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Learning Goal: I can use algebra to create a linear

equation to model and solve ‘real life’ problems.

4.5 Modeling with Algebra Part 1

Many ‘real life’ problems can be modeled and solved using equations. Remember that we always
need to define any variables we use.

In order to write equations, we need to be familiar with the terminology. Many different words
can be used to describe the following operations. See if you can add some more.

Add Subtract Multiply Divide Equals Exponent

Sum, Total, Difference, Product, ‘Times’ Quotient, Equals, Is, Squared,
Added, ‘Plus’, Subtracted Double, Triple, Divided by, Makes, Results cubed…
More than, from, ‘Minus’, Half… in, Gives
Increased by, Less than,
Decreased by,
Reduced by,

Example # 1
Write a sentence to represent the following.
Let n represent the number.
a) Three more than a number is 8 b) Four less than double a number equals 12

c) A number increased by four is twenty d) The square of a number is 25

e) the product of 9 and a number is 18 f) Five more than half a number is 7

g) The sum of a number and 10 equals 14 h) one more than triple a number is 22
Example # 2
• If we can write an equation to represent a 'real life' scenario, we can then solve the equation to solve
our 'real life' problem.
• Always define our variables (Include a LET statement)
• Always write a conclusion to answer the problem.

Four times Ava's age, reduced by 3 gives 49. How old is Ava?

4.5 Modeling with Algebra Part 2

Example # 3
a) Kate is 2 years older than her brother Josh. We can still only use one variable, so we need to
The sum of their ages is 24. How old are write both Kate and Josh’s age using the same
Kate and Josh? variable. It is easiest if we use the variable to
represent the smaller value.

b) Lake Ontario is 77km shorter that Lake Erie. Try solving this one. The answer will be posted
The lengths of the two lakes total 669km. at the end of the lesson.
What are the lengths of the two lakes?
c) The sum of three consecutive numbers is d) The sum of two consecutive even numbers is
129. What are the numbers? -86. What are the numbers?

Consecutive – one number that comes right after the other. For example 3, 4, 5 are all consecutive

Consecutive even or odd numbers – would be separated by 2, for example 2, 4, 6 or 1, 3, 5

e) The width of a rectangle is 5 cm shorter f) The width of a rectangle is 8cm less than the
than the length. If the perimeter is 50 cm, length. Three times the width is equal to
find the dimensions of the rectangle. twice the length. Find the dimensions of the
g) Mr. Bill operates a gas station with his two sons.
• Bert earns twice as much as Bob.
• Mr. Bill earns $200 more than Bert
• Together they make $1450 per week
• How much does each family member earn each week?

1. The length of the rectangle is 7 metres more than its width. The perimeter of the rectangle is 60m.
What are the dimensions of the rectangle?

2. The length of a rectangle is triple the width. The perimeter of the rectangle is 40m. What are the
dimensions of the length and width?

3. Three consecutive integers have a sum of 75. What are the integers?

4. The sum of two consecutive even integers is -134. What are the integers?

5. Two friends enter a trivia challenge as a team. Faith scored 200 more points than Joyce. As a
team they scored a total of 2250 points. How many points did they each earn?

6. Kate is four years older than her cousin Chris. The sum of their ages is 38. How old is Chris?

7. Natalie, Chantal and Samira play on the same forward line on a hockey team. At the end of the season,
Chantal scored eight more goals than Natalie, while Samira has scored twice as many goals as Natalie.
The three girls scored a total of 52 goals. How many goals did each girl score?

8. Together, a necklace, bracelet and earrings set cost $150. Find the price of each item if the necklace is
3 times as expensive as the bracelet and the earrings are $10 cheaper than the bracelet.

Answers: 1. l = 18.5cm, w = 11.5cm 2. l = 15m, w = 5m 3. 24, 25, 26 4. -68, -66 5. Faith 1225, Joyce 1025

6. Kate 21, Chris 17 7. Natalie 11, Chantal 19, Samira 22 8. Necklace $96, Bracelet $32, Earrings $22

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