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Implementation of the using Flash Cards to increase the students

understanding of Grammar


Anbiya Binoval
NPM: 191014288203004


TAHUN AJARAN 2020-2021

Assalamu'alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakathu

Thank God, the writer prays for the presence of Allah SWT because of
His blessings and grace so that the writer can complete the thesis entitled
"Implementation of the using Flash Cards to increase the students
understanding of Grammar". The preparation of this proposal was made as one
of the requirements for completing the Design Based Research study.
The author realizes that in writing this research, he went through a long
process starting from college, research to preparation until it was formed as it is
today. The author also realizes that this research can be completed because of
the many parties who participated in helping, guiding, giving instructions,
suggestions and motivation. Therefore, the author expresses his deepest
gratitude, especially to the honorable:
1. Beloved father and mother, and big family for the prayers, motivation,
guidance, advice and everything that has been given to the author.
2. Miss Diana Oktavia S.Pd M.Hum as a lecturer in the field of study who has
helped and advised the author in the process of completing this proposal.
3. Mr. Syafrial Anas, SE., M.M as the Head of STKIP Muara Bungo
Department, who always provides direction and a place for research to the

The writer realizes that this research proposal is far from perfect.
Therefore, all constructive criticism and suggestions will be useful so that the
next writing can produce better works. Hopefully this research can be useful for
all those who read it.

Wassalamua'alaikum Wr. Wb

Muara Bungo, December 2021

Implementation of the using Flash Cards to increase the students
understanding of Grammar
Anbiya Binoval

This study aims to determine the factors that influence the motives of
students' lack of understanding of grammar, especially in the field of writing at
STKIP Muhammadiyah Muara Bungo. The independent variables studied were;
students' understanding of grammar, what problems cause a decline in students'
understanding and motives in understanding Grammar, and the quality of the
media that will be used to help students understand grammar (writing) with the
dependent variable, namely Flash Card.

This research uses research subjects, namely PBI students in semester V

as many as 3 people at STKIP Muhammadiyah Muara Bungo. Meanwhile, the
research was conducted using Interview and Comparing techniques or
comparing before and after the research on student understanding in Grammar
(writing). The test used to test the research instrument in the form of validity
and hypothesis testing.

The results of this study indicate that based on the results of the validity
and hypothesis analysis that students have increased their understanding of
grammar (writing) using Flash card media. The most dominant variable
influencing students' understanding motives is the uniqueness of the
presentation of interesting material in the form of cards, meaning that PBI V
students' understanding of grammar has increased significantly when compared
to their understanding before the study.

Keywords: Student understanding motive, interview, comparing, media quality

and uniqueness, flash card.
1.1 Backgroud of the study
When learning English, the thing that we will definitely encounter
is grammar. Starting from elementary to high school English subjects and
lectures, there will definitely be continuous discussions of grammar.
Usually grammar is something that is the most difficult to deal with
during the exam because there are various formulas and terms that must
be considered to compose sentences with correct grammar. Therefore, we
will first understand what grammar is.

Grammar is a sentence structure. By using the correct structure so

that the sentence will be perfect. Grammar also has several types or
components, including the following components of sentence, be, part of
speech, and tenses. Part of speech includes nouns, pronouns, verbs,
adjectives, prepositions, conjunctions, adverbs, determiners, and
interjections. Because grammar has several components, this also causes
grammar in general to be seen that most students are only fluent in
vocabulary, but not with the grammar. vocabulary possible can be learned
indirectly by students by watching action films Hollywood, playing
games, and also by listening to foreign songs. But the grammar itself is
very difficult to learn indirectly through the media. Meanwhile, from the
point of view of the place that I researched, namely STKIP itself, it can
be seen that most STKIP students and Ordinary people become a
stumbling block that prevents them from studying English because the
grammar (Writing) is so difficult. This is reinforced by several opinions
from students who were interviewed by researchers.At STKIP itself, there
are several types of grammar that are studied, including academic writing,
academic speaking, academic listening, and functional grammar.At the
same time, the researchers decided to focus on conducting research on
functional Grammar (Writing) in STKIP students, especially at PBI5.
Based on the background of the problem, identify the problem,
and limitation of the problem, then it can be formulated That the results
of observations in the field before the study, found several classic
problems in the learning process, including; there are still many students
who don't pay attention to lecturers such as talking to themselves, relying
on Goggle translate as an easy alternative to compiling grammar for cell
phone writing, and being lazy.

