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SEPTEMBER 29, 2021


The 3rd meeting in creative writing has been postponed but Ms. Menil uploaded a video presentation in
our google classroom for our reference, the video contains our topic for this week. The first few minutes
of the video, Ms. Menil have a recap of last week’s lesson which is the different imagery and their uses.
We had an oral activity which we have to arrange the jumbled letters and honestly writing I didn’t get
the first and fifth word because its so hard for me after the activity Ma’am proceeded to the lesson
which is about poetry, the definition of poetry, sub-elements of poetry, structure, sound and forms of
poetry. Poetry is a form of literature and the person who writes poetry are called poets, this is easily
identifies because the literary piece is under poetry, this uses forms of elements and does not use
ordinary syntax. There are Sub- Elements of poetry first is Theme, this is the lesson about life or
statement about human nature that the poem expresses, second is the tone, this is the attitude
expressed in a poem that a reader sees and feels. Structure of poetry has form and poetic line, form is
the appearance of words while poetic line is a group of words that form a single line of poetry. Ma’am
also mentioned kind of metrical line/number of feet which is monometer, dimeter, trimeter and so on
and so for. There are different kinds of stanza and that is Couplet, triplet, quatrain, quintet, sextet,
septet and octave. She also gives several tips on how to identify unstressed and stressed syllables, then
she proceeded discussing different types of feet first is, trochee, anapest, dactyl, spondee, pyrrhic and
iambic. After the discussion we then have again an activity in the video which we are expected to try to
identify the measurement of the lyrics, in lucid dreams we have 3 for each measurements and the
combination is “I still see“ “your shadows” “in my room” and if we are not sure in the answer we got we
can try to sing or try to deliver the lines and listen to how we deliver on the particular word if you are
correct in the measurement you’ve got. Forms of poetry had different kinds; Found Poems are created
through the careful selection, Tanaga has 7-7-7-7 syllabic verse, Haiku has 5-7-5 which emphasizes
simplicity, Acrostic poem this are the poem where the first letters of each line is spell out a word or
phrases vertically, Sonnet is a poem that has 14 lines, Concrete Poem is a poem that uses words to form
the shape of the subject of the poem, Lyrics poem, best example of this is our songs, Cinquain is a five
lined untitled poem (2,4,6,8,2), lastly is Narrative Poem is a poem that tells a story.

In our week 3 in creative writing subject, I learned about how to measure the lines and how to identify
stressed and unstressed syllable. I appreciate why is the measurement, metric lines in the poetry are
very important and how it helps you with the delivery and assessing one’s emotion in a poem. What I
remember the most was the difference of poets and persona; Poet is the one who wrote the poem
while on the other hand Persona is the speaker or the narrator of the poem. Sometimes the persona is
also the poet but most of the time the persona is also the character or the person in the poem is
different from the writer itself. It’s like the poet is creating another character to tell the story of the
poem. That’s it, I’m hoping to gain more knowledge in next weeks topic and improve my self more.


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