚紀念醫院眼科 近視防治中心主任
吳佩昌醫師 敬邀

姓名 職位 工作事項

吳佩昌醫師 會議會長 掌控會議籌備進度

陳芷安醫師 會議司儀、講師 主持會議、上台發表
傅品逸醫師 會議司儀、接待人員 協助座長/講師接待、事前通知
卓宛樺醫師 會議接待人員 協助座長/講師接待、事前通知
黃唯祐醫師 會議接待人員 協助座長/講師接待、事前通知
陳冠博醫師 會議接待人員 協助座長/講師接待、事前通知
賴泓茵醫師 會議接待人員 協助座長/講師接待、事前通知
莊孟霓醫師 會議接待人員 協助座長/講師接待、事前通知
吳孟樵醫師 會議接待人員 協助座長/講師接待、事前通知
陳語霈醫師 會議接待人員 協助座長/講師接待、事前通知
陳彥錚醫師 會議接待人員 協助座長/講師接待、事前通知
冷美琪 科內秘書 提供會議專業意見
郭馥玉 科內秘書 提供會議專業意見
柳詠薰 會議助理 行政事宜、當日工作人員
汪映君 會議助理
范勝雄 會議人員 協助院內文書處理、當日工作人員
林芷薰 會議人員
陳姿穎 會議人員 協助院內文書處理
曾于庭 會議人員 當日工作人員
莊希庭 會議人員 當日工作人員
K&A International 會議規劃,視訊、現場設備處理、
滿力國際股份有限公司 座長/講師接洽、影片錄製協助

2021 年台灣近視病新知研討會 資訊

 日期:2021 年 8 月 29 日(日) 08:30~18:30。

 地點:大東文化藝術中心 2 樓演講廳。
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 西醫師、護理師/士、專科護理師專業積分:6.2積分。
 中華民國眼科醫學會課程積分:10 積分。

2021 年台灣近視病新知研討會 資訊

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2021 年台灣近視病新知研討會 議程
2021Myopia Update Symposium in Taiwan
Time:08:30~18:30, Sunday, Aug 29, 2021
時間:2021 年 8 月 29 日 08:30~18:30
Venue:Auditorium, Administrative Building 2F, Kaohsiung City Dadong Arts Center,
Kaohsiung City, Taiwan
地點:大東文化藝術中心 2 樓演講廳
Organizer:Department of Ophthalmology, Kaohsiung Chang Gung Memorial Hospital,
Taiwan Macula Society
主辦:高雄長庚紀念醫院眼科部 近視防治中心

Time 主題 Topics 講師 Speaker

08:20~08:50 報到 Registration
08:50~09:00 開幕:吳佩昌醫師 Welcome and Opening:Dr. Pei-Chang Wu
Session I. Experimental Researches of Myopia
Moderator: Szu-Yuan Lin 林思源、Jong-Jer Lee 李仲哲、I-Jong Wang 王一中
Understanding Primate Emmetropization: The Effects of
Dr. Li-Fang Hung
Quasi-Monochromatic Narrowband Wavelength
09:00~09:30 洪立方 醫師
Lightings (Univ.of Houston)
Violet Light Can Suppress Myopia Progression in Mice, Dr. Kazuo Tsubota
09:30~10:00 Chicks, and Humans (Tsubota Laboratory,
Stepwise Candidate Drug Screening for Myopia Control
by Using Zebrafish, Mouse, and Golden Syrian Hamster Dr.Meng-Ying Lin
10:00~10:15 Myopia Models 林孟穎 醫師
使用斑馬魚、小鼠和倉鼠近視模型逐步篩選近視控制 (Taipei Medical Univ.)
Analysis of Transcriptomic Profile of Atropine on Scleral
Fibroblasts Using Next-Generation Sequencing and Dr. Yu-Ting Hsiao
10:15~10:25 Bioinformatics 蕭渝庭 醫師
使用次世代序列分析阿托品對鞏膜成纖維細胞的轉錄 (Kaohsiung CGMH)
10:25~10:30 Panel Discussion