Results from observations made in oral form which shows that

the average value of students' understanding aspects is very low that is
less than 50% who only understand in the preparation of English
sentences. This clearly illustrates that the percentage of active
participation of students for the lesson of Functional grammar is less.
According to students, long hours of lessons make them feel bored
quickly, but the importance of these subjects is impossible to reduce the
allocation of time used. From this, the researchers took steps to improve
existing learning methods, by applying a variety of learning methods,
namely Using Flash Cards. From this the researchers took steps to
improve existing learning methods, by applying a variety of methods
learning that is Flash Card. The selection of the Flash card method was
chosen in this study because Flash Card helps students to be more active
and creative, namely fun interactions occur in terms of learning while
playing so that students learn while composing words to facilitate
understanding in terms of functional grammar (Writing). From the
problems that arise above, it is necessary to do research with the title
"Implementation of the Flash Card Method in an Effort of Understanding
Functional Grammar at PBI 5 STKIP Muhammadiyah Muara Bungo.
To overcome this problem, the researchers tried to use Flash card
method to improve student’s Writing skills.

1.2 Research question

How does the implemention of flash card increase understanding the
in learning grammar ?

1.3 Research Purposes

The purpose of this study was to find out how much students
understand in the learning process using the Flash Card method in the
local PBI 5 Functional Grammar subject at STKIP Muhammadiyah
Muara Bungo.
1.4 Benefit of research
A. For English teachers, the results of this study are expected to provide
them with alternative techniques for teaching Grammar.

B. For students, the result of this research is to increase students'

understanding, especially in Grammar (Writing) at STKIP
Muhammadiyah Muara Bungo
1.5 Scope of research
Based on the problems above, the scope of this research is focused on
understanding writing using the Flash card method in improving students'
grammar skills at PBI 5 STKIP Muhammadiyah Muara Bungo. This study
uses a formal situation setting where the actual teaching and learning
process of English takes place. The place of this research is in the
classroom of PBI 5
1.6 Definition of term
Writing skill is a special ability that helps the writer to put his thoughts
into words in a meaningful form and mentally interact with the message.
There are different definitions of writing which are explained by different
linguists. Writing is an integral part of a larger activity where the focus is
on something else such as language practice, acting or speaking (Harmer,
2007:33 ) On the other hand, writing is the representation of language in
textual media through the use of a set of signs or symbols. For some
people, writing is difficult. Elbow (1981: 9) states that writing requires the
ability to create words and ideas from oneself, but also requires the ability
to criticize them to describe which ones to use.

Writing is the essence of the writing process. Written products are often
the result of thinking, drafting and revising procedures that require special
skills, skills that not every speaker develops naturally (Brown, 2003: 335).
Based on the description above, it can be concluded that the notion of
writing is a process of finding ideas, thinking about how to express them,
and compiling them into statements and paragraphs whose purpose is used
to communicate something with others indirectly, students get the effort to
express their thoughts through written language.Writing has been widely
regarded as a very important skill in the teaching and learning of English as
a Second Language (ESL) as it is a comprehensive skill that helps
strengthen vocabulary, grammar, thinking, planning, editing, revision, and
other elements.

