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Aircraft Propulsion 2E Solution Manual

Chapter 11: Aircraft Engine Component Matching and Off-Design

Problem 11.1

The corrected and physical mass flow rates at the engine face are related by:

m c 2 = m 2 θ 2 / δ 2

θ2 = Tt2/Tref = 268/288.2 = 0.9299

δ2 = pt2/pref = (0.99)112/101.33 = 1.0942

Therefore, m c 2  110.2 kg / s
Nc2 ≡ =6400 rpm/ 0.9299 ≈ 6,637 rpm
m f
m fc ≡ ≈ 2.37 kg/s
δ2 θ2
Fc ≡ F / δ 0

δ 0 ≡ pt 0 / pref =112/101.33 = 1.1053

Therefore the corrected thrust is Fc= 145 kN/(1.1053) = 131.2 kN

TSFC c ≡

First, we calculate the TSFC to be:

TSFC=(2.5 kg/s)/145 kN = 17.24 mg/s/N

TSFCc = (17.24 mg/s/N)/(0.9299)0.5 ≈ 17.88 mg/s/N

Problem 11.2

The corrected mass flow rate per unit area (at the engine face) is

− ( γ c +1)
γ c pref  γ c −1 2 2 ( γ c −1)
m c 2 / A2 = M z 2 1 + M z2  = f ( M z 2 , γ c , Rc )
Rc Tref  2 
We collect the constants on one side:

[(180 kg/s)/(1 m2)][287 J/kg.K/1.4]0.5[288.2 K]0.5/[101.33 x1000 N/m2]=0.4331776

The function of axial Mach number is:

Aircraft Propulsion 2E Solution Manual

− ( γ c +1)
 γ c −1 
M z 2 (1 + 0.2M z 2 2 ) = 0.4331776
2( γ c −1) −3
M z 2 1 + M z 22  =
 2 

We use an Excel spreadsheet to get Mz2 to be

Mz2 ≈ 0.50

From the relationship between the corrected and physical mass flow rates:

m c 2 = m 2 θ 2 / δ 2

We need to calculate θ2 and δ2 to arrive at the physical mass flow rate:

Tt2=Tt0= (250 K) [1+0.2(0.85)2]= 286.125 K

pt2=pt0. πd = 30 kPa [1+0.2(0.85)2]3.5 (0.995) = 47.874 kPa

θ2 =286.125/288.2 = 0.9928
δ2 = 47.874/101.33 = 0.47246

Therefore the physical (air) mass flow rate at the engine face is:

m 2 = 180 kg/s [0.47246]/[0.9928]0.5 ≈ 85.35 kg/s

From the continuity equation, we calculate the capture area, A0

m 0
A0 = − ( γ c +1)
≈ 0.758 m2
γ c pt 0  γ −1 2  2( γ c −1)
M 0 1 + c M0 
Rc Tt 0  2 

Problem 11.3

Using the chain rule:

pt4/pt2 = (pt4/pt3)(pt3/pt2)= (0.95)(10) = 9.5

The compressor exit total temperature is:

Tt3=Tt2.πc(γ-1)/γec= 300 K(10)0.4/1.4/0.9 ≈ 623 K

Energy balance across the burner gives Tt4

Tt4=[cpcTt3 +fQRηb]/(1+f) cpt ≈ 1684 K

Therefore Tt4/Tt2=1684/300 ≈ 5.613

Aircraft Propulsion 2E Solution Manual

The area ratio A4/A2 is related to corrected mass flow rates, pressure and temperature ratios
according to:

A4 (1 + f ) m c 2 / A2 Tt 4
A2 π b m c 4 / A4 π c Tt 2

The corrected mass flow rate per unit area at the compressor face is:

− ( γ c +1)
γ c pref  γ −1  2(γ c −1)
m c 2 / A2 = M z 2 1 + c M z 22  = 180.86 kg / s / m 2
Rc Tref  2 

For a choked throat at the turbine inlet, M4=1.0, we have:

− ( γ t +1)
γ t pref  γ t + 1  2(γ −1)
=m c 4 / A4 =

  237.06 kg / s / m 2
Rt Tref  2 

Therefore, A4/A2= 0.195745, which gives: A4=0.1957 m2

m c 4 = 237.06 A4

Therefore, m c 4 = 46.4 kg / s
The physical mass flow rate is the sum of air and fuel flow rates, i.e.,

m 4= 180 + 6= 186 kg / s

Problem 11.4

From equation 11.19, we have:

m c 4 π
= t
m c 5 τt

Also, turbine pressure and temperature ratios are related to the turbine efficiency according to:

