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Gut 1999;45(Suppl II):II25–II30 II25

Gut: first published as 10.1136/gut.45.2008.ii25 on 1 September 1999. Downloaded from on March 19, 2020 at India:BMJ-PG Sponsored. Protected by copyright.
Psychosocial aspects of the functional
gastrointestinal disorders
D A Drossman, F H Creed, K W Olden, J Svedlund, B B Toner, W E Whitehead

Abstract Recently, research has shifted from etiology—

The functional gastrointestinal disorders that is, a unidirectional relationship between
(FGID) are the most frequent conditions psychosocial events (e.g., “stress”) and gastro-
seen in gastroenterology practice and intestinal function, to the reciprocal interaction
comprise a major portion of primary of physiologic and psychosocial processes in
Chair, Committee on care. Psychosocial factors are important these conditions (the brain–gut axis) (fig 1).
Psychosocial Factors in these disorders with regard to: (1) their The reader is referred to the physiology and
of the Functional
eVects on gut physiology; (2) their modu- basic science sections of the supplement for
Disorders, lation of the symptom experience; (3) additional information.
Multinational Working their influence on illness behavior; (4)
Teams to Develop their impact on outcome; and (5) the
Diagnostic Criteria for choice of the therapeutic approach. This
Functional paper provides a review and consensus of Brain–gut interactions
the existing literature by gastroenterolo- A unifying hypothesis to explain the FGIDs is
Disorders (Rome II), that they result from dysregulation of brain–gut
University of North gists, psychiatrists, psychologists, physi-
ologists, and health services investigators. neuroenteric systems, much like anovulatory
Chapel Hill, NC, USA Evidence is provided to support the bleeding is a dysregulation of hypothalamic–
D A Drossman biopsychosocial model as a basis for pituitary–ovarian function rather than a disease
understanding and treating these disor- of these structures. The brain–gut neurotrans-
Co-Chair, Committee
ders, and epidemiological and clinical mitters associated with these symptoms are not
on Psychosocial site specific; they have varied influences on
Factors of the information on the relations of psychoso-
cial factors to gut physiology, symptom gastrointestinal, endocrine and immune func-
Gastrointestinal presentation, health behavior, and out- tion, and human behavior.
Disorders, come is oVered. Features of motility, per- The role of the central nervous system
Multinational Working sonality, abuse history, health concerns, (CNS) in modulating motility is supported by
Teams to Develop
and treatment-seeking diVer between evidence that: (1) the motility disturbances in
Diagnostic Criteria for
patients with FGID and healthy controls, irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) disappear dur-
Functional ing sleep2; (2) the frequency of the migrating
Gastrointestinal but they are not specific to FGID. They
Disorders (Rome II), occur in other patients with chronic medi- motor complex (MMC) decreases and propa-
University of cal conditions and/or psychiatric disor- gating velocity increases progressively with
Manchester, ders. Review of treatment trials indicates alertness and arousal2; (3) patients with IBS
Manchester, UK
clear support for psychotherapeutic treat- have a diVerent electroencephalography sleep
F H Creed pattern than healthy subjects; and (4) positron
ments, especially in the long term, as well
as some evidence for the benefit of antide- emission tomography (PET) studies suggest
Mayo Clinic–
Scottsdale, Scottsdale, pressants in FGID, even in the absence of that the CNS response to rectal distension is
AZ, USA improvements in mood. altered in patients with IBS compared with
K W Olden (Gut 1999;45(Suppl II):II25–II30) controls.
