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Namaste All,

India is gearing up to celebrate its 75th Independence Day under the cloud
of the COVID19 pandemic. The times might be tough but that will never be
able to dampen the patriotic fervour with which we celebrate this day every
The indomitable spirit of us DHRUVIANS will see us celebrating the
occasion in a unique manner, revering the glory of our motherland.
This year we are planning our activities to suit the current scenario, and
these will be conducted/ explained during the online sessions itself. Request
you all to go through the events and be well prepared in advance. It will be
so much fun to see the students enjoying these special days and for them to
show their love and regards for their nation from the safety of their homes.

Warm Regards,
Independence Day Celebration Week:
9th August to 15th August 2021

Monday, 9th August

➢ Art & Craft Activity - Tri-Colour wall hanging

Material Required
➢ Craft papers (Orange, White &
➢ Papers strips (Orange, White, &
➢ Strings for hanging
➢ Scissors
➢ Glue

Tuesday, 10th August

➢ Virtual Tour- Independence Day
Children will visit the pages of History and they will learn about the
bravery, courage and sacrifice of freedom fighters that went behind the
successful freedom of our country India. The Virtual Tour will be
conducted during the Online Session between 11:05 to 11:35am
Friday 13th August
➢ Elocution- on Freedom
Fighters – ONLINE
It is fun to dress up as a famous
freedom fighter or as an Indian
soldier in the fancy dress
competition. It will be a platform
for your ward to learn about
historical personalities and the
freedom struggle. The activity
could be made more colourful
by including unique items such as a walking stick and spectacles for
Mahatma Gandhi, a rose for Nehru, and a cap for Subhash Chandra
NO RENTAL COSTUMES. If you cannot arrange a costume at home, then
wear an Indian dress and recite.

Flow for The Day 13th August Independence Day Celebration

9:05 to 9:10 am –
School Prayer

9:10 to 9:20 am – National Anthem

9:20 to 9:30 am- Storytelling Session

9:30 to 9:50 am- Roll Number 1 to 10 (Each child comes and
speaks about the Freedom Fighter they are representing)
9:50 to 10:20am- Breakfast break

10:20 to 10:50am- Roll Number 11 to 30 (Each child comes and

speaks about the Freedom Fighter they are representing)

NOTE: We would request parents to share a photograph of children

along with the activity post the celebration via ERP before 2:30pm
on the same day. Photographs of children dressed up as freedom
fighters along with the Art & Craft activity made can be shared.
Some of the best pictures that speak for themselves and are
spontaneous will be posted on our social media platform. It would
be great if parents keep taking pictures while the activity is going
on and send us the images or the ones that they like the most. Hint:
Think of the background and prepare in advance for the best visual.

Wishing everyone a Happy Independence Day.

Warm Regards

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