τ t = 1 − ηt 1 − π t (γ t −1) / γ t
 1 − τ t  γ t −1
π= 1 −
ηt 
t =0.3441

m c 4 π
= t =0.344/(0.8)0.5 = 0.3847
m c 5 τt

Aircraft Propulsion 2E Solution Manual

Similarly, the ratio of corrected mass flow rates between stations 3 and 4 is

m c 4 τ
= (1 + f ) b =(1+0.03)(1.8)0.5/0.95 = 1.455
m c 3 πb

Problem 11.5

Nc2 ≡

Since, Tt2=Tref, θ2=1, therefore Nc2=N=8,000 rpm

Nc4 ≡
Since θ4=Tt4/Tref=Tt4/Tt2=6, then

Nc4=8,000 rpm/(6)0.5 ≈ 3,266 rpm

Compressor temperature ratio is τc=Tt3/Tt2=872 K/288.2 K = 3.0257

From polytropic efficiency and temperature ratio, we get

γ c ec

πc = τcγ c −1
= 32.7

Since pt2=pref and Tt2=Tref, the corrected and physical mass flow rates at the engine face are equal,

 2 m=
m 2c 360 kg / s

Also the compressor power is

℘c m 2 c pc (Tt 3 − Tt 2 ) ≈ 211.0 MW

The power balance across the burner yields, f, but first lets get Tt4=6Tt2=1729 K:

c ptTt 4 − c pcTt 3 1156(1729.2) − 1004(872)

=f = ≈ 0.0284
QRηb − c ptTt 4 42000(1000)(0.99) − 1156(1729.2)

The compressor-turbine power balance gives

℘c 211.01x106 W
ηm (1 + f )c pt (Tt 4 − Tt 5 ) = =
m 0 360 kg / s
Therefore Tt5 ≈ 1236 K
And Tt5/Tt4 = 1236/1729 = 0.71487

Aircraft Propulsion 2E Solution Manual

 1−τ t  γ t −1
pt5/pt4 = π= 1 − ≈ 0.1926
 ηt 

pt 5 pt 5 pt 4 pt 3
= = (0.1926)(0.94)(32.7) = 5.922
pt 2 pt 4 pt 3 pt 2

Tt 5 Tt 5 Tt 4
= = (0.71487)(6) = 4.289
Tt 2 Tt 4 Tt 2

Problem 11.6

Using the same calculation steps as in Example 11.1 and an Excel spreadsheet, as follow, we
calculate and graph the gas generator pumping characteristics.

Tt4/Tt2 Nc2 (rpm) pi-c m-c2 (kg/s) eta-c tau-c fQeta/cpT tau-t
6.5 9000 27.5 180 0.84 2.878 3.621747 0.755
6.5 8500 22.5 143 0.84 2.707 3.792742 0.777
6.5 8000 16 116 0.87 2.389 4.111288 0.819
6.5 7500 14 85 0.845 2.332 4.168024 0.826

Nc4 (rpm) m-c4 (kg/s) m-c4.Nc4 eta-t pi-t pt5/pt2 Tt5/Tt2

3530 18.093 63870 0.88 0.269 7.019 4.908
3334 17.568 58571 0.88 0.309 6.600 5.053
3138 20.040 62884 0.88 0.395 6.007 5.323
2942 16.783 49370 0.88 0.4123 5.484 5.371

Nc2 tau-c-1 Nc2/Nc2)2 tuac-1/tauc-1

9000 1.878 1 1
8500 1.707 0.891975 0.908961
8000 1.389 0.790123 0.739363
7500 1.332 0.694444 0.709157

The pumping characteristics are summarized in the following table:

Nc2%des pt5/pt2 Tt5/Tt2 mc2%des fQeta/cpT

0.833333 5.483834 5.371213 0.4722222 4.168024
0.888889 6.006888 5.323132 0.6444444 4.111288
0.944444 6.59916 5.053179 0.7944444 3.792742
1 7.018628 4.908269 1 3.621747

Aircraft Propulsion 2E Solution Manual

Gas Generator Pumping Characteristics

0.82 0.83 0.84 0.85 0.86 0.87 0.88 0.89 0.9 0.91 0.92 0.93 0.94 0.95 0.96 0.97 0.98 0.99 1
Nc2 % Design

Corrected flow rate at compressor face

(% design)

0.83 0.84 0.85 0.86 0.87 0.88 0.89 0.9 0.91 0.92 0.93 0.94 0.95 0.96 0.97 0.98 0.99 1

Nc2 % Design

Problem 11.7

The flow area A4 can be calculated from the given corrected flow rate

m c 4 = 80 kg / s
And the Mach number, M4=1.0 as well as gas properties, γt=1.33 and cpt=1,156 J/kg.K.