The varied influences of environmental
Sahlgrenska University Keywords: functional gastrointestinal disorders; stress, thought, and emotions on gut function
Hospital, Göteborg, psychologic assessment; psychiatric diagnosis; help explain the variation in symptoms of
Sweden psychosocial factors; health-related quality of life;
J Svedlund
patients with these disorders. It also helps
psychological treatment; psychopharmacological explain how psychosocial trauma (e.g., history
treatment; Rome II
Centre for Addiction of physical or sexual abuse3) or poor coping
and Mental Health, style (e.g., “catastrophizing”) profoundly
University of Toronto, Introduction affects symptom severity, daily function, and
Ontario, Canada health outcome. It is no longer rational to try to
B B Toner The functional gastrointestinal disorders
(FGID) comprise a major portion of gastro- discriminate whether physiological or psycho-
Professor of Medicine, intestinal practice and primary care, and are logic factors cause pain or other bowel
University of North associated with significant absenteeism from symptoms. Both are operative, and the task is
Carolina, Chapel Hill, work, impaired health-related quality of life, and to determine the degree to which each contrib-
NC, USA increased medical costs.1 Psychosocial factors utes and is remediable.
W E Whitehead
influence gut physiology, the symptom experi-
Correspondence to: ence, health behavior, and outcome. They are
Douglas A Drossman, MD, especially important in patients with refractory Abbreviations used in this paper: FGID, functional
Division of Digestive symptoms—those who are over-represented at gastrointestinal disorders; CNS, central nervous
Diseases, 726 system; IBS; irritable bowel syndrome; MMC,
Burnett-Womack Bldg, CB referral (tertiary) medical centers.
migrating motor complex; PET, positron emission
#7080, University of North Although the gut is physiologically respon- tomography; HRQOL, health-related quality of life;
Carolina, Chapel Hill, NC sive to emotional and environmental (stressful)
27599–7080, USA. CBT, cognitive–behavioral therapy; SSRI, selective
Email: drossman@ stimuli, there is no consistent psychosocial serotonin reuptake inhibitor; TCA, tricyclic abnormality associated with these disorders. antidepressant.
II26 Drossman, Creed, Olden, et al

Gut: first published as 10.1136/gut.45.2008.ii25 on 1 September 1999. Downloaded from on March 19, 2020 at India:BMJ-PG Sponsored. Protected by copyright.
FGID—Conceptual model problems or the non-clinical population with
similar gastrointestinal complaints.7 However,
Early life there is no personality profile unique to IBS.
Environment Psychosocial
Life stress People with IBS seeking health care,8 9 particu-
Psychologic state larly at specialty clinics, have more severe
Coping medical symptoms and more anxiety,
Social support depression8 10 11 and health anxiety,8 and they
are less likely to see a link between stress and
their IBS symptoms.8 12 13
Sensation Outcome
Patients with more severe IBS commonly
FGID believe that their bowel symptoms indicate
Symptoms MD visits
Behavior Daily function serious gut disease/cancer, and attend selec-
Quality of life tively to abdominal sensations, dismissing
other information (e.g., from a doctor) that
Figure 1 A biopsychosocial conceptualization of the pathogenesis and clinical expression of contradicts such beliefs.
the functional gastrointestinal disorders (FGID). CNS, central nervous system; ENS, Patients with IBS report many non-
enteric nervous system.
