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Ignatian Discernment (A Summary)

- Understand the movement of Spirit within oneself in order to strive for
o Interior Freedom
o Greater service to the Lord
- Awareness & Sifting movements of the Spirit
o Is it from God; moving towards God
o Not from God; moving away from God
3 Kinds of Spirit:
A. Human/ Natural
B. From God (Good Spirit)
C. Evil Spirit
Beginners – Purgative Stage: Cleansing patterns of sinfulness
2 Kinds of Beginners
1. Still “playing with fire” (Pre-conversion)
2. Trying to be good

• Still “playing with fire” (Pre-conversion)

- Evil Spirit: at Home

i. Caught up in vice, earthly pleasure, & wanton living
ii. Conscience has lost its sensitivity
iii. Evil Spirit tempts with OVERT TEMPTATIONS
- Sin:
i. Darkens the mind
ii. Weakens the will Move from Sin to sin
iii. Corrupts the soul

- Good Spirit: Uneasy

i. Prick the soul / conscience
ii. Unmask faulty reasonings
iii. Brings discomfort (guilt) to the sinner
Holy People
→ makes them uncomfortable
→ remind them of what they lack
→ challenge their sinful lifestyle
• Trying to be good

- Good Spirit: at home

i. Brings peace & tranquility
ii. Keep him on the good direction
- Evil Spirit: Uncomfortable
i. Makes noise
ii. Sow discontent
iii. Magnify false issues
iv. Tempt sensual desires
v. Create false burdens on commitments
OVERT TEMPTATION brings disturbing effect

Consolation & Desolation

Consolation Desolation

Happy with Life Negative feelings

Human/ Natural
Comfort Discomfort
Moves you to God Moves you away from God
Makes you more Loving Makes you less Loving

What do we Discern?
- Not IDEAS / Reflection (from the Head)
- We discern:
ii. DIRECTION it is going
Spiritual Consolation:
Perceptible Experience of God’s Love; deep communion with God
Moves away from selfishness → towards God (God is the center)

Pleasant • Experience of pleasure from God’s Love

Unpleasant • Experience struggle/ loss/ pain and move to Love the Lord
- Freedom from sinful patterns (Guilt in Confession)
- Solidarity with Christ’s Suffering (Sorrow during Holy Week)
- Tears in self-donation (Tears during ordination)
Peaceful • Every increase in faith, hope and Love
• Interior Joy that attracts to heavenly things
• Experience rest and quiet

Rules in Consolation:
1. Savor (to remember God’s graces when desolation comes)
2. Have a humble heart → thanksgiving to God
Spiritual Desolation:
Heaviness that can derail our progress to God

• Darkness of the soul

• Disturbance of the heart
• Movement to low and earthly things
• Disquiet from various agitations and temptations
• Critical & resentful
• Slothful, tepid, sad
• Separated from God
Rules in Desolation:
• Do not yield to discouragement/ temptation
• Desolation is not from God
• Desolation is a time of fidelity & fortitude (not to make any decisions)

1. Resist the temptation to change the course decided in consolation

2. Employ Spiritual means for Spiritual Battle (Prayer, penance, examination)
3. Hold on to God (even if we do not feel God’s presence)
4. Patience
a. Carry the burden faithfully
b. Know that consolation will soon return
Times of Desolation:

EVIL SPIRIT acts as… How it operates What to do?

Spoiled Child Be firm
Illicit relationship
Bring it to the light
Keep evil secret
Secret Lover Expose the truth
“conspiracy of silence”
Evil likes to be in the dark

Evil knows your vulnerability

Attack when you are most
complacent, prideful, and weak:
Stay sober and alert…
Clever General H - Hungry
Resist him, solid in your faith
A - Angry
L - Lonely
T - Tired

How Good Spirit and Evil Spirit operates:

Stage: Good Spirit Bad Spirit

Moving from sin to sin Sting conscience OVERT temptation

Trying to be good Gives peace Disquiet, Discourage, Noisy

Advanced/ Illuminative stage Gives true happiness & COVERT (Hidden) temptation
banish sadness • Fallacious reasoning
• Deceptions
• Subtleties
Seen as:
• Dissatisfaction
• Pride in effort
• “Angel of light”

Detect COVERT temptations by:

“Observing the whole course of our thoughts”
• Head of Serpent: beginning of the thought (intent, nature)
• Body of Serpent: middle of the though (means, operations)
• Tail of the serpent: end of the thought (effects, consequences, “flavor”, direction
Ask: Is this from me, or from God?
Discerning a Choice
Choices must be between 2 goods (Constructive, morally correct)
Requisites/ Disposition
• Ignatian Indifference (set aside preferences)
• Freedom (Really prays and seeks)
3 Times when correct & Good Choice is made:
1. Absolutely Clear
2. Sorting Consolation & Desolation
3. Time of tranquility
a. Conscious & Logical Way (weigh the Pros and Cons)
b. Use of Imagination
i. What is the best advice you can give to a friend who have the same
ii. In the perspective of death
iii. In the perspective of the final judgement
iv. Look for confirmation and ask for the grace
• You are happy
• You have the capacity
• People are happy about your choice
• You feel you are where you’re supposed to be
• Opinion of superiors
1. Freedom & indifference
2. Gather Data
a. Practical Details
b. Subjective Data (feelings, motivation)
3. Formulate the issue in a proposal (X or non-X; X or Y)
4. Pray (Check areas of unfreedom, seek help from SD)
5. List Advantages and Disadvantages (one option at a time)
6. Prayerfully reflect & evaluate each option
7. Observe the Direction (moving towards or away from God?)
8. Ask God for Genuine consolation
9. Trust God & make your decision
10. Seek for confirmation: in Life, Rector/Bishop (Practical consequences)

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