The Flash card method is one strategy to improve students' Grammark

writing skills. Harmer's (2004) statement states that writing is a very
processinfluenced by boundaries or goals certain. This writing activity
often become an important element in the process learning
2.1 Literature Review

A. Grammar

1. The Definition of Grammar

Grammar and vocabulary are components that should be

mastered in teaching learning process of language. The word of
grammar has several meaning and many people attempt to explain
about grammar. Different experts explain or define the term
grammar differently. Harmer (2001:12) explains grammar as the
description of the ways in which words can change their forms and
can be combined into sentences in the language. It is also defined by
(Lado, 1977:141) as the study of rules that are claimed to tell the
students what should and should not say in order to speak language
of the social educated class. In conclusion, grammar is the study of
the classes of words, their inflections, functions and relations in the
sentence of language. Learning grammar means the study, how
words are constructed in sentence well, when the pattern of
grammar is used appropriately, and how the sentence will be
interpreted correctly. It assumed which it is not only how language
is put together and how it works but also it tells about the system
and pattern in selecting and combining word. It also tells about the
construction of sentence.

2. The Importance of Grammar

Having known the definition of grammar, it is not hard to be

understood why grammar is useful and important. Without knowing
the grammar of a language, the students cannot comprehend the
essence of the text when they read.

In this case, a good grammar acquisition will help them in it.

Mastering grammar helps students to understand every word when
they are reading as well as speaking, listening and writing.

B. Writing

1. The Definition of Writing

Writing is one of the four language skills where the other three
are listening, speaking and reading (Harmer, 2004:31). Ramelan
(1992:14) states that writing is an important tool for communicating
ideas which is used in written or printed symbol, as found in books,
newspaper, magazines and letters. According to Tarigan (1994:3-4),
writing is a language skill which is used to communicate with other
people indirectly, thus, it does not need face to face interaction.
Writing is an activity which is productive and expressive and also
cannot be mastered without practice.
In line with those statements, (Nurgiyantoro, 2001:298) from the
perspective language competency, states that writing is a productive
activity, and it is an activity of producing language. While from
general definition writing is an activity of expressing idea through
language media.
Based on the previous definitions, it can be said that writing is
an expression of language in the form of letters, symbols or words
which has main purpose to do indirect communication.

2. The Purpose of Writing

In writing activity, there must be some purposes that should be

achieved by the students. According to Morsey in Tarigan (1994:4)
writing is used by the educated people to record, ensure, report and
also persuade. Those purposes can be reached only by people who
can organize their thought, organization, words use, and the
structure of sentence. Then, the purposes of writing which are
summarized by Hugo in Tarigan (1994:24) are;

a. Assignment Purpose
The assignment purpose actually has no purpose. Since, the
writer starts writing something when she/he is asked to write by
someone not by her/his willingness. The example is when the
students are asked to summarize a book by their teacher.
b. Altruistic Purpose
The writer wants to amuse the readers, to avoid or reduce the
readers’ sadness. Then, the writer wants to help the readers to
understand and comprehend their feeling and their logic. The writer
wants to make the readers’ live much easier through his writing.
c. Persuasive Purpose
It has purpose to ensure the readers about the truth of the ideas

d. Informational Purpose
The purpose is to give the information and also explanation to
the readers.

e. Self-Expressive Purpose
This purpose is to introduce the writer to the readers.

f. Creative Purpose
This purpose has close relation with self-expressive purpose,
however it tends to get the artistic values.
g. Problem-Solving Purpose
In this purpose, the writer wants to solve problem faced. He
wants to explain and observe carefully about his thought in order to
be understood and accepted by the readers.

