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School Subject : English

Arranged by :
1. Briggitta Pusparini
2. Davinlie Davinci
3. Jennifer Tesalonika Erick
4. Yoan Giraldo

Jati Jelupang Street, Number. 1, Jelupang, North Serpong District, South Tangerang City,
Banten 15323
 Breaking news opening video from :
Jennifer : Greetings Indonesia and good morning. I’m Jennifer Tesalonika Erick. Today we
are from G10 `breaking news will accompany you for about 6 until 12 minutes.
From economy department, Indonesia Urges G20 to Establish Global Health
CHANGE INTRO economy -> health
Brigitta : I’m Brigitta Pusparini. From Health department, Jakarta will try to protecting
the Public Health due to Covid-19 pandemin on omicron virus raise.
CHANGE INTRO health -> sport
Davinline : I’m Davinlie Davinvi. We will talk further more about sport nowdays because
Mikaela Shiffrin completes first-ever Olympic downhill.
CHANGE INTRO sport -> lifestyle
Yoan : I’m Yoan Giraldo and we will talk more about life style today.
News 1 : Jennifer Tesalonika Erick

Jennifer : (News Title) Indonesia to Urge G20 to Establish Global Health Fund

Indonesia will urge the Group of 20 leading economies to establish a global body that can
dispense emergency funds during a health crisis, functioning in a similar way to international
financial institutions. This is followed up with Indonesia as the G20 president this year will seek
emergency funds, vaccines, therapeutics, or diagnostics if any country needs that.

Health Minister Budi Gunadi Sadikin has also called for all countries to work together in
this pandemic situation because there won't be any global health institutions that have enough
power or money to jump in and help.

The economies focused on the health crisis also added ideas to the proposal for an
international pandemic response system by Indonesia and the United States. President Joko
"Jokowi" Widodo on Thursday also urged support for that initiative from developed countries, all
nations needed an equal chance to prepare themselves for future pandemics.

Health Minister Budi Gunadi Sadikin doubted the WHO would be up to the task of
managing a global health fund of the scale Indonesia was proposing. After 30 years in finance, he
wondered if the WHO, like the IMF, could raise a trillion dollars.He said that the WHO, or World
Health Organization, was not built to do this kind of job and that the Global Fund, an international
financing organization, or GAVI, the Global Vaccine Alliance, might be better suited for this kind
of job.

Indonesia as G20 president this year would also push for a global genomic data sharing
platform, harmonised global health protocols, and a global manufacturing and research hub,
especially for developing countries.

I’m Jennifer Tesalonika. That’s the news for economy department. Thank You.

News 2 : Brigitta Pusparini

Brigitta : (News Title) Protecting Public Health Due to High Cases on Omicron Variant
People’s mobility in Jakarta is high. It's effected to epicenter of the pandemic. The hospital
occupancy rate for COVID-19 patients rise, albeit mostly for asymptomatic or mild patients
because of the rapid transmission of the Omicron variant.

In the past few days, the capital city reported twice the national bed occupancy rate, which
has averaged 25 percent ever since the highly infectious but less deadly Omicron began spreading.
This happened despite calls from Governor Anies Baswedan, who said that most of the patients
did not actually require hospitalization.

The Health Ministry has found that most deaths from Omicron occurred among either
elderly people or those with comorbidities. Compared with the Delta strain, Omicron is less lethal,
which is why the government has repeatedly urged patients infected by the strain to self-isolate at
home or go to isolation centers, especially if they display mild or no symptoms, and use the
government-sponsored free telemedicine services. In this case many frontline health workers died
while treating so many patients.

To substantially improve our defense against COVID-19, a mass vaccination program must
continue and cover the targeted groups. Some 90 percent of 208 million target recipients have
received the first dose, and around 65 percent have been fully vaccinated, while only 3 percent
have received booster shots. It must be noted, however, that half of the elderly population, the
group most vulnerable to COVID-19, has not been fully vaccinated.

Anyway, our strict adherence to the health protocols will protect hospitals from another
paralysis, and get us through the third wave.

News 3 : Davinlie Davinci

Davinlie : (News Title) Protecting Public Health Due to High Cases on Omicron Variant
Hello dear viewers. In today’s news, we’re going to talk about the greatest achievement
from an athlete named Mikaela Shiffrin. She completed her first-ever Olympic downhill at Beijing
in 2022. Alpine skiing superstar Mikaela Shiffrin says she has "learned a lot" after finishing nearly
two seconds off the pace.

Shiffrin crossed the finish line clocking a time of 1 minute and 34.36 seconds, 2.49 seconds
behind winner Corinne Suter of Switzerland and ended up in 18th place. She said that she felt like
over the last couple of days she has learned a lot where it feels there's a lot to learn, but all in all,
she felt done OK processing everything, she likes to clean up that first top section.

Shiffrin had only competed in one downhill this season, after not racing the discipline in
the 2020/21 World Cup. This was the second event that the six-time world champion has
completed at this Olympics after finishing 9th in the super G. She failed to finish her opening two
events, the GS and the slalom.

That’s all for today's viewers. The best effort will always give the best results. I’m Davinlie
Davinci, see you next time.
News 4 : Yoan Giraldo
Yoan : (News Title) –
Due to the disabled access, so Jennifer couldn’t write any script of Yoan. This because Jennifer
didn’t have the access on Yoan’s News.
Picture 4.1 Access Disabled and Yoan’s Respond


Jennifer :” Thank You for all of the audience that has been loyal to us from 6 until 12
minutes. I’m Jennifer Tesalonika Erick.”
Briggita : “ I’m Brigitta Pusparini.”
Davinline :” I’m Davinlie Davinci.”
Yoan :” and I’m Yoan Giraldo.”
Jennifer : “We will meet again in another english project. Good Morning and Thank You.”


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