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Liturgical Leaflet for an Active Participation in the Celebration of the Eucharist

4 February 2022 First Friday Year C

The Cost of Faithfulness

aithfulness to one’s mission has its cost, as the Gospel pas-
sage of today’s Mass reminds us. Immersed in a society
tainted by selfishness, greed and lust, we feel our weak-
ness, and instinctively turn to Jesus, pleading for forgiveness,
guidance, and strength. We may not be asked to shed our blood,
as it happened to John the Baptist, but if our devotion to the Sa-
cred Heart is genuine, then we must be prepared even to suffer,
rather than renege him.
This is what we are called to do as we undergo the “martyr-
dom” of our daily duties which we should fulfill as a concrete
expression of our love for God and our neighbor. Aware of our
weakness, we turn to the Sacred Heart of Jesus, as we gather in
front of his image to honor him, but also to seek his help in our
effort to be his faithful disciples and friends.

(Pause) of heart.
P –Lord Jesus, you came to Through our Lord Jesus
reveal to all the love of the Christ, your Son, who lives and
Father. Lord, have mercy! reigns with you in the unity of
Entrance Antiphon the Holy Spirit, God for ever and
All – Lord, have mercy!
(To be recited only when no ever.
Entrance Hymn is sung.) P –Lord Jesus, you command All –Amen!
Save us, O Lord our God! us to love one another as
And gather us from the na- you love us. Christ, have
tions, to give thanks to your mercy!
holy name, and make it our All – Christ, have mercy!
glory to praise you. P –Lord Jesus, you are the 1st Reading Sir 47:2-11
source of the strength we David was for all Israelites
Greeting need to keep your com- the symbol of the perfect hero
P –The grace of our Lord Jesus mandments. Lord, have and honest man. His example
Christ, the love of God and the mercy! of faithfulness and repentance
communion of the Holy Spirit be All – Lord, have mercy! when he sinned is an inspiration
with you all! P –May almighty God have also for us who, like David, ex-
All – And with your spirit! mercy on us, forgive us our sins perience temptations and falls.
and bring us to everlasting life. R –A proclamation from the
Penitential Act All – Amen! Book of Sirach
P – My brothers and sisters, to Like the choice fat of the
prepare ourselves to celebrate Collect (Opening Prayer) sacred offerings, so was David
the sacred mysteries, let us call P –Grant us, Lord our God, that in Israel. He made sport of li-
to mind our sins and ask the we may honor you with all our ons as though they were kids,
Lord for pardon and strength. mind, and love everyone in truth and of bears, like lambs of the