− ( γ t +1)
γ t pref  γ t + 1  2(γ −1)
=m c 4 / A4 ≈ 237.1kg / s / m 2

 
Rt Tref  2 

Therefore, A4 = 0.3375 m2

m c 4 π
Since, we have = t and τt=0.8 with ηt=0.85, we calculate
m c 5 τt

Aircraft Propulsion 2E Solution Manual

 1−τ t  γ t −1
π= 1 −
ηt 
t = 0.3392 and thus

m c 5 ≈ 211 kg/s

− ( γ t +1)
γ t pref  γ t −1  2( γ t −1)
=m c 5 / A5 M z 5 1 + M z 52  = 176.2 kg/s/m2
Rt Tref  2 

Therefore, A5 = 1.197 m2

Energy balance across the afterburner yields

(1 + f + f AB )c pABTt 7 − (1 + f )c ptTt 5 =f AB QRABηab

(1 + f )(c pABTt 7 − c ptTt 5 ) c pABTt 7 − c ptTt 5
=f AB ≈
QRABηab − c pABTt 7 QRABη ab − c pABTt 7

First we calculate Tt5 and Tt7 to be:

Tt5= Tt4.τt = 1760 K (0.8) = 1408 K

Tt7=2.Tt5 = 2816 K

Therefore fAB ≈ 0.0514

Application of the continuity equation at the nozzle throat produces the throat area, A8, but first

m 4 θ 4
m c 4 ≡

m 8 θ8 (1 + f AB )m 4 θ8
m c8 ≡ ≈
δ8 δ8

The ratio of the two equations gives

m c8 θ δ Tt 8 pt 4
= =
8 4

m c 4 θ4 δ8 Tt 4 pt 8

For the dry case Tt8=Tt5 = 1408 K

pt 8 pt 7
pt 8 = pt 5
pt 7 pt 5
pt5 = πt . pt4 = 0.3392 (2000 kPa) = 678.4 kPa

Aircraft Propulsion 2E Solution Manual

pt8 = (0.98)(0.96)(678.4 kPa) = 638 kPa

Therefore the corrected mass flow rate at the nozzle throat is

1408  2000 
m c8 (80 kg / s )   ≈ 224.2 kg / s
1760  638.2 

And for a choked throat, we have

− ( γ t +1)
γ t pref  γ t + 1  2(γ −1)
=m c8 / A8 ≈ 237.1kg / s / m 2

 
Rt Tref  2 

Hence the throat area is

A8-dry ≈ 0.946 m2

m c8− wet T pt 4
= t 8− wet
m c 4 Tt 4 pt 8− wet

Tt8-wet = 2 Tt5 = 2816 K

pt 8− wet  pt 7 
pt 8− wet =   pt 5 =(0.95)(0.90)(678.4 kPa)
pt 7  pt 5  wet
pt8-wet ≈ 580 kPa

2816  2000 
m c8− wet ≈ (80 kg / s )   ≈ 348.94 kg/s
1760  580 
− ( γ AB +1)
γ AB pref  γ AB + 1  2(γ AB −1)
m c8− wet / A8− wet
= =   235.16 kg / s / m 2
RAB Tref  2 

Therefore A8-wet ≈ 1.4838 m2

Before we calculate A9/A8, let us first calculate M9-dry

pt9 = (pt9/pt8) pt8 = (0.99)(638.2 kPa) = 631.8 kPa

γ t −1
 
 2   pt 9  γ t 
=M 9− dry     − 1 ≈ 1.875
 t − 1   9 
 
The physical mass flow rate through the nozzle is

 m δ 
m 8− dry =  c8 8  = (224.2 kg/s) (638.2/101.33)/(1408/288.2)0.5 = 638.8 kg/s
 θ 
 8  dry

Aircraft Propulsion 2E Solution Manual

Continuity demands:
γ 9 +1

γ 9 pt 9  γ −1 2  2( γ 9 −1)
=m 9 A9 M 9 1 + 9 M9 
R9 Tt 9  2 

A9-dry ≈ 1.4939 m2

A9-dry/A8-dry ≈ 1.579

In wet-mode, we calculate the nozzle exit Mach number for perfect expansion, i.e., M9-wet

γ AB −1
 
 2   pt 9− wet  γ AB
=M 9− wet     − 1
γ −
 AB  
1 p  

pt9-wet = (0.95)(580 kPa) = 551 kPa

therefore, M9-wet ≈ 1.794

m 9− wet ≈ (1 + f AB )m 8− dry =1.0514(638.85 kg/s) = 671.7 kg/s

Now using continuity equation at the nozzle exit, we calculate the exit area, A9-wet

A9-wet ≈ 2.424 m2

(A9/A8)wet = 2.424/1.4838 = 1.634

V9-dry = M9-dry a9-dry

T9-dry is calculated from total temperature and Mach number to be 891.2 and thus the speed of
sound, a9 is 583.1m/s

V9-dry = 1093 m/s

Fg-dry = (638.85 kg/s)(1093 m/s) = 698.372 kN

T9-wet is similarly calculated to be ~1900 K and speed of sound is a9-wet= 842 m/s

V9-wet = (1.7938)(842 m/s) = 1510 m/s

Fg-wet = (671.7 kg/s)(1510 m/s) ≈ 1014 kN

Problem 11.8

p-t-0 (kPa) T-t-0 (K) Tau-r Pi-r a-0 (m/s) V-0 (m/s) p-t-2 (kPa) p-t-3 (kPa)
101.33 288.2 1.0000 1.0000 340 0.0000 99.34 2483