gastrointestinal disorders. They make two to
Life stress, abuse history and other three times as many visits to physicians for
psychologic factors non-gastrointestinal complaints1 and report
LIFE STRESS missing an average of 13.4 days from work or
Severe life stress has been found immediately usual activities due to illness compared with
before the onset of functional bowel disorders.4 4.9 days for the whole sample.1 These patterns
From several studies,5 we conclude that for of somatization and of health care seeking
patients in a gastrointestinal clinic, social stress behavior may be learned during childhood.14
plays an important part in explaining exacerba-
tion of symptoms and treatment-seeking. HEALTH-RELATED QUALITY OF LIFE
Health-related quality of life (HRQOL) refers
SEXUAL AND PHYSICAL ABUSE to the impact of the illness on activities of daily
High frequency rates of sexual and physical living, the perceptions of the illness, and its
abuse based primarily on self-reports (30– consequences. Generic HRQOL instruments
56%) have been found in patients with a are applicable to all medical disorders and
gastrointestinal disorder from referral centers indicate that patients with IBS and functional
in the US and Europe.6 Rape (penetration), dyspepsia15 have impaired quality of life, which
multiple experiences, and abuse experienced as is more severe than the impairment in patients
life threatening are associated with poorer with structural abnormalities such as peptic
health status.3 However, since high frequencies ulcer and liver disease.3 Disease-specific instru-
of abuse history are seen with other chronic ments to assess quality of life in IBS are now
pain conditions, a history of abuse is not available.16 17
etiologic for FGID but is associated with a ten-
dency to communicate psychological distress Assessment
through physical symptoms.6 It may also lower A biopsychosocial approach to assessment is
gastrointestinal symptom threshold or increase desirable for all patients, and is especially
intestinal motility and modify the appraisal of important for patients who are refractory to
bodily symptoms (i.e., increase medical help- first line medical therapy. Taking a psychoso-
seeking) due to altered cognitions (e.g., feeling cial history may help to reduce return visits.18
ineVective and unable to control the symp-
The patient is encouraged to relate the history
PSYCHIATRIC DISORDERS in his or her own way so that the psychosocial
For IBS, the most frequent comorbid psychiat- events contributing to the illness unfold
ric disorders seen include: (1) anxiety disorders naturally.19–21 The questions should communi-
(panic and generalized anxiety disorder); (2) cate the physician’s willingness to address both
mood disorders (major depression and dys- biologic and psychologic aspects of the illness.
thymic disorder); and (3) somatoform disorders A patient-centered style is recommended by
(hypochondriasis and somatization disorder). maintaining eye contact, not interrupting the
These are present in between 42 and 61% of patient, and adopting a low control style.
patients seen in gastroenterology clinics com-
pared with 25% in the control groups. Like EVALUATING THE ROLE FOR PSYCHOSOCIAL
abuse history, psychiatric disorder is greater FACTORS
among patients with IBS seen in referral cent- A few questions can help the physician under-
ers than those seen in community clinics. stand the role of psychosocial factors in a
patient’s illness19 21: is the illness acute or
PERSONALITY chronic; why is the patient coming now; what
Like patients with other medical disorders psychosocial factors are influencing health care
patients with IBS have higher trait anxiety and seeking; is there a history of unresolved major
neuroticism scores than people without health loss or trauma6; does the patient exhibit
Psychosocial aspects of the functional gastrointestinal disorders II27

Gut: first published as 10.1136/gut.45.2008.ii25 on 1 September 1999. Downloaded from on March 19, 2020 at India:BMJ-PG Sponsored. Protected by copyright.
abnormal illness behavior such as disability (6) Cognitive scales are designed to measure
disproportionate to observed disease, placement aspects of attitudes towards illness. The
of undue responsibility with the physician, a cognitive scale for functional bowel disor-
desire to be taken care of by others, and behav- ders has recently been developed for use
iors that help sustain the patient as an ill person; as an assessment and outcome measure
what is the impact of the illness; is there a for FGIDs.25
psychiatric diagnosis; how does the family inter- (7) Social support is only reliably measured
act around the illness? by an interview. Self-report question-
naires indicate perceived quantity and
MEDICAL TESTS quality of the social support (e.g., Sara-
The use of symptom-based diagnostic criteria son social support questionnaire
(e.g., Rome criteria; see other articles in this (SSQ)26).
supplement) can help to establish a positive (8) Coping is evaluated using the ways of
diagnosis and minimize unneeded studies. coping questionnaire, the coping
Tests should be based on objective data (e.g., strategies questionnaire (CSQ) and its
blood in stool, abnormal blood studies, etc.), catastrophizing scale, which measures
rather than the patient’s insistence to “do maladaptive coping strategies that predict
something.” The physician should also con- adverse health outcome among patients
sider safety, whether the results would make a with gastrointestinal disorders.
