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Media Studies

Advanced GCE in Media Studies H409/03/04 Making media

Statement of Intent

18125 City College Norwich

Candidate number: 1075

Candidate name: Emily Lidgard

Brief chosen:

Brief 3, Magazines and online

How do you intend to use the four areas of the media theoretical framework to communicate meaning and
meet the requirements of your chosen brief?

Product 1
My product one is going to be a real-life story magazine with a target audience of 16-25yrs, this magazine will have
many of the media theoretical framework aspects to communicate meanings and meet the requirements of the brief.
Within my first edition I will be constructing the representation of gender but more specifically representing women.
Looking into this in more detail the model I intent to use is someone who has a unique sense of style which I thought
would be interesting to use. The main coverline that I am considering is ‘looks shouldn’t matter but they do’. But to
reinforce the second part of ‘but they do’ I will have this in a separate font to add its own importance to the main
coverline. I also felt it was short and snappy putting across the meaning so when readers first glance they can read it all.
Looking into the shot I intend to capture is my model against a plain or neutral background like a wall so all the focus
can be on her and her appearance. The costume and makeup would be directed by myself with input from the model as
I want her to feel creative with the look to create the best look. The makeup will be dramatic to really reinforce her sense
of individuality.

Moving onto my second edition I want to create the representation of class through someone who is a business owner
and went from being essentially broke to having a very successful business. I felt this was appropriate for this type of
magazine as the story can be easily related to the real-life story genre as it’s a personal story coming from a reader.
Therefore, it is relatable to other readers as they know it is genuine and something they hasn’t been sensationalized.
The model will be directly gazing into the camera in a medium close shot, so it creates a relationship between the
reader and the model. I want them to be smiling so create that happy feeling, especially that the story is something that
is positive. As well as this the main coverline that I am considering is ‘Secrets to success, from broke to booming
business owner’. Like issue one the second part of the coverline will be in a different font and colour to break it apart.
The first bit being a summary of what the story is about and then the second part contextualizing the first part. Again, I
felt this was appropriate to the genre as it is a story coming from a reader and that it is a genuine story that offers advice
as well as information.

CCS438 – Statement of Intent CCS/H409

Oxford Cambridge and RSA Examinations
The general color pallet for the editions will be similar but also depending on the colour of the mes-en-scene will dictate
the overall colours. However, I do want to try to stick to bold colours not only to catch the eye of the TA but also to make
it visually appealing. The name of my magazine is ‘chatterbox’ as I felt this was suitable for the type of magazine as it is
a real-life story magazine, and it is catchy. As well as this the main image will be supported by a main coverline to
anchor meaning and add more context to the coverline. Also, alongside the main coverline there will be supporting
coverlines of more stories which will follow onto the contents page. This will be the same for both editions to have
continuity and that it follows what Bauer typically does.

Looking into the content page layout I will keep the same layout for both as it will create a brand identity which is
recognizable to the target audience. The layout will be a mix of what will be in the magazine but with images to support
the stories as well as a banner which relates to the website. As the genre is real-life story magazine the stories will
feature around it both appealing to the target audience but also being appropriate for the genre. For example, talking
about everyday events such as relating to families but also features which relate to what is happening at the time of
construction. Therefore, it will be varying between the two so there is not any repetition. There will also be a part for tips
and advice as when researching into the target audience this was one of the elements which was reoccurring which is
why I will incorporate this into my magazine.

Furthermore, featuring on the content page will be a section for the social media aspect of the brand, most likely being a
banner along the bottom but it will defiantly feature somewhere. The social media icons will not be the only way I will be
calling people to the website. This will be a statement such as ‘find out more at ………’ or ‘to read more visit ………...’.
this will encourage the reader to follow onto the website as well as social media. Alongside the social media logos, I will
include Bauer’s media logo as it then shows what brand I am representing. This will also then link to the website as I will
include that on there, creating brand identity and continuity.

Product 2

Within my website I intend to keep the colour palette the same throughout the pages to link it into my print magazine,
this could be the text boxes, background colours or the navigation bar which will have the same colours from the
magazine. This will keep up the brand identity and make it eye-catching for the target audience. Like the colour palette I
will use the same typography fonts to also maintain the brand identity and create small links between two products to
make it almost instantly recognizable for the audience. Looking into the general layout of the homepage I feel I will
incorporate the brand logo into the top left-hand side of the page as well as at the bottom in the gutter line. This is
because from my magazine website analysis I found that many other websites follow this general layout hence why I will
be following this.

Moreover, within the website I will make subtle references to brand social media accounts this is because I feel this
would be suitable as the target audience of 16–25-year-olds are heavy social media users meaning this would appeal to
them more hence I am using them. Linking to the social media aspects I quite like the idea of creating a blog which
would post weekly to add an interactive aspect to the website, this would cover a range of things from upcoming issues
to what the readers want to see. I intend for it to be the way in which the reader can freely communicate with the brand.
The idea of making it interactive links nicely to the audio-video my idea for this is to have a story from the print
magazine that is then a chance for the readers to read the story then send in their own opinions and thoughts. Almost
like a podcast debate where the editor reads out what has been sent in and discusses then puts it back out for the
readers to further discuss. I decided to have the editor being the voice of the podcast as then it will create that link
between the print copy and online. This is because on the print there is editors notes and then it would be a call to
action for the readers.

CCS438 – Statement of Intent CCS/H409

Oxford Cambridge and RSA Examinations
Finally, I will have small text boxes followed by images of the two current issues of magazines to direct the reader to
online copies making them stay longer on the website. Furthermore, on the website I will incorporate the Bauer media
logo as this will reinforce that brand which I am representing. This will most likely be on the banner so it will be on all the
pages to follow what Bauer typically do. There will be more original images on the websites which are different to the
magazine which will correspond to an article or the relevant text to construct meanings.

How do you intend to link your media product to demonstrate your knowledge and understanding of the
digitally convergent nature of your media production?

I intend to link my magazine to my website by having a banner on my content page that will contain the website name in
a different larger font to draw the eyes down there. Below that will be the names of the social media accounts with small
logos of the type of social media. This is because like mentioned above the intended target audience are heavy users of
social media hence therefore, I thought it was appropriate to include. Moreover, there will be call to actions on the front
cover to draw the audience to the website in a subtle way rather than being so direct and harsh. Similarity on the
website there will be links to online copies of the print copy of the magazine to have that link back and forth between the
two products. This creates digitally convergent media products which will appeal to the target audience but also makes
it accessible on a global reach as those who cannot access the paper copy can have the online versions.

CCS438 – Statement of Intent CCS/H409

Oxford Cambridge and RSA Examinations

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