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Journal of Nursing Science - Benha University ISSN 2682 – 3934 Vol. (3) No.

(1) 2022

Assessment of Knowledge and Practices of Pregnant Women regarding Hyperemesis


Asmaa Sobhi Ahmed Elabasi1, Samia Abd-Elhakeem Hasneen Aboud2, Somaya Ouda Abd-
Elmoniem 3 and Ola Abd-Elwahab Afifi Araby4
(1) Nursing specialist at Sirs Ellian Hospital, Egypt, (2) Professor of Obstetrics and Gynecological
Health Nursing, Faculty of Nursing, Benha University, Egypt, (3) Assistant Professor of Obstetrics and
Gynecological Health Nursing, Faculty of Nursing, Benha University, Egypt, (4) Lecturer of Obstetrics
and Gynecological Health Nursing, Faculty of Nursing, Benha University, Egypt

Background: Hyperemesis gravidarum is a high disorder characterized by ongoing severe
nausea and vomiting affects 0.3–3% of women during pregnancy. Hyperemesis gravidarum badly
affected the general health condition of pregnant women. Aim of study: Was to assess knowledge and
practices of pregnant women regarding hyperemesis gravidarum. Study design: A descriptive study
was utilized to conduct this study. Setting: This study was conducted at Obstetrics and Gynecological
inpatient department and outpatient clinic at Benha University hospital. Sample: A purposive sample
was used 50 pregnant women suffer from hyperemesis gravidaurm were admitted to the previous
setting for eight months. Tools of data collection: Data were collected by using one tool: A structured-
interviewing questionnaire sheet which consisted of three parts, part I: Socio-demographic data, part II:
Knowledge assessment sheet and part III: Maternal health practices questionnaire. Results: There was
less than two-thirds of the studied women had poor knowledge regarding hyperemesis gravidarum;
while less than one-third of them had good knowledge. Regarding to healthy practices of mothers, less
than three-quarters of mothers had unsatisfactory healthy practices and less than one-third of them had
satisfactory healthy practices regarding hyperemesis gravidaurm. Conclusion: There was a highly
positive statistical correlation between total knowledge and total practices regarding hyperemesis
gravidaurm. Recommendations: Designing, implementing and distributing guidelines for hyperemesis
gravidarum through antenatal clinic during initial visit of the pregnant women.
Key words: Hyperemesis gravidaurm, Knowledge, Practices.

Hyperemesis Gravidarum (HG) is the weakness and dizziness are frequent symptoms
strongest form of nausea and vomiting in associated with HG, whilst rare symptoms also
pregnancy, defined as unrelenting nausea and include hyperolfaction, dysgeusia, decreased
excessive vomiting initiated before the 22nd gustatory discernment, sleep disturbance,
week. The incidence of hospitalization for HG depression, anxiety, irritability and mood
is 0.3–3% of all pregnancies among all changes. The diagnostic criteria of HG include
pregnancies and is the most common cause of nausea and vomiting more than three times per
hospital admission in the first trimester (Farg day, the detection of ketones in the urine or
and Hassan, 2019). acetone in the blood, and weight loss greater
The clinical picture and diagnosis of HG than 5% of pre pregnancy body weight with
including these signs ptyalism, fatigue, dehydration, alkalosis from loss of hydrochloric

Assessment of Knowledge and Practices of Pregnant Women regarding Hyperemesis Gravidarum