Aircraft Propulsion 2E Solution Manual

Tau-c T-t-3 (K) T-t-4 (K) p-t-4 (kPa) f Tau-t

2.7784 801 1729 2358 0.0232 0.7044

T-t-5 (K) Pi-t p-t-5 (kPa)

1218 0.2363 557

p-t-9 (kPa) M-9 T-9 (K) a-9 (m/s) V-9 (m/s) Fn/m-a0 TSFC (mg/s/N)
540 1.75 755 551 964 2.9 23.5

At off design conditions, we keep τt constant and calculate τc-O-D from

(τ r / τ λ ) D
τ c ,O − D ≈ 1 + (τ c − 1) D = 1+(1/6)(2.7784-1)/(1.1445/6.5) ≈ 2.6833
(τ r / τ λ ) O − D

In the above, we substituted the ram temperature ratio and limit parameter at off design according
to their simple relations on flight Mach number and given τλ-O-D

γ ec

π c −OD = τ c −OD γ −1
≈ 22.4

N c 2,O − D (Tt 4 / Tt 2 )O − D 1456.5 / 295.3

= = ≈ 1.11
N c 2, D (Tt 4 / Tt 2 ) D 1729.2 / 288.2

m c 2,O − D π c ,O − D (Tt 4 / Tt 2 ) D 22.4 1

≅ ≈ ≈ 0.8037
m c 2, D π c,D (Tt 4 / Tt 2 )O − D 25 1.11

And  c 2−OD 0.8037(80 kg / s ) ≈64.3 kg / s
thus, m

From corrected mass flow rate and the axial Mach number at the engine face at the design point,
we calculate A2

− ( γ c +1)
γ c pref  γ −1  2(γ c −1)
m c 2 / A2 = M z 2 1 + c M z 22  ≈ 180.1kg / s / m 2
Rc Tref  2 

The compressor face flow area is thus

A2 = 0.4443 m2

From the off-design corrected mass flow rate and the physical flow area at 2,

− ( γ c +1)
γ c pref
 γ c −1  2( γ c −1) 64.3
m c 2−OD / A2 =M z 2−OD 1 + M z 2 2OD  = =
144.71kg / s / m 2
Rc Tref  2  0.4443

Aircraft Propulsion 2E Solution Manual

We arrive at one equation, one unknown in Mz2-OD, using an Excel spreadsheet, we get

Mz2-OD ≈ 0.378

We calculated the TSFC at design in our cycle analysis (spreadsheet). For the off-design
analysis, we repeat our cycle analysis with the off-design compressor pressure ratio and the
parameters that are specified in the problem. The spreadsheet is shown below:

M0 p0 (kPa) T0 ( K ) gam-c cp-c (J/kg.K) Pi-d Pi-c

Design-Pt 0 101.33 288.2 1.4 1004 0.98 25
Off-Design 0.85 20 258 1.4 1004 0.98 22.4

p-t-0 (kPa) T-t-0 (K) Tau-r Pi-r a-0 (m/s) V-0 (m/s) p-t-2 (kPa)
Design-Pt 101.33 288.2 1.0000 1.0000 340 0.0000 99.3
Off-Design 32.08 295.3 1.1445 1.6038 322 274 31.4

p-t-3 (kPa) Tau-c T-t-3 (K) T-t-4 (K) p-t-4 (kPa) f

2482 2.7784 801 1729 2358 0.02318
704 2.6832 792 1456 669 0.02206

Tau-t T-t-5 (K) Pi-t p-t-5 (kPa)

0.7044 1218 0.2363 557.2
0.7086 1032 0.1839 123.0

p-t-9 (kPa) M-9 T-9 (K) a-9 (m/s) V-9 (m/s) Fn/m-a0 TSFC (mg/s/N)
540.5 1.75 755 551 964 2.9001 23.5
113.3 1.80 671 506 913 2.0502 33.4

Problem 11.9

We first calculate the design values for τr, τf, τcH and τλ:
τ r = 1 + 0.2(0) = 1

=τ f π=
0.2857 / 0.90
(1.8) 0.31746

=τ cH π cH=
0.2857 / 0.90
(14) 0.31746
c ptTt 4  1146   1600 + 273 
= =    ≅ 7.42
c pcT0  1004   15.2 + 273 

Now, we can calculate the first constant, C1

τ rτ f 1.2051
=C1 (τ cH=
− 1) (1.3113) ≅ 0.2130
τλ 7.42
Constants C2 and C3 are:

Aircraft Propulsion 2E Solution Manual

(1 α )(τ f − 1)
C2 =+ =
6(0.2051)(1/ 7.42) ≅ 0.1659
τ r .τ f 1.2051
=C3 α=
.π cH 5(14) ≅ 28.214
τλ 7.42

Let us calculate τr, and τλ for the off-design operation:

τ r ,OD =
1 + 0.2(0.90) 2 =

c ptTt 4  1146   1300 + 273 

λ ,OD =    ≅ 7.097
c pcT0  1004   273 − 20 

Now, let us substitute all the parameters in equation 10.66

 
 
