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Third Quarter Examination in Physical Science

General Direction: Read and answer each item carefully. Select the letter of the best answer and write it on
your answer sheet.

1. The Big Bang led to which form of “new complexity"?

A. Matter and energy B. Organic life C. Our sun and solar system D. None of the above
2. To form a star you need gravity, hydrogen and what other elements?
A. Helium B. Nitrogen C. Carbon D. All of the above
3. The universe started
A. with the birth of Malakas and Maganda
B. with the formation of Earth as its center
C. in a great explosion called big bang
D. with the creation of light
4. It was found that the universe was created
A. Before the big bang
B. After the big bang
C. During the big bang
D. During its expansion
5. Who deduced that galaxies are continuously moving away from one another?
A. Ralph Alpher B. Edwin Hubble C. George Gamov D. Hans Bethe
6. Which of the following is an evidence for the big bang theory?
A. Discovery of the primordial helium
B. Measurements showed that the universe is expanding.
C. A cosmic background radiation was detected.
D. All of the above.
7. What is the big bang theory?
A. A theory that states that the universe started in a large mass and then imploded to form
B. A theory that states that the universe was there, will be and is there. Is homogeneous and
C. A theory that states that the universe is slowly coming back to a center.
D. A theory that states that the universe started in a small mass and then expanded, the
expansion cooled down the temperature and that resulted in the formation of matter, energy,
space and time.
8. As part of the modern theory of the origins of the elements, it is hypothesized that before the formation
of the stars, most of the matter in the universe consisted of what atoms?
A. hydrogen and helium B. nitrogen and carbon
C. silicon and lithium D. uranium and radium
9. At 10,000 degrees Celsius, hydrogen begins to change into helium and energy is released in a
process called nuclear fusion, this process occurs in: ______
A. Planets. This is the reason planets reflect the sun´s light.
B. Stars. That´s one of the reason stars have their own light.
C. Earth´s core. This is the reason the core is melting the mantle.
D. Stars. This is the reason stars are balls of fire.
10. The red-shift in the spectral lines of light, reaching us from other galaxies implies that these galaxies
A. Are moving closer to one another
B. Are moving farther apart from one another
C. Are in rapid rotation
D. Redshift doesn´t exist
11. Which of the following statements best summarizes the presence of matter in the universe?
A. There are more metal elements in the universe than non-metals.
B. All elements exist in an equal amount throughout the universe.
C. There are more heavy elements than light elements.
D. There are more light elements than heavy elements.

12. How did the discovery of Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation support the Big Bang Theory?
A. It suggests that Hydrogen and Helium were the first elements to form.
B. It confirms the age of the Earth to be around 5 billion years old.
C. It supports the idea that the universe used to be hotter.
D. It demonstrates that the universe continues to expand.
13. Which statement best describes the age of our solar system and universe?
A. Our solar system and the universe are estimated to be 5 billion years old.
B. Our solar system and the universe are estimated to be 10 billion years old.
C. Our solar system is at least twice as old as the universe.
D. The universe is roughly 13.7 billion years old.
14. Which of the following is NOT true about the Big Bang Theory?
A. It is the scientific explanation of how life began on Earth and evolved over time.
B. It is the scientific explanation for the origin of the universe.
C. It states that the universe expanded from a single point and is still expanding today.
D. It states that the universe used to be much hotter and smaller.
15. Which of the following is not strong evidence supporting the Big Bang Theory?
A. Presence of cosmic microwave background radiation.
B. The frequency of the light from distant galaxies is shifted slightly towards the red.
C. The estimated age of the Earth matches the estimated age of the universe.
D. Abundance of Hydrogen and Helium in the universe.
16. Why do red-shifted light spectrums from neighbouring galaxies indicate the universe is expanding?
A. Red light has the shortest wavelength on the visible light spectrum
B. Red light has the longest wavelength on the visible light spectrum
C. Red light has both long and short wavelengths on the visible light spectrum
D. Red light has neither long, not short wavelengths on the visible light spectrum
17. The element boron has two stable isotopes, 10B and 11B and an atomic weight of 10.811. From this it
can be concluded that:
A. the atomic number of 10B is larger than the atomic number of 11B.
B. the % natural abundance of 10B is smaller than the % natural abundance of 11B.
C. the atomic number of 10B is smaller than the atomic number of 11B
D. the % natural abundance of 10B is larger than the % natural abundance of 11B.
18. An ion with the symbol 23592U is correctly described by which of the following?