10:30~10:45 Coffee Break
Session II. Epidemiology and Pharmacological Control of Myopia
Moderator: Yu-Hung Lai 賴昱宏、Hui-Ju Lin 林慧茹、Der-Chong Tsai 蔡德中
Early Age of First Myopic Spectacle, as An Indicator of
Early-Onset Myopia, Is A Risk Factor for High Myopia in Dr. Wei-Yu Chiang
10:45~11:00 Adulthood 姜威宇 醫師
越早的首副近視眼鏡年齡(作為近視發生指標)是成人 (Kaohsiung CGMH)
Low-Concentration Atropine for Myopia Progression
(LAMP) Study and myopia progression in COVID-19 Dr. Jason C. Yam
11:00~11:30 (The Chinese Univ. of
低濃度阿托品控制近視惡化研究(LAMP)、 COVID-19 Hong Kong)
Protective Behaviors of Near Work and Time Outdoors in Dr.Ching-Yao Tsai
Myopia Prevalence and Progression in Myopic Children 蔡景耀 醫師
近距離工作和戶外時間的行為對近視兒童在近視患病 (Taipei City Hospital
Zhongxing Branch)
Dr. Pei-Chang Wu
Outdoor Activities Changes The Myopia Trend in Taiwan
11:45~12:00 吳佩昌 醫師
戶外活動在台灣改變了近視率的趨勢 (Kaohsiung CGMH)
Dr. Hun-Ju Yu
High Myopia with Early Cataract
12:00~12:10 余涵如 醫師
高度近視與白內障 (Kaohsiung CGMH)
12:10~12:15 Panel Discussion
12:30~13:20 Lunch break
Session III. Treatment of the Complication of High Myopia
Moderator: Wei-Chi Wu 吳為吉、Yi-Hao Chen 陳怡豪、
Jui-Ling Liu 劉瑞玲、Ling Yeung 楊嶺
Posterior Scleral Contraction for The Treatment of Dr. An-Quan Xue
13:30~14:00 Fundus Lesions of High Myopia 薛安全 醫師
(Wenzhou Medical
Posterior Scleral Reinforcement on Controlling Myopia
Progression: A systematic Review and Meta-Analysis 後 Dr. Chih-An Chen
14:00~14:10 陳芷安 醫師
(Kaohsiung CGMH)

Highly Myopic Eyes with Early Stage of Normal-Tension Dr. Pei-Wen Lin
14:10~14:25 Glaucoma 林蓓雯 醫師
高度近視眼與早期正常眼壓性青光眼 (Kaohsiung CGMH)
Natural Course of The Intraretinal Hyperreflective Sign
After Macular Hemorrhage Absorption in Eyes with Dr.Tzyy-Chang Ho
14:25~14:40 Pathologic Myopia 何子昌 醫師
病理性近視黃斑出血吸收後的視網膜內高反射徵兆的 (National Taiwan Univ.)

Dr. Chi-Chun Lai
Management of Macular Hole in High Myopic Eye
14:40~14:55 賴旗俊 醫師
高度近視黃斑裂孔的處理 (Keelung CGMH)
14:55~15:00 Panel Discussion
15:00~15:10 Coffee Break
Session IV. Myopia Control by Peripheral Myopic Defocus
Moderator: Huey-Chuan Cheng 鄭惠川、Po-Chiung Fang 方博炯、Ken-Kuo Lin 林耕國
Recent Advances in Myopia Management with Optical Prof. Padmaja
15:10~15:40 Strategies Sankaridurg
(Brien Holden
光學策略在近視控制的最新進展 Vision Institute)
Determination of Myopia Progression and Benefits from
Ortho-k Changes in Refraction or Axial Length? Prof. Pauline Cho
15:40~16:10 確定近視的進展和角膜塑型術的益處 (The Hong Kong
監控近視進展應用哪個參數:眼軸增長?屈光不正的 Polytechnic Univ.)
Dr. Yun-Wen Chen
Peripheral Defocus Soft Contact Lens in Myopia Control
16:10~16:25 陳韻文 醫師
(Kaohsiung CGMH)
16:25~16:30 Panel Discussion
Dr. Pei-Chang Wu
16:30~16:40 Conclusion & Drawing 吳佩昌 醫師
Online Afternoon Sponsor Symposium (CooperVision 酷柏光學)
Title:Starting your Myopia Management Practice
Online Afternoon Sponsor Symposium (Euclid 歐基里德)
Title:Shaping the Future of Vision 共塑未來

 本次研討會講師為其演講內容版權擁有人。除非得到講師之授權,任何人

2021 年台灣近視病新知研討會 講師簡歷/演講摘要
Speaker: Li-Fang Hung
College of Optometry, University of Houston,

Position: Senior Research Scientist

Education: MD, OD, PhD, FAAO

2019-present Senior Research Scientist, College of

Optometry, University of Houston, Texas
Professional Activities:
2005-2018 Research Scientist, College of Optometry,
University of Houston, Texas
Presentation Title:
Understanding Primate Emmetropization: The Effects of Quasi-Monochromatic
Narrowband Wavelength Lightings
In several animal species, different spectral wavelengths influence the refractive
development. However, under short or long wavelength ambient lighting, the direction of
refractive development is often contradictory among different animal species thus
demonstrating the difficulty to establish a common mechanism of how spectral lighting
influences eye growth.