acid, hypokalemia, ketosis and acidosis from intake. The primary nursing management goals
starvation (Kloter, et al, 2019). are to reduce symptoms to improve maternal
In relation to risk factors of HG, health and well-being, optimize maternal/fetal
hyperemesis patients commonly have multiple outcomes, and reduce costs. This requires a
pregnancies and current or previous molar focus on maintaining hydration and nutrition
pregnancy. Other risk factors for hyperemesis but also mobility. Infusion nurses are key
include maternal age, genetic susceptibility, advocates for achieving these goals (Nurmi, et
parity, ethnicity, marital status, smoking, al, 2020).
unplanned pregnancies, depression or In the early stages, many pregnant
psychiatric illness, less socioeconomic status, women with HG will be advised to rest, eat
previous history of hyperemesis, preexisting bite-size pieces of dry toast or crackers before
diabetes, body mass index, asthma, getting out of bed, and have frequent, small
hyperthyroid disorders, female fetus, meals. Fried or spicy foods, or smells that
dysmenorrhea, urinary tract infections, peptic trigger symptoms of nausea and vomiting, are
ulceration and other gastrointestinal disorders best avoided. Some women benefit from eating
(Dinberu, et al, 2019). ginger or foods containing ginger, such as
Hyperemesis gravidarum is a serious ginger biscuits and drinking ginger herbal tea.
complication during pregnancy presenting as When symptoms are severe, admission to
prolonged and severe nausea and vomiting hospital may be needed for observation and to
causing dehydration, malnutrition and treat dehydration with intravenous fluids
significant morbidity. Women with a history of (Jasline, 2019).
HG have around an 80% chance of suffering in
subsequent pregnancies. Careful and thorough Significance of the study
planning in advance of future pregnancy can Hyperemesis gravidarum affects
significantly reduce the overall severity of approximately 0.3% to 3.6% of pregnancies
symptoms and improve the psychosocial (MacGibbon, et al, 2021). According to
welfare of the women as well as pregnancy (Mahmoud 2012) in Egypt, there was high
outcomes. This article explores the various prevalence of H.G which was 4.5% in relation
aspects of a thorough prophylactic care plan to to the universal prevalence. HG is serious
optimize the outcomes of future pregnancies conditions that lead to Wernicke's
and reduce the morbidity associated with HG encephalopathy, severe electrolyte imbalance
(Dean, et al, 2020). that can result in ventricular fibrillation and
Management of HG requires a cardiac arrest, and pro-longed stress that can
combination of medical and nursing result in post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)
interventions, lifestyle changes, dietary (DSM-IV-R) following pregnancy (Kim, et al,
changes, adjunctive care, and pregnant women 2021).
education, which should be used early, because For offspring exposed in utero to HG,
HG is more difficult and costly to manage over there is an increased risk of preterm birth, small
time. Proactive treatment may reduce symptom for gestational age, low birth weight and
severity, thus treatment should begin at the necessity for neonatal care and/or resuscitation.
onset of symptoms, limiting food and/or fluid Children are at an increased risk of

Asmaa Sobhi, Samia Abd-Elhakeem, Somaya Ouda and Ola Abd-Elwahab

neurodevelopmental delay and autism spectrum were admitted to the previous setting for eight
disorder and may be at increased risk of months fulfill the inclusion criteria:
reduced insulin sensitivity, higher blood  Pregnant women age between 19 and 35
pressure, increased fat mass and increased years old.
cortisol levels. Disease severity is often  Pregnant women medically diagnosed with
underestimated, resulting in increased maternal hyperemesis gravidaurm by physician.
weight loss, which may contribute to these  Pregnant women with HG and free from
adverse maternal and offspring outcomes any psychological disorder.
(Poeran-Bahadoer, et al, 2020).
Improved Knowledge and practices may Tools of data collection:
help pregnant women feel more empowered One tool utilized for collecting data:
which in turn may reduce severity of HG, the A structured-interviewing questionnaire
overall complications and quality of life sheet:
consequences of HG (Mohamed and Hassan, It constructed by investigator after
2019). So, our study aims to evaluate reviewing a related literature and translated into
effectiveness of educational guidelines on Arabic language. It consisted of three parts,
women's knowledge and practices regarding part I: Socio-demographic data such as (age,
hyperemesis gravidaurm. residence, level of education, occupation and
Aim of the study Part II: Knowledge assessment sheet:
The current study aimed to assess It was designed by investigator to assess
knowledge and practices of pregnant women pregnant women's knowledge about
regarding hyperemesis gravidarum. hyperemesis gravidarum. It consisted of 21
Research questions: question of multi choice.
Q1: What is the level of pregnant women’s Scoring system:
knowledge regarding hyperemesis gravidaurm? All knowledge variables were weight
Q2: What is the level of pregnant women’s according to items include in each question.
practices regarding hyperemesis gravidaurm? The answer of the questions was classified into
two categories. The answer would have score
Subjects and Method: (1) for correct answer and score (0) for
Research Design: incorrect answer.
A descriptive study design was used to fulfill Total knowledge score will classify as the
this study. following:
Study Setting:  Good: (> 75 % correct answer).
This study was conducted at Obstetrics and  Average: (50≤75 % correct answer).
Gynecological inpatient department and  Poor: (< 50 % correct answer).
outpatient clinic at Benha University hospital. Part III: Maternal health practices
Sampling: questionnaire:
A purposive sample was used 50 pregnant It was designed by investigator to assess
women suffer from hyperemesis gravidaurm practices of pregnant women regarding HG. It
consisted of 14 items.

