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Discipline And Ideas In the Applied

Social Sciences

School Setting
1. Written method, In this time of pandemic, the most effective
method of communicating is through social media. You can easily
connect through social media such as Facebook and Messenger since
it is easily accessible for both the students and the teachers. Here,
messages are expressed through linguistic and textual means.
Teachers relay their messages through group chats and students
voice their concerns through private messages. Oftentimes,
students talk using the messenger app or they also communicate
through posting things on their social media accounts.
2. Visual method. Videos and the preferred means for communicating —
Youtube – are getting increasingly popular due to the pandemic.
There is, however, a time and place for video. Whether it's live
streaming events or capturing them for later broadcast, video is a
popular tool for schools to capture, chronicle, and archive valuable
school content. Oftentimes, teachers create channels wherein they
discuss their lessons in that channel. There are also times wherein
they do livestreaming during an important event. It could also be
during a google meet discussion where they show videos related to
the topic. This is one of the best way to explain or discuss
something since students mostly prefer to see videos rather than
just reading it on a textbook.
Private Sector Setting
1. Visual method. In the private sector setting, businesses use ads such as billboard ads or
television ads. This is to communicate through the public about their products. They also
use social media ads to further inform the public about their products. Communication
for them, in this wide sense of their existence, is primarily advertisement, informing
the public, people, groups, and communities about available goods and services for sale.
On the other side, they require public knowledge to comprehend the demand they must
meet. When the private sector interacts with the public, they want to be relevant,
profitable, and acceptable. As a result, the concept of corporate social responsibility
(CSR) is critical in fostering the goal of preserving a positive public perception. They
usually use media channels as a method in communicating to their target audience.
2. Another method used is through written communication. During business transactions
between two private sectors, they usually communicate using Emails. Since this
communication is more formal, they send letters using emails. Also, when hiring
someone for a job, they also send the approval letter through Emails. There are times
wherein a physical letter will be sent to the recipient . Written communication method
is widely used in private sectors since formality is always observed.
Government Setting
1. Government officials use verbal communication methods to communicate their plans for
the country. In this regard, depending on the issue and goal, the government setting
employs a number of communication strategies and instruments. They have both
extremely sensitive information and information that is intended to be available to the
general public. The government has traditionally relied on the media to provide public
information and propaganda. The administration has embraced many new technology
instruments as new media has emerged. Governments all throughout the world rely
significantly on radio to reach vast populations. Television, publications, and newspapers
The media filters and analyzes information from authorities to the general public.
Citizens, and consequently governments, must consider the media's "intermediary
role" while making decisions.
2. Written communication methods are also used by the government. Since we are in the
age where social media plays a big role in our daily life, government officials started
to make their own social media accounts. Here, they use social media such as Twitter
or Facebook to communicate with the people. Written communication methods also
include Emails or physical letters. This is used when there are confidential matters
that need to be discussed by government officials.
Community Setting
1. Verbal communication methods are widely used in the community setting.
Communication in community development focuses on strengthening interaction
between people supporting change that will favorably affect the living conditions of
members of participating communities and the people with whom they work to make
their goal a reality. It is critical to maintain open lines of communication among all
project participants and organizations working in community development projects in
the participating communities. According to Fasel (2000), communication is essential in
order to make enterprises easier and to ensure that everyone participates in society.
Communication, without a doubt, inspires collective action among project participants in
community development projects in participating communities.
2. Written methods of communication can also be applicable in community settings.
Writing is crucial in today's environment, and it is growing increasingly so as we
engage in what is now widely referred to as the information age. People in the
community mainly interact in writing through social media. They frequently express
their views and opinions in this forum, where they can obtain responses from others.
When making a significant announcement, written communication methods can also be
used. For example, in the case of approaching typhoons, officials broadcast information
and alarms via social media in a written manner.
Civil Society Setting
1. To deliver messages to a larger group of individuals, civil society uses visual
communication methods. They do not exist to create a profit or to serve as a
government, although they do carry out a variety of government functions. In many
situations, they also do business in order to raise funds for responding to problems
impacting the represented sector or topic. The mission and acts adopted by civic
society define communication in this way. They can create practically any type of
communication instrument. They make documentaries and even influence movies to
bring attention to concerns. They are utilizing new and social media to effectively and
efficiently present their message to a large audience.
2. Written communication methods are also used in civil society settings. It can be used in
a formal setting especially when proposing for a project. Letters are commonly used
in formal settings specifically when asking for permits from the higher ups. For
example, when a civil society wants to make a project. They would use written
communication methods in order to convey their thoughts. They would ask for permits
in conducting the said project.
1. The press secretary is in charge of disseminating information from the Presidency via
press briefings, which means they issue formal releases. Briefings are frequently provided
to a known set of journalists or media persons. While the press secretary spends a lot of
time with the media, another key person is the communications director, who works
directly with the president to produce and distribute information on his behalf. This includes
speeches, media communications, and the branding of the president's agenda as a
whole.There are also times where the President makes their State of the Nation Address in
order to speak to the people about their plans and issues going on in a country or state. The
process of communication in the government setting includes the sender (where it could be
the President themself or the spokesperson or anyone in the government) and the receiver
which is the citizen. The channel could be mass media, social media, or on media channels. The
receivers of the citizens decode the message and then they could also voice out their
opinions through social media.
2. Internal communication and employee engagement are increasingly being recognized as
essential elements for effectiveness in private companies. Do you want to increase sales?
Improve customer focus? Innovate? All of these strategic business imperatives are
dependent on employees' ability to connect, communicate, and collaborate. Internal
communication and engagement have become mission-critical components of business best
practices. Although this acknowledgment does not always convert into action, the internal
communication function in the private sector is better resourced in terms of human and
financial resources. The process of communication in the private sector setting includes the
sender (the company of business) where they use mass media or media channels for their
advertisements to deliver the message to the people. Meanwhile, there is also feedback
where the people who received the message and tried purchasing their product or service
would give their opinions on what to improve about the products.
3. Encoding, medium of transmission, decoding, and feedback are the four basic components of
the communication process. However, there are two other key variables in this process, and
they are represented by the terms "sender" and "receiver." This process begins with the
sender and finishes with the recipient. In the school, there is also a similar concept of the
communication process, which is related to the "messages" and "counter-messages" that
must be included in the teaching-learning process. It has primarily entailed three major
factors: initiation, reception, and response, which serve as feedback. This communication
method must involve the teacher sharing his or her feelings, ideas, and opinions with the
students. In summary, the school communication process is the interaction and exchange of
ideas between the teacher and the pupils.
4. Civil society must constantly incorporate communications in its strategy and keep it in mind
from the beginning of activity planning. The goal is to communicate civil society's issues and
recommendations to an audience that is increasingly interested in a clearer view of the future
and potential solutions to existing difficulties. From a communications standpoint, the starting
point is not negative: many of civil society's main problems, such as climate change, water,
alternative energy sources, food price crisis, gender, and the role of the South and rising
countries, are now part of the global communications agenda. As a result, we should reconsider
and improve the recommendations in order to increase public knowledge and engagement.In
here, the process could be the sender being the public and the civil society being the receiver.
5. People are an essential component of any community. They are the ones who create and
sustain a community. As a result, it is critical that their wants and concerns be addressed in
order to create a healthy community. Communication abilities are extremely useful in this area.
Communication allows community leaders to learn what the community wants, what challenges
the community is experiencing, and what can be done to resolve the community's issues. In the
community, people could either be the sender or the receiver. Where they communicate through
verbal and non-verbal means. In this communication, there is always a feedback since it is
essential in solving issues within the community.

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