We will discuss the findings and potential mechanisms for emmetropization in young
monkeys reared under short or long quasi-monochromatic narrowband wavelength
lightings with either a monocular +3 D or –3 D defocus lens or a diffuser lens.

2021 年台灣近視病新知研討會 講師簡歷/演講摘要
Speaker: Kazuo Tsubota

Institution: Tsubota Laboratory, Inc.

Position: CEO of Tsubota Laboratory, Inc.

Education: MD, PhD, MBA

1994, Honor Award, American Academy of Ophthalmology

2000, The First Claes Dohlman Award, Tear Film & Ocular
Surface Society
Professional Activities: 2011, Lans Distinguished Award, International Refractive
Surgery Society
2020, Life Achievement Award, American Academy of
Presentation Title:

Violet Light Can Suppress Myopia Progression in Mice, Chicks, and Humans

Collaborators: Hidemasa Torii, Xiaoyan Jiang, Toshihide Kurihara

Summary: Myopia is a leading cause of blindness in Asia, including Taiwan. The best way
to avoid blindness is the control of myopia. It is becoming clear that indoor lifestyle causes
myopia in children. Why? We have found that a certain wavelength of sunlight, from 360
to 400 nm (violet light), which is abundant outdoors but nonexistent indoors, is essential
for the prevention of myopia through the non-visual photoreceptor, OPN5.

2021 年台灣近視病新知研討會 講師簡歷/演講摘要
Speaker: Meng-Ying Lin(林孟穎)
Taipei Medical University-Shuang Ho
Hospital, Ministry of Health and Welfare
Position: Attending Physician
Education: MD. PhD.
PhD, Institute of Clinical Medicine, National
Professional Taiwan University
Activities: Lecturer, Department of Ophthalmology, Taipei
Medical University
Presentation Title:
Stepwise Candidate Drug Screening for Myopia Control by Using Zebrafish, Mouse, and Golden
Syrian Hamster Myopia Models
Background: We developed a preclinical protocol for the screening of candidate drugs able to control
myopia and prevent its progression. The protocol uses zebrafish, C57BL/6 mice, and golden Syrian hamster
models of myopia.
Methods: A morpholino (MO) targeting the zebrafish lumican gene (zlum) was injected into single-cell
zebrafish embryos, causing excessive expansion of the sclera. A library of 640 compounds with 2 matrix
metalloproteinase (MMP) inhibitors (marimastat and batimastat), which have the potential to modulate
scleral remodelling, was screened to identify candidates for mitigating scleral diameter expansion in
zlum-MO-injected embryos. The myopia-prevention ability of compounds discovered to have superior
potency to inhibit scleral expansion was validated over 4 weeks in 4-week-old C57BL/6 mice and
3-week-old golden Syrian hamsters with form-deprivation myopia (FDM). Changes in the refractive error
and axial length were investigated. Scleral thickness, morphology of collagen fibrils in the posterior sclera,
messenger RNA (mRNA) expressions, and protein levels of transforming growth factor-β2 (TGF-β2), tissue
inhibitor of metalloproteinase-2 (TIMP-2), MMP-2, MMP-7, MMP-9, and collagen, type I, alpha 1
(collagen I1) were investigated in C57BL/6 mice, and MMP-2, MMP-9, and MMP activity assays were
conducted in these mice.
Findings: In the zebrafish experiment, atropine, marimastat, batimastat, doxycycline, and minocycline were
the drugs that most effectively reduced expansion of scleral equatorial diameter. After 28-day treatment in
diffuser-wearing mice and 21-day treatment in lid-sutured hamsters, myopic shift and axial elongation were
significantly mitigated by eye drops containing 1% atropine, 50 µM marimastat, 5 µM batimastat, or 200
µM doxycycline. MMP-2 mRNA expression in mouse sclera was lower after treatment with atropine,
marimastat, batimastat, or doxycycline. The protein levels and activity of MMP-2 and MMP-7 were
significantly reduced after treatment with atropine, marimastat, batimastat, doxycycline, and minocycline.
Furthermore, scleral thickness and collagen fibril diameter were not lower after treatment with atropine,
marimastat, batimastat, or doxycycline than those of occluded eyes.
Interpretation: Stepwise drug screening in a range of models from zlum-MO-injected zebrafish to rodent
FDM models identified effective compounds for preclinical myopia control or prevention. On the basis of
the 640 compounds that were screened, MMP inhibitors may offer alternatives for clinical trials.