τr C3 τr   C1τ λ 
 +  − 1 = C 2
τ λ
γ .ecH
 C1τ λ   τ r (τ cH − 1) 
(τ ) γ −1
τλ  
 τ r (τ cH − 1)  

 
 
 1.162 + 28.214 1.162   0.213(7.097) − 1 =
 7.097 τ 3.15   0.1659
 0.213(7.097)   1.162(τ cH − 1) 
 cH
7.097   
  1.162( τ − 1) 
 cH 

The solution to this equation is found using an Excel spreadsheet to be:


Therefore the high-pressure compressor pressure ratio at off design is

The fan pressure ratio at off-design is calculated from:
C1τ λ
τf = =1.1463 Off-Design
τ r (τ cH − 1)
πf=τf3.15=1.14633.15 ≈1.537 πf ≈1.537

The off-design bypass ratio is calculated from

τ r .τ f Off-Design
α .π cH ≈ const. = C3
α ≈5.97
α ≈ 5.972

Aircraft Propulsion 2E Solution Manual

Based on these off-design parameters, we may proceed to calculate other engine off-design
performance such as thrust specific fuel consumption or specific thrust, thermal and propulsive

Problem 11.10

The turbojet cycle analysis at design point follows the steps developed in Chapter 4. The
spreadsheet of input data is shown below:

M0 p0 (kPa) T0 ( K ) gam-c cp-c (J/kg.K) Pi-d Pi-c e-c

Design-pt. 0 101.33 288.2 1.4 1004 0.95 30 0.9

Tau-Lamb (kJ/kg) Eta-b Pi-b gam-t cp-t (J/kg.K) e-t Eta-m
7.882377 42600 0.98 0.95 1.33 1156 0.85 0.98

Pi-n p9/p0
0.9 1

We solve the above design point cycle to arrive at the following cycle parameters:

p-t-0 (kPa) T-t-0 (K) Tau-r Pi-r a-0 (m/s) V-0 (m/s) p-t-2 (kPa)
Design-pt. 101.33 288.2 1.0000 1.0000 340 0.0000 96.3

p-t-3 (kPa) Tau-c T-t-3 (K) T-t-4 (K) p-t-4 (kPa) f Tau-t
2888 2.9439 848 1973. 2744 0.03621 0.7571

T-t-5 (K) Pi-t p-t-5 (kPa) p-t-7 (kPa) T-t-7 (K)

1494 0.2674 734 734 1494

p-t-9 (kPa) M-9 T-9 (K) a-9 (m/s) V-9 (m/s) Fn/m-a0 TSFC (mg/s/N)
660 1.894 938 598 1133 3.452 30.8


Now, we use the design-point turbine expansion parameter, τt=0.7571 at off design to calculate
the compressor pressure ratio at off design. First, the ram and limit temperature ratios at off

τr,O-D = 1.128
τλ,O-D = 8.577
(τ r / τ λ ) D
τ c ,O − D ≈ 1 + (τ c − 1) D = 1+[(1/7.882)/(1.128/8.577)](2.9439-1) = 2.875
(τ r / τ λ ) O − D

πc,O-D= τc,O-Dγec/ (γ-1) ≈ 27.85

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M0 p0 (kPa) T0 ( K ) gam-c cp-c (J/kg.K) Pi-d Pi-c

Design-pt. 0 101.33 288.2 1.4 1004 0.95 30
Off-design 0.8 20 238 1.4 1004 0.95 27.85

The off-design engine analysis is now based on the above parameters. The results are:

p-t-0 (kPa) T-t-0 (K) Tau-r Pi-r a-0 (m/s) V-0 (m/s) p-t-2 (kPa)
Design-pt. 101.3300 288.2 1.0000 1.0000 340.2 0.0000 96
Off-design 30.4868 268.5 1.1280 1.5243 309.2 247.3 29

p-t-3 (kPa) Tau-c T-t-3 (K) T-t-4 (K) p-t-4 (kPa) f

2888 2.9439 848 1973. 2743.5 0.0362
807 2.8752 772 1773. 766.3 0.0321

Tau-t T-t-5 (K) Pi-t p-t-5 (kPa) p-t-7 (kPa) T-t-7 (K)
0.7571 1494 0.2674 733.5 733.5 1494
0.7599 1347 0.2593 198.7 198.7 1347

p-t-9 (kPa) M-9 T-9 (K) a-9 (m/s) V-9 (m/s) Fn/m-a0
660 1.89 938 598 1133 3.4518
179 2.09 782 546 1143 3.0153

TSFC (mg/s/N) Eta-th

30.8 0.4314
34.4 0.4704
ηp ≈2/(1+V9/V0)=0.355 at cruise.

