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Serena Nevins

Career Pathways

Mock Interview Reflection

1. What steps did you take to prepare for the mock interview?
To prepare for the mock interview, I made sure to come dressed appropriately, as well as
look up some common interview questions to prepare myself.
2. How did you feel while you were being interviewed?
While being interviewed, I felt slightly nervous, but also confident in my ability to answer
the questions asked.
3. Reflect on your actual responses. Did you feel your responses were adequate or could you
have done better? Explain.
I believe I could have done a little better with my responses. I think I could have spoken
more confidently instead of allowing the nervousness to get to me.
4. What questions do you feel you answered well? Explain.
I believe the questions I answered best include: the questions regarding why I would make a
good fit for them, as well as what qualifications I have, and why I am interested in the job.
5. What questions do you feel you could have answered better? How would you have
answered them differently?
I believe I could have answered every question better. This is because I was already nervous
and let that get to my head. Instead, I would have given a more confident, detailed answer
in order to truly describe what I meant.
6. What areas did your teacher mark as strengths?
My strengths were being able to make eye contact, provide examples and better details in
order to properly explain and help her understand.
7. What areas did your teacher mark as needing improvement? In what ways do you plan to
improve your performance in these areas?
The areas I need to improve on are being more detailed and not stalling/stuttering when
speaking. I also need to work on being more formal. I plan to improve my performance in
these areas by doing research and watching videos on how to ace an interview.

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