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maintenance and troubleshooting
pressure and temperature
downhole memory gauges

safety, maintenance and troubleshooting instructions

iGauge GL
October 2007
Table of Contents
Safety Section 1
Pressure page 1
Sour service page 2
Batteries page 3

Maintenance Section 2
Replacement of O-rings page 1
Special O-rings for operations in gas wells page 1
Electronics housing O-rings on iGauge or iQuartz page 2
O-rings and V-packing on iGauge GL for 1.00” side pocket page 3
O-rings and V-packing on iGauge GL for 1.50” side pocket page 4
Maintenance of FHPC contacts page 5
Transformation of a gauge into a slick line tool page 6
Transformation of a gauge into a surface recorder page 6
Maintenance of special iQuartz housing relief valve page 7
Cleaning of the iQuartz sensor bellow page 7
Replacement of L battery page 8
Spare parts list page 9
Accessories list page 10
Connection cables list for all gauges page 11
Carriers for drill stem test page 12
Battery type list page 13

Full B ore Interna l carrier opera tion Section 3

Operation of Full Bore Internal DST carrier page 1

Acid kit Section 4

Protection of a gauge for acid job operations page 1

Slick line ca rrier Section 5

Maintenance of slick line carrier head page 1

Troubleshootin g Section 6
The gauge cannot be neither "stopped and tested" nor read page 1
Communication stops during data reading page 2
The gauge does not start after programming page 2

Safety, maintenance and troubleshooting manual
October 2007
Section 1 Safety

Safety Memory gauges are pressure tools. If careful procedures are not followed,
pressure could be trapped inside the tool and the dismantling operation
could become dangerous.

Memory gauges are designed for and can be run in a sour gas environment.
Usual maintenance and safety practices for sour service equipment must be
followed in order to protect personnel using the tool and to ensure the
longest possible tool service life.

Memory gauges use lithium battery packs, which have special handling and
disposal procedures.

If the following recommendations are not clear or in case of doubt, please

contact Metrolog at:
Tel: + 33 5 61348074
Fax: + 33 5 61204131

It is assumed that all the relevant safety aspects, precautions and

recommendations are known by the operators using Metrolog gauges.

Pressure As any downhole tool, a memory gauge can trap pressure. While every
precaution must be taken to insure that pressure cannot enter in the gauge
- regularly changing the O-rings,
- always cleaning the O-ring grooves before installing new O-rings,
- using the right O-ring type for a given environment,
(see the following sections for more details), it is always possible to face
the rare event that pressure entered in the tool but did not get out. It is
particularly true in gas wells when the gauge has been left for a long time in
the well: pressure could enter slowly by migrating through the O-rings but
does not have time to bleed-off when the gauge is retrieved.

Most of Metrolog memory gauges are built for this problem not to happen:
the iGauge pressure sensor will be pushed out of its seat if pressure inside
the tool becomes higher that the outside pressure.

When gauges must be exposed to gas for a long period of time, it is

advisable to run them inside gauge carriers full of high temperature oil (i.e.
silicone oil) in order to avoid or limit the gas migration through the O-rings.
It is the whole concept of the insert gauges and Metrolog proposes various
carriers for its insert gauges.

Safety, maintenance and troubleshooting manual Page 1
October 2007
Section 1 Safety

However, all the above precautions may not be sufficient to prevent

pressure to enter the gauge. Strict procedures must thus be followed,
contact Metrolog in case of doubt.

When pressure is trapped in an iGauge or an iQuartz, it is possible that the

electronics housing be very hard to remove/unscrew.

Caution!! This indication is not sufficient and pressure could be trapped in

the gauge without any evidence of such a problem.

Then, when the O-rings and the thread friction have been cancelled, parts of
the gauge can be pushed with a very strong force and cause damages
and/or injuries.

WARNING Whe n re m ovi ng a n i Ga uge or iQ uart z housi ng, d o not sta nd

in t he ali gnme nt of t he tool. M a ke sure t hat there i s
nobody i n t he p ote nti all y d angerous a re a (that ca n be up
to 30 m or 1 00 ft) . Hol d t he tool i n a vi ce and unsc re w it s
housi ng c a re fully wit h t he p rop er safety e q ui pm e nt.

