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Reflective Essay

My Teacher Robert and my Peer Yaman Napit took my interview on the same job which was
advertised by Fugu Australia aka Roma bathroom sales company. The interview taken my
teacher Robert was held on Team viewer whereas Yaman Napit took my interview on video
call from the messenger. It went very well with both my interviewer. We were very
comfortable did an interview as same as real interview which could be taken by the Company
itself. I was formal and presentable in terms of my appearance
In the interview by Robert, I got to learn new things such as he gave a new way to solve my
current problem with my current job. I have only one supplier that can provide everything for
my restaurant. He suggested me to do 80% percent from one supplier and 20% from another
supplier so that I will never have any shortage of supply. When one supplier does not have
the products, I can arrange from another one. This strategy is going to help me from trouble.
He also suggested me to add the experience on my resume where I had to interact with
customer and deals with rejection many times. I was very comfortable with giving answer
even though it was held on online. And in the interview with Yaman, he was very
professional, he asked me various and I kept on answering the questions and we wrapped up
soon. He said he was impressed by the way of my giving answer and by the answer itself.
Both interviewer was satisfied with my presentation, communication skills, quality of
answers, knowledge of technology, ability to solve problems skills and I have almost same
score card from both interviewers.
Those interview sessions are going to help me a lot. I have got various feedback from both
interviewers. When I get the real interviews, I will be ready to smash that interview as this
interview has given me chance to work on my weakness. The whole process was very
intimidating, and I felt like giving a real interview, as I was nervous at first. Slowly my
confidence gradually increases. I was asked the real interview questions via face to face. At
one two questions, I was not able to give the perfect answer as I wanted. Both the interviewer
was likely to hire me for the job. It has boosted my confidence to do real interview.

Both have given me the score card where I can see the area that I have to improve. Such areas
are Company knowledge and work experience. I have kept on my mind about the feedback
on these two areas and started working to improve it. The whole process made me feel like
real interview, it has helped to build more confidence in terms of interview. For the real
interview I will be able to build more knowledge towards company and to build work
experience, I will be attempting training and internship on the company, so that I can say that
I have enough experience to learn in real job and do better.

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