2021 年台灣近視病新知研討會 講師簡歷/演講摘要
Speaker: Yu-Ting Hsiao (蕭渝庭)
Department of Ophthalmology, Kaohsiung
Chang Gung Memorial Hospital

Position: Resident

Education: MD

Professional Activities: MD, China Medical University

Presentation Title:
Analysis of Transcriptomic Profile of Atropine on Scleral Fibroblasts Using
Next-Generation Sequencing and Bioinformatics
Atropine eye drops are currently the most effective pharmacological treatment for myopia,
however, how it exerts is anti-myopic effects is not fully understood. We conducted a
next-generation sequencing and bioinformatics study to evaluate the changes of mRNA and
miRNA profiles in scleral fibroblasts treated with atropine, compared to those without
treatment. We selected top differentially expressed genes and used GSEA, IPA, DAVID
databases for analysis of functional enrichment analysis. We also identified genes with
potential miRNA-mRNA interactions. Our study has two novel findings: it is not only the
first to deduct potential genes and functional annotations involved in scleral growth
retardation from a prevention point of view, but also the first to demonstrate that only slight
changes in scleral gene expression were found after atropine treatment as side effects and
safety reasons of the eye drops are of parental concern. Our exploratory study may provide
further insight into the benefits of atropine in preventing myopia development.

2021 年台灣近視病新知研討會 講師簡歷/演講摘要
Speaker: Wei-Yu Chiang (姜威宇)
Department of Ophthalmology, Kaohsiung
Chang Gung Memorial Hospital
Position: Attending Physician

Education: MD, MS
MD, Kaohsiung Medical University
MS, Graduate Institute of Clinical Medicine,
Professional Kaohsiung Medical University
Activities: Researcher, Department of Retina and
Uveitis,Kaohsiung Chang Gung Memorial
Presentation Title:
Early Age of First Myopic Spectacle, as An Indicator of Early-Onset Myopia, Is A Risk
Factor for High Myopia in Adulthood
Purpose: The present study investigated the risk factors for high myopia in adulthood, with a
focus on the age at which children wore their first spectacles.
Methods: Adults aged between 20 and 45 years were invited to complete a questionnaire about
age, sex, current refractive error, high myopia in parents, early onset of myopia presented by the
age of the first myopic spectacle prescription, refractive power of the first spectacles, and life
habits at different educational stages. The associations between these factors and high myopia in
adulthood were then evaluated and analyzed.
Results: In total, 331 participants were enrolled. Their average refractive error was -4.03 diopters,
and high myopia was noted in 27.5% of the study participants. Only 3.3% of participants had
fathers with high myopia, while 6.0% had mothers with high myopia. The participants received
their first myopic spectacle prescription at a mean age of 13.35 years, with a mean refractive error
of -1.63 diopters. The significant risk factors for developing high myopia in adult life were earlier
age of the first spectacles prescribed (p < 0.001), higher refractive power of the first spectacles (p
< 0.001), mother with high myopia (p=0.015), and after-school class attendance in senior high
school (p=0.018). Those who wore their first spectacles at <9 years of age were more predisposed
to high myopia than those who did so at ≧13 years, with an odds ratio of 24.9.
Conclusion: The present study shows that earlier onset of myopia, which is presented by the age
of the first myopic spectacle prescription, higher myopic refraction of the first spectacles, mothers
with high myopia, and after-school class attendance in senior high school are risk factors for high
myopia in adulthood. It suggests that delaying the onset of myopia in children is important for the
prevention of high myopia in later life.

2021 年台灣近視病新知研討會 講師簡歷/演講摘要
Speaker: Jason C. Yam

Institution: The Chinese University of Hong Kong.