Assessment of Knowledge and Practices of Pregnant Women regarding Hyperemesis Gravidarum

Scoring system: - not disclosed and the women were assured

The score of practices range from (0) to that all data was used only for research
(2), each statement scores as following: (2) if purpose.
always done, (1) if sometimes done and (0) if  The women were free to withdraw from
never done. study at any time.
Total practices score will classify into two  The study didn’t have any physical, social
levels: or psychological risk on the participants.
 Satisfactory level: ≥60 %. Pilot study:
 Unsatisfactory level: < 60 %. The pilot study was conducted on 10%
Tools validity: from total period eight months (32 weeks)
The validity of questionnaire was approximately 3 weeks (three days per weeks)
reviewed by "3" jury to three experts in the to test the clarity and applicability of the tools.
field of Obstetrics & Gynecological health Modifications had done according to the pilot
nursing at faculty of Benha University to results and pilot sample had excluded from the
ascertain clarity, relevance, comprehensiveness study.
and applicability of tools. Modifications were
done such as adding, rephrasing and omitting Field work:
some questions. The study was carried out from the
Reliability: beginning of March 2020 to the end of April
Reliability of the tool was measured by 2020, then from beginning of July to the end of
using Cronbach’s Alpha test, to measure December 2020, covering eight months. The
internal consistency of the study result. researcher attended the pre mentioned setting
Cronbach’s Alpha coefficient of knowledge from 9 Am to 12 pm, three days per week
questionnaire was (0.76%). (Saturdays, Mondays and Wednesdays) until the
Ethical consideration: predetermined duration was completed. The
 The study approval was obtained from researcher had prolonged the duration of data
Scientific Research Ethical Committee of collection to able to collect acceptable sample
faculty of nursing at Benha University size because a lot of hospitals was transformed to
before starting the study. isolation hospital due to breakout covid-19.
 An official permission from the selected Statistical analysis:
study setting was obtained for the The collected data were organized,
fulfillment of the study. tabulated and statistically analyzed using SPSS
 Before applying the tools, the researcher software statistical computer package version
explained the aim and importance of the 25 and the study sample was calculated using
study to gain women's confidence and the Ep-iinfo program. For quantitative data, the
trust. range, mean and standard deviation were
 The researcher took oral consent from calculated. For qualitative data, comparison
women to participate in the study and was done using Chi-square test (χ2).
confidentialities were assured. Correlation between variables was evaluated
using Pearson and Spearman’s correlation
 The data was collected and treated
coefficient r. A significance was adopted at
confidentially, where personal data were

Asmaa Sobhi, Samia Abd-Elhakeem, Somaya Ouda and Ola Abd-Elwahab

P<0.05 for interpretation of results of tests of had (incorrect answers) about cases of HG in
significance (*). Also, a highly significance was which doctor is forced to terminate a pregnancy.
adopted at P<0.01 for interpretation of results Table (3): Illustrates that there was two-
of tests of significance (**). fifth of mothers (40.0%) always drinking more
Results: fluids to prevent dehydration, at least 2 liters per
Table (1): Shows that more than two- day. while the majority (80.0) and more than
thirds (70.0%) of studied sample were in age three-quarters of them (76.0) never sleeping
group 19 - 23 years with a mean age of enough hours every day & sleeping early and
22.56±3.24 years. As regards the residence, less sleeping in a dark and quiet room to avoid
than two-thirds (60.0%) of them lived in rural sensory stimulation respectively. the current
areas. Furthermore, more than three-quarters of study findings clarified that less than one-third of
them (78.0%) were housewives. Regarding the studied sample had satisfactory level of practices
educational level, more than half (58.0%) of regarding hyperemesis gravidarum. While, it was
them had secondary education. Moreover; more revealed that less than three-quarter of studied
than half (54.0%) of them had fairly sufficient sample had unsatisfactory level of practices
income. regarding hyperemesis gravidarum.
Table (2): Reveals that more than half Table (4): Clarifies that; there was a
(52.0) of studied women had (correct answer) highly positive statistical correlation between
about the severe complications that may occur as total knowledge and total practices regarding
a result of H.G, while the majority (86.0) of them hyperemesis gravidaurm (P≤ 0.001).

