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‫الوحدة الثانية‪ :‬مصطلحات اللغة اإلنجليزية في المنشآت‬


‫‪1442 / 2021‬‬

‫‪Version 2, 7 December 2020‬‬

‫جدول المحتويات‬
2 ....................................... ................................ ................................ ................................ ‫مقدمة‬
4 ........................... ................................ ................................ ................................ Introduction
5 ............................... ................................ ‫أهداف وأساليب وحدة مصطلحات اللغة اإلنجليزية في المنشآت الصحية‬
Error! Bookmark not defined. .................... ................................ The Concept of Security :‫الباب األول‬
Error! Bookmark not defined. ......................... ................................ A Safe Environment :‫الباب الثاني‬
Error! Bookmark not defined. ............... The Role of Security Guards in Health Institutions :‫الباب الثالث‬
Error! Bookmark not defined. ........................................ Safety Regulations in Hospitals :‫الباب الرابع‬
33............ ................................ ................................ Hospital Departments & Job Title :‫الباب الخامس‬
40............................... ................................ ................................ Codes & Emergency :‫الباب السادس‬
47................................. ................................ ................................ Security Inspection :‫الباب السابع‬
54.................. ................................ ................................ Describing & Giving Directions :‫الباب الثامن‬
60.............................. ................................ ................................ Simple Medical Terms :‫الباب التاسع‬

‫الحمد هلل وكفى والصالة على خير من اصطفى‪ ،‬فقد أتم هللا علينا باستتباب األمن وخدمة الحرمين‬

‫الشريفين‪ ،‬أدام هللا علينا شرف خدمتهما‪ .‬نظرا لهيمنة اللغة اإلنجليزية على جميع المجاالت‪ ،‬يزداد عدد‬

‫الراغبين في تعلمها يوما بعد يوم‪ .‬إذ يبلغ عدد الطلبة الذين يتعلمون اللغة اإلنجليزية في جميع أنحاء العالم‬

‫نحو بليون طالب وال يوجد دولة في العالم ال تدرس اللغة اإلنجليزية في مدارسها وجامعاتها‪ .‬وتعتبر‬

‫المستشفيات والمراكز الطبية من األوساط التي تستخدم فيها اللغة اإلنجليزية للتواصل بين مختلف‬

‫العاملين فيها فهي لغة الطب األولى وغالبية المصطلحات واالختصارات يتم التعامل فيها باللغة‬

‫اإلنجليزية‪ .‬ومن هنا تنبع األهمية القصوى لتعلم اللغة ومعرفة المصطلحات الطبية المستخدمة تسهيال‬

‫لتواصل العاملين في مجال األمن الصحي مع بقية العاملين في المستشفى من أطباء وكوادر مساعدة ألنها‬

‫لغة التواصل بالنسبة لهم‪ .‬كما أن اللغة اإلنجليزية تعد لغة الدراسات الجامعية وما بعدها لجميع الكوادر‬

‫الطبية وذلك لسهولة استخدام المفردات والمصطلحات الطبية‪ .‬فإن معرفة اللغة اإلنجليزية تساعد رجل‬

‫األمن الصحي في مساعدة المراجعين لتسهيل تحركاتهم داخل المستشفى وذلك اختصارا لوقتهم في تلقي‬

‫الرعاية الطبية بأسرع وقت ومساعدتهم ابتغاء لألجر من هللا سبحانه وتعالى وذلك يعطي تعلم هذه اللغة‬

‫بُعدا إسالميا ً وإنسانيا ً لرجل األمن مما قد يدخل السعادة إلى نفسه بتقديمه لعمالً يُثاب عليه‪.‬‬

‫لذا فأنه من الضروري على رجال األمن أن يتسلحوا بالعلم النافع ومن ذلك معرفتهم بما يتطلبه‬

‫عليه عملهم من التعامل مع من يتحدث اللغة اإلنجليزية وتمكينهم من القدرة على الوصول للمعلومات‬

‫األساسية في تعاملهم‪ .‬ومن هذه األساسيات التي يحتاجها رجال األمن الصحي هي القدرة على التواصل‬

‫والترحيب والتعرف وطلب المعلومات الشخصية للطرف اآلخر والتحقق من الهوية‪ ،‬وكذلك قدرتهم على‬

‫استخدام اللغة اإلنجليزية في تقديم النفس والتعبير عن المشاعر وإبداء الرأي والتعريف بمهام العمل‬

‫كرجل أمن وبإجراءات األمن والسالمة في المنشآت الصحية‪ .‬ومن تلك األساسيات التي يجب على الفرد‬

‫أن يلم بها أيضا ً هي أن يستطيع وصف األشخاص الذين يقابلهم بهيئاتهم ولباسهم ووصف مكان معين‬

‫وكيفية الوصول إليه وإرشاد المراجعين لألماكن المختلفة بالمنشآت الصحية‪.‬‬

‫إن منهج اللغة اإلنجليزية لرجل األمن البد وأن يعتني باطالعه على الكثير من المعلومات التي‬

‫يحتاجها في عمله ومنها استخدام عبارات التفتيش األمني األساسية في المنشآت الصحية‪ ،‬ومسميات‬

‫األقسام واألدوار الوظيفية للعاملين بها‪ ،‬مصطلحات السالمة والشفرات واإلسعافات األولية باإلضافة إلى‬

‫المصطلحات الطبية الشائعة االستخدام في المنشآت الصحية وكيفية نطقها بشكل سليم ليسهل عليه التحدث‬

‫عنها والتعرف عليها أثناء حواره مع من ال يتحدث العربية أو مع من يتحدث اإلنجليزية بشكل أكبر‪.‬‬

Communication is necessary to acquire knowledge, circulate information

and persuade people on thoughts. It helps in developing goodwill and sustaining

harmonious relationships with others at work. Effective communication is when

we listen to what we hear with understanding. It should be the same process

with listeners when you speak in English at your workplace.

One of the challenges we face in our duty is using the English language.

Many security guards have not communicated in English. Making an effort to

communicate in English will add to improving our image as a team, and help us

towards achievement of the missions of the security department.

Hospital security makes an essential contribution to staff, patients,

visitors, and residents feeling safe and secure. A security guard needs to be able

to communicate with all hospital staff to achieve their responsibilities and

secure the living and working environment. Being professional in

communication using the English language will support the idea of harmony in

our hospital culture.

‫أهداف وأساليب وحدة مصطلحات اللغة اإلنجليزية في المنشآت الصحية‬

‫‪ ‬هدف الوحدة‪:‬‬

‫استخدام المصطلحات والعبارات الشائعة في بيئة العمل في المنشآت الصحية باللغة اإلنجليزية‬

‫‪ ‬األهداف التفصيلية‪:‬‬

‫بعد إتمام هذه الوحدة يتوقع أن يكون المتدرب قادراً على‪:‬‬

‫‪ o‬استخدام مصطلحات وعبارات الترحيب والتواصل مع المرضى والموظفين في المستشفى باللغة‬


‫‪ o‬التعرف على أهمية األمن ودور الحارس األمني ومهاراته باللغة اإلنجليزية‪،‬‬

‫‪ o‬استخدام عبارات التفتيش األساسية التي يحتاجها مسئول األمن الصحي والتحقق من الهوية وطلب‬

‫المعلومات الشخصية باستخدام اللغة اإلنجليزية‪،‬‬

‫‪ o‬استخدام المصطلحات والعبارات المتعلقة بوصف األشخاص والمواقف في المنشآت الصحية باللغة‬


‫‪ o‬التحدث عن دور الحارس األمني والتكنولوجيا التي يستخدمها في المنشآت الصحية باللغة‬


‫‪ o‬تذكر المصطلحات والعبارات المتعلقة بوصف االتجاهات وإرشاد الزوار في المنشآت الصحية‬

‫باللغة اإلنجليزية‪،‬‬

‫‪ o‬التعرف على المصطلحات االنجليزية المستخدمة أثناء إجراءات السالمة في المنشآت الصحية باللغة‬


‫‪ o‬تذكر شفرات الطوارئ واإلسعافات األولية باللغة اإلنجليزية‪،‬‬

‫‪ o‬التعرف على األقسام والعيادات والمسميات الوظيفية في المنشآت الصحية باللغة اإلنجليزية ‪،‬‬

‫‪ o‬التعرف على المصطلحات الطبية الشائعة االستخدام في المنشآت الصحية باللغة اإلنجليزية‪.‬‬

‫أساليب التدريس‬
‫المحاضرة ‪ /‬العصف الذهني ‪ /‬تمارين وأسئلة ‪ /‬نقاشات جماعية‬

‫تطبيقات عملية ‪ /‬التحليل ‪ /‬تمثيل أدوار ‪ /‬حل المشكالت‬

‫طرق التدريس‬
‫شرائح بوربوينت ‪ /‬فيديوهات وصور ومواد صوتية ‪ /‬السبورة الذكية‬

‫طرق التقييم‬

‫تمارين خالل المحاضرة‪:‬‬

‫‪ ‬اختيار من متعدد‬
‫‪ ‬تكوين لبعض الحوارات‬
‫‪ ‬تحديد األوقات الزمنية كاستخدام العبارات الخاصة بالتحية‬
‫‪ ‬استخدام إكمال الفراغ لمحادثة بين رجل أمن وأحد المراجعين للمستشفى‪ ،‬على سبيل المثال‬
‫‪ ‬تقسيم الفصل الى مجموعات مكونة من عدد معين من الطالب (ثالثة اشخاص مثال) ويطلب‬
‫منهم تمثيل أدوار تعارف وتبادل المعلومات باللغة اإلنجليزية‬
‫‪ ‬إيجاد الكلمات المفقودة‬
‫‪ ‬إيصال الكلمات وإيجاد معانيها‬

‫‪ ‬موجزة‬
‫‪ ‬منتصف الفترة الدراسية‬
‫‪ ‬نهاية الفترة الدراسية‬

‫الباب األول‬

The Concept of Security

.‫نستعرض في هذا الباب مفهوم األمن وأهميته وكذلك أنواع المخاطر األمنية وعواقبها‬

‫طريقة التقييم‬ ‫طريقة التدريس‬ ‫األهداف‬

‫شرح المحتوى بطريقة المحاضرة ومن ثم‬

‫تمارين نظرية وعملية خالل‬ ‫ينتقل لطريقة المناقشة لفتح الحوار وتطبيق‬ ‫التعرف على مفهوم األمن‬ -
‫وأهميته وأنواع المخاطر األمنية‬
‫المحاضرة‬ ‫المواضيع باللغة اإلنجليزية مع المتدربين‬ ‫ومصادرها وخطورتها‬
.‫لتأكيد وصول المعرفة لهم‬

A. Read the following conversation between a security officer and a security guard
about preparedness for an event:
Security Officer (SO): Hi! How are you?

Security Guard (SG): I am fine. Thank you, sir!