3. The Elements of Writing

There are five elements of writing according to Nurgiyantoro

(2001:441). Those elements are;

a. Content (The Agreement with the Title Chosen)

Content means the paragraph which is written by the students
should be clear for the reader. In writing invitation card the students
have to pay attention in the content of the invitation card itself.
According to Sholeh (2014:93), there are four contents in writing
invitation card. Those contents are the name of the event, when the
event will be held, where the event will take place and an additional
information (e.g. dress code, rsvp or contact person).

b. Organization (Paragraph Unity, Coherence, Cohesion)

Organization means the arrangement of the paragraph. The
students should concern each paragraph in order to make their
writing well organized. When the students wants to write an
invitation card, they have to concern in layout of the invitation card
to make their writing complete.

c. Grammar
A good language depends on the grammar. A good grammar can
be seen from the correct grammar that is used in each sentence.

d. Vocabulary
The students should choose appropriate words and combine it
into sentences or paragraph.

e. Writing Mechanic (Spelling and Punctuation)

Writing mechanic refers to the rule how the students write a
sentence or paragraph. The students should concern the spelling and
the punctuation which are used in their writing.

4. The Criteria of Good Writing

There are some characteristics of a good writing. There are three
characteristics in writing a good text or paragraph, according to
Boardman (2008:18-25), such as namely;

a. Coherence
A paragraph has a good coherence when the supporting
sentences are ordered according to a principle. The sentences are
organized in good order so that the reader can understand the ideas
easily. The principle for ordering depends on the types of paragraph
that written by the writer. Coherence means stick together, and
basically that is the requirement to have a good writing product.

b. Cohesion
Cohesion means all the supporting sentences connect to each
other in their support of the topic sentence.

c. Unity
The last characteristic of a good writing is unity. Unity means all
the supporting sentences should relate to the topic sentence. The
composition of text or paragraph is like organization but it is smaller
in space, so it may be simpler than organization to consider the good
composition as direction. Thus, chronological composition step is to
express the idea the written form.

5. The Advantages of Writing

In writing activity, the students can get some advantages.

Harmer (2004:31-33) states that there are some advantages of
learning writing as follow;
a. Writing encourages students to focus on accurate language use
because they think as they write, it may well provoke language
development as they resolve problems which the writing put into
their minds.

b. Writing is often used as a mean of reinforcing language that has

been taught. Reinforcing writing need not be confined to sentence

c. Writing is frequently useful as preparation for some other

activities in particular when the students write sentence as preamble
to discussion activities.

d. Writing is used as an integral part of a large activity where the

focus is on something else such as language practice, acting out, or

e. Writing is also used in questionnaire-type activities.

Based on the description above, it can be concluded that writing

is an important skill to be learned which can help the students to
perform a different kind of activity such as speaking and listening.

2.2 Theoritical From Work

To strengthen the theory of researchers in their research to improve
understanding in grammar writing at STKIP Muhammadiyah Muara
Bungo, researchers include several theories that strengthen the
researcher's hypothesis that grammar is very useful in several ways, and
this is taken from the experts to strengthen the researcher's theory that
by using media The right way can help improve students' understanding
of grammar (writing).

 According to Barbara Dykes (2007: 5) in her book Grammar for

Everyone states that the simplest understanding of grammar.
According to him, "grammar is a language to talk about
 According to Goeffrey Leech (1982: 3) in his book English
Grammar for Today defines grammar as "Grammar refers to the
mechanism according to which language works when it is used
to communicate.

 According to Michael Swan (2005:xix) in his book Practical

English Usage, he expressed his opinion about the definition of
grammar. According to him, grammar is "The rules that show
how words are combined, arranged or changed to show certain
kinds of meaning.

2.3 Previous Study

In this case, prior to the conduct of the research, the condition of
student understanding and student interest was still very low, therefore
the results of this previous study showed that students were still
experiencing difficulties caused by several factors, such as the low level
of student proficiency in English, lack of mastery of vocabulary,
grammar, and pronunciation. The difficulties they experience in English
are very diverse, this is because their level of ability is different. The
existence of this research is expected so that students can improve their
skills in the process of learning English.
Therefore, seeing from previous research data that there is no
increase in student understanding in learning Grammar, the researcher
conducted research using Flash card media to help and attract
understanding and curiosity from STKIP Muhammadiyah Muara Bungo


3.1 Research Design

This study seeks to investigate whether the use of Flash card
media instills word order in teaching writing to improve Grammar
Comprehension in writing. In addition, this study seeks to test
whether students' understanding of grammar has increased or not.
The sample was first stratified at the fifth semester PBI student level
according to the results of their research, that the factor in increasing
students' understanding of grammar was media that was unique and
easy to understand. This method was blind because most students
did not understand English. but by giving sentences using flash
cards with familiar words that are generally used this makes them
focus on writing grammar and provides an indirect understanding of
grammar writing.