Table (1): Socio-demographic data of the studied women (n = 50).

General characteristics No %
19 – 23 35 70.0
24 – 29 12 24.0
30 – 35 3 6.0
Mean ± SD = 22.56±3.24
Rural 30 60.0
Urban 20 40.0
Rural of education
Illiterate 2 4.0
Basic 7 14.0
Secondary education 29 58.0
University education 12 24.0
Housewife 39 78.0
Employed 11 22.0
Enough 11 22.0
Fairly enough 27 54.0
Not enough 12 24.0

Assessment of Knowledge and Practices of Pregnant Women regarding Hyperemesis Gravidarum

Table (2): Frequency Distribution of studied sample regarding their knowledge about
hyperemesis gravidarum (n = 50).

Correct Incorrect
Knowledge items
No % No %
Definition of hyperemesis gravidarum 12 24.0 38 76.0
The difference between normal morning sickness and hyperemesis
gravidarum 28.0 36 72.0
The times of day at which HG occurs 11 22.0 39 78.0
Gestational age in weeks of at which HG occurs 12 24.0 38 76.0
Risk factors of HG 9 18.0 41 82.0
Signs and symptoms of HG 20 40.0 30 60.0
Noticeable signs at clinical examination 13 26.0 37 74.0
Biochemical changes that occur due to HG 10 20.0 40 80.0
Causes related to pregnancy and may lead to HG 18 36.0 32 64.0
Causes that are not related to pregnancy and may lead to HG 15 30.0 35 70.0
Complications of HG for the mother 23 46.0 27 54.0
Complications of HG for the fetus 20 40.0 30 60.0
Severe complications that may occur as a result of HG 26 52.0 24 48.0
Diagnosis of HG 17 34.0 33 66.0
Investigation should be performed for a woman suffering from HG 10 20.0 40 80.0
Prevention methods of HG 14 28.0 36 72.0
Healthcare modalities for HG 8 16.0 42 84.0
Observations in case of hospitalization 16 32.0 34 68.0
Effective nutritional recommendations in health care for HG 18 36.0 32 64.0
Alternative treatments used to reduce the frequency of vomiting 10 20.0 40 80.0
Prohibited foods in case of HG 13 26.0 37 74.0
Cases of HG in which doctor is forced to terminate a pregnancy 7 14.0 43 86.0
*A Statistical significant p ≤ 0.05. **A Highly Statistical significant p ≤ 0.001.
60 62

Series1 30 30
10 8

Good Average Poor

Figure (1): Frequency Distribution of studied sample regarding their total knowledge score
about hyperemesis gravidarum (n = 50).

Asmaa Sobhi, Samia Abd-Elhakeem, Somaya Ouda and Ola Abd-Elwahab

Table (3): Frequency Distribution of studied sample regarding their practices related to
hyperemesis gravidarum (n=50)
Always Never
Practices items s
No % No % No %
Following the schedule of antenatal visits as a risk
19 2
pregnancy, according to the doctor's instructions. 38.0 4.0 29 58.0
Taking nutritional supplements prescribed by a doctor. 17 34.0 1 2.0 32 64.0
Taking the medicine at the prescribed time as recommended. 11 22.0 3 6.0 36 72.0
Sleeping enough hours every day and sleeping early. 8 16.0 2 4.0 40 80.0
Sleeping in dark and quiet room to avoid sensory stimulation. 8 16.0 4 8.0 38 76.0
Tracking the weight regularly. 15 30.0 2 4.0 33 66.0
Getting rest after eating for some time at least a quarter of an
hour to help prevent stomach muscles from cramping and 15 30.0 5 10. 30 60.0
vomiting. 0
Avoid using perfumes and stimuli. 18 36.0 3 6.0 29 58.0
Eat small and frequent meals that are high in carbohydrates 22.0 4.0 37 74.0
11 2
and low in protein in fat.
Eat dry biscuits first when waking up in the morning before 34.0 2.0 32 64.0
17 1
getting out of bed.
Eat snacks before bed to reduce the urge to vomit. 14 28.0 1 2.0 35 70.0
Eat bananas regularly to supply the body with mineral salts 20.0 6.0 37 74.0
10 3
that help reduce nausea and vomiting.
Drinking a glass of milk before bed. 19 38.0 4 8.0 27 54.0
Drinking more fluids to prevent dehydration, at least 2 liters 40.0 10. 25 60.0
20 5
per day. 0
*A Statistical significant p ≤ 0.05. **A Highly Statistical significant p ≤ 0.001.