Problem 11.11

Tt4/Tt2 Nc2 (rpm) pi-c m-c2 (kg/s) eta-c tau-c m-c3/m-c2 m-c3 (kg/s) pi-b
7 10000 13.5 90 0.85 2.298292 0.1122972 10.106746 0.95
7 9500 11.2 72 0.89 2.117119 0.1299136 9.3537796 0.953
7 9000 9.3 58 0.9 1.990087 0.1516886 8.7979406 0.956
7 8500 8 46 0.88 1.922099 0.1732997 7.9717881 0.958

fQeta/cpT tau-t Nc4 (rpm) m-c4 (kg/s) m-c4.Nc4 eta-t pi-t

4.701708 0.842823 3779.645 19.123676 72280.7 0.85 0.438654
4.882881 0.864756 3590.662 18.440688 66214.29 0.85 0.497365
5.009913 0.880135 3401.68 17.889891 60855.69 0.85 0.541923
5.077901 0.888366 3212.698 16.494171 52990.79 0.85 0.566968

pt5/pt2 Tt5/Tt2 Nc2 tau-c-1 Nc2/Nc2)2 tuac-1/tauc-1

5.625733 5.899758 10000 1.298292 1.234568 0.691223
5.30868 6.053294 9500 1.117119 1.114198 0.594765
4.818129 6.160948 9000 0.990087 1 0.527132
4.345246 6.218564 8500 0.922099 0.891975 0.490935

Aircraft Propulsion 2E Solution Manual

Nc2%des pt5/pt2 Tt5/Tt2 mc2%des fQeta/cpT

0.85 4.345246 6.218564 0.5111111 5.077901
0.9 4.818129 6.160948 0.6444444 5.009913
0.95 5.30868 6.053294 0.8 4.882881
1 5.625733 5.899758 1 4.701708

Gas Generator Pumping Characteristics

0.85 0.86 0.87 0.88 0.89 0.9 0.91 0.92 0.93 0.94 0.95 0.96 0.97 0.98 0.99 1

Nc2 % Design

Nc2%des mc2%des
0.85 0.511111
0.9 0.644444
0.95 0.8
1 1

Corrected flow rate at the compressor face

(% design)

0.85 0.86 0.87 0.88 0.89 0.9 0.91 0.92 0.93 0.94 0.95 0.96 0.97 0.98 0.99 1

Nc2 % Design

Problem 11.12

We start with the definition of corrected mass flow rates at the nozzle exit and the engine face.
Then, we take the ratio of the two expressions.

Aircraft Propulsion 2E Solution Manual

m 9 θ9
m c 9 ≡
m 2 θ 2
m c 2 ≡
m c 9 m 9 θ9 / θ 2 T /T Tt 5 / Tt 2
= = (1 + f ) t 9 t 2 = (1 + f )
m c 2 m 2 δ 9 / δ 2 pt 9 / pt 2 π n ( pt 5 / pt 2 )

Nozzle total pressure ratio as a function of engine corrected mass flow rate is graphically
specified. We insert a column of πn values in our table. Then, we insert a column of nozzle exit
corrected mass flow rates according to the above formula. Since the nozzle exit is choked, we
can calculate the area, A8, from the corrected mass flow rates. This becomes a new column in our
spreadsheet. Finally, we graph the exit area variation as a percent of design value and graph it
using Excel, as follows:

Tt4/Tt2 Nc2 (rpm) pi-c m-c2 (kg/s) eta-c tau-c m-c3/m-c2 m-c3 (kg/s) pi-b pi-n
7 10000 13.5 90 0.85 2.298292 0.1122972 10.106746 0.95 0.97
7 9500 11.2 72 0.89 2.117119 0.1299136 9.3537796 0.953 0.98
7 9000 9.3 58 0.9 1.990087 0.1516886 8.7979406 0.956 0.99
7 8500 8 46 0.88 1.922099 0.1732997 7.9717881 0.958 0.99

pt5/pt2 Tt5/Tt2 m-c9 (kg/s) A-8 (m2)

5.625733 5.899758 41.261591 0.197619
5.30868 6.053294 35.071391 0.167971
4.818129 6.160948 31.086752 0.148887
4.345246 6.218564 27.465691 0.131544

Nc2%des mc2%des A-8%des

0.85 0.511111 0.665647
0.9 0.644444 0.753405
0.95 0.8 0.849975
1 1 1
Nozzle exit area, A8
(% design)

0.85 0.86 0.87 0.88 0.89 0.9 0.91 0.92 0.93 0.94 0.95 0.96 0.97 0.98 0.99 1

Nc2 % Design

Aircraft Propulsion 2E Solution Manual

Problem 11.13

We first calculate the design values for τr, τf, τcH and τλ:
τ r = 1 + 0.2(0) = 1

=τ f π=
0.2857 / 0.90
(1.65) 0.31746

=τ cH π cH=
0.2857 / 0.90
(20) 0.31746
c ptTt 4  1146   1650 + 273 
= =    ≅ 7.62
c pcT0  1004   15.0 + 273 

Now, we can calculate the first constant, C1

τ rτ f 1.1723
=C1 (τ cH=
− 1) (1.5884) ≅ 0.2444
τλ 7.62
Constants C2 and C3 are:
(1 α )(τ f − 1)
C2 =+ =
8(0.1723)(1/ 7.62) ≅ 0.18086
τ r .τ f 1.1723
=C3 α=
.π cH 7(20) ≅ 54.907
τλ 7.62

