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Risk Assessment Form

Work/Activity Detail: Date:

Officer In Charge:
Team Member/s :

Hazard Initial Risk Final Risk Additional

Risk Control Measure Risk
Description Consequence Freq Sev
Freq Sev

Risk Matrix
Frequency Severity
NEGLIGIBLE= Injury not requiring first aid, no cosmetic
1 REMOTE= Might occur once in a lifetime 1
vessel damage, no environmental impact, no missed voyage
MINOR= Injury requiring first aid, cosmetic vessel damage,
2 OCCASIONAL= Might occur every five to ten years 2 no environmental impact, additional work, minor operational
disrupt, no missed voyage
SIGNIFICANT= Injury requiring more than first aid, vessel
3 LIKELY= Might occur every one to five years 3 damage, some environmental damage, longer operational
disrupt, or financial loss
CRITICAL= Severe injury, major vessel damage, major
4 PROBABLE= Might occur yearly 4 environmental impact, major operational disrupt, missed
voyages (up to and including the entire season)
CATASTROPHIC= Loss of life, loss of vessel, extreme
5 FREQUENT= Might occur more than once per year 5
environmental impact

Calculating Risk Factor

Risk Level = Frequency x Severity

Risk Level Meaning Action

Risk is acceptable and job can be undertaken. Consideration may be given for further reduction of risk if reasonably
1-7 Tolerable possible. However, in case value is above 4, continuous monitoring is required to ensure existing controls are
Efforts are to be made to reduce the risk by placing additional controls with an aim to bring down Risk Level to Green
zone. Vessel: If the risk cannot still be brought down to green zone, job can be undertaken but with continuous and
8-11 Moderate
heightened monitoring. The Technical Superintendent or Fleet Manager may be contacted for advice if deemed
Efforts are to be made to reduce the risk to green/yellow rating by placing additional controls and taking appropriate
action as defined above. However, If the final risk level is in the red zone then no job shall be undertaken. The Technical
12-25 Substantial
Superintendent or Fleet Manager must be advised of this situation immediately. Until the final risk level is reduced so that
it is no longer in the red zone the job shall not be undertaken.”

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