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Name: _____________________________________Grade and Section: _____________

Date:_______________Score:_________Parent/Guardian’sName &

Processing Questions: 

1. Based on the actions that you have noted in the template, did you find similarity or
difference between the actions you had observed in your own community and the
actions you had seen in other community? 
2. Would you consider these actions in your community are far better that those in
other communities? Why? Take note of your answers. 

Direction: Read the statements below. Write the word TRUE if the statement is true and
FALSE if the statement incorrect.  
___1. Cultural relativism is not really a vital tool in anthropology.  
___2. Behaviour cannot be compared to the culture and environment, showing how mores
and taboos came to be without judging those ethics. 
___3. According to Plato, man is the measure of all things of the things which are, that
they are, and of the things which are not, that they are not. 
___4. The concept of cultural relativism as we know and use it today was established as
an analytic tool by German-American anthropologist Franz Boas in the early 20th
__5. Cultural Relativism warns us, quite rightly, about the danger of assuming that all of
our practices are based on some absolute rational standard. 
___6. Cultural Relativism begins with the insight that many of our practices are like this
—they are only cultural products. 
___7. Cultural relativism wrongly claims that each culture has its own distinct but
equally valid mode of perception, thought, and choice. 
___8. There is sometimes a strange notion that there are no commonalities between
___9. The English term “relativism” came into usage only in the 18 Century.

___10. Cultural relativism, the opposite of the idea that moral truth is universal and
objective, contends there is no such thing as absolute right and wrong. 
Instruction: Create 2 columns. Label the first column as CULTURAL RELATIVISM; the second
column as REMARKS. Think of cultural practices in your own locality/community that shows
CULTURAL RELATIVISM. In the second column marked as REMARKS, write whether that
cultural practice is being performed ALWAYS, SOMETIMES, RARELY or NEVER.

Activity No. 3. CHECK METER! 

Instruction. Read the following and determine whether the particular statement about cultural
relativism has HIGH or LOW importance in your community. 

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