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DATE :20TH JULY,2020.




Identify a research topic based on identified health problem, write introduction , problem statement

TOPIC: Impact of the nationwide covid19 lockdown on the physical health of Kenyans.


Covid19 is a novel strain of the coronavirus . The virus was first discovered in wuhan mainland china in

2019 after an outbreak. It then spread globally and was declared a pandemic by WHO on 11 th match

Kenya is among the 213 countries affected by the virus. CS HEALTH Dr. mutahi kagwe announced the
first case on 13th march 2020. Since then infections rate was persistently increasing and is now at 13,353
positive cases and 234 deaths on 20th July, 2020.

The Kenyan government took some drastic measures to contain the virus and decrease infection rate.
This include: nationwide total lockdown ,no intercounty travel allowed, night curfew , closure of learning
institutions and recreational centers which was initiated on april,2020.

Most of Kenyans are thus forced into sedentary lifestyle and cannot be involved in outdoor activities
which could help in the their physical wellbeing.

Problem statement.

What impact has the lockdown restriction had on the physical health of Kenyans?

Kenyans before lockdown couldn’t miss out doing physical activities ,while some had to work vigorously
at work others walked to work daily . The rest whose work was more of office work were known to meet
with friends to engage in games and other outdoor physical activity.

Physical health is critical for overall wellbeing and can be affected by lifestyle and level of activity.
Majority of Kenyans cannot access the necessary resources such as gymnasiums ,swimming pool,and
other public recreational facilities. Many are now reduced to staying indoors for most part of the day.

Sedentary lifestyle will lead to obesity which is the major risk factor to cardiovascular diseases
according to study done in Toronto Canada.

The covid19 infectious has been reported to be severe in people with underlying medical condition e.g.
diabetes, hypertension , people with weak immune response like the elderly and the

In Kenya ,according to WHO ,its estimated that 25% of hospital admission and 13% of deaths in Kenya
are due to CVD. Hypertension is the most risk factor for CVDs according to national STEPwise survey for
NCDs carried out in 2015.


In most of the developed countries, they have put in place measures to ease the movement restrictions.
With proper supervision the government should try to consider the reopening of public recreational and
physical fitness facilities, while still upholding, frequent sanitization and use of mask.

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