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flock. As a youth he slew the gi- All –Alleluia! Alleluia! you ask of me, even to half of
ant and wiped out the people’s Blessed are they who have my kingdom.”
disgrace, when his hand let kept the word with a gen- She went out and said to
fly the slingstone that crushed erous heart, and yield a her mother, “What shall I
the pride of Goliath. Since he harvest through persever- ask for?” She replied, “The
called upon the Most High ance. head of John the Baptist.”
God, who gave strength to his Alleluia! Alleluia! The girl hurried back to the
right arm to defeat the skilled king’s presence and made her
warrior and raise up the might Gospel Mk 6:14-29 request, “I want you to give
of his people, therefore, the St. Mark describes for us me at once on a platter the
women sang his praises and how John the Baptist became a head of John the Baptist.” The
ascribed to him tens of thou- victim of the lust and imprudence king was deeply distressed,
sands and praised him when of King Herod, and of the venge- but because of his oaths and
they blessed the Lord. fulness of Herodias. the guests, he did not wish to
When he assumed the roy- P –The Lord be with you! break his promise to her. So
al crown, he battled and sub- All – And with your spirit! he promptly dispatched an ex-
dued the enemy on every side. ecutioner with orders to bring
He destroyed the hostile Philis- P – A proclamation from the back John’s head. The man
tines and shattered their power holy Gospel according to went off and beheaded John in
till our own day. With his every Mark the prison. He brought in the
deed he offered thanks to God All –Glory to you, O Lord! head on a platter and gave it to
Most High, in words of praise. King Herod heard about the girl. The girl, in turn, gave
With his whole being he loved Jesus, for his fame had become it to her mother.
his Maker and daily had his widespread, and people were When his disciples heard
praises sung. He set singers saying, “John the Baptist has about it, they came and took
before the altar and by their been raised from the dead; his body and laid it in a tomb.
voices he made sweet melodies. that is why mighty powers are
He added beauty to the feasts The Gospel of the Lord!
at work in him.” Others were
and solemnized the seasons All –Praise to you, Lord Jesus
saying, “He is Elijah”; still
of each year so that when the Christ!
others, “He is a prophet like
Holy Name was praised, before any of the prophets.” But when
daybreak the sanctuary would Herod learned of it, he said, Homily
resound. The Lord forgave “It is John whom I beheaded.
him his sins and exalted his Prayer of the Faithful
He has been raised up.” Herod
strength forever. He conferred was the one who had John ar- P – Full of admiration for the
on him the rights of royalty rested and bound in prison on courage and moral strength of
and established his throne in account of Herodias, the wife John the Baptist, let us humbly
Israel. of his brother Philip, whom he ask the same for ourselves and
had married. John had said to all the people of goodwill. Let
The Word of the Lord! our response be:
Herod, “It is not lawful for you
All –Thanks be to God!
to have your brother’s wife.” All – Lord, graciously hear us!
Herodias harbored a
Responsorial Psalm Ps 18 grudge against John and want- C –That the whole Church,
R – Blessed be God my salva- ed to kill him but was unable starting with her leaders, may
tion! to do so. Herod feared John, follow the example of John the
knowing him to be a righteous Baptist in upholding God’s Law
* God’s way is unerring, the and holy man, and kept him in even at the cost of persecution,
promise of the Lord is fire- custody. When he heard John let us pray! R.
tried; he is a shield to all who speak, Herod was very much C –That all those in author-
take refuge in him. R. perplexed, yet he liked to listen ity may never presume to place
* The Lord live! And blessed to him. Herodias had an op- themselves above the law, espe-
be my Rock! Extolled be God portunity one day when Herod, cially God’s law, let us pray! R.
my savior. Therefore will I pro- on his birthday, gave a banquet
claim you, O Lord, among the for his courtiers, his military C –That married couples may
nations, and I will sing praise officers, and the leading men be faithful to each other and
to your name. R. of Galilee. thereby be an inspiration to their
Herodias’s own daughter children and the rest of society,
* You who gave great victo- came in and performed a dance let us pray! R.
ries to your king and showed that delighted Herod and his
kindness to your anointed, to C –That our youth may not fol-
guests. The king said to the low the bad example of many
David and his posterity for- girl, “Ask of me whatever you
ever. adults, especially in the area of
