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Hospitality English Class

What is the definition of “Noun” ?

 Noun adalah kata yang digunakan untuk menamai

suatu objek seperti orang, benda, tempat, serta
 Noun  Singular


 Noun  plural

What are the function of “Noun” ?

1. As the subject in the sentence

 sebagai subjek di suatu kalimat.

Example :
 Joni has read a comic.
 The dog is sleeping in the box.
 She drinks a bottle of milk.
2. As the adverb.
 Sebagai kata keterangan

Example :
 The students study English in the classroom.
 I am sleeping in the bedroom.
 My mother bought vegetables in the market,
Kinds of Noun

1. Countable Noun
countable noun merupakan jenis kata benda yang
dapat di hitung dan memiliki jumlah.
Example :
 Mango —> Mangoes (Mangga—> beberapa mangga)
 Apple—-> Apples (Apel—> beberapa apel)
 Man—–>Men (Laki-laki—-> beberapa laki-laki)
 Fish  fish (ikan – beberapa ikan)
2. Uncountable Noun
Uncountable Noun merupakan jenis kata benda
yang tidak dapat di hitung jumlahnya kecuali
menggunakan media.
 Sugar (gula)
 oil (minyak)
 water (air)
 sand (pasir)
Jika menggunakan media,maka uncountable noun
tersebut dapat di hitung. Contoh :
 A spoon of sugar (sesendok gula)
 A bottle of oil (sebotol minyak)
 A glass of water (satu gelas air)
 A sack of sand (satu sak pasir)
3. Common Noun
 Penggolongan benda secara umum.
Example : (City, Country, River and etc)
Proper Noun
 Penggolongan benda secara spesifik.
Example : (Solo, Indonesia, Bengawan Solo)
4. Abstract Noun
Benda yang tidak bisa di rasakan panca indera
Example : (Thought, feeling, imagination)
Concrete Noun
Benda yang bisa dirasakan panca indera
Example : (Head, book, Television)

 Part of speech ini digunakan sebagai kata ganti noun

dalam suatu kalimat.

 What are kinds of pronoun?

Personal pronoun
 Sebagai pengganti orang, tempat, atau benda secara

Subject Object
• I • Me
• You • You
• We • Us
• They • Them
• He • Him
• She • Her
• It • It
1. She drives a car
2. They meet a customer
3. Andi builds treehouse with them
4. He is talking to me
5. They have followed him
Possesive Pronoun

 Sebagai pengganti benda kepunyaan.

Subject Possesive Adj Possesive Pronoun
• I • My ...  Mine
• You • Your ...  Yours
• We • Our ...  Ours
• They • Their ...  Theirs
• He • His ...  His
• She • Her ...  Hers
• It • Its ...
 I bring a pencil.
 This is my pencil  This is mine.
• They buy a cake.
 That is their cake  That is theirs.
 She cooks a noodle.
 This is her noodle  This is hers
Reflexive Pronoun

 Menyatakan kegiatan kepada dirinya sendiri.

 I  Myself
 You  yourself / yourselves
 We  ourself
 They  themselves
 He  himself
 She  herself
 It  itself.
Example :
 She go to school by herself.
 Adi washed the motorcycle by himself yesterday.
 I can finish the job by myself.
Relative Pronoun

 kata ganti yang berfungsi untuk menghubungkan

kalimat, yang menerangkan noun (kata benda)
 That
 who
 which
 whom
 what
 whose
Example :
 This chair that I buy in the market.
 Mr. Susanto is teacher who teach Mathematics.
 They make a food which gives to the poor.
 Tiara is student whose the jacket is blue.
 I don’t understand what you say.
Demonstrative Pronoun

 Untuk mengindikasikan/menunjukan orang, tempat,

atau benda spesifik.
 This, that, these, those.
Example :
 This is my bag. (menunjukan benda)
 These are my friends. (menunjukan orang)
 That is a blue car.
 Those are our books.
Indefinite Pronoun

Indefinite pronouns merupakan kata ganti yang ditujukan

untuk satu orang atau lebih yang tidak spesifik.
Each = setiap/ tiap-tiap
Someone = seseorang
Anyone = siapapun
Something = sesuatu
Anything = apapun
Somewhere = suatu tempat
Anywhere = dimanapun
Everything = segalanya / segala sesuatu
Nobody = tidak seorang pun
Example :
 Everybody needs holiday after hard work.
 You can not do anything in here.
 He gives everything to girlfriend.
 I want something to eat today.
 Adi can not meet his idol anywhere.

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