diVerence to treatment, and whether the test is (9) Health-related quality of life can be
cost eVective. evaluated using generic HRQOL instru-
ments (e.g., short form (SF-36))27 and
The physician should screen for anxiety and (e.g., irritable bowel syndrome quality of
depression using a few key questions: have you life instrument (IBS-QOL))17 and irrita-
been worrying, had diYculty relaxing, had dif- ble bowel syndrome quality of life ques-
ficulty with sleep; have you felt low in energy, tionnaire (IBSQOL).16
losing interest and confidence in yourself, and (10) Further details of these measures are
unable to concentrate? If the answers to any of found in the full publication.5
these questions are positive, further psycho-
logic evaluation is needed. In everyday clinical Treatment
practice, the gastroenterologist should be able APPROACH TO THE PATIENT
to make the diagnoses of depression, panic, Therapeutic relationship
agoraphobia, and somatoform disorders; re- This can be developed when the physician: (1)
cent diagnostic criteria are available.22 elicits and acknowledges the patient’s beliefs,
More formalized psychological testing usu- concerns, and expectations; (2) oVers empathy
ally for research purposes can be performed for when needed; (3) clarifies misunderstandings;
the various psychological domains. Some tests (4) provides education; and (5) negotiates a
require evaluation by a mental health profes- plan of treatment with the patient.28 Some
sional (e.g., SCID, HAD, DIS), whereas others patients are initially unwilling to accept a role
(e.g. STAT, BDI) can be self-administered. for psychosocial factors in the illness; this diY-
Categories of tests available include: culty is commonly seen in patients who have
(1) Structured psychiatric interviews—for suVered severe developmental trauma such as
example, using the diagnostic interview sexual abuse.
schedule (DIS), the structured clinical
interview for DSM-IV (SCID), the Associating bowel symptoms with psychosocial
schedules for clinical assessment in neu- factors
ropsychiatry (SCAN) which provide Assessment of a link between bowel symptoms
DSM-IV, and ICD-10 diagnoses. and psychosocial factors is aided by a daily
(2) Generic psychologic state self-rating record of the symptoms along with the time of
scales can be assessed using the symptom bowel movements and the timing of menstrua-
checklist-90 (SCL-90) and the general tion, which can be compared with dietary, life-
health questionnaire (GHQ). style changes, or stressors. This information
(3) Syndrome specific self-administered or can provide the basis for cognitive–behavioral
interview-directed psychologic state strategies.
questionnaires can be used to assess
anxiety or depression. Examples are the Reassurance
Spielberger state trait anxiety inventory Reassurance can only be achieved after the
(STAI), the Sheehan patient rated anxiety physician fully understands the patient’s par-
scale, the Beck depression inventory ticular concerns. The overall favorable progno-
(BDI), and the hospital anxiety and sis for the FGIDs can then be stressed.
depression (HAD) scale.
(4) Personality is measured with self- Accept the adaptations of chronic illness
administered questionnaires including When the symptoms are chronic, the patient
the MMPI,23 the Eysenck personality should be helped to reconceptualize the nature
inventory (EPI) and the neuroticism, of the illness as a set of troublesome symptoms
extroversion, openness score (NEO). rather than an indication of underlying
(5) Illness behaviors and attitudes are pathology. In some patients, chronic illness
measured using the illness behavior ques- may provide attention from others, release
tionnaire or the illness attitude scale.24 from usual responsibilities, and social and
II28 Drossman, Creed, Olden, et al

Gut: first published as 10.1136/gut.45.2008.ii25 on 1 September 1999. Downloaded from on March 19, 2020 at India:BMJ-PG Sponsored. Protected by copyright.