R. wish and I will grant it to you.” sexual morality, let us pray! R.
He even swore many things to
Gospel Acclamation her, “I will grant you whatever C –That all of us may be spared
4 February 2022
from all evil and be preserved in Memorial Acclamation behold him who takes away the
our love for the Sacred Heart, let sins of the world. Blessed are
P –The mystery of faith! those called to the Supper of the
us pray! R. All –When we eat this Bread Lamb.
C –Let us pray in silence for our and drink this Cup, we All – Lord, I am not worthy
personal intentions. (Pause) proclaim your Death, that you should enter under my
Let us pray! R. O Lord, until you come roof, but only say the word and
P –Lord God, grant all our pe- again! my soul shall be healed.
titions and keep us at all times
faithful to you the way St. John Communion Antiphon
the Baptist was. We ask this (To be recited only when no
through Christ our Lord. Communion Hymn is sung.)
All –Amen!
All – Our Father . . . Let your face shine on your
P –Deliver us, Lord . . . servant. Save me in your merci-
All –For the kingdom, the ful love. O Lord, let me never be
power, and the glory are put to shame, for I call on you.
yours, now and for ever.
Preparation of the Gifts
Prayer after Communion
P –Pray, brethren. . . Sign of Peace
All –May the Lord accept the P –Nourished by these redeem-
sacrifice at your hands, for the Breaking of the Bread ing gifts, we pray, O Lord, that
praise and glory of his name, through this help to eternal sal-
All – Lamb of God . . . vation true faith may ever in-
for our good and the good of all
his holy Church. crease.
Communion Through Christ our Lord.
Prayer over the Offerings P –Behold the Lamb of God, All – Amen!
P –O Lord, we bring to your altar
these offerings of our service: be
pleased to receive them, we pray, NOVENA PRAYER
and transform them into the Sac- TO THE SACRED HEART OF JESUS
rament of our redemption. Divine Jesus, you have said, Ć „Ask, and you shall receive;
Through Christ our Lord. Ć seek, and you shall find; Ć knock, and it shall be opened unto
All – Amen! you.‰ Ć Behold me kneeling at your feet, Ć filled with a lively faith
and confidence Ć in the promises dictated by your Sacred Heart Ć
Preface of the Sacred Heart and pronounced by your adorable lips. Ć I come to ask this favor:
P –The Lord be with you! (Silently mention your petitions.)
All –And with your spirit! To whom can I turn if not to you Ć whose heart is the source of
P –Lift up your hearts! all graces and merits? Ć Where should I seek if not in the treasure Ć
All –We lift them up to the which contains all the riches of your kindness and mercy? Ć Where
Lord! should I knock Ć if not at the door through which God gives himself
P –Let us give thanks to the to us Ć and through which we go to God? Ć I have recourse to you,
Lord our God! Heart of Jesus. Ć In you I find consolation when afflicted, Ć protec-
All –It is right and just! tion when persecuted, Ć strength when burdened with trials, Ć and
P –It is truly right and just, our light in doubt and darkness.
duty and our salvation, always Dear Jesus, I firmly believe Ć that you can grant me the grace
and everywhere to give you I implore, Ć even though it should require a miracle. Ć You have
thanks, Lord, holy Father, al- only to will it, Ć and my prayer will be granted. Ć I admit that I am
mighty and eternal God, through most unworthy of your favors, Ć but this is not a reason for me
Christ our Lord. to be discouraged. Ć You are the God of mercy Ć and you will not
For, raised up high on the refuse a contrite heart. Ć Cast upon me a look of mercy, I beg of
Cross, he gave himself up for you, Ć and your kind heart will find in my miseries and weaknesses
us with a wonderful love and Ć a reason for granting my prayer.
poured out blood and water from O Sacred Heart, Ć whatever may be your decision with regard to
his pierced side, the wellspring my request, Ć I will never stop adoring, loving, praising, and serving
of the Church’s Sacraments, so you. Ć My Jesus, be pleased to accept this my act of perfect resigna-
that, won over to the open heart tion Ć to the decrees of your adorable heart Ć which I sincerely desire
of the Savior, all might draw wa- may be fulfilled Ć in and by me and by all your creatures for ever.
ter joyfully from the springs of Sacred Heart of Jesus, Ć I know that there is but one thing impos-
salvation. sible to you: Ć to be without pity for those who are suffering or in
And so, with all the Angels distress. Ć Look upon me, I beg of you, dear Jesus, Ć and grant me
and Saints, we praise you, as the grace for which I humbly implore you Ć through the Immaculate
without end we acclaim: Heart of your most sorrowful Mother. Ć You have entrusted me to
All –Holy, holy, holy . . . her as her child, Ć and her prayers are all-powerful with you. Ć Amen!