WARNING Beca use of thei r de si gn and di m ensi ons, the i Ga uge a nd

the iQ ua rtz m ust not be e xp ose d to a d iffe re nti al p re ssure
(i.e. a cross t he sensor cha mber) of more tha n 70 0 ba rs
(10000 psi). In t he we ll, the se c ondit ions are ra re , but a ll
preca uti ons shoul d be ta ke n t o avoid tha t sit uati on. F or
cali brati on p urp ose s, spec ial eq ui p me nt m ust be used i n
orde r to p rev ent t he p ossi ble d e structi on of the ga uge
and inj urie s t o t he pe rsonnel.

Sour service All Metrolog's memory gauges have been designed to be run in sour service
environment but, in this case, O-rings must be changed between every run
and the bottom nose filled in with grease. It is also possible to protect the
sensor with a specific buffer tube and silicone grease.

The insert gauge concept allows the gauges to be run in carriers when the
well fluid is particularly aggressive. The carriers, when full of high
temperature oil, will act as buffer tubes.

Safety, maintenance and troubleshooting manual Page 2
October 2007
Section 1 Safety

Batteries Lithium batteries used by Metrolog memory gauges are Lithium based
batteries that are a potential hazard in case of wrong usage or wrong
operation. We thus advise the users to observe particular precautions when
using Lithium batteries, such as:

1. Do no t u se ba tteries abov e th ei r tem p era tu r e li mi t.

2. Do no t op en th e batteri es in o rd er to p r ev ent any risk of
short cir cuit.
3. Do no t in tro du ce a m etallic o r con du cti ve ob jec t in the
battery conn ecto r in o rd er to p revent any risk o f shor t ci rcui t.
4. Do no t th row th em in fir e.
5. Do no t o p en th em .
6. Do no t try to r echa rge them .
7. Do not pu t th em un d er any p ressu re or stress tha t could
defo rm them .
8. Do not knoc k on th e ba tteries in o r der to d epassiva te them . If
need ed, us e th e d epassiv er su p plied by M etrolog.

WARNING In mos t of the coun tries , stri ct r egula tions a ppl y for the di sposal
or the d es truc tion of Li thiu m ba tteries . Pleas e conta c t
sp ecialized co m panies or M etrolog.

In order to protect the users, these batteries are equipped with a double
level of fuse. One fuse is built in the cell itself, a second fuse has been
added at Metrolog's request by the battery manufacturer. However, it is
important to understand and respect the above rules and to treat these
batteries with special care with a full understanding of their specificity; the
protection by fuses is of no use in case of deformation or crushing of a
battery by a mechanical action.

If you have any question or doubt, please contact Metrolog.

WARNING Before use, ca re full y c he ck t he m axi m um tem pe rature of

the sel ecte d batte ry a nd com pa re it wit h the ex pe cte d
downhole te mp erat ure.

x15 (L15E, 2L15E, etc...) batteries are limited to 150 °C or 300 °F.

Safety, maintenance and troubleshooting manual Page 3
October 2007
Section 2 Maintenance

Replacement of O-rings

The O-rings normally supplied by Metrolog are Viton O-rings 90 Duro.

When replacing the O-rings, it is important to follow strict procedures in
order to achieve the proper seals and their longevity:

1. Apply the minimum possible stress. Pass the O-rings around the smaller
diameter available (follow the instructions below).

2. Because of the inevitable stress applied when installing new O-rings, once
installed, wait 2 minutes before placing the housing that will cover them.
This gives time for the O-rings to relax and to take back their original shape.

3. Whenever a back-up ring is used, the O-ring must be installed on the

pressure side and the back-up ring on the inside side.

(Figure iM1 - O-rings installation)

WARNING Sp eci al O -r ings for o pe r atio ns in ga s well s

For long or multiple exposures to gas, it may be needed to replace the

standard Viton 709/90 O-rings by special O-rings made of other compounds
or harder Viton like Viton 858/95

These O-rings have been designed to resist to explosive decompression and

are used by major oil producing companies in gas fields for downhole and
surface applications.