50 30%
Satisfactory Unsatisfactory

Figure (2): Frequency Distribution of studied sample regarding their total practices score about
hyperemesis gravidarum (n = 50).

Assessment of Knowledge and Practices of Pregnant Women regarding Hyperemesis Gravidarum

Table (4): Correlation between total knowledge and total healthy practices score of the studied
sample regarding hyperemesis gravidaurm (n = 50).

Total knowledge
r P-value

Total healthy practices .570 ≤ 0.001

**A Highly Statistical significant p ≤ 0.001

Hyperemesis Gravidarum is considered General characteristics of studied
the most severe manifestation of nausea and sample such as age, residence, educational
vomiting during pregnancy and presented in level, occupation and income mainly affect
0.3–3% of all pregnancies. Despite an women's knowledge and practices regarding
apparently relatively low incidence, HG hyperemesis gravidaurm. So, these factors
represents the most common cause of should be determined for the studied sample.
hospitalization during the first half of The finding of the current study revealed that
pregnancy. Its complications include weight more than two-thirds of studied sample were in
loss, dehydration, electrolyte disturbances, and age group 19 - 23 years with a mean age of
nutritional deficiency. Also, HG has been 22.56±3.24 years. As regards the residence, less
associated with premature delivery and small than two-thirds of them lived in rural areas.
gestational-age infants. Moreover, recurrence in Furthermore, more than three-quarters of them
consecutive pregnancies is high where ranging were housewives. Regarding the educational
from 15% to more than 80% (Havnen, et al, level, more than half of them had secondary
2019). education. Moreover, more than half of them
Pregnant women's empowerment with had fairly sufficient income.
knowledge allows them to identify and express This result was consistent with
their health needs, encourage them to ask for (Kamali, et al, 2018) who conducted "The
treatment and support without hesitation and effect of small group teaching on quality of life
improve their practices and make effective in pregnant women with nausea and vomiting"
decisions about their own health. Failure to found that mean age of woman was 24.4 ±4.6
provide awareness leaves women in the dark years. Also, (Thakur, et al, 2019) who studied
and establishes a gap between pregnant women "Severity of hyperemesis gravidarum and
and health care providers (Zaki, et al, 2021). associated maternal factors" documented that
This study aimed to evaluate more than half of women were in age group 19-
effectiveness of educational guidelines on 24 years. Additionally, (Hassan, et al, 2019)
women's knowledge and practices regarding who studied "Nursing role in application off
hyperemesis gravidaurm. nutritional guidelines during hyperemesis

Asmaa Sobhi, Samia Abd-Elhakeem, Somaya Ouda and Ola Abd-Elwahab

gravidarum and its effect on patients outcomes" one third of subjects had basic education and
cleared that most of women were from rural more than one quarter of them were illiterate.
areas. Furthermore, (Dean and Marsden,
In the same context (Muwonge, 2019) 2017) contradicted this study in his study
who studied that "Risk factors for hyperemesis entitled "Satisfaction for treatment of
gravidarum among pregnant women attending hyperemesis gravidarum in day care settings
antenatal clinic at kawempe hospital" reported compared to hospital admissions" who found
that majority of women had at least secondary that about three quarters of women were
education. Also, (Hassan, et al, 2019) employed. In addition to, (Farg and Hassan,
documented that about three fifths of women 2019) who illustrated that more than half of
were housewives. subjects had insufficient income. This
Moreover, these results agreed with (Ali congruence can be explained by convergence in
and Abokresha, 2021) who studied that residence of studied subjects live in urban area
"Patterns and determinants of utilization of more than subject in our research and their level
antenatal care services by pregnant women in of education was higher.
Sohag, Upper Egypt" mentioned that more than Knowledge is a vital element to enable
half of women were from rural areas. Also, (Ali women to be aware of their health status during
and Abokresha, 2021) reported that the their pregnancies. However, studies have
families of more than three fifths of women had shown that many women either lack knowledge
satisfactory income. This similarity in results or show a lack of concern for certain health
may be related to the similarities of community risks in pregnancy, This indicates that there is
features and convergence in sample size. the need for a more effective drive to educate
On the other hand, this result was on the women and help them to acquire appropriate
contrary with (Akhtar, et al, 2018) who knowledge to acquire proper skills towards a
studied "Knowledge, attitude and practice healthy practices during pregnancy (Mohamed
regarding antenatal care among pregnant and Hassan, 2019).
women in rural area of lahore" indicated that Owing to knowledge of the studied
about half of pregnant women were in age women regarding hyperemesis gravidarum, the
above 30 years old. Also, (Ali and Abokresha, current study findings clarified that, more than
2021) who showed that mean age of pregnant half (52.0) of studied women had (correct
women was 30.4±3.8. answer) about the severe complications that
Additionally, in contrast to this study may occur as a result of H.G, while the
(Mekonnen, et al, 2018) who studied "Risk majority (86.0) of them had (incorrect answers)
factors of hyperemesis gravidarum among about cases of HG in which doctor is forced to
pregnant women in bale zone hospitals, terminate a pregnancy. The current study
southeast Ethiopia", found that more than two findings clarified that there was less than two-
thirds of subjects were from urban areas. While, thirds of the studied women had poor
(Farg and Hassan, 2019) who studied "Study knowledge regarding hyperemesis gravidarum;
hyperemesis gravidarum requiring hospital while less than one-third of them had good
admission during pregnancy: effect of nursing knowledge.
implication on its progress" cleared that about

