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I am conducting a survey for the project on the “Perception of tourists towards services
and facilities offered by JKTDC (Jammu and Kashmir Tourism Development
Corporation)”. I therefore request you to be so kind as to complete the questionnaire and
take this opportunity to thank you for dedicating me your time. The data will be used for
academic purpose only. I assure you that the privacy of your data will be maintained. By
filling in this questionnaire, you will have contributed to improving the quality and
development of tourism in Kashmir, which is one of the most desirable holiday destinations.

Q.No.1: Pease name your country of residence __________________________.

Q.No.2: What’s your employment Status?

A) Employed B) Self-employed

C) Unemployed D) Student

E) Retired.

Q.No.2: By which means of transport did you came to Kashmir.

A) Bus. B) Train.

C) Personal transport. D) Plane.

Q.No.3: How many times have you visited Kashmir before today?

A) This is my first time in Kashmir. B) 2-5 times.

C) More than 5 times.

Q.No.4: What kind of accommodation did you choose?

A) Hotel. B) Houseboat.

C) Camp site.

Q.No.5: How did you hear about Kashmir?

A) Recommendations by friends/relatives. B) Tourism trade fair.

C) JKTDC website.

Q.No.6: Reasons why you choose to come to Kashmir?

A) Holiday and relaxation. B) Beauty of nature and landscape.

C) Hobby. D) Visiting friends.

Q.No.7: Number of nights you stayed/staying in Kashmir?

A) 1-2 nights B) 3-5 nights

C) 7 nights D) More than 7 nights.

Q.No.8: How would you rate your level of satisfaction with regard to what JKTDC has to

1- very unsatisfied, 2-Unsatisfied, 3-Neutral, 4-Satisfied, 5-Very satisfied

S.No. Statements 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
1. Information received before your arrival.
2. Tourist information in your chosen destination.
3. Availability of tour operators.
4. Tour operator’s knowledge of foreign language.
5. Care of visitor’s safety.
6. Level of accommodation.
7. Cultural offer.
8. Price of services offered.
9. Availability of transport facility.
10. Road links to the tourist spots.
11. Infrastructure.
12. Care about cleanliness and tidiness.
13. Local signage (directions/tourism boards, maps).
14. Maintenance of tourist spots.
15. Availability of food courts/Food points.
16. Offer of local cuisine.
17. Parks and green areas.
18. Satisfaction with JKTDC website.
19. Efforts of JKTDC were up to the expectations.

Thank you very much for your time and answers!

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