SO: How is everything going?

SG: Everything is going as planned.

SO: Be careful; we having a big event today.

SG: Don't worry, sir! We are ready.

SO: We have a police report that an adverse event

may happen.

SG: We have taken all needed measures and we

are following the security procedures.

SO: That's great. Please report any case of
unauthorized access to me immediately.

SG: Sure! I will also press the red button of the

alarm in case of serious threat.

SO: Prevent anyone who seems violent.

SG: I know; we need to minimize the threat.

SO: Sure! One last thing before I leave; don't let

anyone to enter the secure area without having a
valid permit.

SG: Ok! No problem!

SO: Thank you! Stay heedful!

B. Complete the answers of the following questions:

1. What is happening today?

There is a big ________________.

2. Is there any kind of threat?

An ________________ event may happen.

3. Who made the report about a possible threat?

The report is sent from the ________________.

4. What should be done in case of unauthorized access?

Any unauthorized access should be reported to the ________________.

5. Is it allowed for all people to enter the secure area?

No, it isn’t .Only people with a valid _______________ can enter.

C. Read the following text about security and tell your partner the main ideas:
Security is freedom from potential harm (or other unwanted forcible change) caused
by others. Beneficiaries of security may be persons and social groups, objects and
institutions, ecosystems, and any other entity or phenomenon vulnerable to unwanted change
by its environment. The term is also used to refer to acts and systems whose purpose may be

to provide security: (e.g. security forces; security guard; cyber security systems; security
cameras; remote guarding).

A Security threat can be defined as any indication or event with the potential to cause
loss of, or damage, to an asset. It can also be defined as the intention and capability of an
adversary to undertake actions that would be detrimental to valued assets. Sources of security
threats may be categorized as a) terrorists (international or domestic), b) activists, pressure
groups, single-issue zealots, c) disgruntled employees or visitors, and d) criminals (e.g., white
collar, cyber hacker, organized, opportunists). Adversaries may be categorized as occurring
from three general groups; insider threats, external threats and insiders working as colluders
with external threats

Consequences of a security event at a facility and their severity are generally

expressed in terms of the degree of injury or damage that would result if there was a
successful attack. They may involve effects that are more severe than expected. Several
examples of relevant consequences in a security vulnerability assessment include:

• Injuries to the public or to workers.

• Severe environmental damage (such as contamination of drinking water).

• Direct and indirect significant financial losses to the company.

• Disruption to the national, regional, or local operations and economy.

• Loss of business viability.

D. Complete the answers of the following questions:

1. What is a security event?

Any event that results in people injuries or buildings………….

2. How many sources of security threats are there?

Sources of security threats may be categorized into …………. categories.

3. What might happen to people if there is a security event?

Injuries to the……… or to workers may happen.

E. Mark the following sentences true (T) or false (F):

1. Only big institutions and companies can get benefit of security. T / F

2. Any damage or loss to the assets is considered as a threat. T / F
3. Cyber-hackers are considered criminals in law. T / F
4. Adversaries can be categorized into two types only. T / F
5. Severity can be expressed in term of injuries and damage. T / F

F. Repeat after your teacher:

Alert )‫ يقظ (صفة‬/ )‫ استنفار (اسم‬/‫إنذار‬

body check ‫فحص الجسم‬
security check ‫فحص أمني‬
Workplace Violence ‫العنف في مكان العمل‬
Theft of valuables ‫سرقة األشياء الثمينة‬
minimize risks ‫يخفض المخاطر‬
Adverse events ‫األحداث العنيفة‬
Uniform ‫زي موحد‬
Security issue ‫مشكلة أمنية‬
Safety/security measures ‫ األمن‬/ ‫تدابير السالمة‬
Red roles ‫األدوار الحمراء‬
Provide information ‫تقديم المعلومات‬
Hazardous materials ‫مواد خطيرة‬
Secure area ‫منطقة آمنة‬
Visitors area ‫منطقة الزوار‬
Unauthorized access ‫دخول غير مرخص‬
Fire safety plans and training ‫خطط وتدريب السالمة من الحرائق‬
Use of technology ‫استخدام التكنولوجيا‬
Emergency preparedness ‫التأهب للطوارئ‬
Constant updating of plans ‫التحديث المستمر للخطط‬
Alternative communication system ‫نظام االتصال البديل‬
Backup data systems ‫أنظمة البيانات االحتياطية‬
Serious threat ‫تهديد خطير‬

G. Now, read aloud:

A: What is the purpose of security? ‫ ما هو الغرض من األمن؟‬:‫ج‬

B: to ensure safe of people and places ‫ ضمان سالمة الناس واألماكن‬:‫ب‬
A: What are the types of security Guards? ‫ ما هي انواع حراس االمن؟‬:‫ج‬
B: government, in-house, and those working ‫ الحكومة والداخلية والعاملون بالتعاقد مع شركات األمن‬:‫ب‬
contractually for private security firms. .‫الخاصة‬

A: Why do we use security systems? ‫ لماذا نستخدم أنظمة األمن؟‬:‫ج‬

B: to ensure safety of private data. ‫ الحرص على سالمة البيانات الخاصة‬:‫ب‬
A: What are the cases subject to interfere? ‫ ما هي القضايا الخاضعة للتدخل؟‬:‫ج‬
B: Any case that form a threat to people or ‫ أي قضية تشكل خطرا على الناس أو المنشآت‬-‫ب‬

H. Use the following terms to complete the sentences:


personal security: The United Nation is fighting against _________________

terrorism: Some security events may result in ___________________

damage: Some people may prefer to have ____________________


injury: A man was admitted to hospital with bad ______________

barriers: A security guard is responsible for securing ____________

fatalities: To prevent passersbys, we should use ________________


attack: Security guards should prevent any ____________ from entry.

intruder: Four injuries were admitted to hospital from a car ________

accident: We should be ready in case of any____________________

I. Match the following terms with their definitions:

1 Red roles A Someone who enters a place without a

2 Intruder B A place where it's safe to stay
3 Secure area C A case of violent behavior by the employees
4 Workplace violence D A set of procedures to follow
5 Serious threat E A violent action that leads to injury or

1 2 3 4 5

J- Complete each sentence with the correct word(s) from the box:

uniform minimize the risk alert visitors area unauthorized access

1. Watch out! There is an _____________ of fire on the second floor.

2. All security staff should wear a _____________.
3. In case of damage, try to _____________ of having more injuries.
4. A: Can I enter the staff room?
B: Sorry; only staff can go here. Stay at the _____________, please.
5. The system is sending an alarm. There is an _____________ to the system.

K- Write the correct answer:

1. In case of fire, stay away from _____________.

a. the visitors area
b. hazardous materials
c. the alarm system
2. Dear visitors,
To avoid _____________, please keep them at home.
a. theft of valuables
b. security check
c. red roles

3. The _____________ can help us improve security levels.
a. adverse event
b. body check
c. use of the technology
4. After the fire, the hospital restored all its data through the _____________.
a. security check
b. security policies
c. backup data systems
5. The security guards took control of the ………………. before they cause any threat.
a. accidents
b. injuries
c. terrorists

L. Match the following clauses to make meaningful sentences:

1. Constant updating plans of security…

2. All staff members should practice…
3. Lack of security…
4. One of the security check procedures…

a. fire safety plans and training.

b. can help to prevent serious damage and injuries.
c. is the body check.
d. can result in environmental damage.

‫الباب الثاني‬

A Safe Environment

.‫يعرض هذا الباب لوظيفة الحارس األمني ومهاراته والتكنولوجيا التي قد يستخدمها لتأمين موقع خدمته‬

‫طريقة التقييم‬ ‫طريقة التدريس‬ ‫األهداف‬

‫شرح المحتوى بطريقة المحاضرة ومن ثم ينتقل‬
‫تمارين نظرية وعملية خالل‬
‫لطريقة المناقشة لفتح الحوار وتطبيق المواضيع‬ ‫التعرف على وظيفة الحارس األمني‬ -
‫المحاضرة‬ ‫ومهاراته والتكنولوجيا التي قد‬
‫باللغة اإلنجليزية مع المتدربين لتأكيد وصول‬ ‫يستخدمها لتأمين موقع خدمته‬
.‫المعرفة لهم‬

A: Read the following passage:

A security guard’s job is very interesting but it needs special

skills. He has to be patient, friendly and attentive. As he might

need to monitor big areas with many buildings and it is impossible

to be in different places at the same time, security cameras are

installed in the entrances, exits and corridors of buildings. This technology is used in health

institutions because ensuring a safe and secure environment is a priority for every hospital.

A TV program had an interview with Ammar after he

started his job as a security guard in a big hospital.

Correspondent (CO) Ammar (A)

CO: Hello Ammar! How are you doing?

A: I am fine, thank you!

CO: Tell me how you feel about your job as a security guard!

A: Eh… it is very interesting, challenging and well paid.

CO: That is good. But I can see that you are sitting behind this monitor. Why do you use this

security system?

A: There are many benefits of having CCTV cameras installed around the building,

especially in the entrances and main corridors. You know that it is very difficult to observe

the flow of visitors everywhere. Security cameras can help deter theft, crime, and violence

because people will behave if they see they are being watched or recorded.

CO: That is true, but how do you monitor different places since you are not capable of being

everywhere at once?

A: Cameras allow you to monitor the building 24/7. You can keep watch over the hospital

even when you are not physically there.

CO: What do you exactly monitor, Ammar?

A: I monitor all the hospital, from entrances to elevators and hallways to exits.

CO: So, what exactly do you look for while monitoring?

A: Well, in general, I monitor day-to-day activities, employees’ movement around their

offices, patients going in and coming out, and especially visitors to direct them while getting

in …etc.

CO: What a good job! Do you want to add anything at the end of this interview?

A: Yes, sir. There are more and more to add. Assuring safety in hospitals is very interesting

and complicated at the same time, but monitoring all activities may provide evidence needed

to resolve conflicts and catch criminals.

CO: Thank you very much, Ammar!

A: Thank you, sir!

B: Answer the following questions:

1. What is Ammar’s job? Does he like it?


2. What characteristics must every security guard have?


3. How do the CCTV cameras work? Mention their benefits?



4. What does Ammar monitor?


5. What does the word (evidence) mean in Arabic?


C: Fill the gaps with the correct word from the box:

Interesting - entrance - day-to-day - elevator - evidence

1. Take the _____________ instead of the stairs. It is faster.

2. This job is _____________. I enjoy working here.

3. Watch out there! There is a violent visitor standing near the main _____________.

4. What is the _____________ that you didn’t commit this crime?

5. I work here _____________. This is my job.

D: Complete these sentences with ideas from the text:

a) Ammar can work for long hours without complaining. He is _____________.

b) He looks watchful for even small details, so he is _____________.

c) He always smiles; he is _____________.

d) A priority or an important issue for every hospital is ____________________.

e) Security cameras should be installed in _____________.

