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Trainer’s Note
Slide 1 – Introduction
Purpose – Provide an introduction as to what heat stress is and the need for a heat stress program

Key messages:
• Heat stress is a serious issue and can ultimately lead to death.
• Simple actions by managers and supervisors can help reduce the risk of heat stress or related injuries and illness

Ask participants about heat stress and their current understanding – try to form an idea of the levels of knowledge within the group.

Purpose – introduce OSHAD as the competent authority for Occupational Safety and Health in Abu Dhabi

Key Messages:
• Established in 2010
• Reports directly to the Executive Council for Occupational Safety and Health
• Responsible for all Occupational Safety and Health within the Emirate of Abu Dhabi
• Other Government departments, such as the Municipality, HAAD, ADFCA have been delegated by OSHAD to implement
Abu Dhabi Occupational Safety and Health System (System) on behalf of OSHAD.
• Developed and implemented the Qudorat” registration scheme. Qudorat is a national program for the qualification and
competency development of establishments and individuals working in the field of safety, occupational health and work
environment in the Emirate of Abu Dhabi.

Discussion – N/A
Slide 2 – Content
Purpose – overview of the content of the presentation and provide delegates information on what they should be able to do or
understand at the end of the training session.

Key messages – N/A

Discussion – N/A
Slide 3 – legal Requirements
Purpose – Overview the legal Requirements related to Safety in Heat
Prior to presenting:
• Discuss with delegates what their knowledge is around the legal requirements:
• Are they aware of what the requirements are

Key messages:
• MoL issues the midday break decree annually
• Purpose is to protect those working in direct sun
• Applicable to all entities in the UAE
• Requires all entities to provide a break to those affected
• Fines of 5000 AED per laborer if entities found not complying with the requirements – up to a maximum of 50,000 AED
Slide 4 – legal Requirements continued
Purpose – overview the requirements of AD System – CoP 11.0 Safety in Heat

Key messages:
• Applicable to all entities in Abu Dhabi
• Adds further requirements to the MoL decree
• Requires entities to undertake a risk assessment and implement controls to reduce the risk of heat related illness
• Requires entities to provide training to all staff affected, including managers, supervisors and first aiders.
Slide 5 – Heat Stress
Purpose – Provide information to participants on the different types of heat related illness and symptoms

In groups or individually ask participants in training to identify different types of heat related illnesses and the symptoms
Slide (6-11) – Symptoms
Purpose – identification of different types of heat related illnesses.

Key messages:
• Importance of knowing the early warning signs and what action they should take to prevent further deterioration
Slide 12 – Roles and Responsibilities
Purpose – overview of the roles of different staff and how they can help reduce the risk of heat related illness
• In groups or individually ask people to summarize what they think their roles are in relation to heat stress.
Slide (13-14) – Roles and Responsibilities –
Purpose – identify what the general roles and responsibilities are for all employers

Key messages:
• Give examples around some of the bullet points:
• Acclimatize staff – let them build up to working in the heat slowly over a period of two weeks, building up the time they
spend in the heat slowly
• Planning of work: try to plan work schedules to minimize the amount of work in direct sun during the summer months
• Plan for strenuous heavy tasks for the cooler parts of the day, allow additional time for work to be completed
Slide (15-17) – Specific roles and responsibilities
Purpose – Overview specific roles
• Key messages – stress importance of each person knowing their roles and what actions they should be taking.
Slide 18 – Risk Assessment
Purpose – overview risk assessment process and what should be covered

Key messages:
• Further guidance in OSHAD Website (
- Element 2 – Risk Management
- TG – Process of risk management
- TG – Safety in heat
• Risk assessment is a simple process, look at who can be harmed and how can this be stopped. Below are some example
questions that can be asked during a risk assessment. Others should be added that are specific to the work environment.
- Who is at risk from heat stress –Workers, or any others?
- What work are they doing – will this increase the risk – heavy manual work
- Why are they doing it –is it critical that it is done during the summer months or hottest time of the day
- When are they doing it - Can it be rescheduled to a later time or later in the year
- How are they doing it – are there any mechanical aids that can be provided – JCB instead of manually digging an excavation
- How long are they exposed for

• How many have done risk assessments specific to working in the Heat
• What were the results – did they help with implementing a program?
Slide 19 – Control measures
Purpose – identify measures to reduce the risk of heat related illnesses.

Key messages:
• Following risk assessment – each employer must implement control measures to reduce the risk of Heat Related Illness
• Control measures should be monitored for effectiveness
• Ensure everyone understands why they are being introduced and what the purpose is.

Discussion: N/A
Slide (20-22) – Heat Stress Programs
Purpose – Overview of what a heat stress program should consist of

• On slide 20 – in groups or individually – ask what heat stress programs should consist of.

Key messages:
• Heat stress program should include numerous procedures on how you will manage safety in the heat
• How will you ensure workers are acclimatized
• What first aid will be provided – specific to working in the heat
• What shaded areas will be provided and design to ensure they are cool
• Work scheduling and how this will be adapted for working in the heat
• Other examples should be added specific to the entity Heat Stress program
Slide (23-27) – Training
Purpose – identify the different types of training that should be delivered

Key messages:
• Highlight the importance of training for all staff and also different levels of staff
• Go through each of the training requirements.
Slide (31) – Monitoring
Purpose – introduce the requirement to monitor implementation

Key messages:
• All programs must be monitored to ensure effective implementation
• Undertake regular inspections
• Check the quality of food and drinks
• Check the shaded areas are they actually cool.

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