Assessment of Knowledge and Practices of Pregnant Women regarding Hyperemesis Gravidarum

This result went in the same line with women toward minor discomforts during the
(Samarakoon, et al, 2020) who studied period of pregnancy" indicated that 40% of
"Knowledge and Practices Regarding Self- sample had poor knowledge at 1st trimester
Management of nausea and vomiting among while 42% of sample had good knowledge at
Pregnant Mothers" reported that most of the 2nd trimester followed by 3rd trimester.
participants were experienced nausea and In the same context, (Kamali, et al,
vomiting and majority of them (94.1%) had 2018) who conducted "The effect of small
poor knowledge level regarding these group teaching on quality of life in pregnant
symptoms. women with nausea and vomiting" found that
This result was consistent with (Kaur total knowledge score in the intervention group
and Gagandeep, 2017) who studied" had statistically significant difference before
Assessment of nausea and vomiting of and after the teaching intervention. Also, (Farg
pregnancy on antenatal clients of Addis Ababa" and Hassan, 2019) who studied "Study
cleared that majority (76%) of antenatal hyperemesis gravidarum requiring hospital
mothers had average knowledge regarding admission during pregnancy: effect of nursing
major ailments of pregnancy whereas, (22%) implication on its progress" found that found
antenatal mothers had poor knowledge and that women with hyperemesis gravidarum
very few (2%) had good knowledge achieved better score in their knowledge degree
regarding major ailments of pregnancy. after implementing the educational
The result of our study matched with program.This similarity in the result due to low
(Jasline, 2019) who applied that "A Study to level of education.
Assess the Effectiveness of self-Instructional The researcher believes that, the defect
Module on Knowledge Regarding Home Care of knowledge may be due to lack of educational
Management of Hyperemesis Gravidarum programming that supported by booklets and
among Primi Gravida Mothers in a Selected posters. Therefore, it is necessary to apply and
Community Areas in Dehradun, India" signifies design educational programs to raise awareness
that (82%) of mothers had inadequate among pregnant women regarding hyperemesis
knowledge, (18%) had moderate knowledge gravidarum.
and none of them had adequate knowledge. Regarding practices of the studied
This result was in agreement with women regarding hyperemesis gravidarum, the
(Sharma, et al, 2020) who studied" Knowledge current study findings clarified that there was
and practices regarding management of major two-fifth of mothers (40.0%) always drinking
ailments of pregnancy among antenatal more fluids to prevent dehydration, at least 2
mothers: a descriptive study from Rajasthan" liters per day. while the majority (80.0) and
found that almost (61%) of antenatal mothers more than three-quarters of them (76.0) never
had fair knowledge followed by (37%) had sleeping enough hours every day & sleeping
poor knowledge and only (2.4%) women early and sleeping in a dark and quiet room to
reported to have good knowledge. avoid sensory stimulation respectively. the
Additionally, the result of our study current study findings clarified that less than
matched with (Nadia, et al, 2009) who studied one-third of studied sample had satisfactory
"Assessment of knowledge and practice of level of practices regarding hyperemesis