Position: Associate Professor


Education: HK, FHKAM (Ophthalmology)

 Associate Professor, Department of Ophthalmology &

Visual Sciences, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Professional Activities:  Head, Undergraduate Division, Department of
Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences, The Chinese
University of Hong Kong
Presentation Title:
Low-Concentration Atropine for Myopia Progression (LAMP) Study and myopia
progression in COVID-19
Low-concentration atropine is an emerging therapy for myopia progression, but its efficacy
and optimal concentration remain uncertain. Our study aimed to evaluate the efficacy and
safety of low-concentration atropine eye drops at 0.05%, 0.025%, and 0.01% compared
with placebo over a 1-year period.

2021 年台灣近視病新知研討會 講師簡歷/演講摘要
Speaker: Ching-Yao Tsai (蔡景耀)

Institution: Taipei City Hospital Zhongxing Branch

Position: Superintendent

Education: MD, PhD

2020-present, Superintendent of Zhongxing Branch

Professional Activities: 2011-present, Assistant Professor,Institute of Public Health,
National Yang-Ming Chiao Tung Univ.
Presentation Title:
Protective Behaviors of Near Work and Time Outdoors in Myopia Prevalence and
Progression in Myopic Children
To investigate the protective behaviors of longer near work distance, discontinuing near
work and more time outdoors in recess from parent self-report in the myopia prevalence
and progression among myopic children aged 9–11 years. In conclusion, near work
distance played a key role in accelerating myopia progression in certain pediatric group.
Given the widespread emphasis on maintenance of proper distance when doing near work
in childhood could be helpful in myopia prevention worldwide.

2021 年台灣近視病新知研討會 講師簡歷/演講摘要
Speaker: Pei-Chang Wu (吳佩昌)
Department of Ophthalmology, Kaohsiung
Chang Gung Memorial Hospital
Attending Physician, Professor
Position: Director, Center of Myopia Prevention and

Education: MD,PhD

 2014-present, Professor, College of Medicine,

Chang-Gung University
Professional Activities:  2012-present, Director, Myopia Prevention &
Treatment Center in Department of Ophthalmology,
Kaohsiung Chang Gung Memorial Hospital
Presentation Title:

Outdoor Activities Changes The Myopia Trend in Taiwan

In Taiwan, a policy program of Taiwan School Student Visual Acuity Screen (TSVAS)
named Tian-Tian 120 encouraged schools to take students outdoors for 120 minutes every
day for myopia prevention. It was instituted in September 2010. After the implementation
of the Tian-Tian 120 outdoor program, the prevalence decreased continuously from 49.4%
in 2012 to 46.1% in 2015, reversing the previous long-term trend. Policy intervention to
promote increased time outdoors in schools was followed by a reversal of the long-term
trend toward increased low VA in school children in Taiwan.

Randomized trials have demonstrated outdoor exposure slowing myopia onset, and also
retarding myopia progression partially. Recently, the occurrence of quarantine myopia is
notice in several countries during and after the COVID-19 pandemic. Interventions to
promote increased time outdoors combined with other myopia control methods may be
way to fight myopia.

2021 年台灣近視病新知研討會 講師簡歷/演講摘要
Speaker: Hun-Ju Yu (余涵如)
Department of Ophthalmology, Kaohsiung
Chang Gung Memorial Hospital

Position: Attending Physician

Education: MD, MS

MD, Kaohsiung Medical University

Professional Activities: MS, Graduate Institute of Clinical Medicine, Kaohsiung
Medical University
Presentation Title:

High myopia with early cataract

The incidence of myopia and high myopia is rising globally and its complications will lead
to visual impairment. Myopia is believed to be a risk factor for cataract formation. As we
know that high myopia carries the highest risk of complications among myopic patients, in
this lecture I will present the correlation of cataract and high myopia, and furthermore, the
type of cataract in high myopia.

2021 年台灣近視病新知研討會 講師簡歷/演講摘要
Speaker: An-Quan Xue (薛安全)
The Eye Hospital of Wenzhou Medical

Position: Deputy Director of High Myopia Specialist

Education: MD

MD, Anhui Medical University

Professional Activities:

Presentation Title:

Posterior Scleral Contraction for The Treatment of Fundus Lesions of High Myopia

1. Analysis of current problems and causes in the treatment of fundus lesions of high

2. The role of scleral expansion in the pathogenesis of high myopia.

3. The clinical significance of controlled intervention of scleral expansion in the treatment

of high myopia fundus lesions.

4. Current methods and defects of scleral expansion control intervention.

5. Introduction to the improvement experience of posterior sclera surgery.

6. Recent results of clinical research on posterior scleral contraction surgery for the
treatment of high myopia fundus lesion.