First Friday
severing in the fulfillment the way of peace.
of your duties. All – Amen!
All – Amen! P –May almighty God bless
P –The Lord be with you. P –May he purify your inten- you: the Father, and the
All – And with your spirit! tions and make you a lumi- Son, and the Holy Spirit.
nous example of Christian All – Amen!
P –Bow your heads and pray living. P –Go in peace, glorifying the
for God’s blessing. (Pause) All – Amen! Lord by your life!
– May the Lord make you P –May he protect you from all All – Thanks be to God!
strong in your faith and per- dangers and lead you into


F ebruary is “Valentine’s Month,” the month when people
try to find so many ways to manifest their feelings of
tenderness and appreciation for each other. All this is
We see instances of such weakness and perversions
every day around us in our society, which is ever more
under the influence of a resurgent and rampant pa-
rooted in the fact that we are made to love. ganism. We feel its bites and wild urges even in our-
Love is one of the most powerful motives in life. selves, as it makes us yearn for what we know is
Love is that mysterious energy that pushes people, against God’s will . . . .
even small and frail ones, to perform acts of self-giving We need to learn how to harness this powerful source
and heroism far above any calculation and expecta- of energy. We need to learn how to love in a genu-
tion. Love is the deep source of all the wonders that we inely human, life-giving manner. And for this we need
can be and do. a teacher who knows our heart and its deepest aspira-
Genuine human love is the source of every sin- tions because he, too, has a human heart. This teacher
cere friendship that binds together two or more human is JESUS CHRIST.
beings in a relationship that enriches all the members, He is the perfect realization, in human form, of the
creates a sense of security, affirmation and fulfillment primordial love of the Trinity. As the Son of God, he
which makes life beautiful, difficulties lighter and pains knows how much God should be loved. As a perfect
more bearable. Love creates and nurtures solidarity human being, unsullied by the stain of sin, Jesus
and faithfulness. It is the origin of that “communion” and knows what it is like to love God and people with a
sharing that can make life on earth not only a foreshad- human heart, a human sensitivity, a human body and
owing but also a foretaste of heaven. a human mind.
Genuine human love is the foundation of ev- It is in the Gospels and in the letters of the apostles
ery human family. It is in the human family that the that we learn about the rich and varied manifestations of
friendship and self-giving between a man and a Christ’s love. We see how deeply and faithfully he loved
woman becomes so deep as to mirror and share in his eternal Father. To Him he talked in prayer with a trust
the creative love of the Blessed Trinity. This is how and a readiness to obey that has traced the new bound-
aries of heroism and holiness.
human love and life multiply and flourish, and thereby
We see, likewise, how the Jesus who conversed
disseminate and perpetuate the “incarnation” of God’s
freely with his eternal Father, also related affection-
love in this world.
ately to the little children and blessed them by placing
Genuine human love is also the source and foun-
his hands on them. His human heart was not afraid
dation of that “virginal communion” with God and other to show clear signs of compassion and acceptance
persons that is established and grows even without the even to people who had sinned and were the object
mediation of the generative faculties that are part of mar- of rejection and contempt, such as Mary Magdalene,
ried life. It is the love of total consecration to God, a the adulterous woman, and the prostitute who washed
sign of the transcendence of the Kingdom, in imitation his feet with her tears.
of the virginal Christ, and in view of a freer and more His heart vibrated with indignation at the thought of
generous donation of self to all other human beings, human beings leading innocent children and simple peo-
especially the “unloved” and the rejected. ple into sin. (See Mt 18:6.)
But human love is no longer as perfect as it was Much more could be said about the ways Jesus
meant to be in the Creator’s plan. Like all other aspects showed his human love for God and people. It is enough
of our personality and behavior, our love, too, bears the to read attentively the four Gospels and the letters of
sad consequences of original sin. It is a wounded and Paul and John, to realize how deep and pure Jesus’
weakened love. It can become so deeply wounded and love was. He is our Master and Model. He is also the
“infected” by so many forms of “viruses” as to turn one who, through his Spirit, empowers us to love as
into a “fake love” or a “perverted love.” he loved and loves us.

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• Illustrations: A. Sarmiento, B. Cleofe • Circulation: R. Saldua

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