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University of Chittagong

Assignment on Important skills that can contribute towards Organization

Submitted to:
Md Sharfuddin Rashed
Associate Professor
Department of Management
University of Chittagong

Submitted by:
Abrar Ul Hoque
ID: 15302064
Session: 2018-2019
Department of Management
University of Chittagong

Date of submission: 23/06/2021

Important skills that can contribute towards Organization
Skills can be defined as certain attributes or abilities that an executive should possess in order to fulfill
specific tasks in an organization. They include the capacity to perform executive duties in
an organization while avoiding crisis situations and promptly solving problems when they occur.
1. Flexibility
Some jobs offer a lot of variety while others are more predictable. But even employees in routine jobs
should be flexible to be able to adjust quickly when something does not go as planned.
2. Commitment
Hiring candidates that show a commitment to their employer and are engaged at work is a smart financial
decision because they contribute to overall productivity and are less likely to leave.
3. Integrity
Although we wish it were not true, not all candidates are honest and trustworthy. Candidates who will
follow procedures and company standards, understand when something is confidential, and speak up
when they witness something wrong or inappropriate.
4. Leadership
Leadership is not just important for senior-level employees. According to a Harvard Business Review
study, 38% of respondents said being able to inspire and motivate others is a skill employee at all levels
should cultivate. So, it is important to look for candidates who demonstrate leadership and mentoring
5. Teamwork
Nearly three-fourths of employers rated teamwork and collaboration as “very important,”. Every
employee should be able to work confidently and effectively within a group. The ability to work with
others is an important quality to look for when evaluating candidates, even if they will not have to work
on a team all the time,
6. Time Management
Just about every job requires employees to wear many different hats. Look for candidates who know how
to successfully manage their time, and who can prioritize tasks and meet deadlines.
Candidates who have most—if not all—of these skills should be the one you hire to build a team that will
help your company meet its goals and objectives.
Adina Moron (2016) retrieved from:
Queens University of Charlotte retrieved from:

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