7. Typical case report.

8. Recommendations for clinical treatment of fundus lesions of high myopia.

2021 年台灣近視病新知研討會 講師簡歷/演講摘要
Speaker: Chih-An Chen (陳芷安)
Department of Ophthalmology, Kaohsiung
Chang Gung Memorial Hospital

Position: Chief Resident

Education: MD

Professional Activities: MD, Chang Gung University

Presentation Title:
Posterior Scleral Reinforcement on Controlling Myopia Progression: A systematic Review
and Meta-Analysis
High myopia is a sight-threatening disease that causes axial length elongation and severe
complications. Data on the benefits of posterior scleral reinforcement surgery in myopia
control have been conflicting. The purpose of this study was to explore the treatment effect
and complications of posterior scleral reinforcement in the treatment of myopia. Posterior
scleral reinforcement may be an effective surgery on controlling myopia progression by
slowing both refraction and axial length change. However, frequent surgical complications
should be considered. Further well-designed studies are needed to determine the long-term
safety and efficacy.

2021 年台灣近視病新知研討會 講師簡歷/演講摘要
Speaker: Pei-Wen Lin (林蓓雯)
Department of Ophthalmology, Kaohsiung
Chang Gung Memorial Hospital

Position: Attending Physician

Education: MD

 Assistant Professor, College of Medicine, Chang-Gung

Professional Activities: University

Presentation Title:

Highly Myopic Eyes with Early Stage of Normal-Tension Glaucoma

Moderately to highly myopic eyes have a higher risk than low myopic eyes for the
development of glaucoma, and there is higher prevalence of normal tension glaucoma in
myopic eyes. I will discuss how to detect early glaucoma in myopic eyes to provide timely
treatments and delay deterioration of visual function.

2021 年台灣近視病新知研討會 講師簡歷/演講摘要
Speaker: Tzyy-Chang Ho (何子昌)

Institution: National Taiwan University Hospital

Position: Attending physician

Education: MD

2010-present, Associate professor, Department of

Professional Activities: Ophthalmology National Taiwan University

Presentation Title:
Natural Course of The Intraretinal Hyperreflective Sign After Macular Hemorrhage
Absorption in Eyes with Pathologic Myopia
Purpose: We investigated the natural course of the intraretinal hyperreflective (IRH) sign
after macular haemorrhage (MHE) absorption in eyes with pathologic myopia.
Methods: This prospective observational cohort study evaluated 28 patients with
pathologic myopia and MHE. The eyes were categorized into IRH and non-IRH sign
groups according to IRH sign development. All eyes were evaluated; follow-up visits were
scheduled at 1, 3, 6, 12, and 24 months after MHE absorption.
Results: Of 28 patients (14 eyes each in the IRH and non-IRH groups), nine (32.1%) were
men and 19 (67.9%) were women. The average age (mean±SD) was 46.64±11.92 vs.
52.71±12.19 years in the IRH and non-IRH groups. The IRH sign coincided with the MHE
invasion site. The sign persisted for the entire follow-up period in all but two eyes, in
which it disappeared at 12 and 24 months, respectively. Maximal MHE thickness was
significantly greater in the IRH sign group (162.9±67.84 vs. 104.2±32.34 μm, P = 0.013).
The mean logarithm of the minimum angle of resolution visual acuity was significantly
better in the non-IRH sign group at 12 (P = 0.029) and 24 (P = 0.033) months. The
incidence of myopic traction maculopathies (MTM) was significantly higher in the IRH
(57.1%) than in the non-IRH sign group (14.3%; P = 0.046).
Conclusion: The IRH sign can develop after MHE in pathologic myopia and can remain
stable long after MHE absorption; furthermore, it is predictive of future MTM.

2021 年台灣近視病新知研討會 講師簡歷/演講摘要
Speaker: Chi-Chun Lai (賴旗俊)

Institution: Keelung Chang Gung Memorial Hospital

Position: Superintendent

Education: MD

2020-present, Superintendent of Keelung Chang Gung

Professional Activities: Memorial Hospital
2019-present, Chairman of Asia-Pacific Vitreo-retina Society
Presentation Title:

Management of Macular Hole in High Myopic Eye

Macular hole retinal detachment (MHRD)is a vision-threatening complication of highly
myopic eyes. Currently, vitrectomy with ILM flap techniques is the main solution of this
diseases. The external compression of macular buckle or axial shortage by scleral
imbrication are also been used to treat MHRD alone or combination with vitrectomy. By
these new development of surgical techniques, the retinal reattachment and macular hole
closure could be reach over 90%. In this talk, the current development of these objects will
be discusses.

