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Map Your

Customer’s Journey

Vianey Reyes Huchin
Map Your Customer’s Journey
Answer the questions below for each phase of the customer journey using the target audience
you developed for your selected business

Awareness When is my target most receptive?
Professional and training courses are a current need for people who want to learn
more and be in constant innovation, that is why we want to launch new courses
every month with a new promotion.

Interest How can I relate my product to my target’s needs?

As a company dedicated to offering training courses we want to make sure that the
information reaches our potential clients in an appropriate way, so our images must
demonstrate at all times that we are professionals in the subjects we offer, as well as
demonstrate that we are a serious and committed company with our clients, so the images
must be clear and precise, with professional quality according to the audience we want to

Desire How can I show my target my product really fits in their life?
Every month we will be showing success stories of people who reached their goals by
developing within a company or starting their new business thanks to our courses, in the
same way we will show the profiles of our teachers, their professional trajectory and
experience, in such a way that our potential clients see that we are the best option and that
by taking a course with us they will have the guarantee of learning that opens the doors to
work and professional competence.

Conversion How can I get my target to take action?

Every time a student subscribes to one of our courses, we will give them the opportunity to
enroll in another new course of their convenience with a 50% discount so that they have the
possibility and the animation to continue being one of our clients.
If one of our students recommends us with a friend or relative and if the recommended one
manages to enroll with us, the person who is recommending us will have the opportunity to take
classes for a free week in any of our courses in such a way that if the course is of your liking,
you can continue enrolled and continue with the class at an affordable cost.

Advocacy How can I make my target into an advocate?

We will offer the best service to our clients with quality training by expert teachers and
offering them a survey service at the end of each course in this way we can find areas of
opportunity that we will improve thanks to the students themselves, this will be combined
with each client's desire to share their learning stories and goals achieved through our
available e-learning platforms and social media Facebook and Instagram.

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