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What is the cytoplasm?

The cytoplasm is the fluid or jelly like content present inside the cell. It contains many
specialized organelles.
Endoplasmic reticulum.
Endoplasmic reticulum are a network of membrane bound tubules or oblong sacs (vesicles).
There are 2 types of ER, RER AND SER.
RER are called so, because they have ribosomes attached to their surface and under the
microscope these appear rough. These ribosomes are sites of protein manufacture. These
proteins are then sent by the RER across the cell according to need. The RER also
manufactures lysosomes. The SER appears smooth under the microscope, they manufacture
fat and lipid molecules.
functions -
1 the lipids and proteins manufactured by the RER and SER are used to build the plasma
membrane. This is called membrane biogenesis.
2 the lipids and proteins manufactured are sometimes used as hormones and enzymes.
3 the appearance of ER varies a lot but it always forms a network of tubes.
4 ER helps in the transport of materials across the cell.
5 ER also acts as the sit for various biochemical activities of the cell. For eg, in liver cells of a
group of animals called veertebrates, SER helps in the detoxification of various poisons and
Golgi apparatus.
Golgi apparatus was first observed by camillo golgi in 1843. Golgi apparatus are structured as a
bunch of flattened membrane bound tubules (sacs) arranged roughly parallel to each other
called cisterns. They also sometimes have circular vesicles around them in trios. Golgi
apparatus are also involved in the work of ER, thus another part of a complex cellular transport
Functions include-
1 the proteins manufactured in ER are sent to the golgi apparatus for packaging and dispatching
across the cell and outside the cell.
2 this is where proteins are modified, packaged and stored in round membrane bound
structures called vesicles.
3 sometimes complex substances are broken down into simpler substances here.
4 golgi apparatus are also involved in the making of lysosomes.#
Lysosomes are sacs or vesicles filled with digestive enzymes. The are the waste disposal
systems of cells. Any dysfunctioning organelles, waste products and foreign particles are sent to
the lysosomes where the digestive enzymes inside digest them. Any foreign particles that end
up inside the cell end up in the lysosome. The digestive enzymes present inside can break
down any organic matter into simpler substances. These organelles are also called the suicide
bags of the cell because for eg, if the cellular metabolism isnt working properly or if a cell turns
cancerous, the lysosome bursts and the digestive enzymes digest the whole cell.
They are also called the powerhouse of the cell. Mitochondria is a double membraneous
organelle. It consists of 2 membranes, the outer membrane is porous while the inner is highly
folded to increase surface area for chemical activities related to ATP production that help
provide energy for various life processes. Mitochondria are also an odd and different type of
organelle as it has its own DNA and ribosomes. This means it produced it own genetic
Atp is the energy currency of the cell. ATP molecules are converted into chemical compounds
for mechanical activities by the cells. The full form - adenosine triphosphate.
Plastids have various membranes embedded in material called stroma. They are only found in
plant cells. There are 2 types of plastids- chromoplasts (coloured) and leucoplasts (colourless)
Chromoplasts. The type of chromoplasts that have mostly green pigment called chlorophyll are
called chloroplasts. These are important for photosynthesis in plants. Chloroplasts also contain
various red and yellow pigments but mostly green.
Leucoplasts are colourless plastids and act as stores of oils, starch and protein globules.
Chlror - leaves
Chromo - fruits, flowers
Leuco - roots.
Vacuoles are organelles used for storing solid and liquid content. Animals - small plants -big.
Central vacuoles take up 50-90% cell volume. Many substances that are used for life processes
in plants are store in vacuoles such as amino acids, organic chemicals ets. Amoeba the food
amoeba engulfs is stored in food vacuoles. Specialised unicellular organelles, vacules store
excess water and wastes and expel them.
Full of tree sap and provide rigidity.
Differences between plant and animal cells.

Animal cells Plant cells

No cell wall Cell wall

No plastids plastids

Smol vacuoles Large vacules

centrioles No centrioles

Distyosomes Golgi apparatus

Lysosomes No lysosomes (except for in wheat cells)

Animal cell Plant cells

Cell wall is absent Cell wall is present

Small sized vacuoles Larger vacuoles

Plastids are not present Plastids are present

Centrioles are present Centrioles aren’t present

Lysosomes are present Lysosomes are absent (except in some plan

species of wheat)

Dictyosomes are present Golgi apparatus are present.

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