E: Repeat after your teacher!

Word(s) Arabic meaning

Live monitoring ‫المراقبة الحية‬
CCTV = Closed Circuit Television ‫كاميرا تلفزيونية مغلقة‬
Visual ‫مرئي‬
Increase ‫زيادة‬
Interesting ‫ممتع‬
Environment ‫بيئة‬
Safety ‫أمان‬
Deter ‫يردع‬
Assure ‫يؤكد‬
Evidence ‫دليل‬
Resolve ‫يحل‬
Corridors ‫ممرات‬
Elevator ‫مصعد‬
Day-to-day ‫من يوم الخر‬
24/7 ‫العمل دون توقف على مدار السنة‬
Patient (adj) ‫صبور‬
Patient (noun) ‫مريض‬
Attentive ‫يقظ‬
Exits ‫مخارج‬
entrances ‫مداخل‬

F: Match the words with their pictures:

1.Patient (noun)


2. Corridor

3. Entrance



5. Elevators


G: Write the meaning of the following words in Arabic:

- Environment: ________________
- Safety: ________________
- Increase: ________________
- Assure: ________________
- Patient (adjective) : ________________

H: What can you see in each picture? Write a word from this chapter!

_______________________ _______________________

_______________________ _______________________

‫الباب الثالث‬

The Role of Security Guards in Health Institutions

.‫يتناول هذا الباب بعضا ً من أهم صفات ومسؤوليات الحارس األمني في المنشأت الصحية‬

‫طريقة التقييم‬ ‫طريقة التدريس‬ ‫األهداف‬

‫شرح المحتوى بطريقة المحاضرة ومن ثم ينتقل‬
‫تمارين نظرية وعملية خالل‬ ‫لطريقة المناقشة لفتح الحوار وتطبيق المواضيع‬ ‫التعرف على مهام ومسؤوليات‬ -
‫المحاضرة‬ ‫باللغة اإلنجليزية مع المتدربين لتأكيد وصول‬ ‫الحارس األمني في المنشأت الصحية‬

.‫المعرفة لهم‬

A: Read the following text:

Ammar is twenty years old. He got a secondary school certificate a year ago. He

decided to look for a job as a security guard. One of his colleagues sent him an advertisement

asking for candidates so as to hire them as security guard. His father encouraged him

to go and apply for this job.

The next day, Ammar filled in the application form,

hoping to get the job. The form included personal information

about the candidate, such as the first name, surname, date and place

of birth, address, age, contact number and ID number, in addition to

a recent photograph.

Interviewer: Good morning, Ammar!
Ammar: Good morning, sir!
Interviewer: Have a seat please.
Ammar: Thank you!
Interviewer: I'd like to ask you some questions, so that I can know more about you. What's
your first name?
Ammar: Ammar.
Interviewer: And your surname?
Ammar: Al-Hazmi

Interviewer: How old are you?
Ammar: I'm twenty.
Interviewer: Where do you live?
Ammar: I live in Makkah.
Interviewer: Why do you want this job?
Ammar: Well, I would like to be a health security guard because it is a humane job that
helps hospitals and patients to be safe and secure.
Interviewer: Good point brother, but how?
Ammar: I think there must be some kind of cooperation between the security guard and
other employees and between him and the patients as well to deal with every
problem that can face anyone in a hospital.
Interviewer: Do you think that the security guard must be flexible and easygoing or firm
when dealing with patients?
Ammar: In my opinion, it depends. If he finds a threat or a violation , he must be firm.
Interviewer: So what is the main role of the health security guard in youropinion?
Ammar (confidently): As a health security guard, I have to protect the staff and visitors and
ensure that all hospital property is secure.
Interviewer: Yes, this is why this job is very important. If you are accepted, you are going to
work in a hospital. Hospitals are places where different types of people go. They
may be patients, visitors, nurses, doctors or other staff members. Looking after
safety and security of these people in addition to the hospital property is among
the main duties of the security guards. It is not an easy job, and a health security
man must be observant because he needs to be alert and looking for anything out
of the ordinary that may suggest a threat to the people at hospitals or the
Ammar: Yes, definitely.
Interviewer: Are you ready to patrol the building, its yard and fence, monitor all activities in
and out of the hospital facilities to prevent theft, violence, fire and disturbance.
You also report to the manager any incident with what you observe and describe
the people involved.
Ammar: Yes, insha’Allah. I will meet your expectations.

Good morning / Good afternoon / Good Evening
These are ways of greeting people. They are used at different times of the day.
- "Good morning” is generally used from 5:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.
- “Good afternoon” is appropriate for a period from 12:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m.
- “Good evening” is often used after 6 p.m. or when the sun goes down.

B: Match the questions with their answers:

a. Yes, he was.
1. What is the job application for?

b. He must be alert.
2. Who is he going to protect?

3. Is being a health security guard an easy job? c. A health security guard’s job

4. Was Ammar ready to achieve the goals required d. The hospital staff and visitors
from him as a health security guard?
5. Give one description for a good health security guard e. No, it isn’t.
mentioned in the interview!

C: Repeat after your teacher!

Word / Phrase Meaning

health security guard ‫حارس أمن صحي‬
certificate ‫شهادة‬
colleagues ‫زمالء‬
advertisement ‫إعالن‬
application form ‫طلب توظيف‬
applicant ‫متقدم لطلب وظيفة‬
personal information ‫معلومات شخصية‬
ID number ‫رقم الهوية‬
candidate ‫مرشح‬
cooperation ‫تعاون‬
employees ‫موظفين‬
threat ‫تهديد‬
alert ‫ يقظ‬/ ‫منتبه‬
patrol ‫حرس‬
property ‫ممتلكات‬
facilities ‫منشآت‬
monitor ‫يراقب‬
observant ‫ملتزم‬
challenging ‫مليء بالتحدي‬
prevent ‫يمنع‬
confident ‫واثق‬
quiet ‫هادئ‬
interviewer ‫ الشخص الذي يجري المقابلة‬/ ‫المحاور‬
explain ‫يشرح‬
theft ‫سرقة‬
disturbances ‫اضطرابات‬
report ‫تقرير‬
out of the ordinary ‫خارج عن المألوف‬

D. Fill the blanks with the correct word from the box:

explain - confident – report – threat - health security guard

1. He works as a __________________________ in a big hospital.

2. Please, write your __________________ about what happened yesterday in the.

3. You have to be _______________ when you deal with patients and other people.

4. Can you __________________ how to get to the reception?

5. If you want to get this job, you have to protect the staff and visitors from any expected
______________________ .

E: Write the meanings of the following words in Arabic:

- Candidate: __________________
- Interviewer: __________________
- Observant: __________________
- Prevent: __________________
- Theft: __________________
F: Match each word with the suitable picture:

1. interviewer

2. To monitor

3. A health security guard

4. colleagues

5. threat

G: Match each phrase with the suitable adjective to describe a security guard:

1. Testing one's abilities; demanding. a. Alert

2. Able to think clearly. b. Confident

3. Eager to notice or perceive things. c. Quiet
4. Feeling confidence in oneself or one's abilities or qualities. d. Challenging
5. Making little or no noise. e. Observant

H. Use these words and phrases to describe a person!

What does he/she look like?

1. Build thin / skinny / slim /average build / fat / overweight / obese.

He/she is . . .
2. Height
He/she is . . . short / average height / tall
3.General Looks good / pretty / handsome / ugly / attractive / funny / beautiful / old /
He/she is/looks . . . young.
4. Face round / square / long face.
He/she has a . . .
5. Hairstyle: blond hair straight hair long hair
brown hair wavy hair shoulder-length hair
He/she has . . . red hair short hair
black hair a shaved head
gray hair
bushy eyebrows
6. Complexion: dark skin oily skin
light skin a scar
He/she has . . . a pale complexion a beauty mark dry skin
a rosy complexion wrinkles

I. Use the prompts in the box to describe the person in the picture:

blond hair light skin tall thin average build

shoulder-length hair handsome dark skin a shaved head
young old
1. He is _______________________
2. He is _______________________
3. He is _______________________
4. He has ______________________
5. He has ______________________
6. He has ______________________

J. Choose the correct phrase to complete each scenario:

1. A patient shouted at a nurse…. a. after his shift.

2. The health security guard left the hospital.. b. then the security guard entered and took
them out of the room.
3. Some visitors annoyed the patients ….. c. but the security guard told them that it is
not allowed to gather without paying their
attention to safety regulations.
4. A lot of employees gathered in the d. so the security guard told him to
cafeteria…… apologize or he will be taken to the

5. A patient tried to steal a medicine from the e. then the security guard caught him and
pharmacy….. accused him of theft.

K: Referring to the duties of health security guards, choose the correct answer from the

theft observant

monitor property rounds

1. A health security guard protects _______________ .

2. He must be _______________.

3. A health security guard prevents _______________.

4. He has to _______________ the building.

5. He has to do some _______________ to check everything.

‫الباب الرابع‬

Safety Regulations in Hospitals

.‫نستعرض في هذا الباب تعليمات السالمة واألمن واالنضباط في المستشفيات باعتبارها منشآت صحية‬

‫طريقة التقييم‬ ‫طريقة التدريس‬ ‫األهداف‬

‫شرح المحتوى بطريقة المحاضرة ومن ثم ينتقل‬
‫تمارين نظرية وعملية خالل‬ ‫لطريقة المناقشة لفتح الحوار وتطبيق المواضيع‬ ‫التعرف على تعليمات السالمة واألمن‬
‫المحاضرة‬ ‫باللغة اإلنجليزية مع المتدربين لتأكيد وصول‬ ‫واالنضباط في المستشفيات‬

.‫المعرفة لهم‬

A: Read the following text and guess the meaning of the underlined words:

Hospitals are places that include different departments, dangerous facilities and

valuable equipment. So, they need special supervision and monitoring twenty-four hours a

day. The list of departments includes:

- Reception Area

- Emergency Department/Room (ER): where people go

when they are injured or become ill suddenly

- Intensive Care Unit: a section for people who are very

ill and need thorough care, so they must be watched

very closely

- Operation Theatre: where doctors/surgeons perform

medical operations

All of these places have very important machines and equipment that need care and

protection. So hospitals’ safety regulations are very important. Here comes the important

role of security guards whose job starts from the main gate to the last area in the hospital.

Among these regulations are the following:

- Visitors are not allowed to get in except

during visiting hours so the security guard

should stop those who come before or after.

- Food Safety: Hospitals do not allow delivery of food

from outside to prevent contamination and to keep patients

safe from poisoning.

- Electrical Appliances: Hospitals do not allow people to use

any personal electrical appliances, such as hairdryers, radios,

and mobile phones chargers, to reduce fire risk.

- Children are not allowed to visit patients: A security man should

stop parents with kids during visiting hours.