financial compensation. In these situations, Hypnotherapy can be applied. The hypnotic
clinical improvement may take a long time, but state is a state of heightened suggestibility in
may be advanced if the physician focuses more which the hypnotherapist uses progressive
on improving the patient’s function in the muscular relaxation plus suggestions of relaxa-
presence of illness rather than attempting to tion to reduce striated muscle tension and to
“cure.” The physician must minimize diagnos- relax gastrointestinal smooth muscle. Patients
tic studies and symptomatic treatments and are also asked to practice autohypnosis at home
work toward reinforcing health-promoting with an audiotape with the goal of being able to
behavior in the patient. self-administer suggestions of relaxation.31
Relaxation (arousal reduction) training in-
Referral to a mental health professional cludes a variety of diVerent methods to teach
Problems which might require referral for con- patients to counteract the physiological se-
sultation and treatment include: (1) psychiatric quellae of stress or anxiety. The most widely
disorders (e.g., major depression, panic disor- used arousal reduction techniques include: (1)
der) which require specific treatments (e.g., progressive muscle relaxation training; (2) bio-
antidepressants, cognitive–behavioral therapy feedback for striated muscle tension, skin tem-
(CBT) or other psychotherapy); (2) a history of perature, or electrodermal activity; (3) au-
abuse which comes to light during consultation togenic training; and (4) transcendental or
and may be interfering with adjustment to the Yoga meditation.
current illness; (3) serious impairment in daily
function which requires specific treatment to EMPIRICAL SUPPORT FOR PSYCHOTHERAPIES
improve coping skills; and (4) somatization, Most of the research to date has focused on
where multiple symptoms are leading to IBS and has involved various combinations of
numerous consultations across specialties. In cognitive–behavioral, relaxation, psychody-
order for the gastroenterologist to refer a namic, and biofeedback approaches, making
patient to a mental health professional, he or assessment of the eVectiveness of the specific
she must acknowledge the relevance of the approaches diYcult. Furthermore, patient
psychosocial aspects to the patient’s presenting selection also diVers across studies.30
problem. Otherwise the patient may resist the We reviewed 15 studies that used a control-
referral because of perceived stigma or a rejec- led design to compare psychological treatment
tion (“the workup is negative, it must be with conventional medical treatment
nerves”) by the gastroenterologist. Continued disorders.5 There is an inadequate number of
care by the gastroenterologist may also be nec- well-designed studies to perform a meta-
essary. analysis. We excluded two studies with a
participation rate of less than 40%. In terms of
reduction of bowel symptoms at the end of
The psychotherapies treatment, 10 of 13 studies showed significant
While the mental health consultant can select superiority of psychological over conventional
from diVerent types of psychological treat- medical treatment. Of the nine studies with
ments (e.g., CBT, dynamic psychotherapy, follow up data (duration 9–40 months), eight
hypnotherapy, and relaxation), experience and showed superiority of psychological treatment.
the empirical research suggests that no one Only six studies also controlled for expectancy
treatment is superior for FGIDs. The most and time with therapist, five of which showed a
important aspect of treatment is the patient’s significantly greater improvement in bowel
acceptance of the need for treatment and symptoms in the psychological treatment
his/her motivation to engage in it. This can be groups.
enhanced if the gastroenterologist and Therefore, psychological treatment appears
psychologist/psychiatrist help the patient ac- superior to conventional medical treatment
cept the treatment as a necessary part of an and there were no diVerences in outcome
overall plan of care. based on technique. The psychotherapist
Cognitive–behavioral therapy consists of a should use the technique with which they are
wide range of strategies and procedures most experienced.
designed to bring about alterations in patients’
perceptions of their situation and their ability Psychopharmacology
to control their gastrointestinal symptoms by The rationale for using psychotropic agents lies
learning new ways of thinking and behaving in the high comorbidity: roughly half of the
through personal experience and practice. In patients with a FGID also have depression
addition, the benefit of this type of treatment is and/or anxiety disorders, which may respond to
supported by: (a) a high prevalence of anxiety, psychopharmacological intervention. In addi-
depression, and assertion diYculties; (b) a high tion, data support the eYcacy of antidepres-
need for social approval; and (c) perfectionistic sants in the relief of chronic pain. Data
attitudes; all of these are amenable to CBT.29 supporting the eYcacy of antidepressants in
Dynamic psychotherapy is similar to brief FGID is growing. At least five studies have
interpersonal psychotherapy30 and requires a shown eYcacy that is independent of change in
close relationship between the patient and mood.5
therapist, in which diYculties in interpersonal Prescribing psychopharmacologic agents is
relationships can be highlighted. As the patient best accomplished in the context of a strong
understands these problems, he or she may act doctor–patient relationship, where these agents
upon these insights, which may lead to a are complementary to an overall multicompo-
reduction in symptoms. nent treatment plan. The physician needs to
Psychosocial aspects of the functional gastrointestinal disorders II29

Gut: first published as 10.1136/gut.45.2008.ii25 on 1 September 1999. Downloaded from on March 19, 2020 at India:BMJ-PG Sponsored. Protected by copyright.