Asmaa Sobhi, Samia Abd-Elhakeem, Somaya Ouda and Ola Abd-Elwahab

gravidarum. While, it was revealed that less Moreover, (Teweldemedhin, et al,

than three-quarter of studied sample had 2021) who conducted "Effect of nutrition
unsatisfactory level of practices regarding education by health professionals on
hyperemesis gravidarum. pregnancy-specific nutrition knowledge and
The result of the current study was healthy dietary practice among pregnant
supported by (Zaki, et al, 2021) who studied women in Asmara, Eritrea" found that the
"Assessment of knowledge and practices of practice score post the educational intervention
pregnant women toward danger signs of was significantly higher than that of pre-
pregnancy" reported that about two thirds of intervention. This result was in agreement with
pregnant women had inadequate practice (Abu-Baker, et al, 2021) who found that the
toward danger signs during pregnancy as intervention group recorded significantly higher
hyperemesis gravidarum. total practices score after implementation of the
This result was agreement with (Anwar, health education program.
et al, 2019) who studied "Guideline for On the other hand, this result was
Management of Hyperemesis Gravidarum" disagrees with (Sharma, et al, 2020) who
showed that highly statistically significant cleared that majority (86%) of mothers ate
difference was found in life style modification frequent meals followed by (74%) of women
regarding nutrition during the follow up from avoid strong odors smell in order to manage
the initial observation to the nine one. This nausea and vomiting. This result was
reflected upon the compliance of study subjects inconsistent with (Akhtar, et al, 2018) who
to the instructions and health teaching that were found that (61%) participants have positive
given. practices towards antenatal care.
Additionally, the result of our study Concerning the correlation between
matched with (Oliveira, et al, 2018) who total knowledge and total healthy practices
applied "Effect of an educational intervention score of the studied sample, the current study
on pregnancy: a cluster-randomized clinical findings clarified that there was a highly
trial" indicated that the educational intervention positive statistical correlation between total
was effective in improving the knowledge and knowledge and total practices regarding
practices of pregnant women. hyperemesis gravidaurm.
Also, (Abd El haliem , et al, 2018) who This result was consistent with (Abd El
studied "Utilization of self-care practice haliem, et al, 2018) found that there was a
guideline on relieving nausea and vomiting highly positive association between knowledge
among new pregnant woman" found that there improvement subsequently improves practice.
was a highly statistical significant difference Increasingly, (Tenaw, et al, 2018) documented
between pre-intervention phase and post- that knowledge had a positive association with
intervention phase. The total practice improved good practices of women during pregnancy.
after education intervention where most of This result was supported by (Zaki, et
subjects achieved satisfactory level of practice al, 2021) reported that an important association
post intervention compared to less than one has been found between the overall knowledge
fifths pre interventions. score and the practices of pregnant women. In
addition, (Havnen, et al, 2019) who studied

Assessment of Knowledge and Practices of Pregnant Women regarding Hyperemesis Gravidarum

"Women’s perspectives on the management and clinics and psychological support and
consequences of hyperemesis gravidarum; a reassurance for the women with hyperemesis
descriptive interview study" reported that gravidarum to cope safely with her pregnancy.
improving knowledge is needed to improve  Further studies are recommended to :
healthy practices of women with HG. This  Evaluate health team immediate intervention
finding supported the importance of the related to hyperemesis gravidaurm.
educational program and antenatal mother
classes to improve knowledge and practices References
among pregnant women regarding HG. Finally, Abd El haliem, S., Abd El hady, R., and
the finding of the current study were answered Mohamed, A. (2018). Utilization of self-care
the study questions and achieved the aim of the practice guideline on relieving Nausea and
study. Vomiting among new pregnant woman. Journal
Conclusion of Nursing and Health Science; 7(1): 7-15.
Less than two-thirds of the studied Abu-Baker, N., Abusbaitan, H., Al-Ashram,
women had poor knowledge regarding S., and Alshraifeen, A. (2021). The Effect of
hyperemesis gravidarum; while less than one- Health Education on Dietary Knowledge and
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‫الترقين الدولي‪2682 – 3934 :‬‬ ‫هجلة العلىم التوريضية – جاهعة بنها‬ ‫الولخص العربي‬

‫هعلىهات وهوارسات السيدات الحىاهل فيوا يتعلق بقيء الحول الوستعصي‬

‫أسَبء صجذً أدَذ اىعجبسً – سبٍٍخ عجذ اىذنٌٍ دسبٍِّ– سٍَٔ ع٘دٓ عجذ اىَْعٌ – عال عجذ اىٕ٘بة عفٍفً‬