B. Read the following conversation between a visitor and a security guard at the door of
a hospital ward:
Security Guard: I'm afraid visiting hours are over, sir.

Visitor: My wife is in Room 307.

Security Guard: Sorry, you'll have to come back in the morning.

Visitor: And leave her all alone overnight?

Security Guard: I'm afraid that's the policy, sir.

Visitor: Surely you can make an exception? What if she needs something at night?

Security Guard: Don't worry, nurses look after her. What she really needs is her rest.

Visitor: Some of her friends want to see her too. When can they come?

Security Guard: Visiting hours are from 9 to 11 in the morning and 4 to 7 in the evening, but
I'm afraid while your wife is on bedrest the doctor requests that only immediate
family members can come in to see her.

Visitor: Can't her friends even stop by to bring her flowers?

Security Guard: Flowers are not permitted in this ward. We just can't risk any germs that
might come in with them.

Visitor: Well, I guess it's all in her best interest.

Security Guard: Thanks for understanding.

Visitor: Okay. I really hate to leave her, but I can’t do anything here.

Security Guard: She's in good hands here. They’ll tell her you were here and that you'll
come back in the morning.

C. Choose the correct answer of the following questions:

1. What is the setting of this conversation? a. ‫ قوعد تنظيمية‬/ ‫سياسيات‬

2. Can the patients’ friends visit her? b. It happened in a hospital, late.

3. Is it allowed to bring flowers for her? c. Yes, he did.

4. Did the visitor follow the regulations at the end of this d. No, it isn’t. According to safety
conversation? regulations, bringing flowers is
not permitted.
5. Give the meaning of the word (policy) in Arabic. e. No, they can’t.

D: Choose the correct answer:

1. What is the visitor's relation to the patient?

a. brother
b. uncle
c. husband

2. Why does the security guard send the man away?

a. Visiting hours are over.

b. He brought some flowers.
c. He isn't an immediate family member.

3. What is the hospital rule that is related to friends?

a. Only immediate family members come in to see the patient.

b. Only friends and her husband can see her.
c. Her close friends can see her.

4. The security guard thanks the man because…….

a. he brought the patient a gift.

b. he understands that regulations benefit patients.
c. he loves his wife so much.

5. The phrase that means (not allowed) in the conversation is:

a. visiting hours
b. immediate family members
c. not permitted

E. Find out the meaning of the following words according to the conversation:

1. bedrest 4. policy
2. germs 5. exception
3. exception 6. not permitted

F: Read the words aloud then study them with their meanings:

Word Meaning
facilities ‫مرافق‬
supervision ‫إشراف‬
equipment ‫معدات‬
monitoring ‫مراقبة‬
Safety regulations ‫قواعد السالمة‬
main gate ‫البوابة الرئيسية‬
visitors ‫الزائرون‬
visiting hours ‫ساعات الزيارة‬
prevent ‫يمنع‬
contamination ‫تلوث إشعاعي‬
poisoning ‫تسمم‬
Appliances ‫األجهزة‬
not allowed ‫غير مسموح‬
policy ‫سياسة‬
exception ‫استثناء‬
bedrest ‫راحة على السرير‬
immediate family members ‫أعضاء العائلة المقربين‬

not permitted ‫غير مسموح‬
germs ‫جراثيم‬

G. Match the following words with their suitable pictures:

1. visitors

2. poison

3. Safety regulations

4. germs

5. monitoring

H: Mention the department or ward that is responsible for the following:

1. Where doctors perform operations = ____________________________

2. A section for people who are very ill, need intensive care and must be watched very
closely = ____________________________

3. The part of hospital where people go when they are injured or suddenly become ill =

4. The area in a hospital where visitors are greeted and dealt with and their questions
answered = ____________________________

5. A hospital security guard's job starts from this place = _________________

I: Are the following sentences true (T) or false (F)?

1. A security guard has to monitor and control entry and exit points. ( )
2. Security guards don’t know how to calm down angry patients. ( )

3. It isn’t the job of security guards to keep everyone in the hospital safe and secure. ( )

4. Security guards have the authority to make a visitor under arrest when needed. ( )

5. A good hospital security guard must stay calm and visible while observing anything
unusual or out of the ordinary. ( )

‫الباب الخامس‬

Hospital Departments & Job Titles

‫ ويجب األخذ‬،‫نستعرض في هذا الباب أهم األقسام الطبية في المستشفيات بجانب التخصص الوظيفي األساسي في القسم‬
‫ بل يوجد في كل قسم طاقم طبي وإداري متنوع‬،‫بعين االعتبار أن التخصصات المذكورة ليس حصرا على كل قسم‬
.‫ كما هو مالحظ بشكل واضح في أقسام العيادات الخارجية وأجنحة التنويم‬،‫التخصصات‬

‫طريقة التقييم‬ ‫طريقة التدريس‬ ‫األهداف‬

‫شرح المحتوى بطريقة المحاضرة ومن ثم ينتقل‬
‫تمارين نظرية وعملية خالل‬
‫لطريقة المناقشة لفتح الحوار وتطبيق المواضيع‬ ‫التعرف على المسميات المتعلقة‬ -
‫باللغة اإلنجليزية مع المتدربين لتأكيد وصول‬ .‫بالمنشأة الصحية‬

.‫المعرفة لهم‬

A. Read the following conversation with your teacher:

- Sami: Good morning! Is this the Ophthalmology Department?

- Sarah (the medical secretary): Good morning, sir! Yes, it is. How can
I help you?

- Sami: Thank you! Is the optometrist available?

- Sarah: Yes, he is. Do you want to see him? I will put your
name on the list of patients.
- Sami: Yes, please do. My name is Sami Abdallah.

- Sarah: Okay Mr. Sami; you can meet him at 10:15. Your turn comes
after two patients. Have a seat please!

After 30 minutes…

- Sarah: Mr. Sami. It is your appointment now.

- Sami: Thank you!

- Dr. Mohammed (the optometrist): Welcome, Mr. Sami! What's the matter?

- Sami: Hello, doctor! I think I need to have my eyesight checked and measured. I hope I can
have a Lasik surgery to get rid of the glasses.

- Dr. Mohammed: I will check your eyesight then the ophthalmologist will decide on this,
but please keep on these glasses for now.

- Sami: Thank you!

10 minutes later…

- Dr. Mohammed: Please visit the optician to have new lenses with these results. I think it
will be your choice to go for a laser surgery or keep on glasses.

B. Choose the correct answers for the following questions:

1. Why does Sami want to see the optometrist? a. Her name is Sarah.

b. It will be his choice to go for a laser

2. What is the name of the medical secretary? surgery or keep on his glasses.

3. Is Mohammed the optician? c. No, he isn’t.

4. What is the meaning of (Ophthalmologist)? d. He needs to have his eyesight checked

and measured.
5. After having his eyesight checked, what will e. ‫أخصائي بصريات‬
Sami do?

C. Repeat these names of wards and medical job titles, after your teacher!

Department Meaning Job Title Meaning

Anesthetics ‫قسم التخدير‬ Anesthetist ‫اخصائي تخدير‬

Audiology ‫قسم السمعيات‬ Audiologist ‫اخصائي سمعيات‬

Cardiology ‫قسم قلب‬ Cardiologist ‫اخصائي قلب‬

Dental ‫قسم األسنان‬ Dentist ‫طبيب اسنان‬

Dermatology ‫قسم الجلدية‬ Dermatologist ‫طبيب جلدية‬

Ear nose and ‫قسم األنف واألذن‬ Otolaryngologists ‫اخصائي انف واذن‬
throat (ENT)\ ‫والحنجرة‬ ‫وحنجرة‬
Health Education ‫قسم التثقيف الصحي‬ Health Education ‫أخصائي تثقيف صحي‬
Emergency ‫قسم الطوارئ‬ Emergency Doctor ‫طبيب طوارئ‬
Family Medicine ‫قسم طب األسرة‬ Family Medicine ‫طبيب عائلة‬
Infectious ‫أمراض معدية‬ Infectiologist ‫أخصائي وبائيات\عدوى‬
Infertility ‫قسم العقم‬ Infertility Specialist ‫اخصائي عقم‬
Inpatient ward ‫جناح تنويم‬ Ward clerk ‫كاتب جناح‬
Intensive care unit ‫وحدة العناية المركزة‬ Intensivist ‫اخصائي عناية مركزة‬
Internal medicine ‫قسم الباطنية‬ Internist ‫أخصائي باطنية‬
Nephrology ‫قسم الكلى‬ nephrologist ‫اخصائي كلى‬
Renal unit
Neurology ‫أعصاب‬ Neurologist ‫اخصائي اعصاب‬
Nutrition and Diet ‫قسم التغذية والحمية‬ Nutritionist ‫اخصائي تغذية والحمية‬
Obstetrics and ‫قسم األمراض النسائية‬ Obstetrician ‫أخصائي والدة وأمراض‬
Gynecology (OB- ‫والتوليد‬ Gynecologist ‫نسائية‬
Oncology ‫قسم األورام‬ Oncologist ‫أخصائي أورام‬
Ophthalmology ‫قسم البصريات‬ Ophthalmologist ‫أخصائي بصريات‬
Optometrist ‫طبيب عيون‬
Optician ‫فني نظارات‬
Orthopedics ‫قسم العظام‬ Orthopedist ‫أخصائي عظام‬
Outpatient clinic ‫عيادة خارجية‬ ------------ ----------
Pediatrics ‫قسم طب األطفال‬ Pediatrician ‫أخصائي اطفال‬
Pharmacy ‫صيدلية‬ Pharmacist ‫صيدلي‬
Plastic surgery ‫جراحة تجميلية‬ Plastic surgeon ‫أخصائي تجميل‬

Psychology ‫الصحة النفسية‬ Psychologist ‫أخصائي نفسي‬
Radiology ( X- ‫قسم األشعة‬ Radiologist ‫فني أشعة‬
Surgery ‫جراحة‬ Surgeon ‫جراح‬
Urology ‫المسالك بولية‬ Urologist ‫أخصائي مسالك‬

D. Now, read aloud!

‫يحتوي الجدول التالي على أهم المسميات الوظيفية الموجودة في أغلب المنشئات الصحية‬

Chief Executive Officer ‫المدير التنفيذي‬

Manager ‫مدير‬
Director ‫مدير عام‬
Administrator ‫إداري‬
Supervisor ‫مشرف‬
Physician ‫طبيب‬
Porter ‫مراسل‬
Consultant ‫استشاري‬
Specialist ‫أخصائي‬
Security Guard ‫حارس أمني‬
Nurse ‫ممرض\ة‬
Technician ‫فني‬
Medical Secretary ‫سكرتير طبي‬
Engineer ‫مهندس‬
Receptionist ‫موظف استقبال‬
Trainee ‫متدرب‬
Tea boy ‫عامل الشاي‬

D. Choose the correct answer:

1. Before a patient meets a physician, s/he has to have an appointment. The person who
coordinates this is the ________________.
a. trainee b. director c. medical secretary

2. You need to see the ________________ who is the specialist of selling you suitable
a. physician b. optician c. administrator

3. The doctor who takes care of your teeth is called a ____________.

a. manager b. dentist c. dermatologist

4. If you go to the Radiology Department, the ____________

will help have an x-ray.
a. radiologist b. engineer c. porter

5. You get your medicine from the ____________.

a. pharmacy b. Orthopedics c. Neurology

F. Fill the blanks with the correct job title from the box:

dermatologist - plastic surgeon – pediatrician – orthopedist - obstetrician

1. A __________________ is specialized in treating diseases of children.

2. You can see an __________________ if you break your arm.
3. The __________________ is qualified to diagnose and treat skin disorders.
4. An __________________ deals with pregnancy and childbirth.
5. A __________________ can perform a surgery to repair scars.

