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Date Generic Brand Classificatio Indication Mechanism Dosage & Time Adverse Nursing
Name Name n of Action Frequency Given Reaction Consideration
10-11- bumetani Bumex Therapeutic: Edema due Inhibits 0.5 mg CNS: Monitor signs of fluid,
21 de diuretics to heart the tab dizziness, electrolyte, or acid-base
failure, reabsorpti encephalop imbalances, including
Pharmacologi hepatic on of athy, dizziness, drowsiness,
c: loop disease, sodium and headache. blurred vision,
diuretics or renal chloride EENT: confusion, hypotension,
impairmen from the hearing or muscle cramps and
t. loop of loss, weakness. Report
Henle and tinnitus. excessive or prolonged
distal CV: symptoms to the
renal hypotensio physician.
tubule. n. GI:
Increases diarrhea, Assess dizziness that
renal dry mouth, might affect gait,
excretion nausea, balance, and other
of water, vomiting. functional activities.
sodium GU: Report balance
chloride, excessive problems and functional
magnesium, urination. limitations to the
potassium, Derm: physician, and caution
and photosensi the patient and
calcium. tivity, family/caregivers to
Effectiven pruritus, guard against falls and
ess rash. trauma.
persists Endo:
in hyperglyce Monitor drug effects by
impaired mia, assessing peripheral
renal hyperurice edema using girth
function. mia. F and measurements, volume
Therapeuti E: displacement, and
c Effects: dehydratio
Diuresis n, measurement of pitting
and hypocalcem edema. Also monitor
subsequent ia, signs of pulmonary
mobilizati hypochlore edema such as dyspnea
on of mia, and rales/crackles.
excess hypokalemi Document whether
fluid a, peripheral and
(edema, hypomagnes pulmonary symptoms
pleural emia, are controlled
effusions) hyponatrem adequately by diuretic
. ia, therapy.
a, Assess blood pressure
metabolic periodically and
alkalosis. compare to normal
MS: values. Report low
arthralgia blood pressure
, muscle (hypotension),
cramps, especially if patient
myalgia. experiences dizziness or
Misc: syncope.
BUN. Be alert for signs of
including decreased
alertness, lethargy, and
incoordination. Notify
physician of these signs
before they progress to
more severe changes in
mental status such as
dementia, seizures, and

Assess any joint pain,

muscle pain, or muscle
cramps to rule out
pathology; that is, try to
determine if
symptoms are drug
induced rather than
caused by anatomic or

Monitor signs of
hyperglycemia such as
drowsiness, fruity
breath, increased
urination, and unusual
thirst. Patients with
diabetes mellitus should
check blood glucose
levels frequently.

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