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ITEC 7410: SIP Plan/Technology Plan Analysis

Name: Lauren Pittman Semester: Summer 2021

Directions: Locate and review your district- or school-level Strategic Improvement Plan
or other strategic planning documents. Locate and review your district’s Technology
Plan. These documents are typically located online, but you may need to contact the
Principal or Technology Director for a copy. Then, reflect on each question below and
type your response below each question in this template. Provide a sufficient amount of
detail (ie. a minimum of 2-5 sentences per question as appropriate).

Strategic Improvement Plan Analysis:

● What is your school’s or district’s mission/vision?

The mission of Gwinnett County Schools is to “pursue excellence in
academic knowledge, skills, and behavior for each student, resulting in
measured improvement against local, national, and world-class standards”
(Gwinnett County Public Schools, 2015). In addition, the vision of the school
system is to “ become a system of world-class schools where students acquire
the knowledge and skills to be successful in college and careers” (GCPS, 2015).
Creekland Middle School’s SIP or Local School Plan for Improvement (LSPI)
is reflective of the mission and vision of GCPS. The annual and long-term goals
are mostly academically driven and use common assessments and the Georgia
Milestones indicators of achievement (Beginning, Developing, Proficient,
Distinguished) to measure progress.

● What are the targeted areas for improvement (ex. fourth-grade math, improved
LA scores for ESOL population, etc.) and the specific goals related to this
improvement area that are set forth in the SIP (ex. % gain in CRCT scores)?
The targeted areas for improvement include all academic areas; Math,
ELA, Science, Social Studies, and Beyond the Core (Connections). Gifted and
accelerated populations are specifically mentioned while SPED, ELL, and
General Ed will follow the overarching goals. All areas use either common

Summer 2019
assessments or the GA Milestones for data and state increases of test scores or
indicators of achievement ranging from 4-25 percentage points depending on
the subject. Math has the largest percentage point increase across all subject
areas. Courses that are Beyond the Core do not have a specific percentage goal
however, students are expected to demonstrate mastery by earning a grade of
70 or higher in these classes.
● How does your SIP address the needs of diverse populations regarding digital
technology equity for low SES and gender groups (ie. females) and assistive
technology for disabled learners? If it does not, what are your recommendations?
The LSPI does not specifically mention the use of technology to achieve
the goals. However, the GCPS has implemented the use of Quality Plus Teaching
Strategies that include technology as a tool to enhance and encourage the
following strategies:
Problem Solving
Prior and Background Knowledge
Modeling and Practice
Non-Verbal Representation
Last semester I interviewed my principal, Dr. Kimberly Birds, regarding her vision
for technology in our school. She stated her goal was to eventually make Creekland a 1:1
school through the purchase and acquisition of Chromebooks. Her goal supports the
diversity of the CMS population, (we qualify as a Title I school but do not receive federal
funding for the program) and she recognizes that technology can be an impactful tool for
all student groups. At this time there are no specific plans for teacher professional
learning on how to effectively implement the use of these tools. This is the vital missing

Summer 2019
element within the technology implementation plan. The teachers have the tools but
there is a wide range of skill levels with the implementation level.

● How is technology included in the SIP? In what ways is student technology literacy
included as a goal in your SIP? If it is not, what are your recommendations?
At this time there is no specific mention of technology literacy in the LSPI.
Again, my feeling is that it is included via the Quality Plus Teaching Strategies
set forth by GCPS. There is a Literacy portion of the outer ring of the plan but it
is academically driven.
My initial recommendation would be the implementation of a digital
citizenship course that all students will participate in during our scheduled
advisement time. Students need to be able to communicate effectively within a
digital world on a variety of digital platforms.
● Why is technology addressed (or not addressed!) as it is? For example, does
school/district culture or history contribute to the way the SIP addresses
technology? [Possible Unstructured Field Experience if interviewing others to
find this history.]
I think that technology is not addressed as part of the LSPI because it is
part of the Quality Plus Teaching Strategies set forth by GCPS. While the district
does encourage teachers to use technology in a meaningful way through the
use of teacher-driven professional development via eClass/D2L, there is not a
specific plan at the local level to encourage the use of technology to meet the
LSPI goals.
● Are you pleased with the current treatment of technology-related issues in the
SIP? Why or why not?
I am not pleased with the treatment of tech in the LSPI. I do understand
that while the goals may be specific the way to reach those goals can be more
vague to give teachers autonomy over how they teach the required curriculum.
However, I feel that this hazy view can encourage teachers to continue with the

Summer 2019
“same old, same old” ideas and not try to innovate their instructional practices
through the inclusion of effective technology implementation.