G. Match the name of department with the correct picture:

1. Anesthetics a.

2. Ear, Nose and Throat (ENT)\ Otolaryngology b.

3. Cardiology c.

4. Pediatrics d.

5. Intensive Care Unit e.

H. Guess the job title:

1. He/She protects the hospital against intruders or damage. __________________

2. He/She is a specialist in technical support. __________________
3. He/She helps patients, answers phones and assists everyone. __________________
4. He/She makes tea. __________________
5. He/She is responsible for overseeing day-to-day operations, serving as a moral leader.
I. Write the meaning of the following terms in Arabic:

1- Oncology: __________________
2- Orthopedics: __________________
3- Infectious diseases: __________________
4- Audiology: __________________
5- Internal medicine: __________________

J. Say the Job title from these majors:

1-Dentistry: __________________
2-Pediatrics: __________________
3- Neurology: __________________
4- Health Education: __________________
5-Psychology: __________________

K. Write down the Job titles under each the picture:

1- Anesthetist 2- Dermatologist 3- Optometrist 4- Orthopedist 5- Dentist

__________________ __________________

__________________ __________________

‫الباب السادس‬

Codes & Emergency

‫من المهم بالنسبة لرجل األمن الصحي اإللمام بالمصطلحات المتعلقة بالرموز والطوارئ المستخدمة داخل المستشفيات‬
‫وفهم معناها باللغة اإلنجليزية فاستخدام هذه الرموز يتطلب تفاعل سريع الرتباطها عادة بحاالت طارئة ومعرفة برجل‬
.‫األمن بها تسهل من عمله وتُسرِّ ع من استجابته‬

‫طريقة التقييم‬ ‫طريقة التدريس‬ ‫األهداف‬

‫شرح المحتوى بطريقة المحاضرة‬
‫تمارين نظرية وعملية خالل‬ ‫ومن ثم ينتقل لطريقة المناقشة لفتح‬ ‫تذكر المصطلحات المتعلقة‬ -
‫المحاضرة‬ ‫الحوار وتطبيق المواضيع باللغة‬ ‫بالسالمة والشفرات واإلسعافات‬
‫اإلنجليزية مع المتدربين لتأكيد‬
.‫وصول المعرفة لهم‬

A: Read the following conversation:

Mohammed (surgeon wearing gloves): Why did you use Code Yellow, Hala?

Hala (nurse): There is a patient who had a car accident. He needs your attention right now,

Mohammed: No problem, I need the scissors and tweezers, please.

Hala: Okay, here you are.

Mohammed: The patient entered the emergency an hour ago, didn’t he?

Hala: Yes, he did.

Mohammed: What did the trauma team do for the case?

Hala: He had his leg badly injured. The accident was terrible. The team classified this case as
urgent and transferred him to the surgery department. They have cleaned the cut as you see.
Then they used cotton and these bandages to avoid bleeding.

(After fifteen minutes….)

Mohammed: We are almost done. Can you give me the antibiotic ointment, bandages and

Hala: Yes, of course, doctor.

Mohammed: I will prescribe a painkiller for you. You have to take it twice a day. I will see
you next week insha’Allah. May Allah heal you!

Patient: Thank you so much. May Allah bless you!

B: Answer these questions:

1. What did the surgeon put on?


2. What did he ask the nurse to bring?


3. What did the trauma team do for this case?


4. Did the surgeon use an antipoetic ointment?


5. What did the surgeon recommend taking daily?


C: Read the following with your teacher:

Trauma Team ‫فريق اإلصابات‬

Mr./ Mrs. Strong ‫شفرة شخص عنيف‬

Rapid Response Team ‫فريق االستجابة السريع‬

Standby Mode ‫وضع االستعداد‬

Full Alert ‫حالة تأهب قصوى‬

All Clear ‫إشارة زوال الخطر‬

Bandages and Band-Aids ‫ضماد\ ملصقات جروح‬

Antibiotic ointment ‫مرهم مضاد حيوي‬

Gloves ‫قفازات‬

CPR mask ‫قناع‬

Scissors ‫مقص‬

Wrapping bandages ‫ضماد لف‬

Painkiller ‫مسكن لأللم‬

Tweezers ‫ملقط‬

D: Now, read these codes aloud:

Code Color ‫لون الشفرة‬ Code Meaning ‫معنى الشفرة‬

Code Red ‫ الشفرة الحمراء‬In case of fire ‫في حاالت الحريق‬

Code White ‫ الشفرة البيضاء‬In case of violence or ‫في حاالت العنف أو شخص‬
threat of a person without ‫عنيف بدون وجود سالح أو‬
weapon or knife ‫سكين‬
Code Blue ‫ الشفرة الزرقاء‬Heart failure for adult or ‫توقف القلب لدى الكبار او‬
child ‫األطفال‬
Code Silver ‫ الشفرة الفضية‬Threat of a person with a ‫تهديد من شخص يحمل اسلحة‬
Code Pink ‫ الشفرة الوردية‬Missing or kidnapped child ‫رضيع مفقود أو مخطوف‬/‫طفل‬
or infant
Code Grey ‫ الشفرة الرمادية‬In case of storms ‫في حاالت العواصف‬

Code Yellow ‫ الشفرة الصفراء‬External disaster such as ‫الكوارث الخارجية مثل حوادث‬
road accidents and ‫الطرق والتسرب اإلشعاعي‬
radiological leakage
Code Brown ‫ الشفرة البنية‬In case of electricity ‫في حاالت انقطاع الكهرباء أو‬
in failure or lack of water ‫نقص المياه في المستشفى‬
the hospital
Code Black ‫ الشفرة السوداء‬In case of bomb threat ‫في حاالت التهديد بالقنابل‬

E: Study the following questions and answers:

1. A: What is the indication of Code Red? ‫ ما داللة الشفرة الحمراء؟‬.1

B: Code Red indicates an internal disaster ‫تشير الشفرة الحمراء إلى وجود كارثة داخلية مثل‬
such as fire. .‫الحريق‬
2. A: What code will we use if there is a ‫ ما الشفرة التي سنحتاج إلى استخدامها إذا كان‬.2
violent person? ‫هناك شخص عنيف؟‬
B: We will use Mr./ Mrs. Strong Code/ .‫سنستخدم الشفرة البيضاء‬
Code White
3. A: What is the indication of using Code ‫ ما داللة استخدام الشفرة السوداء؟‬.3
B: The indication of using Code Black is .‫داللة استخدام الشفرة السوداء هي تهديد بوجود قنبلة‬
a bomb threat.
4. A: In which cases should Code Blue be ‫ في أي الحاالت يجب استخدام الرمز األزرق؟‬.4
B: Code Blue should be used in cases of ‫يجب استخدام الرمز األزرق في حاالت توقف التنفس‬

heart or respiratory failure. .‫أو القلب‬
5. A: Which code should be used if there is ‫ ما الكود الذي يجب استخدامه إذا كان هناك‬.5
a person with a weapon or a hostage ‫شخص لديه سالح أو رهينة؟‬
B: Code Sliver. .‫الشفرة الفضية‬
6. A: Which code should be applied in case ‫ ما الكود الذي يجب تطبيقه في حالة اختطاف‬.6
of infant abduction? ‫األطفال؟‬
B: We should use Code Pink in case of ‫يجب أن نستخدم الشفرة الوردية في حالة اختطاف‬
infant abduction. .‫الرضيع‬
7. A: When should Code Grey be issued? ‫ متى يجب إصدار الشفرة الرمادية؟‬.7
B: It should be issued when weather ‫تصدرعند وجود ظروف جوية يمكن أن تنتج دمارا‬
conditions could produce mass .‫شامال‬
8. A: What is the indication of using Code ‫ ما داللة استخدام الشفرة الصفراء؟‬.8
B: Code Yellow indicates an occurrence ‫الشفرة الصفراء تشير إلى حدوث كارثة خارجية مثل‬
of external disaster such airplanes ‫ وإذا كان هناك أي تلوث كيميائي أو‬،‫تحطم الطائرات‬
crash, and if there is any chemical, .‫بيولوجي أو إشعاعي‬
biological or radiological
9. A: What is the indication of Code Brown? ‫ ما داللة استخدام الشفرة البنية؟‬.9
B: Code Brown is used in cases of ‫تستخدم الشفرة البنية في حاالت انقطاع الخدمات‬
interruption of public services such as .‫العامة مثل الكهرباء والمصاعد‬
electricity and elevators

F: Match the terms with their definitions:

1. Trauma team a. a signal that means there is a violent

man in hospital.

2. Rapid Response Team b. monitoring and reporting state.

3. All clear c. group of healthcare workers

who work together to assess and treat
the severely injured.
d. is a signal that a dangerous situation,
4. Mr./ Mrs. Strong has ended.

5. Standby Mode e. known as the Medical Emergency


G- Match each of the following codes with its indication:

1 Code Red A Newborn missing

2 Code Black B Radiological contamination
3 Code Blue C Water interruption
4 Code Sliver D Fire
5 Code Pink E Cardiac arrest
6 Code Orange F Attacking by gun
7 Code Grey G Nuclear leakage
8 Code Yellow H No Danger
9 Code Brown I Bomb threat
10 All Clear J Tornado

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

H- Define the codes and give the meaning in Arabic:

1- Code Pink: ___________________________________________

2- Code Brown: ___________________________________________
3- Code Silver: ___________________________________________
4- Code Pink ___________________________________________
5- Code White ___________________________________________

I - Fill the blank with appropriate codes:

1-In case of fire, security guard needs to activate Code ____________.

2-In case of external disaster, security guard needs to activate Code ____________.

3-In case of bomb threat, security guard needs to activate Code ____________.

