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golgi aPParatus

 First discovered by Camillo Golgi.

 It consist of a system of membrane- bound vesicles arranged
parallel to each other in stacks called cisterns.
 The material synthesized near the ER is packaged and
dispatched to various targets inside and outside the cell
through the Golgi apparatus.
 Its functions include storage , modification and packaging
of products in vesicles.
 Involved in the formation of the lysosome.

 Waste disposal system of the

 Keep the cell clean by digesting
any foreign material as well as
worn out cell organelles.
 Contain powerful digestive
enzymes capable of breaking
down all organic material.
 When the cell gets damaged,
lysosomes may break open and
the enzymes digest their own
cell. Thus known as suicide bags
of a cell.

 Known as the powerhouse of the cell.

 The energy required for various
chemical activities is released by the mitochondria in the
form of ATP molecules.( Adenosine triphosphate).
 ATP is known as the energy currency of the cell.
 Mitochondria have two membrane coverings.
 Outer membrane is very porous.
 Inner membrane is deeply folded.
 Mitochondria are able to make their own proteins as
they have their own DNA and ribosomes .
 Present in plant cells.
 Two types- 1) Chromoplasts (coloured)
 2) Leucoplasts (colourless)
 Plastids containing green pigment chlorophyll
are called Chloroplasts.
 Leucoplasts store materials as starch, oils and
protein granules.
 Plastids contain membrane layers embedded in
a material called stoma.
 Has a similar structure like the mitochondria.
 Have their own DNA and ribosomes.

 Storage sac for solid or liquid contents.

 Small size vacuoles are present in animals.
 Large in plants.
 In plant cells, vacuoles are full of cell sap and provide turgidity
and rigidity to the cell.
 Vacuoles store amino acids, sugars, various organic acids and
some proteins.
 In Amoeba, the food vacuole contains the food items that the
Amoeba has consumed.
 Vacuoles play an important role in expelling excess water and
some wastes from the cell.
Animal cell Plant cell
Animal cells are Plants cells are usually
generally small in size. larger than animal cells.

Cell wall is absent. Cell wall is present.

Except the protozoan Plastids (Chromoplasts

Euglena, no animal cell and leucoplasts) are
possesses plastids. present.

Vacuoles are smaller in Vacuoles are larger in

size. size.

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