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Planned Activities for Radiology Online

1. ) Lectures:
A.Chest xray : Normal anatomy (30 mins)
Pleural effusion

B.Xray of the Abdomen: Normal Anatomy (30 mins)

Large and small bowel obstruction
C.Fluoroscopy: Hirschsprung
Intussusception (15 mins)
Apple core cholangiogram
Upper GI series
D. Acute sinusitis (10 mins)
E.Fractures of the long bones: Types (15 mins)
F.Introduction to CT scan, MRI and ultrasound (20 mins)
G.CT scan of the brain: Normal anatomy of the brain (30 mins)
Different types of intracranial bleed, Cerebral infarction
H.MRI of the brain: Cerebral infarction (30 mins)
I.CT scan of the chest: COVID-19 pneumonia (30 mins)
A.CT scan of the abdomen: Normal anatomy, Appendicitis, Cholelithiasis, Pancreatitis, Hepa-
tocellular carcinoma, Liver Abscess (30 mins)
J.Ultrasound of the abdomen: Appendicitis, Cholelithiasis, Pancreatitis, Hepatocellular carci-
noma, Liver Abscess (30 mins)
K.Breast Imaging: Mammography and Sonography (30 mins)

2.) Reading Assignments:

Learning Radiology - Understanding the Basics by William Herring, MD (2 days)

3.) Viewing Short Clips:

A. Introduction to ultrasound (7 mins)
B.AIUM guidelines to obstetrical utz (38 mins)
C.Approach to neonatal abdominal (14 mins)
D.Introduction to pediatric chest radiography (16 mins)
E.Chest radiography in pediatrics (18 mins)
F.Pneumonia imaging (13 mins)
G.Pneumonia types, classifications, symptoms and management (41 mins)
H.Bone densitometry (4 mins)
I.Interpreting a dexa bone scan (9 mins)
J.PET scan animation (1 min)
Planned Activities for Radiology Online
K.Introduction to Radiation therapy (17mins)
L.Radiotherapy explained (6 mins)
M.The value of nuclear medicine (3 mins)
N.How a linear accelerator works (8 mins)
O.Radioactivity and nuclear med (39 mins)
P.How to read a mammogram (6 mins)
Q.Introduction to mammogram (16 mins)
R.General imaging ultrasound scans (7 mins)
S.PET scanning (5 mins)
T.How does PET scan works (4 mins)
U.7 differences between CT and MRI (4 mins)
V.3D CT scan (3 mins)
W.MRI 3D (4 mins)
X.Introduction to imaging and radiologic services (20mins)
Y.Scrotal ultrasound
AA. Renal ultrasound (37 mins)
BB. Intravenous pyelography basics
CC. Bowel obstruction and Ileus
DD. Large bowel obstruction radiology
EE. Abdominal Radiography Basics
FF. Normal abdominal and pelvic CT anatomy
GG. Imaging of the bones, fracture, bony anatomy and bone density
HH. Spinal trauma: cervical trauma protocol and common spinal fracture
II. Normal chest radiography
JJ. Heart and Mediastinal anatomy
KK. Extraluminal air, pneumoperitoneum and pneumoretroperitoneum
LL. Lines and Tubes in radiology
MM.Consolidation Radiology

4.)Written Examination - 50 to 100 Items Multiple Choice

Source: Lectures, Reading Assignments and short clips

5.) Reflection Paper - Insights gathered during the rotation period

6.) Interns’ Portfolio - Personal profile, Reflection Paper

Planned Activities for Radiology Online


1.) Knowledge:
At the end of the 7-day rotation, the Senior Clerks are expected to be able to:
A. Identify the normal xray anatomy of the chest and abdomen
B. Identify the normal ultrasound and CT anatomy of the different abdominal organs
C. Identify the normal ultrasound and mammographic anatomy of the breast
D. Recognize the radiographic findings of the different pathologies of specific organ system
E. Know the different imaging modalities utilized in the radiology department
F. Know the scope of the Radiology specialties, and its subspecialties
G. Learn the different terminologies used in radiology reports
H. Know the CT findings of COVID pneumonia
I. Determine the appropriate imaging modality for different clinical considerations

2.) Skills:
At the end of the 7-day rotation, the Senior Clerks are expected to be able to:
B. Differentiate between a normal and abnormal chest, paranasal and abdominal xray
C. Describe fractures of the long bones
D. Identify radiographic findings of common emergency cases
E. Interpret radiographic findings and to correlate it with patient presentation

3.) Attitude:
At the end of the 7-day rotation, the Senior Clerks are expected to be able to:
F. Understand Radiology as an integral component of the hospital and healthcare system
G. Understand the importance of a good clinical history and PE in correlation to radio-
graphic findings

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