J- Complete the following exercise by matching the first aid tools listed on the table
below with what is each used for:

Bandages and band-aids Gloves Tweezers A CPR mask An

antibiotic ointment A painkiller Wrapping bandages Scissors

reduces pain and swelling. Aspirin can help during a heart


should be worn to ensure sterile conditions and protect the
person administering first aid.
cut bandages down to size
helps fight infection
helps you safely perform CPR
are used to treat scratches and cuts that can occur when hiking.
treat large cuts and scrapes, support sprained limbs and can
even be used as a tourniquet.
can be used to pick things that have fallen into a cut.

K- Label the pictures using the following words:

(Band-aids / Gloves / Scissors / Bandages / Tweezers / CPR mask)

--------------------- --------------------- ---------------------

--------------------- --------------------- ---------------------

‫الباب السابع‬

‫‪Security Inspection‬‬

‫من المهام األساسية التي يقوم بها رجل األمن في المنشآت الصحية تنظيم دخول الزوار من المرضى والمراجعين إلى هذه‬
‫األماكن الخدمية الحيوية‪ ،‬وضبط األمن فيها‪ ،‬والتعامل مع ما قد يمثله البعض من مخاطر محتملة؛ لذا من المهم إلمامه‬
‫بالعبارات والمصطلحات المتعلقة بأداء مهام عمله في التفتيش األمني باللغة اإلنجليزية‪.‬‬

‫طريقة التقييم‬ ‫طريقة التدريس‬ ‫األهداف‬

‫شرح المحتوى بطريقة المحاضرة ومن‬ ‫استخدام مصطلحات التفتيش‬ ‫‪-‬‬
‫تمارين نظرية وعملية‬
‫ثم ينتقل لطريقة المناقشة لفتح الحوار‬ ‫األساسية التي يحتاجها مسئول‬
‫خالل المحاضرة‬
‫وتطبيق المواضيع باللغة اإلنجليزية مع‬ ‫األمن الصحيباللغة اإلنجليزية‪.‬‬
‫المتدربين لتأكيد وصول المعرفة لهم‪.‬‬

‫‪A. Read the following conversation between Sami and the security guard at the hospital‬‬
‫!‪- Sami: Good morning‬‬

‫‪- Security Guard: Good morning, Sir! What are you‬‬

‫?‪doing here‬‬

‫‪- Sami: We're visiting a relative; he went through an‬‬

‫‪operation yesterday.‬‬

‫‪- Security Guard: Most welcome! Could you open the‬‬

‫?‪car trunk, please‬‬

‫‪- Sami: Sure! No problem.‬‬

‫‪- Security Guard: Thanks, but notice that it’s not allowed‬‬
‫‪to park inside. Please drop off your family quickly then‬‬
‫!‪park outside‬‬

‫?‪- Sami: Fine! Is there a parking area near here‬‬

‫‪- Security Guard: Sure! There's an open parking‬‬

‫‪area over there.‬‬

‫?‪- Sami: Thanks! Is there anything else‬‬

- Security Guard: Yes, switch off your mobile phone when you enter the operation unit; it's
not allowed there.

- Sami: I will do so. Thank you very much.

- Security Guard: You are welcome, sir.

D. Complete the answers with words from the conversation:

1. Why does Sami come to the hospital?

He is visiting a _______________.

2. What's the problem about Sami's car?

He is parking in the wrong _______________.

3. Does Sami refuse to open the car trunk?

No, he doesn’t. He _______________ it immediately.

4. Is there a parking area for visitors inside the hospital?

No, there isn’t any _______________ area inside the hospital.

5. What is not allowed in the operation unit?

It is not allowed to use _______________ in the operation unit.

C. Read the following text about visiting a hospital and tell your partner the main ideas:

Hospital Visitors and Safety

As a hospital visitor, it is important that you respect visiting hours and rest periods for
patients during the day. If you want to bring a gift or something for a loved one, check with
the hospital to make sure it is okay. Some wards do not allow pot plants, flowers or food.

Sometimes, seeing a loved one in pain or suffering can be stressful. Always be nice to
hospital staff, other patients and visitors. Physical or verbal abuse towards staff, patients or
other visitors is not tolerated and you may be asked to leave if you behave like this. Infections
can be picked up during a stay in hospital, so follow the safety precautions or the measures
that you must comply with.

F. Complete the answers with words from the text:

1. What time can you go to hospital as a visitor?
There are specific visiting _________

2. Can you bring anything to the hospital?
You need to check with the hospital if you want to bring a _________ or something
for a loved one

3. Is physical abuse okay in hospitals?

Physical or _________ abuse is not tolerated in hospitals.
4. What is the meaning of the underlined word?
It means _________ that you must comply with.
5. Why can a careless visitor catch a disease in a hospital?
_________ can be picked up during a stay in hospital.

E. Repeat after your teacher:

Security inspection ‫التفتيش األمني‬

Checkpoint ‫نقطة تفتيش‬
Turn off the headlight ‫اطفئ أنوار السيارة‬
Open the hood ‫افتح غطاء السيارة األمامي‬
Trunk ‫صندوق السيارة الخلفي‬
Get off the vehicle ‫انزل من السيارة‬
Switch off the engine ‫اطفئ المحرك‬
Driver ‫السائق‬
Trapped ‫محاصر‬
Explode ‫ينفجر‬
Rescue ‫إنقاذ‬
Accident ‫حادث‬
Trace ‫تتبع‬
Report ‫إبالغ‬
Facilities ‫مرافق‬
Poisoning ‫تسمم‬
Gate ‫بوابة‬
Monitoring ‫ مراقبة‬/‫متابعة‬
Equipment ‫أجهزة‬
Safety regulations ‫أنظمة أمنية‬
Aggression ‫عدوانية‬

Offence ‫جريمة‬
Violence ‫عنف‬
Robbery and theft ‫سرقة‬
Burning ‫احتراق‬
This is not allowed ‫ ال يسمح به‬/‫هذا غير مسموح‬
This is not permitted ‫ ال يسمح به‬/‫هذا غير مسموح‬
Photography is forbidden! ‫ممنوع التصوير‬
Sign here, please! ‫ من فضلك‬،‫الرجاء التوقيع هنا‬
Switch off your phone, please ‫الرجاء إغالق هاتفك‬
The driver looks suspicious. ‫السائق يبدو بحالة مريبة‬
Come with me to the officer! ‫تعال معي إلى الضابط‬
Get off the car now ‫ غادر السيارة اآلن‬/‫انزل من‬
Go through the body scanner ‫المشي من خالل الماسح الضوئي للجسم‬
Walk through the detector ‫المشي من خالل الماسح الضوئي‬
This road is blocked ‫هذا الشارع مغلق‬
Turn off the high beams/headlight! ‫أطفئ مصباح الضوء العالي‬
Keep on the lane! ‫استمر على هذا الطريق‬
Mobile phones are not allowed inside ‫ال يسمح بدخول الجوال‬
Never park your car in this area ‫ال يسمح بإيقاف السيارة بهذه المنطقة أبدا‬
Show me your ID ‫ابرز هويتك‬
Your driving license, please ‫ابرز رخصة القيادة من فضلك‬
We have an emergency ‫لدينا حالة طارئة‬
Open the car trunk ‫افتح صندوق السيارة الخلفي‬

F. Now, read aloud:

What happened? ‫ماذا حدث؟‬

What is in the car trunk? ‫ماذا يوجد داخل صندوق السيارة الخلفي؟‬
What is your destination? ‫ماهي وجهتك؟‬
Where are you going? ‫إلى أين تذهب؟‬
Why are you here? ‫لماذا أنت هنا؟‬
How can I get there? ‫كيف يمكنني الوصول إلى هناك؟‬

G. Match the following questions with their answers:

1. Who is this person in the backseat?

2. What are you doing here?
3. Are there any flammable materials in the car trunk?
4. Which department are you heading at?
5. How can I help you?

A. We are here to visit our neighbor.

B. Miss Salma Kamal, she is my wife.
C. No, there isn’t. Just some personal staff.
D. I'm going to oncology department
E. Can you help me? I don’t know how to get there!
1 2 3 4 5

H. Use the following words in simple sentences:

1. Gate: _______________________________________
2. Rescue: _______________________________________
3. Accident: _______________________________________
4. Report: _______________________________________
5. Facilities: _______________________________________
I. Complete the following to report a security issue on the phone:

Dear sir,

This is to report that I found out a big cut in the fence of ....................(place)….................... at
………(time)…………….. caused by …………………(possible reason)…………… . Over!

J- Complete each sentence with correct word from the box:

checkpoint gate trunk rescue poisonous

1. Be careful! We have ______________ materials in this container.

2. You must stop your car at the ______________

3. This entrance is locked, please use the main ______________
4. Could you please open the car ______________?
5. Following safety procedures can______________ you from violence.

K- Put the following instructions, of a visit to hospital, in order:

1. Go through the body scanner!

2. Park your car in the parking area!
3. Stop at the checkpoint!
4. Reach the hospital's main gate!
5. Leave the hospital once you have finished!
6. Show your identification card at the checkpoint!
A_______ B _______ C_______ D_______ E_______ F_______

L- Write the correct answer:

1. Watch out! We have injuries in the ________________

a. body scanner
b. accident
c. driving license
2. Could you please walk through ________________?
a. the vehicle
b. the detector
c. the trunk
3. Security guards use special ________________ for inspection.
a. rescue
b. trace
c. equipment
4. It's important to ________________ any case of violence to the police station.
a. report
b. trapped
c. explode
5. It is not allowed to have ________________ materials inside the hospital
a. food
b. explosive
c. personal

M- Match the signs with their meanings:

A. Don't touch anything here!

B. Food and drinks are not allowed.
C. Photography is not allowed.
D. Don't use car horn!
E. This material is flammable.
F. Don't run here!
G. It is not allowed to enter.
H. Drinks are not allowed.
I. Don't smoke here!
J. Mobile phones are not allowed.
K. Filming is not allowed.
L. Don't use your hands!

‫الباب الثامن‬
Describing & Giving Directions

‫من المهام التي يقوم بها رجل األمن الصحي إرشاد المرضى والزوار في المستشفيات وذلك لتواجده في الواجهة فيكون هو‬
‫المرشدوالدليل األول ألماكن المرافق المختلفة بالمستشفى لذا من المهم إلمامه بالعبارات والمصطلحات المتعلقة بتحديد‬
.‫االتجاهات باللغة اإلنجليزية‬

‫طريقة التقييم‬ ‫طريقة التدريس‬ ‫األهداف‬

‫شرح المحتوى بطريقة المحاضرة ومن‬
‫تمارين نظرية وعملية‬
‫ثم ينتقل لطريقة المناقشة لفتح الحوار‬ ‫وصف االتجاهات في المنشآت‬ 
‫خالل المحاضرة‬
‫وتطبيق المواضيع باللغة اإلنجليزية مع‬ .‫الصحية باللغة اإلنجليزية‬
.‫المتدربين لتأكيد وصول المعرفة لهم‬

A. Read the following conversation between Ali and a security guard at the hospital
Ali: Excuse me! Could you please tell me how to get to the pharmacy?
Security Guard: It's this way, go past the café and you will find dental clinic on your left.
Ali: Ok, then?
SG: Once you get there, take the corridor on your right. Then
go straight, past the emergency unit, and it will be on the
left, just opposite to the operation room.
Ali: Could you repeat that, please?
SG: Once you get to the dental clinic, take the corridor on
your right. Then go straight, past the emergency unit, and
it will be on the left, just opposite to the operation room.
Ali: Thanks a lot! How long does it take to get there?
SG: Not long; it is just a minute or two.
Ali: Ok, thanks!