2021 年台灣近視病新知研討會 講師簡歷/演講摘要
Speaker: Padmaja Sankaridurg

Institution: Brien Holden Vision Institute

Head, Myopia Program and Intellectual

Property Manager
Ph. D, University of New South Wales,
B.Opt degree from the Elite School of
Optometry, Chennai, India in 1989
2018 “Women of Influence in Optical Industry Innovator
section”, Vision Monday.
2015 Participated as an expert at the WHO-BHVI global
Professional Activities:
meeting of myopia
2015 Member of the Interventions and Harmonisation
Committee, International Myopia Institute
Presentation Title:

Recent advances in myopia management with optical strategies

The impact of the rising burden of myopia is substantial. Worldwide, the prevalence of
myopia is high and already seen at alarming levels in many countries including Taiwan.
Estimates indicate that by the year 2050, nearly 1 of 2 will be myopic and more
importantly, 1 of 10 will be highly myopic (myopia worse than -5.0D). My talk will
outline the impact of myopia. The current understanding of the management approaches
stemming from the knowledge and delivered using optical strategies will be discussed. The
Brien Holden Vision Institute has developed a new generation of contact lenses that
incorporate higher order aberrations to deliver extended depth of focus (EDOF) that have
applications in myopia control. When in use, the retinal image quality with the lens is
optimized to slow eye growth in myopia. Prof Sankaridurg will describe the optical
principles of the EDOF technology platform and present the results for use of lenses in
myopia management.

2021 年台灣近視病新知研討會 講師簡歷/演講摘要
Speaker: Pauline Cho
School of Optometry, The Hong Kong
Polytechnic University

Position: Professor

2003 Master in Professional, Vocational &

Higher Education, The Hong Kong
Polytechnic University
1996 PhD, University of Bradford, UK
1984 BOptom, University of New South
Wales, Australia
2019-present, Visiting Professor, West China Hospital, Sichuan
2015-2020, China Honorary Professor, School of Life & Health
Professional Activities:
Sciences, Aston University, Birmingham, UK
2018-2020, Adjunct Professor, Peking University Health Science
Presentation Title:
Determination of Myopia Progression and Benefits of Ortho-k – Axial Elongation vs
Changes in Refractive Error
Recent reports of increase in myopia has led to increasing concerns about the long-term
consequences of myopia. This surge in interest has led to a sharp increase in research
studies on the use of myopia control interventions and their effectiveness. Axial elongation
and/or changes in refractive errors were used to monitor myopia progression in these
studies. While axial elongation is considered more pertinent, refractive error is well
recognized by the general public as a marker for myopia and myopia progression. So, are
changes in refractive error adequate for monitoring myopia progression in myopia control
intervention? How well do they correlate with axial elongation? This presentation will
explore these questions and demonstrate how the success of ortho-k treatment can be
predicted based on a pre-treatment observation period.

2021 年台灣近視病新知研討會 講師簡歷/演講摘要
Speaker: Yun-Wen Chen (陳韻文)
Department of Ophthalmology, Kaohsiung
Chang Gung Memorial Hospital

Position: Attending Physician

Education: MD, MS

MD, Kaohsiung Medical University

Professional Activities: MS, Graduate Institute of Clinical Medicine, Kaohsiung
Medical University
Presentation Title:

Peripheral Defocus Soft Contact Lens in Myopia Control

There are several designs of soft contact lens for myopia control. Radial refractive
gradient, peripheral add multifocal contaft lenses, and concentric bifocal contact lenses
such as Misight and Defocus incorporated soft contact lens all show efficacy for myopia
control in children. For overall myopia control rate, concentric ring bifocal SCL showed
better myopia control efficacy than peripheral add multifocal SCL. The efficacy and safety
of myopia control SCL were compared and discussed by literature review.

2021.8.29 (Sun) 16:40-17:30

Starting your
Myopia Management Practice!
Best practice sharing on how to gain early success and grow your Myopia Management.
A guide to integrating myopia management into practice.

