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SY20212022 11/11/2021

Compiled by:
Engr. Leonardo Valiente Jr.

• Signal
• System
• Digital Signal Processing (DSP)
• Basic Elements of a DSP System
• Classification of Signals

Compiled by LDV 1
2Q SY20212022 11/11/2021


• A signal can be defined as

• - Any physical quantity that varies with time, space or
any other independent variable or variables.
- A pattern of variations of a physical quantity that can be
manipulated, stored, or transmitted by physical process.
- An information variable represented by physical quantity.
• For digital systems, the variable takes on discrete

LDValiente 3


• A system may also be defined as a physical device that

performs an operation on a signal.
• For example, a filter used to reduce the noise and
interference corrupting a desired information-bearing
signal is called a system.

LDValiente 4

Compiled by LDV 2
2Q SY20212022 11/11/2021

(Digital) Signal Processing

Signal Processing deals with the enhancement, extraction, and
representation of information for communication or analysis
• Many different fields of engineering rely upon signal processing
• Examples: Acoustics, telephony, radio, television,
seismology, and radar
• Digital Signal Processing is a field of numerical mathematics
that is concerned with the processing of discrete signals
• This area of mathematics deals with the principles that underlie
all digital systems

LDValiente 5

Basic Elements of a Digital Signal Processing


Analog Digital D/A Analog

A/D Output
Input Converter signal Converter
Signal processor Signal

Digital Digital
input output
signal signal

• Block diagram of a digital signal

processing system.

LDValiente 6

Compiled by LDV 3
2Q SY20212022 11/11/2021

LDValiente 7

Practical, Inexpensive DSP System

“Cool Edit”
Waveform Editor
Record Player Amplifier
D Sound
Left Channel Card
Card S D/A
Tape Deck Right Channel
Multichannel (Stereo) Signals

Digital Signal Processing:
Analog/ 1) Noise Reduction
Continuous- Discrete-
Radio -Digital Filtering, etc.
Time Time
2) Signal Compression
Signals Signals
-MP3, JPEG/MPEG Image, etc.
3) Spectral Analysis (e.g., FFT)

Compiled by LDV 4
2Q SY20212022 11/11/2021

Electronic “Fax” via Portable Document Format

Digital Signal:
Scanned Hard
Far more Complex
Acoustic Waveforms
are often
EncounteredFar more
Complex Acoustic
Waveforms are often
EncounteredFar more
Complex Acoustic
Waveforms are often
EncounteredFar more
Complex Acoustic
Waveforms are often

700 KB You’ve Got Mail:

Adobe Acrobat PDF
Far more Complex
Acoustic Waveforms

LZW Lossless
are often
EncounteredFar more
Complex Acoustic
Waveforms are often

Email via Far more Complex

EncounteredFar more

Complex Acoustic
Waveforms are often
EncounteredFar more Acoustic Waveforms
Complex Acoustic
Waveforms are often are often
Almost 10:1 Internet
EncounteredFar more
Complex Acoustic
700 KB Waveforms are often
e.g. Concatenate in EncounteredFar more
Complex Acoustic
Adobe Acrobat PDF Waveforms are often
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Complex Acoustic
Waveforms are often
Far more Complex

~ 700 KB
Acoustic Waveforms
are often
EncounteredFar more
Complex Acoustic

for Total
Waveforms are often
EncounteredFar more
Complex Acoustic
Waveforms are often

EncounteredFar more
Complex Acoustic
Waveforms are often

700 KB



• > Multichannel and Multidimensional Signals vs Single

• > Continuous-Time vs Discrete-Time Signals
• > Discrete-Valued vs Continuous-Valued
• > Random vs Deterministic

LDValiente 10

Compiled by LDV 5
2Q SY20212022 11/11/2021

Continuous-Time Sinusoidal Signals

A simple harmonic oscillation is mathematically described by the

following continuous-time sinusoidal signal:
𝑥 𝑡 𝐴 cos Ω𝑡 𝜃 , ∞ 𝑡 ∞
𝑥 𝑡 𝐴 cos 2𝜋𝐹𝑡 𝜃 , ∞ 𝑡 ∞

This signal is completely characterized by the parameters:

A is the amplitude of the sinusoid, Ω is the frequency in radians
per second (Ω = 2𝜋𝐹) and 𝜽 is the phase in radians.

LDValiente 11

𝑥 𝑡 𝐴 cos 2𝜋𝐹𝑡 𝜃
The analog sinusoidal signal is characterized by
the following properties:
Al. For every fixed value of the frequency F, xa(t) is
periodic and where T = 1/F is the fundamental
period of the sinusoidal signal.
A2. Continuous-time sinusoidal signals with distinct
(different) frequencies are themselves distinct.
A3. Increasing the frequency F results in an
increase in the rate of oscillation of the signal, in
the sense that more periods are included in a
given time interval.
LDValiente 12

Compiled by LDV 6
2Q SY20212022 11/11/2021

• The relationships we have described for sinusoidal signals

carry over to the class of complex exponential signals
•𝑥 𝑡 𝐴𝑒 Ω

•𝑥 𝑡 𝐴 cos Ω𝑡 𝜃 = 𝑒 + 𝑒

LDValiente 13


“A” is at 440 Hertz (Hz)

Computer plot looks like a sine wave
This should be the mathematical formula:

𝑥 𝑡 𝐴 cos 2𝜋𝐹𝑡 𝜃

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Compiled by LDV 7
2Q SY20212022 11/11/2021

TUNING FORK A-440 Waveform

T  8.15  5.85
 2.3 ms

Time (sec)
f  1/ T
 1000 / 2.3
 435 Hz

LDValiente 15

Discrete-Time Sinusoidat Signals

• A discrete-time sinusoidal signal may be expressed as

𝑥 𝑛 𝐴 cos ω𝑛 𝜃 , ∞ 𝑛 ∞

where n is an integer variable (called the sample number). A is

the amplitude of the sinusoid. 𝝎 is the frequency in radians per
sample. and 𝜽 is the phase in radians

LDValiente 16

Compiled by LDV 8
2Q SY20212022 11/11/2021

ω 2πf
𝑥 𝑛 𝐴 cos 2π𝑓𝑛 𝜃 , ∞ 𝑛 ∞

LDValiente 17

The discrete-time sinusoids are characterized by the following

B1. A discrete-time sinusoid is periodic only if its frequency f is a rational
A discrete-time signal x(n) is periodic with period N (N > 0) if and only if
x(n + N) = x(n) for all n
• The smallest value of N for which is true is caIled the fundamental
• For a sinusoid with frequency 𝑓 to be periodic, we should have
cos(2π 𝑓 (N + n )+ θ] = cos(2π 𝑓 n + θ)

LDValiente 18

Compiled by LDV 9
2Q SY20212022 11/11/2021

• B2. Discrete-time sinusoids whose frequencies are separated by an

integer multiple of 2π are identical.

Consider the sinusoid cos(ω 𝑛 θ),

cos[(ω + 2π)n + θ] = cos[ω n + 2πn + θ] = cos(ω 𝑛 θ).

• As a result, all sinusoidal sequences

𝑥 𝑛 𝐴 cos ω 𝑛 𝜃 , 𝑘 0, 1, 2, …
ω 2𝑘π , π ω π

LDValiente 19

• B3. The highest rate of oscillation in a discrete-time sinusoid is attained when

ω= π (or ω = -π) or, equivalently, f = ½ (or f = -½ ).

LDValiente 20

Compiled by LDV 10

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