B. Are the following sentences True or False:

1. Ali is standing in front of the cafeteria. T / F

2. Ali wants to go to the X-ray department. T / F

3. When you move past the café, the dental clinic will be on your left. T / F
4. The pharmacy is next to the dental clinic. T / F
5. To reach the pharmacy, it takes less than five minutes. T / F

C. Repeat after your teacher:

Keep/continue going straight ‫استمر في السير بشكل مستقيم نحو األمام‬

Go straight at/on/ahead ‫ نحو األمام‬/‫الذهاب مباشرة باتجاه‬
Turn left/ take a left turn at ‫ خذ االتجاه يسا ًرا عند‬/ ‫انعطف يسا ًرا‬
Turn right/ take a right turn at ‫ خذ االتجاه يمينًا عند‬/ ً ‫انعطف يمينا‬
Take a right/left ‫ يسارا‬/ ‫انعطف يمينا‬
Take the first/second/… right ‫ منعطف إلى اليمين‬... ‫ ثاني‬/‫اتجه نحو أول‬
Let me repeat that ‫اسمحوا (اسمح) لي أن أكرر ذلك‬
Right into the main lobby ‫يميناً في اتجاه الردهة الرئيسية‬
Stop sign ‫إشارة توقف‬
Traffic light ‫إشارة مرور‬
Follow the signs for ‫اتبع اإلشارات إلى‬
Opposite ‫مقابل‬
Next to the pharmacy ‫بجوار الصيدلية‬
Beside ‫بجانب‬
Near the security office ‫قُرب مكتب األمن‬
near the corner ‫قريب من الزاوية‬
Continue around ‫استمر حول‬
On your left/right ‫ يسارك‬/‫على يمينك‬
Once you get to the hospital gate, ‫ تابع بنفس المسار‬، ‫بمجرد وصولك إلى بوابة المستشفى‬
proceed to the clinic ‫إلى العيادة‬
It takes about three hours to arrive. ‫يستغرق حوالي ثالث ساعات للوصول‬
I cannot find the laboratory ‫ال أستطيع إيجاد المختبر‬
I can give you the directions ‫باستطاعتي أن أدلك على المكان‬
Is there ....... near here? ‫ قريب من هنا؟‬....... ‫هل يوجد‬
Hello! I’m looking for the hospital .‫ البنك‬/ ‫ مركز الشرطة‬/ ‫ أنا أبحث عن المستشفى‬،ً‫مرحبا‬
/police station /bank.
Go along to the pharmacy ‫اذهب مباشرة إلى الصيدلية‬
Go straight on ‫توجه بشكل مباشر‬

D. Now, read aloud:

1- A: What is the way to the surgery ‫ما الطريق إلى عيادة الجراحة؟‬
B: Go into the main lobby then the clinic ‫اذهب إلى الردهة الرئيسية ثم العيادة ستكون على‬
will be on the right. .‫اليمين‬
A: Your sentence is clear, thank you. ‫ شكرا لك‬،‫جملتك واضحة‬
2- A: Where is the nearest gate to exit? ‫أين توجد أقرب بوابة للخروج؟‬
B: Turn left then take a right turn, the ‫ ستكون البوابة أمامك‬،‫انعطف يسا ًرا ثم استدر يمينًا‬
gate will be in front of you
3- A: Excuse me! Can you tell me where ‫ هل يمكن أن تخبرني أين يقع قسم الموجات‬،‫عذرا‬
the ultrasound department is? ‫فوق الصوتية؟‬
B: Yes, I can. It is opposite to the ‫ إنه مقابل مكتب األمن‬، ‫نعم أستطيع‬
security office
4- A: Is the reception near here? ‫هل مكتب االستقبال قريب من هنا؟‬
B: Yes, directly on this direction. ‫ مباشرة في هذا االتجاه‬،‫نعم‬
5- A: Where can I find the ‫ المكتب‬/ ‫ الكافتيريا‬/ ‫أين يمكنني أن أجد الحمام‬
restroom/cafeteria/main office? ‫الرئيسي؟‬
B: Just go straight on this way. .‫مباشرة في هذا االتجاه‬
6- A: Is it close or far? ‫هل هو قريب أم بعيد؟‬
B: It is only one minute walking. ‫انه يبعد دقيقة واحدة فقط سيرا على األقدام‬
7- A: Could you please give me the ‫هل يمكن أن تدلني على اتجاه المكان؟‬
B: Yes, I can give you the directions. ‫ أستطيع أن أدلك على اتجاه المكان‬،‫نعم‬
8- A: Do you know how to get to the ‫ القسم؟‬/ ‫ العيادة‬/ ‫هل تعرف كيف تصل إلى المكتب‬
B: No, I don't. Please give me the .‫ من فضلك دلني على اتجاه المكان‬.‫ ال أستطيع‬،‫ال‬
9- A: How can I reach\get there? ‫كيف أصل إلى هناك؟‬
B: You can follow the signs to get there. ‫يمكنك اتباع اإلشارات للوصول إلى هناك‬
10- A: How far is it to Pediatrics? ‫قسم طب األطفال؟‬/‫كم تبعد المسافة إلى عيادة‬
B: Around two minutes walking this ‫حوالي دقيقتين مشيا ً في هذا االتجاه‬
11- A: How far is it from my house/place? ‫ مكاني؟‬/ ‫كم تبعد عن منزلي‬
B: It is 20 km from your house/place. .‫مكانك‬/ ‫ كيلومتر من منزلك‬20 ‫إنها تبعد‬
12- A: How long does it take you to arrive? ‫كم من الوقت تستغرق للوصول؟‬
B: I need ten minutes to arrive. ‫أحتاج عشر دقائق للوصول‬
13- A: How do I get there? ‫كيف أصل إلى هناك؟‬
B: Go straight on along this corridor ‫اذهب مباشرة على طول هذا الممر‬
14- A: Can you repeat that? ‫هل يمكن أن تعيد ذلك؟‬
B: Yes, with pleasure. ‫ بكل سرور‬،‫نعم‬
15- A: Where would you like to go? ‫أين تريد أن تذهب؟‬
B: I would like to go to the radiology ‫أود الذهاب إلى قسم األشعة‬
16- A: What is the best way to go to the ‫ما هو أفضل طريق لموقف السيارات؟‬

B: Take this elevator to the basement ‫خذ هذا المصعد إلى الطابق السفلي‬
17- A: Is there a bank near here? ‫هل يوجد مصرف قريب من هنا؟‬
B: Yes, beside the hospital's main gate. ‫ بجانب البوابة الرئيسية للمستشفى‬، ‫نعم‬
18- A: Can I help you with anything else? ‫هل يمكنني مساعدتك في أي شيء آخر؟‬
B: No, thank you for your help. ‫ شكرا لمساعدتك‬، ‫ال‬

E- Complete the following sentences to ask for directions.

- Could you tell me how to get to ________________?

- Can you tell me where the ________________ is?
- I'm looking for ________________. How can I get there?
- Is there any ________________ near here?
- What is the best way to go to the ________________?

F- Fill in the blanks using the map and the phrases below.

on across from across over go past near beside

turn right between next to opposite to
 The Security
turn left Office is ____________
far from the Surgery
on the left Clinic. in front of
 The Caféon the corner of
is _________ on theOffice.
the Security right go straight
 The Mosque is __________East Corridor __________ the Café.
 The Main Gate is ______ the Operation Room.
 The Radiology Department is _________ the Pediatrics Clinic.
 To go to East Corridor, _____ _______ at the Middle Lane.
 The Operation Room is ________ the Pediatrics clinic.

 The ATM is __________ Western Corridor.
 The Surgery Clinic is __________ the PCC and the OBS/GYN Clinic.
 The Lab is __________the mosque.
 The ER department is __________ the Store.
G- Practice the following questions, then find suitable answers to them.

 Excuse me! Is there a hospital near here?

 How do I get to the pharmacy?
 Is this the right way to the reception?
 Pardon me! I’m lost. Which way is it to the main gate?
 Do you know where the cafeteria is?
H- Write a question for each sentence below.
 It is this/that way.
Question: ___________________________________________?

 Yes, it is just around the corner.

Question: ___________________________________________?
 No, you are going the wrong way.
Question: ___________________________________________?
 Go straight ahead then turn right.
Question: ___________________________________________?
 Absolutely, take the second left.
Question: ___________________________________________?

I- Complete the following sentences to give simple directions.

A. Walk down ___________________!

B. Go along this ___________________!
C. Go upstairs___________________!
D. Until you find, ___________________!
E. Then turn _____ / left!
F. Take the first ______ on the right
G. It is ___________________.
H. It is one the ___________________.
I. It is next to ___________________.
J. It is near / behind/opposite _______ in front of ___________________.
K. It is on the corner of ___________________.

J- Fill in the blanks with the correct answer from the box.

in front near direction straight stop sign

1. You must stop when you see a ___________________.
2. The laboratory is ___________________ of the operation unit.
3. You can go ___________________ on till you reach your destination.
4. The shop is not that far, it's around two minutes, just walking in this
5. A: Is there any bank ___________________ here?
B: Yes, it's over there.

K- Match the following questions with their answers.

1. Can you help me, please? I’m looking for an ATM.
2. Is there any site map or directory?
3. Please tell me how I can get to the parking?
4. Where can I find the nearest restroom?
5. Is there a coffee shop around here?
A. It's just next-door, opposite the café.
B. Yes, there is a site map at the main entrance.
C. You should go downstairs beside the elevator. It's next to the bus stop.
D. At the lobby, there is an ATM.
E. Yes, it's over there between the lab and the pharmacy.