● Would you like to see technology issues represented differently in future SIPs?
I would like to see a teacher-driven goal for the LSPI relating to technology. The
data collected from our RBES and various surveys given to meet the needs of
the teachers. The goal would be to get teachers more accustomed to using
technology in a meaningful way as well as drive future professional learning
● How might technology be integrated more effectively into your SIP in the future?
Again, I would include a teacher-centered goal into the LSPI if possible.
● What are your first thoughts of how technology could contribute toward achieving
the mission/vision/goals set forth in the SIP?
Gwinnett County states that our schools are “world-class” and that they
need to acquire the skills and behaviors necessary for their future
endeavors beyond their classroom experience. In order to do so, we
must prepare students for 21st-century working environment that uses
problem-solving and collaborative skills as well as skills that encourage
creativity, communication, and critical thinking. When students
demonstrate these higher-order skills I feel that the reflection of the
goals of the LSPI will be a positive one.

District Technology Plan Analysis:

● What are the main curriculum goals in your district’s technology plan?

GCPS has provided a strategic goals plan from 2020-2030. This document
is used as a communication tool for the stakeholders of the school system to

Summer 2019
understand what processes are in place now to drive the strategic direction of the
school system.

Technology is included under the school system’s “core business of

teaching and learning” and describes the use of technology and digital resources
in GCPS.

● What strategies are outlined for achieving these goals?

o Incorporate emerging technologies into classroom instruction, making
learning real and relevant while preparing students to compete globally
after high school.
o Equip students to navigate the digital world as conscientious digital
citizens, critical consumers, and responsible producers
o Ensure employees have the technology-based knowledge, skills, training,
and tools they need to be effective in their jobs.
o Continuously provide educators with reliable data that generates
information essential to making instructional decisions
o Assure safe, secure, and effective use of technology and protection of the
district’s data and information resources.
o Facilitate teaching and learning, enhance communication, and strengthen
the link between home and school.
o Support operational and analytical excellence in the day-to-day
operations of the school district

(GCPS, 2020)

● Does the plan seem achievable over the designated timeline? Why?
Yes, I do feel that this plan is achievable. The county works to provide
quality PD opportunities for teachers regarding the implementation of technology
as part of the Quality Plus Teaching Strategy model. However, depending on the

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school and school leaders, teachers’ exposure to these opportunities and
follow-up of implementation is lacking.
● In what ways would you like to see the plan improved?
I feel that the plan in place is a strong one in alignment with the vision
and mission of GCPS. However, if these ideas aren’t being effectively
implemented at the school level it can be a challenge to meet the strategic goal.
● What could you, in your current or a future position, do to help support
implementation of the plan?
As an instructional coach, I would work with my teachers to think outside
the box more on how technology can be a game-changer in the classroom. I
would challenge them to think beyond the drill and repeat and work to increase
their confidence in technology use. I would also model my end goal for my
teachers by thinking of them as students and using technology to get them to be
creative, collaborate, communicate and think critically about their teaching
● How does the plan address the needs of diverse populations regarding digital
technology equity for low SES and gender groups (ie. females) and assistive
technology for disabled learners? If it does not, what are your
While there is no specific plan to meet the needs of diverse learners, the
county does work to provide equitable access to technology for all students
enrolled in the school system.
● In what ways does the plan tie-in to the SIP?
At this time, GCPS’s strategic technology plan does not tie into the LSPI.
● Do stakeholders know about the Tech Plan?
Honestly, I don’t think so. I didn’t even know that this document existed
until I was requested to find it as part of this evaluation.
● Is it being implemented effectively? Why or why not?

Summer 2019
I do feel that the strategic plan is being implemented effectively. However,
it is up to school leaders and teachers to provide access to effective PD to fully
meet the goals set forth.
● What strategies could be implemented to help accelerate adoption of the plan?

I would work to include some sort of portfolio or tech-based lesson plan as

part of the Results-Based Evaluation Process (RBES) that teachers are required to
participate in each year. This would require teachers to think more about how to
effectively incorporate tech into the classroom. I would include this as part of the
regular workday as part of the contact hours we are required to complete. By
making this PD job-embedded I am hoping that teachers will be able to fully
participate and not feel that this is yet another “To-Do” on our already full plates.
Incorporating tech use as part of instructional planning can be an effective way
to engage students in meaningful and relevant learning opportunities as well as
collect the necessary data to measure progress.


Creekland Middle School LSPI 2020-2021

Gwinnett County Public Schools (GCPS). (2015, January). Vision and Mission Goals.
Vision and Mission.

Gwinnett County Schools Strategic Direction 2020-2030

Gwinnett County Quality Plus Teaching Strategies

Summer 2019
Summer 2019

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