‫قًء اىذَو اىَسزعصً ٕ٘ ٍشنيخ صذٍخ قذ رٖذد دٍبح اىَشأح اىذبٍو‪ٌ ،‬زٍَض ثبىغثٍبُ اىشذٌذ ٗاىقًء‬
‫اىَسزَش‪ٌٗ ،‬صٍت ‪ ٍِ ٪0-3.0‬اىسٍذاد أثْبء اىذَو‪ .‬اىسٍذاد اىالرً ٌعبٍِّ ٍْٔ ٌفقذُ أمثش ٍِ ‪ٗ ٍِ ٪5‬صِّٖ‬
‫أثْبء اىذَو‪ٗ .‬رشَو األعشاض اىَشرجطخ ثـقًء اىذَو اىَسزعصً عيً إسرفبع ٍعذه اىْجط‪ٗ ،‬اإلفشاغ فً إفشاص‬
‫اىيعبة ٗسشعخ ظشثبد اىقيت ٗصذٗس سائذخ ٍصذ٘ثخ ثبىْفس (سائذخ مٍزٍّ٘خ)‪ٌ .‬ؤدي قًء اىذَو اىَسزعصً‬
‫إىى اىجفبف‪ّٗ ،‬قص اىزغزٌخ‪ٗ ،‬صٌبدح اىنٍزُ٘ فً اىج٘ه‪ٗ ،‬قيخ فً اىس٘ائو ٗاألٍالح‪ٗ ،‬عذً ر٘اصُ اىذَط‬
‫اىقبعذي‪ٗ ،‬فً اىذبالد اىشذٌذح قذ ٌؤدي إىى ريف اىنجذ ٗاىنيى ٗاى٘فبح‪ .‬ىزا ٕذفذ اىذساسخ اىذبىٍخ إىى رقٌٍٍ‬
‫ٍعيٍ٘بد ٍَٗبسسبد اىسٍذاد اىذ٘اٍو فٍَب ٌزعيق ثقًء اىذَو اىَسزعصً‪ٗ .‬قذ أجشٌذ ٕزٓ اىذساسخ فً قسٌ‬
‫أٍشاض اىْسبء ٗاىز٘ىٍذ ٗاىعٍبداد اىخبسجٍخ ثَسزشفى ثْٖب اىجبٍعً عيى ‪ 53‬سٍذح‪ .‬دٍث ارعخ ٍِ اىْزبئج أُ‬
‫مبُ ْٕبك أقو ٍِ ثيثً اىسٍذاد اىخبظعبد ىيذساسخ ىذٌِٖ اىقيٍو ٍِ اىَعيٍ٘بد عِ قًء اىذَو اىَسزعصً‪ .‬فٍَب‬
‫ٌزعيق ثبىََبسسبد اىصذٍخ ىيسٍذاد اىذ٘اٍو اىخبظعبد ىيذساسخ مبُ ْٕبك أقو ٍِ ثالثخ أسثبع اىسٍذاد ىذٌِٖ‬
‫ٍَبسسبد صذٍخ غٍش ٍشظٍخ ٗأقو ٍِ ثيثِٖ مبُ ىذٌِٖ ٍَبسسبد صذٍخ ٍشظٍخ فٍَب ٌزعيق ثقًء اىذَو‬
‫اىَسزعصً‪ .‬ثبإلظبفخ إىى رىل‪ ،‬مبُ ْٕبك اسرجبغ إدصبئً إٌجبثً ىيغبٌخ ثٍِ اىَعشفخ اىنيٍخ ٗاىََبسسبد اىنيٍخ‬
‫فٍَب ٌزعيق ثقًء اىذَو اىَسزعصً‪ٗ .‬أخٍشا قذ أجبثذ ّزبئج اىذساسخ اىذبىٍخ عيى أسئيخ اىذساسخ ٗدققذ اىٖذف‬
‫ٍْٖب‪ٗ .‬أٗصذ اىذساسخ إىً صٌبدح اى٘عً اىعبً اىَسزٖذف ٗاىجشاٍج اىزعيٍٍَخ ىيسٍذاد اىذ٘اٍو ىزذسٍِ ٍسز٘ي‬
‫اى٘عً فٍَب ٌزعيق ثقًء اىذَو اىَسزعصً‪.‬‬

‫‪JNSBU‬‬ ‫‪459‬‬

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