1 2 3 4 5

L- Match the signs with their meanings:

A. Turn right
B. You can turn left or go straight
C. On the left
D. Go straight on
E. You can go left or right
F. On the right
G. Turn left
H. You can turn right or go straight

‫الباب التاسع‬

‫‪Simple Medical Terms‬‬

‫من المهم بالنسبة لرجل األمن الصحي اإللمام بقدر من العبارات والمصطلحات الطبية المستخدمة بصورة يومية في‬
‫المرافق الصحية‪ .‬فمن ضمن المهام التي يقوم بها رجل األمن الصحي إرشاد المرضى والتعامل مع الكوادر الطبية‪،‬‬
‫ومعرفة المصطلحات الطبية األساسية والشائعة باللغة اإلنجليزية تسهل من عمله واندماجه في الوسط الطبي‪ .‬فالمعلوم أن‬
‫التعامل باللغة االنجليزية هو السائد في المستشفيات والمراكز الطبية‪.‬‬

‫طريقة التقييم‬ ‫طريقة التدريس‬ ‫األهداف‬

‫تمارين نظرية وعملية‬ ‫شرح المحتوى بطريقة المحاضرة ومن ثم‬ ‫التعرف على المصطلحات‬ ‫‪-‬‬
‫ينتقل لطريقة المناقشة لفتح الحوار‬ ‫الطبية الشائعة االستخدام في‬
‫خالل المحاضرة‬
‫وتطبيق المواضيع باللغة اإلنجليزية مع‬ ‫المنشآت الصحية باللغة‬
‫المتدربين لتأكيد وصول المعرفة لهم‪.‬‬ ‫اإلنجليزية‪.‬‬

‫‪A. Read the following conversation between an‬‬

‫‪emergency doctor and a security guard who is‬‬
‫‪reporting a patient case at the main gate of a hospital:‬‬

‫‪Ahmed (Security Guard): Good morning,‬‬

‫!‪emergency friends‬‬
‫?‪Doctor: Good morning! What's the matter, Ahmed‬‬
‫‪SG: There is a patient here suffering from severe‬‬
‫?‪Doctor: Are you calling from the main gate‬‬
‫‪SG: Yes, and he is with me here.‬‬
‫?‪Doctor: What happened to him‬‬
‫‪SG: He says that he fell over the stairs an hour ago.‬‬
‫?‪Doctor: Can he move and come with no assistance‬‬
‫‪SG: Pain seems unbearable. He can’t stand on feet.‬‬

Doctor: Thanks a lot for the report. We are on the way.
SG: Not at all, we are waiting.

(Part Two: The doctor with the nurse after the patient
is admitted to the emergency unit)

Doctor: Is there any other symptoms except chest pain?

Nurse: Yes, the patient has a stomachache as well.
Doctor: When did the symptoms appear?
Nurse: He says that it started after he had a barbecue
party with her family.
Doctor: Is there any other member of the family admitted for the same symptoms?
Nurse: No, there isn't; only one patient.
Doctor: Good! Thank you. He might have a broken rib.
Nurse: What are your instructions, doctor?
Doctor: Take him immediately to Radiology to have a chest X-ray.
Nurse: Ok, doctor.

B-Are these sentences true (T) or false (F)?

1. The doctor called the security guard about the case. T / F
2. The patient can move on his feet. T / F
3. The security guard successfully reported the incident. T / F
4. The patient has a stomachache. T / F
5. The patient is in pain, but not severe. T / F
6. The patient's case is life-threatening. T / F
7. The patient fell over the stairs after the barbecue party. T / F

C. Read the following text about visiting a hospital and tell your partner the main ideas:


All hospitals have infection control procedures and policies, and the staff takes every
precaution to control infection. However, the risk of infection can never be eliminated, and
some people have a higher risk of infection than others.

Some things that can help reduce the chance of getting infection
while you are in hospital include:
Washing your hands properly, especially after using the toilet

 If you have an IV drip, let your nurse know if the site around
the needle is not clean and dry!

 Tell your nurse if your dressings are not clean, dry and attached around any wounds
you may have!
 Pay more attention if you are old. Elderly people have a higher risk of getting
 Wear a mask– the staff will instruct you. This is very important because it can help
prevent a chest infection.
 Ask relatives or friends who have colds or are unwell, not to visit!
 Use hand sterilizers and gloves!

D-Mark the following sentences true (T) or false (F):

1. You can't use toilets at hospital because of infection. T / F

2. Only public hospitals can have infections. T / F

3. Some people have a higher risk of acquiring infection. T / F

4. It is safe if a sick relative visits you. T / F

5. Wearing masks and face shields can help prevent chest infections. T / F

E. Repeat after your teacher:

Patient ‫مريض‬
Disease ‫مرض‬
Diabetes Mellitus ‫مرض السكري‬
CoVID-19 (Corona Virus 2019) ‫فيروس كورونا‬
Acute Renal Disease ‫مرض كلى حاد‬
Chronic Renal Disease ‫مرض كلى مزمن‬
Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome )‫متالزمة نقص المناعة المكتسبة ( االيدز‬
Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) ‫فيروس نقص المناعة البشري‬
Allergy ‫حساسية‬
Anemia ‫فقر دم‬
Asthma ‫الربو‬
Blood pressure ‫ضغط الدم‬
Hypertension ‫ارتفاع ضغط الدم‬
Cancer ‫سرطان‬
Contagious ‫ُمعدي – مسبب للعدوى‬
Dyspnea ‫ضيق التنفس‬
Influenza ‫األنفلونزا‬
Gas gangrene ‫غرغرينا‬

‫‪Gastritis‬‬ ‫التهاب المعدة‬
‫‪Heart attack‬‬ ‫أزمة قلبية‬
‫‪Leukemia‬‬ ‫سرطان الدم‬
‫‪Liver disease‬‬ ‫مرض كبد‬
‫‪Medicine‬‬ ‫دواء‬
‫‪Stroke‬‬ ‫السكتة الدماغية‬
‫‪Syphilis‬‬ ‫الزهري‬
‫‪Tumor‬‬ ‫ورم‬
‫‪Kidney Stone‬‬ ‫حصى الكلى‬
‫‪Hyperthyroidism‬‬ ‫فرط الغدة الدرقية‬
‫‪Arthritis‬‬ ‫التهاب المفاصل‬
‫‪Acute otitis media‬‬ ‫التهاب األذن الوسطى‬
‫‪Cholera‬‬ ‫الكوليرا‬
‫‪Abortion‬‬ ‫اجهاض‬
‫‪Obesity‬‬ ‫السمنة‬
‫‪Hypercholesterolemia‬‬ ‫فرط كولسترول الدم‬
‫‪Epistaxis‬‬ ‫الرعاف ( نزف دموي انفي)‬
‫‪Hepatitis virus‬‬ ‫التهاب الكبد الفيروسي‬
‫‪Allergy‬‬ ‫حساسية‬
‫‪Swine Flu‬‬ ‫أنفلونزا الخنازير‬
‫‪Pneumonia‬‬ ‫االلتهاب الرئوي‬
‫‪Coma‬‬ ‫غيبوبة‬
‫‪Vitamin B12 deficiency‬‬ ‫نقص فيتامين ب‪12‬‬
‫‪Pain‬‬ ‫ألم‬
‫‪Temperature‬‬ ‫درجة الحرارة‬
‫‪Infection‬‬ ‫عدوى‬
‫‪Itchy‬‬ ‫مسبب للحكة‬
‫‪Cough‬‬ ‫سعال‬
‫‪Headache‬‬ ‫صداع‬
‫‪Backache‬‬ ‫ألم الظهر‬
‫‪Earache‬‬ ‫ألم األذن‬
‫‪Nausea‬‬ ‫غثيان‬
‫‪Fever‬‬ ‫حمى‬

Flu ‫رشح‬
Pale ‫شاحب‬
Diarrhea ‫إسهال‬
Constipation ‫اإلمساك‬
Muscle cramps ‫تشنج العضالت‬

F. Now, read aloud:

1- A: Which disease can cause ‫أي مرض يمكن أن يسبب زيادة نسبة السكر في الدم؟‬
increased blood sugar?
B: Diabetes Mellitus. ‫مرض السكري‬
2- A: What does AIDS stand for? ‫ما هو االسم الكامل لمرض األيدز؟‬
B: Acquired Immune Deficiency ‫متالزمة نقص المناعة المكتسبة‬
3- What is meaning of epistaxis? ‫ما هو الرعاف؟‬
Nose bleeding ‫نزيف األنف‬
4- A: What is fever? ‫ما هي الحمى؟‬
B: An increased body temperature. ‫هي زيادة درجة حرارة الجسم‬

G- Find out diseases and symptoms in the table.


H. Match the following terms with their definitions:

1 Leukemia A Respiratory Disease

2 Diabetes Mellitus B HIV

3 Dyspnea C Joints Inflammation
4 Hypertension D Blood Cancer
5 Arthritis E Kidney Disease
6 Acute otitis media F Increased Blood Sugar
7 Acute Renal Disease G High Blood Pressure
8 AIDS H Infection in the Middle Ear

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

I- Write the meanings of the following terms.

1- Asthma: __________________

2- Heart Attack: __________________

3- Flu: __________________

4- Stroke: __________________

5- Infection: __________________

J- Match the following terms with their definitions:

1. Patient: a. A case of being hypersensitive to something.

2. Allergy: b. Deep unconsciousness caused especially by severe injury
3. Asthma: c. A respiratory condition causing difficulty in breathing
4. Coma: d. When body’s ability to produce insulin is impaired
5. Diabetes: e. A person who is receiving medical treatment

K- Translate these words into Arabic:

1. Patient: ___________ 2. Allergy: ___________ 3. Asthma: ___________

4. AIDS: ___________ 5. Diabetes: ___________

L- Fill in the blanks with the correct answer from the box:

coma earache flu infection abortion

1. I have a running nose. I think I got a ___________ last night.

2. The patient is in a ___________; he is not giving any response.
3. The most dangerous thing about COVID-19 is ___________.
4. After the accident, the boy can hardly hear us; he has an ___________.
5. Nora went in an ___________ after the accident; she lost her baby.

M- Write the correct answers to the following questions:

1. If you have increased blood sugar, then you may have ___________.
a. a fever
c. diabetes
2. ___________ can occur if you have an increased body temperature.
a. Asthma
b. Coma
c. Fever
3. Did the doctor write a prescription of the ___________ that you must take?
a. infection
b. medicine
c. stroke
4. You may feel unstable if your ___________ goes high.
a. cold
b. blood pressure.
c. stomachache
5. HIV is an abbreviation that stands for:
a. Human immunodeficiency virus
b. Harm in vain
c. High immune virus

N- Match to form meaningful sentences.

1. You will have to take folic acid if you ___________.

2. In case of constipation, you have to ___________.
3. You will have a muscle fatigue if you ___________.
4. Take some aspirin if you ___________.
5. Some people feel itchy as ___________.
A. drink a lot of liquids.
B. they have allergy to penicillin.
C. have a strong fever.
D. have vitamin B-12 deficiency.
E. have a strong headache!

O- Match the pictures with their meanings:

A. Wash your hands!

B. Wear gloves!
C. Wear a mask!
D. Wear a gown!

P- Match the pictures with precautions to avoid
COVID-19 infection:

A. Cover coughs and sneezes with a bent elbow,

wash hands after!
B. Keep one-meter distance away from others!
C. Wash your hands frequently with soap and
water or alcohol-based hand sterilizer!
D. Avoid touching your eyes, nose or mouth!


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