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Mapeo Below is an example of a customer journey:

Phase  Response to question 

Awareness  Fleur is most receptive to purchasing the subscription we are offering
when it is on sale so we want to make sure we bring it to light a couple of
weeks before launch.
Interest We want to emphasize imagery - make sure all images are bright and light,
we want to emphasize that we are local and providing sustainable flowers.
Also want to emphasize the subscription is fun and designed for all levels
so it can take very little work or a lot of work depending on what Fleur
wants and what fits in her life style.
Desire  We want to show some stories of individuals with similar backgrounds and
needs to Fleur as part of our ad so she can see that our product fits in her
Conversion  We want to emphasize the initial sale of the subscription, perhaps an
opportunity to test it out before committing so she has the flexibility but
can enjoy the fun of the subscription.
Advocacy We want to provide the best possible customer service, reach out for
testimonials after Fleur starts using the subscription and provide
opportunities for her engagement via Instagram in the form of posts she
can like and share and questions she can answer and respond to. Also want
to give her an opportunity to share sales and codes with her friends.

Awareness  When is my target most receptive?

Los cursos profesionales y de formación son una necesidad actual para las personas
que quieren aprender más y estar en constante innovación, por eso queremos lanzar
nuevos cursos cada mes con una nueva promoción.

Professional and training courses are a current need for people who want to
learn more and be in constant innovation, that is why we want to launch new
courses every month with a new promotion.

Interest How can I relate my product to my target´s needs?

Como empresa que se dedica a ofrecer cursos de capacitación queremos asegurarnos
de que la información llegue a nuestros posibles clientes de manera adecuada, por lo
que nuestras imágenes deben demostrar en todo momento que somos profesionales
en las materias que ofrecemos, así mismo demostrar que somos una empresa seria y
comprometida con nuestros clientes, por lo que las imágenes deben ser claras y
precisas, con calidad de profesionales de acuerdo al público que queremos alcanzar.

As a company dedicated to offering training courses we want to make sure that the
information reaches our potential clients in an appropriate way, so our images must
demonstrate at all times that we are professionals in the subjects we offer, as well as
demonstrate that we are a serious and committed company with our clients, so the images
must be clear and precise, with professional quality according to the audience we want to
Desire  How can I show my target my product really fits in their life?
Cada mes estaremos mostrando historias de éxito de personas que hayan
alcanzado sus objetivos desarrollándose dentro de una empresa o emprendiendo
su nuevo negocio gracias a nuestros cursos, de igual forma mostraremos los
perfiles de nuestros docentes su carrera profesional y experiencia, de tal manera
que nuestros posibles clientes puedan ver que somos la mejor opción y que al
tomar un curso con nosotros tendrán la garantía de un aprendizaje que abre las
puertas laborales.

Every month we will be showing success stories of people who reached their
goals by developing within a company or starting their new business thanks to
our courses, in the same way we will show the profiles of our teachers, their
professional trajectory and experience,
in such a way that our potential clients see that we are the best option and that
by taking a course with us they will have the guarantee of learning that opens
the doors to work and professional competence.

Conversion  How can I get my target to take action?

 Cada vez que un alumno se suscriba a uno de nuestros cursos le daremos la
oportunidad de inscribirse a otro nuevo curso de su conveniencia con un 50%
de descuento de tal manera que tenga la posibilidad y la animación para seguir
siendo uno de nuestros clientes.
 Si uno de nuestros alumnos nos recomienda con algún amigo o familiar y si el
recomendado logra inscribirse con nosotros, se dará la oportunidad a la
persona que nos está recomendando de tomar clases durante una semana de
manera gratuita a uno de nuestros cursos de tal forma que si el curso es de su
agrado pueda seguir inscrito y continuar con la clase.
 Every time a student subscribes to one of our courses, we will give them the
opportunity to enroll in another new course of their convenience with a 50%
discount so that they have the possibility and the animation to continue being
one of our clients.
 If one of our students recommends us with a friend or relative and if the
recommended one manages to enroll with us, the person who is
recommending us will have the opportunity to take classes for a free week in
any of our courses in such a way that if the course is of your liking, you can
continue enrolled and continue with the class at an affordable cost.

Advocacy How can I make target into an advocate?

Ofreceremos el mejor servicio a nuestros clientes con una formación de calidad
de la mano de docentes expertos y ofreciéndoles un servicio de encuestas al
termino de cada curso de esta manera lograremos encontrar áreas de
oportunidad que mejoraremos gracias a los mismos alumnos esto se unirá al
deseo de cada cliente por compartir sus historias de aprendizaje y objetivos
alcanzados mediante nuestras plataformas e-learning y redes sociales
We will offer the best service to our clients with quality training by expert
teachers and offering them a survey service at the end of each course in this way
we can find areas of opportunity that we will improve thanks to the students
themselves, this will be combined with each client's desire to share their
learning stories and goals achieved through our available e-learning platforms
and social media.
Sabes claramente quién es tu público objetivo. Lo único que agregaría es incluir tantos detalles
como sea posible sobre las necesidades, intereses y comportamientos. Cuanto más pueda aclarar
qué necesidades puede satisfacer su empresa, mejor podrá dirigirse a su público. Y cuanto más
comprenda sus intereses y comportamientos, más probabilidades tendrá de encontrarlos.

Describa claramente cuándo y cómo su empresa llegará al público objetivo durante las cinco
fases del recorrido del cliente. Es posible que desee considerar extender sus fechas promocionales
en las primeras suscripciones, ya que desea llegar a tantos suscriptores como sea posible.

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