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Republic of the Philippines





Grade and Subject: Grade 8 - English Quarter: Second Quarter

Topic: Hyperbole and Litotes Week: Week 1



Content Standards: The learner demonstrates understanding of: East Asian Literature as an art
form inspired and influenced by nature; relationship of visual, sensory and verbal signals in both
literary and and expository texts; strategies in listening to long descriptive and narrative texts;
value of literal and figurative language; and appropriate grammatical signals or expressions
suitable to patterns of idea development.

Performance Standards: The learners transfers learning by: composing and delivering a brief
and creative entertainment speech featuring a variety of effective paragraphs, appropriate
grammatical signals or expressions in topic development, and appropriate prosodic features,
stance and behavior.

Learning Competencies: EN8V-IIf-10.1.4: Identify figure of speech that shows emphasis

(hyperbole and litotes)


Hyperbole and Litotes


1. Teachers guide pages:

2. Learners Material Pages:

3. Textbook Pages: English Arts I. 2000. pp. 44, 45 & English Arts III. 2000. pp. 54, 103-104

4. Additional Materials from Learning Resource (LR): Other Learning Resources: Palermo
(2016). English 8 - Hyperbole and Litotes. Retrieved from

Hyperbole: Definition and examples. Retrieved from: Literary

Figurative Language - Litotes. Retrieved from:


A. Before the Lesson (Preliminaries and Motivation)

Teacher's Activity Student's Activity

- Preliminaries-

"Goodmorning class!" "Goodmorning ma'am!"

"Kindly all rise and let's have our prayer first. "Ms. Santiago lead the prayer: As we come
Ms. Santiago, please lead the prayer." before the Lord, in the name of the father,
son, and the holy Spirit. Almighty father ...
"Okay! Before you take your seats, make sure
to check if there's any trashes around and
arranged your chairs properly." " Students kindly pick up some pieces of trash
and arranged their chairs properly."
"You may now take your seats."

"Please say present if your name is called.

Mr. Balame, Mr. Escal, Mr. Delo yola, Mr. "Students take their seats."
Bueno, Ms. Sevilla, Ms. Ignacio, Ms.
"Students say present once their name is
Cotiangco ..."
"Alright! Very good. No one is absent."

"So, in our previous meeting we discussed

about figurative language. Am I corect?"
"Yes ma'am!"
"But! We only focused on two types, which

"Good!" "Students answer: Simile and metaphor"

"Okay, anyone who would like to recall

what's simile and metaphor is?"
"One student raised his/her hand."
"Yes, Ms. Sevilla?"

"Ms. Sevilla answered: A simile is a figure of

speech that shows comparison using 'like'
and 'as'. Example: Her words is as sweet as
"Very good! How about metaphor?" honey."

"Another student raised his/her hand."

"Yes, kindly stand up."

" The student recited his/her answer: A

metaphor is a figure of speech that shows
similarity to another thing. Example: The
snow is a white blanket."


"Great! Okay so much for that. Now, I have

here two scrambled words. I want you to
"Student's arranged the word as fast as they
arranged it in two minutes. The first group to
can and give it to their teacher."
give me the arranged word will recieve five
"Group 1: testoli"

"Group 2: perlebohy"

"Good! So the group who will be recieveing

plus points is group ____."

"Now, the two scrambled words are?"

"Students answered: Hyperbole and Litotes."

B. During the Lesson (Lesson Proper)

"Teacher's Activity" "Student's Activity"

"Good! Do you have any idea what the words "Ms. Ignacio volunteered: Based on my
mean?" understanding of hyperbole, it uses
exaggerations to make a point."

"No one answered."

"Thank you. How about litotes?"

"Okay! Eyes on the powerpoint presentation.

Mr. Balame, read the first slide." "Mr. Balame read the first slide: Hyperbole,
from a Greek word meaning "excess" is a
type of figure of speech that uses
exaggerations to show emphasis. It can be
use to have an amusing effect. Example:

• She's a thousand beautiful than other girls.

• I have ton of works to finished."

"Students listen attentively to the teacher."