Let us calculate τr, and τλ for the off-design operation:

τ r ,OD =
1 + 0.2(0.85) 2 =

c ptTt 4  1146   1500 + 273 

λ ,OD =    ≅ 7.844
c pcT0  1004   273 − 15 

Now, let us substitute all the parameters in equation 11.66

 
 
τr C3 τr   C1τ λ 
 +   − 1 = C2
τ λ
γ .ecH
 C1τ λ   τ r (τ cH − 1) 
(τ cH ) γ −1
τλ  

 τ r (τ cH − 1)  
 
 
 1.1445 + 54.907 1.1445   0.2444(7.844) − 1 =
 7.844 τ 3.15   0.18086
 0.2444(7.844)   1.1445(τ cH − 1) 
 cH
7.844   
  1.1445( τ − 1) 
 cH

The solution to this equation is found using an Excel spreadsheet to be:

Aircraft Propulsion 2E Solution Manual

τcH ≈2.468

Therefore the high-pressure compressor pressure ratio at off design is

The fan pressure ratio at off-design is calculated from:
C1τ λ
τf = =1.1409 Off-Design
τ r (τ cH − 1)
πf=τf3.15=1.14093.15 ≈1.515 πf ≈1.515

The off-design bypass ratio is calculated from

τ r .τ f Off-Design
α .π cH ≈ const. = C3
α ≈ 7.818
α ≈ 7.818

Based on these off-design parameters, we may proceed to calculate engine off-design

performance such as thrust specific fuel consumption or specific thrust, thermal and propulsive

Problem 11.14

M0 p0 (kPa) T0 ( K ) gam-c cp-c (J/kg.K) Pi-d Pi-c

Design 0 100 288 1.4 1004 0.98 15

e-c Tau-Lamb (kJ/kg) Eta-b Pi-b gam-t cp-t (J/kg.K)
0.9 7.028303 42800 0.98 0.97 1.33 1156

e-t Eta-m Pi-n p9/p0

0.8 0.995 0.97 1

Based on the above input values, we calculate τt at design point:

p-t-0 (kPa) T-t-0 (K) Tau-r Pi-r a-0 (m/s) V-0 (m/s) p-t-2 (kPa)
Design 100 288 1 1 340 0.0000 98

p-t-3 (kPa) Tau-c T-t-3 (K) T-t-4 (K) p-t-4 (kPa) f Tau-t
1470 2.3624 680 1758 1426 0.034 0.8115

Based on the following equation, we calculate compressor temperature ratio at off design:

(τ r / τ λ ) D
τ c ,O − D ≈ 1 + (τ c − 1) D
(τ r / τ λ ) O − D

The off design values for ram and limit temperature ratios are:

Aircraft Propulsion 2E Solution Manual

τr-OD = 1.8
τλ-OD = 7.80

Therefore, τc-OD = 1.8401, which gives the compressor pressure ratio at off design as

πc-OD ≈ 6.83

m c 2,O − D π c ,O − D (Tt 4 / Tt 2 ) D
≅ ≈ 0.5797
m c 2, D π c,D (Tt 4 / Tt 2 )O − D

m c 2,O − D ≈13.9 kg / s

N c 2,O − D (Tt 4 / Tt 2 )O − D
= ≈ 0.785
N c 2, D (Tt 4 / Tt 2 ) D
Therefore, Nc2,O-D=4,710 rpm

From the design values of compressor corrected flow and axial Mach number, we get
− ( γ c +1)
γ c pref  γ c −1  2( γ c −1)
m c 2 / A2 = M z 2 1 + M z 22  = 180.06 kg / s / m 2
Rc Tref  2 

Therefore A2 = 0.13329 m2

− ( γ c +1)
γ c pref
 γ −1  2(γ c −1) 13.9124
m c 2−OD / A2 = M z 2−OD 1 + c M z 2 2OD  = =
104.38 kg / s / m 2
Rc Tref  2  0.13329

The only unknown in the above equation is the axial Mach number at the engine face at off
design. We use Excel to calculate Mz2,OD.

Mz2,OD ≈ 0.261

Problem 11.15

We start our cycle analysis at design point and proceed to calculate turbine expansion parameter
τt, which we keep constant at off-design operation as well.

