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1.What are the two requirements of Sampling Theorem?

Essentially, there are two requirements used to perform the sampling method:
 Natural Sampling – occurs when the sample pulses' tops keep their natural form
throughout the sample period, making it difficult for an ADC to convert the sample
to a PCM code. The original signal is multiplied by a train of unit-amplitude
rectangular sampling pulses in natural sampling. As a result, by convolving the
original signal's spectrum with the spectrum of the train of sampling pulses, the
spectrum of a naturally sampled signal may be obtained.
 Flat-top Sampling – is to sample the constantly changing analog input voltage on a
regular basis and convert the samples to a sequence of constant-amplitude PAM
voltage levels.

2. For Analog-to-Digital Conversion, define the following :

a. Sampling
is a method of measuring the amplitude of a continuous function at regular

b. Quantization
is the process by which a sampled amplitude value is assigned one of a limited number
of fixed values. Quantization is accomplished for all channels before the next sample is
taken (commonly 10 μsec per channel).

c. Coding
is the process of converting a quantized value to binary representation. The binary
representation of the quantized value is used. Each binary digit is usually assigned to a
separate output line. These lines carry a 0 or 1 at read-out time.

3. For Digital-to Analog Conversion, define the following :

a. Resolution
The number of bits, N, determines the DAC's resolution. The DAC's resolution is the
lowest output increment it can produce. The resolution of an 8-bit DAC is 8 bits, or one
part in 28. This equates to a 0.39 percent proportion.
b. Sampling rate
The number of samples per second
c. Conversion Speed
is the time it takes for the analog output to attain its matching new value within a given
error band after a digital input code change. Typically, the output is supposed to settle
within a 12LSB error band. Between the zero-scale and full-scale codes, the worst-case
settling time is commonly assessed.
d. Linearity
The maximum deviation from an ideal straight line formed between the zero-scale and
full-scale outputs is known as linearity. It's usually expressed as a percentage or a
fraction of an LSB. For an 8-bit DAC, for example, (12)LSB linearity translates to 0.195

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