Medical Director and Ophthalmic Surgeon,

Speaker The EyeClinic by Dr Cheryl LeeCataract, Retinal and
Evo Implantable Collamer Lens Surgeon,
Dr. Cheryl Lee
Dry Eye & Myopia Control Doctor MBBS (Singapore),
FRCOphth (UK)

Moderator 現職:麗明眼科診所總院長
Dr. Brian Chen
陳祐瑲 台北三總眼科部主治醫師

16:40-16:45 Opening Dr. Brian Chen

16:45-17:05 Starting your Myopia Management Practice. Dr. Cheryl Lee

17:05-17:25 Q&A Discussion Dr. Cheryl Lee & Dr. Brian Chen

17:25-17:30 Closing Dr. Brian Chen

08/29 (日) 17:35-18:25 Euclid 歐基里德角膜塑型視訊講座
台灣近視病新知研討會 Myopia Update Symposium in Taiwan

講座簡介: 秉持著維護青少年的眼睛健康為出發點,Euclid 本次視訊會報

驗配成功率。Euclid 與醫師們攜手合作,共塑未來!
Shaping the Future of Vision

時間 活動 負責人員

17:35- 活動說明 方博炯醫師

17:40 高雄長庚

17:40- 講題: 引言人: 方博炯 醫師

18:00 近視管理早期干預的重要 講者: Prof Maria Liu 劉悅
UC Berkeley , USA

18:00- 講題: 引言人: 方博炯 醫師

18:20 以散光塑型片控制近視之個人 講者: 陳祐瑲 醫師
經驗 麗明眼科診所總院長

18:20- 總結 方博炯醫師
18:25 高雄長庚
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Reference :
(1) 依據Euromonitor全球市調2020年鏡片市場銷售量調查結果。
(2) Compared to single vision lenses, when worn at least 12 hours a day. Two-year prospective, controlled, randomized, double-masked
clinical trial results - 104 myopic children split in two groups: Single vision lenses (50) and Stellest™ lenses (54) - Efficacy results
are based on 32 children who declared wearing Stellest™ lenses at least 12 hours per day every day – Eye Hospital of the Wenzhou
Medical University - J. Bao, A. Yang, Y. Huang, X. Li, Y Pan, C. Ding, E. W. Lim, J Zheng, D. P. Spiegel, Y. L. Wong, B. Drobe, F. Lu, H. Chen.
(3) Bao J, et al. One-year myopia control efficacy of spectacle lenses with aspherical lenslets, British Journal of Ophthalmology,
Published Online: 1 April 2021. doi:10.1136/bjophthalmol-2020-318367

依視路®/ESSILOR®和星趣控®/STELLEST™是依視路國際公司的商標。  ©依視路國際公司 2021年8月
(4) Woods, J et al. (2013). Inhibition of defocus-induced myopia in chickens. Investigative Ophthalmology & VisionScience. 54, 2662–2668.

(5) Irving, E.L. & Yakobchuk-Stanger, C., (2017). Myopia progression control lens reverses induced myopia in chicks.Ophthalmic &
Physiological Opticsl. 37(5):576-584
Highly Aspherical Lenslet Target 高非球微透鏡星控技術 本資料僅供台灣近視病新知研討會使用,不得作為銷售文宣用途,並禁止其他非相關人員使用或轉載內容。
3,4,6 5 7,8

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Reference : 1. DOF2019OTH4003 - TECNIS Synergy IOL - 6-month POC data. 23 April 2019. 2. DOF20190TH4002 - Weeber H. MTF of the TECNIS Synergy OptiBlue IOL, and other lens models. 27 March 2019.
3. Merz PR, et al. Analysis of the optical biomaterial purity of a new hydrophobic intraocular lens. Available at:
Accessed on: 8 March 2019. 4. Kahraman G, Ferdinaro C, Wetzel B, et al. Intraindividual comparison of capsule behavior of 2 hydrophobic acrylic intraocular lenses during a 5-year follow-up. J Cataract
Refract Surg. 2017;43(2):228–233. 5. Zhao H, Mainster MA. The effect of chromatic dispersion on pseudophakic optical performance Br J Ophthalmol. 2007;91(9):1225–1229. 6. TECNIS IOL. Available at: pdf. Accessed on: 8 March 2019. 7. Data on File, Johnson & Johnson Surgical Vision, Inc. 2015. [DOF2015OTH0005].
8. Holladay JT1, Piers PA, Koranyi G, et al. A new intraocular lens design to reduce spherical aberration of pseudophakic eyes. J Refract Surg. 2002;18(6):683–691.

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