Protons, Neutrons, Electrons:

A. 235, 65, 143

B. 92, 143, 89
C. 92, 235, 92
D. 92, 143, 95
19. What is the symbol for ruthenium?
A. Rn B. Ru C. Rh D. Rf
20. It is a subatomic particle, symbol e-, with a negative electric charge.
A. Neutron B. Electron C. Proton D. Atom
21. It is the smallest constituent unit of ordinary matter that has the properties of a chemical element.
A. Neutron B. Electron C. Proton D. Atom
22. It is a subatomic particle, symbol p or p+, with a positive electric charge of +1e and mass slightly less
than that of a neutron.
A. Neutron B. Electron C. Proton D. Atom
23. It is a subatomic particle, symbol n, with no net electric charge and a mass slightly larger than that of a
A. Neutron B. Electron C. Proton D. Atom
24. It is a type of radioactive decay in which an atomic nucleus emits an alpha particle and thereby
transforms or decays into an atom with a mass number that is reduced by two
A. Alpha Decay B. Beta Decay C. Gamma Ray D. Radiation
25. It is a type of radioactive decay in which a beta ray (fast energetic electron or positron) and a neutrino
are emitted from an atomic nucleus.
A. Alpha Decay B. Beta Decay C. Gamma Ray D. Radiation
26. The mass of an atom is determined by ______.
A. Neutrons B. Neutron and Proton C. Electron D. Electron and Neutron
27. Carbon-12 atom has ________.
A. 6 electrons, 6 protons, 6 neutrons
B. 6 electrons, 12 protons, 6 neutrons
C. 12 electrons, 6 protons, 6 neutrons
D. 18 electrons, 6 protons, 6 neutrons

28. Mass number is equal to the _______.

A. number of protons + number of electrons
B. number of protons + number of neutrons
C. number of neutrons + number of electrons
D. number of electrons
29. The chemical symbols of elements are represented by X in the following. Which atoms have the same
mass number?
A. A and C B. A and B C. A and D D. B and D
30. Sulfur-32 has four isotopes with mass numbers 32, 33,34 and 35. What makes them different from one
A. number of protons C. mass number
B. number of electrons D. electric charge
31. Isotopes of an element have nuclei with
A. the same number of protons, but different numbers of neutrons.
B. the same number of protons, and the same number of neutrons.
C. a different number of protons, and a different number of neutrons.
D. a different number of protons, and the same number of neutrons.
32. If an atom's atomic number is given by Z, its atomic mass by A, and its neutron number
by N, which of the following is correct?
A. N = A + Z B. N = Z – A C. N = A – Z D. None of the above
33. An element with atomic mass number of 14 and atomic number 6 has how many neutrons?
A. 6 B. 8 C. 14 D. 20
34. In a {93/41}Nb nucleus, the number of protons, neutrons, and electrons is
A. 41, 52, 93 B. 41, 52, 52 C. 41, 52, 41 D. 41, 52, 0
35. When an alpha particle is emitted from an unstable nucleus, the atomic mass number of the nucleus
A. increases by 2 B. decreases by 2 C. increases by 4 D. decreases by 4
36. The existence of the neutrino was postulated in order to explain
A. alpha decay B. gamma emission C. beta decay D. fission
37. An alpha particle is also known as
A. an electron B. a positron C. a helium nucleus D. a photon
38. A beta^- particle is also known as
A. an electron B. a positron C. a helium nucleus D. a photon
39. Americium-241 is used in smoke detectors. Householders are advised to replace the batteries in smoke
detectors regularly. However, the americium–241 does not need to be replaced regularly. Why is this?
A. Americium-241 is too dangerous to handle.
B. There is no facility for recycling radioactive material.
C. Americium-241 has a very long half-life.
D. Americium-241 is not radioactive.
40. Who is the scientist from the list below who is credited with the discovery in 1896 that uranium salts
emit radiation?
A. John Dalton B. Ernest Rutherford C. Neils Bohr D. Henri Becquerel
41. Polonium decays emitting an alpha particle.

What are the values of x, y and Z in the equation?

A. x = 82, y = 204, Z = Pb
B. x = 82, y = 206, Z = Pb
C. x = 206, y = 82, Z = Pb
D. x = 83, y = 206, Z = Bi
42. Alpha, beta and gamma radiations have different penetrating powers. Select from the following options,
the correct answer for increasing penetrating power.
A. Alpha, gamma, beta C. Gamma, beta, alpha
B. Alpha, beta, gamma D. Beta, gamma, alpha
43. Which French scientist is credited with discovering radioactivity in 1895?
A. Antoine Lavoisier C. Pierre Curie
B. Wilhelm Conrad Roentgen D. Henri Becquerel

44. Radioactive substances must be handled carefully because they emit

A. rays which makes substances radioactive
B. electrically charged particles
C. protons, neutrons and electrons
D. radiation which damage living cells
45. Which one of the following sets of products are from the beta-decay of Pb-212, where the atomic
number of lead is 82?

A. C.

B. D.
46. Isotopes of the same element have different
A. numbers of electrons C. numbers of protons
B. atomic numbers D. numbers of neutrons
47. The half-life of a radioisotope is
A. the time taken for half of the nuclei in any given sample to decay.
B. the number of nuclei of that radioisotope that will decay in half an hour.
C. the same for all isotopes of the same element.
D. the time taken for half of the nuclei in any given sample to disappear.
48. Which of the following types of radiation is not affected by a magnetic field?
A. Alpha decay B. Beta decay C. Gamma decay D. None of this
49. Which of the following is stopped by a sheet of paper?
A. Alpha decay B. Beta decay C. Gamma decay D. None of this
50. Which of the following is stopped by a thin layer of metal foil?
A. Alpha decay B. Beta decay C. Gamma decay D. None of this

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