Since causal relationships are rarely deterministic, "to varying

degrees, all causal relationships are context-dependent" (Shadish,
Cook & Campbell 2002, 5), the research data set was collected with
the Class room of action study to provide an in-depth understanding
of the theory of Grammar. writing and contextual of interview data.
This class room of action method approach is important for RCTs
conducted in the context of education. Indeed, Moore, Graham, and
Diamond (2003) argue that "to experiment with an educational or
social intervention without evaluation of an embedded process
would treat the intervention as a black box, without information
about how it works, how it could be improved, or what the critical
components of the intervention are." "Likewise, Shadish et al.
(2002, 71) recommend "addition of good media for experiments" to
provide better interpretation and avoid errors in applying research
results to practice. In this study, data consisted of learning
observations, interviews. students and writing samples.

3.2 Research Site

Effective use of English grammar in scientific materials lays the
groundwork for effective communication, which enables you to concisely
present your scientific hypotheses, data, and results to others in your
field. Expressing yourself in a grammatically correct manner in scientific
articles, at conferences, in grant proposals, and in the many other outlets
required of researchers confers a sense of credibility, which is extremely
important. Credibility assists in building your reputation in any professional
network, especially for researchers in the international scientific community.
Now that we know the significance of grammar, let’s talk about the confusion
regarding proper grammar rules that most of us face. 
However, for now, the most easy and accessible way to tackle basic
grammatical errors is to refer to some good English grammar websites,
especially when you have a question about a particular grammar topic, such as
those given above, and when your grammar knowledge is already somewhat
proficient. Thus, we have compiled a list of the 5 best grammar websites to use
as references when you are writing.
1. The British Council
The British Council is known for its history of helping people learn
English. They are a UK-based charity that was established in 1934, and their
site provides a free English test that assigns you a level based on your English
2. Purdue Online Writing Lab
This is one of our favorites because the Purdue Online Writing Lab
(OWL) provides numerous free online resources and articles that are
particularly useful for scientists who wish to sharpen their writing skills. They
provide important tips and guidelines on academic writing, and they have an
entire section dedicated to research and citation resources. The site also
provides an extensive list of articles on different grammar topics, which will
help you with sentence level organization and style.
This website provides resources for both beginner and advanced English
learners. They offer online tools, such as online exercises that quiz your
knowledge of specific grammar topics, and they provide a pdf version of their
Grammar Rules Review, which is a great resource to review basic grammar
topics. One can also ask questions through messages or comments, making this
website very interactive.

4. Daily Grammar
Also a favorite of our team, Daily Grammar provides many essential
(and free) tools to help you polish your grammar skills. Specifically, the site
provides an archive of hundreds of free lessons and quizzes on many English
grammar topics.
5. Grammar Bytes
In addition to the fact that they have a catchy title, Grammar Bytes is a
good resource for teachers because it includes fun teaching materials. Although
aimed toward teachers, the downloadable handouts can be used as quizzes for
researchers that want to test their grammar skills on a specific topic.
Additionally, their Twitter feed is up-to-date and provides questions and
answers related to grammar on a regular basis. The website also has videos and
presentations that are viewable on their YouTube channel. The website itself
has a fun interactive test series and study tips for students and teachers, making
it user-friendly and entertaining.
So, there you have it – 5 of the best grammar sites that had been use
from researcher to search some references for this research . Although there are
many more out there that provide super-useful information, start with these and
go from there.

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