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Quarter 1 – Activity Sheet1:
Identify the values of the notes and
rests used in a particular song

Prepared by:

Teacher II
Soledad Elementary School

What I need to know?

Analyze thecharacters
values of the
usednotes / restsnon-print,
in print, used in a
and digital song
In this lesson, we will help you master the different kinds of musical notes and rest and their time values.

What is new?

Task 1:
Look at the picture below. Then answer the following questions.

1. What are the musical symbols you see in the picture?

2. What do you think are their functions in music?
3. Have you seen a musical notation before?


What I know?
Task 2: Name that note!
Directions: Name each notes and rests shown in each flashcard.

What is in?
Task 3: Let’s Study This! Kinds of Notes and Rests and their time values.

1.Name the musical symbol on the table. 1.How do you call these musical symbols?
2.What do these musical symbol represent? 2.Name the different kinds of rests.
What is it?
Remember this:
Notes are symbols that represent the sound in music.
Rests are symbols that represent silence in music.
When a dot is place beside the note or rest, its time value increases by half of its original time
Observing the correct time value of the notes and rests is important to achieve the correct
rhythm performing a musical piece.


What ‘s more?

Task 4:
A. Study the musical composition below. Identify the kinds of notes and rests you
see in the song.

The Tale of a White Squash

Once upon a time there lived a poor couple. They were very sad because they had no children. They
always prayed to God to bless them with a child.

The couple was so poor that they hardly had much to eat. They lived on the big white squashes that
grew in their garden. But one season. the vine stopped bearing fruits. A lot of flowers bloomed on it but they
did not turn into fruits.
What I can Do?
Task 5: Name the following notes and rests and give their time value.

What else I can Do?

Task 6: Sing it and List down notes and rests you see in the song and give its corresponding


What I have learned?

Task 7: Complete the following sentence below. Write your answer on the blank.E
1.Two half notes are equal to_________ quarter notes.
2.One whole note is equal to_________half notes.
3.One dotted quarter note is equal to ________ eight rests.
4.One half rest is equal to ________sixteenth notes.
5.Two eight notes are equal to _________ sixteenth notes.
What I can do?

Task 8: Identify the boxed notes and rests used in the song and give its value.

The learners, in their notebook, journal or portfolio will write their personal insights about
the lesson using the prompts below.
I understand that ________________________________________________.
I realize that ____________________________________________________.

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