explain the rationale, possible side eVects, and ancy and attention, and measure credibility; (3)
expected benefits from the medication and well-designed, randomized, controlled psy-
address them in the context of the patient’s chopharmacologic trials for psychotropic drugs
beliefs and expectations relative to psychophar- are needed.
macologic treatment. The influence of gender and sociocultural
There is insuYcient evidence to recommend factors and the influence of clinical setting
one particular type of antidepressant. The (non-patients, primary care, gastrointestinal
choice therefore depends on the target symp- referral, psychiatric referral) need to be more
toms, the overall clinical picture, and the possi- fully understood. New conceptual models for
ble side eVects. The response to antidepressant the pathogenesis of FGID are needed, and
therapy is highly patient specific, namely the prospective studies to assess populations at risk
side eVects and therapeutic eVects vary across will be helpful (e.g., children of parents with
individuals, making sensible change of drugs FGID, those who acquire enteric infections,
appropriate. However, it is better to ensure victims of abuse). The role of genetic factors on
consistent treatment at an appropriate dose the presence of FGID and the selectivity to
level over a longer period of time (2–3 months) specific organ systems should be studied
than change rapidly from one drug to another. further. Future studies that combine brain
The patient with abdominal pain, diarrhea, imaging (PET, functional magnetic resonance
or nausea would probably do less well with a imaging), gastrointestinal physiology, and
selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI) standardized psychosocial assessment to deter-
than on a tricyclic antidepressant (TCA), mine whether treatment eVects (pharmacologi-
because the SSRIs produce cramping, nausea, cal and psychological) on symptoms mediated
and diarrhea due to their prokinetic eVect. by changes in gut/CNS physiology.
There is evidence from a meta-analysis that a Treatment studies will help us to understand
variety of pain conditions shows superior the eVect of physician communication skills on
response to TCAs than SSRIs. SSRIs may lead physician/patient satisfaction with care, adher-
to side eVects in the gastrointestinal tract, ence to treatment including drug trial and out-
though these generally settle with continued come. Further studies are required to deter-
treatment. A patient with considerable anxiety mine the patient characteristics which predict
might do better on an antidepressant that tends response to specific psychological treatments
to be more sedating—that is, one with a strong and which components of psychological treat-
antihistaminic eVect. ment packages (e.g., relaxation, cognitive
The SSRIs have not been well studied in the restructuring, etc.) account for their eVective-
FGIDs. However, the SSRIs have a number of ness. Treatment eVects in the long term need to
qualities which make them potentially useful in be studied, and there have been no studies to
certain gastrointestinal settings. The prokinetic date assessing the appropriate duration of the
eVects of SSRIs may make them particularly psychological and psychopharmacological
helpful in patients who have functional consti- treatments.
pation and/or functional abdominal bloating.
In addition, recent studies supporting a role for We would like to thank Drs Susan Levenstein, Rona Levy, Claus
central 5-hydroxytryptamine dysfunction in Buddeberg, Nick Diamant, Marvin Schuster, Gabriele Moser
for their critical review of this manuscript, and Ms Carlar
non-ulcer dyspepsia may suggest a use for these Blackman, and Sandy Hall for their valuable assistance in the
agents.5 The usefulness of other antidepres- preparation of this document.
sants has not yet been established in the
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