"So, Ms. Ignacio is right! Hyperbole is a figure
of speech that uses exaggerations to make a
point or emphasis on certain things. Like the
given example, it's said that 'she's a thousand
beautiful than other girls', this means that
the girl is really beautiful. Another, 'I have
tons of works to finished', that simply means
I have many things to do."
"Yes ma'am!"
"Did you get it?"

"Very good! Other examples are ... "Everyone read the second slide:
Everyone read the second slide." Examples: I told you to maintain your room
clean a million times!

Solving math problems is difficult my brain

will explode.

The girl arranged her cabinet almost

everyday a million times.

"Mr. Bueno raised his hand."

"Anyone who would like to explain the first

"Yes please stand up." "The first example 'I told you to maintain
your room a million times' simply means the
person keeps reminding you to maintain the
cleanliness of your room but does not
actually tell it a million times."
"Very good!"

"Half of the class raised their hands."

"How about the second and third example?"

"Okay! Mr. Escal second example and for the

last, Ms. Cañete." "Mr. Escal explained the second example:

'Solving math problems is difficult my brain

will explode' means that solving math
problems is not something easy to do that it
may cause you a headache. It does not really
mean your head will literally explode."

"Ms. Canete shared her idea: The third

example 'The girl arranged her cabinet almost
everyday a million times' means that most of
the days the girl keeps her time arranging her
cabinet but does not really means she is
doing it a million times."

"Yes! That's correct! Thank you Mr. Escal and "One student volunteered: Litotes, derived
Ms. Canete. Now let's proceed to Litotes. from the Greek word meaning 'simple'. A
Anyone who would like to read?" figure of speech which employs
understatement double negatives or positive
statement is expressed by negating its
opposite expressions. Example: It's not a bad

He's no fool.

That was no pleasant activity.

Not a bad taste."

"Okay! Based on the definition, it's called
litotes if a point is made by negating its
opposite. Making a point by saying someone
or something is 'not' something.

Example: It's not a bad grade. This means

his/her grade is good. Another, he's no fool.
It means he's smart. Then we have, that was
no pleasant activity. This means it's a horrible
activity. And the last one, not a bad taste. It
"Yes ma'am!"
means the taste is good.

Did you get it?"

C. After the Lesson (Generalization, Assessment, & Agreement)

Teacher's Activity Student's Activity


(The teacher will asks the following questions

and let a random student provide examples

"Now, let's see if you really understand the

lesson. What do you call the type of figure of "Students simultaneously answered:
speech that uses exaggerations to show Hyperbole"

"How about the figure of speech which

"Students answered: Litotes"
employs understatement by using double
negatives or positive statement is expressed
by negating its opposite expressions."

"Good! Now I will randomly call a name to

provide me examples of the two types of
figure of speech we discussed. Mr. Deloyola, "Mr. Deloyola give his example."
kindly stand up and give example of

"Okay! That's right!"

"Ms. Canete give her example."
"How about Ms. Canete, give me example of

"Yeah! That's correct."

"Last, Ms. Ignacio. Give me example of "Ms. Ignacio provide her own example."

"Very good!"


"Now get a 1/2 sheet of paper and answer

"Students get a 1/2 sheet of paper and
answer the activity obediently and silently."
the activity."

Instructions: Identify the figure of speech that

shows emphasis (hyperbole, litotes).

1. She send a thousand emails to me


2. I had to wait a ride for a year.

3. You're suggestions and feedback are not


4. I cannot disagree with your idea.

5. You are not playing badly.

6. Your room is not unclean.

7. Her vocabulary is a million times better.

8. Her gown is not bad.

9. She's dying of embarrassment.

10. I had to wait for him eternally.


(The teacher will let the students study in

advanced the next lesson)

"Next meeting we'll have to tackle about

prefixes, roots, and suffixes so study in
advanced because might I will provide extra
points to those who can answer my questions
before we start the lesson proper."

V. ASSIGNMENT (Optional)

The teacher will let students prepare at least ten (10) words each for the next lessons activity.



Prepared by:

Mary Jane A. Vega

Pre - Service Teacher

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