The spreadsheet is shown below. The turbine expansion parameter is calculated to be

τt = 0.7936

Power balance between the turbine and compressor yields:

Aircraft Propulsion 2E Solution Manual

(τ r / τ λ ) D
τ c ,O − D ≈ 1 + (τ c − 1) D
(τ r / τ λ ) O − D

Which gives τc,OD=1.90 and the corresponding πc,OD = 7.564

M0 p0 (kPa) T0 ( K ) gam-c cp-c (J/kg.K) Pi-d Pi-c

Design 0 101.33 288.2 1.4 1004 0.95 18
Off-Design 2.5 15 223 1.4 1004 0.82 7.56

e-c m-c2 (kg/s) N-c2 (rpm) Tau-Lamb (kJ/kg) Eta-b
0.9 67 7120 7.083353 42800 0.98
0.9 36.37 5512 9.551927 42800 0.97

Pi-b gam-t cp-t (J/kg.K) e-t Eta-m Tau-L-AB

0.97 1.33 1156 0.8 0.995 9.66
0.98 1.33 1156 0.8 0.995 13.60

Q-R-AB (kJ/kg) Eta-AB Pi-AB-On gam-AB-On (J/kg.K) Pi-n
42800 0.98 0.95 1.3 1243 0.9
42800 0.98 0.95 1.3 1243 0.88


p-t-0 (kPa) T-t-0 (K) Tau-r Pi-r a-0 (m/s) V-0 (m/s)
Design 101.3300 288.2 1.0000 1.0000 340.2075 0.0000
Off-Design 256.2891 501.7 2.2500 17.086 299.2604 748.1

p-t-2 (kPa) p-t-3 (kPa) m-2 (kg/s) Tau-c T-t-3 (K)

96.3 1733 63.6500 2.5032 721
210.2 1590 57.1639 1.9009 954

T-t-4 (K) p-t-4 (kPa) f Tau-t T-t-5 (K) Pi-t p-t-5 (kPa)
1773 1681 0.03322 0.7936 1407 0.3120 524.4
1850 1558 0.02999 0.7929 1467 0.3107 484.0

p-t-7 (kPa) T-t-7 (K) f-AB p-t-9 (kPa) M-9

498.1 2250. 0.0309 448.3 1.652
459.8 2450. 0.0357 404.6 2.756

T-9 (K) a-9 (m/s) V-9 (m/s) Fn/m-a0 TSFC (mg/s/N) Eta-th
1596 772 1275 3.9871 47.26 0.6050
1145 654 1801 3.9135 56.12 1.1211

Aircraft Propulsion 2E Solution Manual

Problem 11.16

m-dot-c2 (kg/s) M-z2 M-0 p-0 (kN) T-0 (K) R (J/kg.K) gamma
100 0.5 0 101 288 287 1.4

a-0 (m/s) f(M-z2) A-2 (m^2)

340 0.43192 0.557

Problem 11.17

M_4 M_8 M_0-D p_0-D T_0-D Tau_t T_t2-D

1 1 0 101 288 0.7 288

f-D Eta_m-D e_c-D gamma c_p T_t4-D

0.023 0.993 0.9 1.4 1004 1950

M_0-OD f-OD Eta_m-OD e_c-OD p_0-OD T_0-OD T_t4-OD

2 0.023 0.993 0.9 25 223 1650

Tau_c-D Pi_c-D T_t2-OD Tau_c-OD Pi_c-OD

3.063 34.0 401.4 2.253 12.9

Problem 11.18

Pi-c- Stall Margin

des Pi-c-OD m-c-2,D (kg/s) m-c-2,OD (kg/s) (%)
30 31.5 250 238.1 10.25

R T-ref p-ref M-z2,D m-c2,D/mc2,St

287 288.2 101.33 0.5 1.050

Mz2 @ Stall

Aircraft Propulsion 2E Solution Manual

Problem 11.19

Design Point
M_0 p_0 T_0 gam_c c_pc Pi_d dot_c2 M_z2
0 101.33 288.2 1.4 1004 0.98 600 0.5

Pi_f e_f Alpha Pi_cH e_cH T_t4 Q_R Eta_b

1.8 0.9 5 14 0.9 1873 42800 0.99

Pi_b e_tH Eta_mH e_tL Eta_mL gam_t c_pt Pi_nf

0.95 0.85 0.995 0.89 0.995 1.33 1146.4 0.98

Off-Design Parameters
M_0-OD p_0-OD T_0-OD T_t4-OD
0.84 20 253 1573

Design Point Analaysis

Tau_r Tau_f Tau_lam Tau_cH C_1 C_2 C_3
1 1.205 7.421 2.311 0.2130 0.1659 28.209

Off-Design Analysis
Tau_r-OD Tau_lam-OD
1.14 7.10

Tau_cH-OD Equation 11.67-C_2 OD
2.192 0.000663 11.85

Alpha- m-dot_c2-OD
Tau_f-OD Pi_f-OD OD (kg/s)
1.111 1.394 5.63 475

Problem 11.20

From Appendix A for 12 km US Standard Atmosphere

M_0 gam R p_0 (kPa) T_0 (K)
0.85 1.4 287 19.39 218.7

m-dot_c0 T_ref
Pi_d m-dot_c2 (kg/s) p_ref (kPa) (K) A_0 (m^2) M_th
0.995 200 199 101 288 0.844 0.7

Aircraft Propulsion 2E Solution Manual

p_t0 m-dot_0 a_0

(kPa) T_t0 (K) (kg/s) A_th (m^2) (m/s) V_0 (m/s) D_r (kN)
31.11 250.3 65.75 0.905 296.4 252.0 16.56


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