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Unit 1: Numeracy Review February 7, 2022

Lecture 5: Multiplying & Dividing Fractions

Lecturer: Mr. Lewis Carroll

5.1 Multiplying Fractions

In general, when multiplying fractions, we no longer need to find any . Instead we can happily
multiply the numerator by the and the denominator by the .

1 2
Example 5.1 Evaluate 2 × 3 =

It is especially important that we remember to convert all mixed fractions to improper fractions when
we multiply them!

Example 5.2 Evaluate 1 23 × 4 16 =

Whiteboard Exercise #1 - Evaluate each expression below.

5 3
a. 7 × 2 =

b. 2 × −3 32 =

5.1.1 Cross-Multiplication

This is a very useful technique to simplifies fractions that have large numbers in their numerators and/or de-
nominators! Our motivation for this strategy is to compare the and denominator of
each opposing fraction.

4 3
Example 5.3 Evaluate as you normally would (without cross-multiplying) 9 × 14 =

4 3
Example 5.4 Now use cross-multiplication to evaluate & simplify 9 × 14 =

14 18
Example 5.5 Evaluate 81 × 21 =

5-2 Lecture 5: Multiplying & Dividing Fractions

5.2 Dividing Fractions

Division is very intimately related to in the sense that they are opposite operations to
one another. We are going to leverage this fact to help simplify the division of fractions. We will lay out
a very basic division strategy below.

1. Flip the fraction around (upstairs goes downstairs, and downstairs goes upstairs).
This is more formally known as the .

2. Once flipped, turn the division sign (÷) into a multiplication sign (×).

3 9
Example 5.6 Evaluate 4 ÷ 6 =

Example 5.7 Evaluate − 35 ÷ 5 =

Example 5.8 Evaluate −1 13 ÷ −1 18 =

NOTE: Regular integer multiplication and division rules apply with respect to negative and
positive fractions. A positive and a negative multiply/divide to give a number and
a negative and a negative multiply/divide to give a number.
Lecture 5: Multiplying & Dividing Fractions 5-3

5.3 Homework

5.3.1 Part 1 - Multiplying Fractions

Evaluate each addition and subtraction expression below.

1 3 3 1
i. 3 × 10 = ii. 2 × 4 =

iii. 11 × − 14 = iv. 3
2 × 5
4 =

8 3
v. 2 × 5 = vi. 4 × 4 =

vii. −3 13 × 1 78 = viii. −2 31 × − 57

5.3.2 Part 2 - Dividing Fractions

6 2 1 5
i. 11 ÷ 5 = ii. 2 ÷ 9 =

1 10
iii. 7 ÷ 7 = iv. 4 18 ÷ 1 11
12 =

7 3
v. −3 12 ÷ 4 = vi. −6 32 ÷ −2 11

vii. −1 12 ÷ −1 21 = viii. − 32 ÷ 4 =
5-4 Lecture 5: Multiplying & Dividing Fractions

5.4 Homework Solutions

5.4.1 Part 1 - Multiplying Fractions

Evaluate each addition and subtraction expression below.

1 3
i. 10 ii. 8

1 15
iii. − 44 iv. 8 = 1 78
v. 5 = 3 15 vi. 3

vii. − 25 1
4 = −6 4 viii. 5
3 = 1 23

5.4.2 Part 2 - Dividing Fractions

15 9
i. 11 ii. 10

1 99 7
iii. 10 iv. 46 = 2 46

v. − 43 7
9 = −4 9 vi. 55
21 = 2 13

vii. 1 viii. − 61

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