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An assignment

Important Skills That I Can Contribute Towards Organization

Course Little: Conflict and Negotiation Management

Course Code:510

Submitted to:
Md.Sharfuddin Rashed

Associate professor

Department of management,

University of chittagong

Submitted by:


Department of management

University of chittagong.

Date of submission: 23th june 2021.

Important Skills That I Can Contribute Towards Organization
Organizational skills are some of the most important proficiencies y have as an employee. Being
organized will allow you to meet deadlines, minimize stress and carry out your duties more efficiently.

Setting goals: Organization in the workplace also involves setting achievable goals.
Organized employees can set personal and professional goals that inspire them to work hard and
perform well.

Strategic planning: Being organized involves making the most of your time and energy. A
crucial part of this is planning out how you plan to use your resources.

Working under pressure: Organization is particularly important in high-pressure

situations. In fast-paced environments and workplaces that enforce strict deadlines, being
organized is critical to an employee staying calm and focused. 

Communication: Another important organizational skill to consider is communication. Your

communication skills are based on how well you share and receive information in the

Time management: Managing your time well is crucial to being organized. Time
management involves allowing yourself enough time to finish tasks, not spending too much time
on any one project and balancing the time.

Decision-making: Organized employees are skilled decision-makers. Making well-thought-

out decisions involves collecting all the necessary information, considering the consequences and
thinking ahead to predict outcomes.

What Are Organizational Skills? (With Examples): Retrieved from:

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