Their main characteristic being to have a very low permeability to gas, they
greatly reduce the gas entry (by diffusion) into the gauge.

Same replacement precautions apply than for standard Viton O-rings.

In order to determine which compound is best adapted to each application,

contact Metrolog and supply the fluid characteristics and chemical content.

Safety, maintenance and troubleshooting manual Page 1
October 2007
Section 2 Maintenance

Elect r onic s ho usi ng O -ri ngs o n i Ga uge or iQ ua rtz

The electronics housing O-rings must be changed regularly above all if the
gauge is used in gas environment or in corrosive fluids:

(Figure iM2 - iGauge parts description)

(Figure iM4 - iQuartz parts description and accessories)

1 Unscrew the electronics housing by using two flat spanners (one on the
gauge body, one at the top of the housing).

WARNING Do not use p ip e ra nge or lock sp anner on t he housi ng. U se

excl usiv ely flat spa nne rs on t he p urp osely - de si gne d fl ats.

2 Remove the electronics housing with great care by pulling it straight

and sliding it slowly and carefully around the electronics

3 Disconnect the battery by pulling it straight. Do not turn the battery.

Remove the old electronics housing O-rings.

4 Install new housing O-rings (n° 111) by sliding them around the
electronics. Use if needed the supplied O-ring sliding tool.

5 Reconnect the battery by inserting first the guide pin then by pushing
slowly the battery connector in place.

6 Grease the O-ring thoroughly. Slide the electronics housing back in place
with the same care than for removing it. Screw it and tighten it slightly.

WARNING Do not ov er-ti ght e n t he housi ng. It would d eform the bottom
of t he housing that has not bee n de si gned to ha ndle ove r
torq ue beca use of it s siz e.

Safety, maintenance and troubleshooting manual Page 2
October 2007
Section 2 Maintenance

O-ri ngs a nd V- pac king o n iG a uge G L 1 .00”

The O-rings and the V-packings of an iGauge GL must be changed before

each run since the gauge is meant to be run for long periods of time:
(Figure iM5 - iGauge GL parts description for 1.00” side pocket)

1 Unscrew the latch by using a flat spanner on the gauge body and a pipe
range on the latch.

WARNING Do not use p ip e ra nge or lock sp anner on t he housi ng. U se

excl usiv ely a flat spa nne r on t he p urp osely -de si gne d fl ats.

2 Remove the upper V-packing set. Unscrew the top adapter. Replace the
top adapter O-rings (n° 113). Grease them cautiously.

3 Insert a small screw driver into the GL inserting tool and pull cautiously
on the iGauge GL heart in order to remove it from its seat.

4 Disconnect the battery by pulling it straight. Do not turn the battery.

5 Replace the iGauge GL heart O-rings (n° 113).

6 Connect a new battery by inserting first the guide pin then by pushing
the battery connector in place.

7 Grease the iGauge GL heart O-rings cautiously and insert it back in its
seat with the GL inserting tool.

8 Re-assemble the top adapter. Tighten it and place a new V-packing set.
Re-assemble the latch and tighten it firmly.

9 Unscrew the GL nose. Replace the V-packing set and re-assemble the GL
nose. Tighten it firmly.

WARNING Whe n usi ng an i Ga uge G L for t he fi rst ti me in a SPM, it i s

strongly a dvi se d t o run a d umm y run without t he el ect roni cs
(thus rem ovi ng t he i Ga uge G L hea rt a nd the batt ery ) be fore
runni ng t he i Ga uge G L de fi nit ivel y.

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October 2007
Section 2 Maintenance

O-ri ngs a nd V- pac king o n iG a uge G L 1 .50”

The O-rings and the V-packings of an iGauge GL must be changed before

each run since the gauge is meant to be run for long periods of time:
(Figure iM10 - iGauge GL parts description for 1.50” side pocket)

1 Unscrew the latch by using a flat spanner on the gauge body and a pipe
range on the latch. Do not use pipe range on the GL body.

WARNING The t wo set s of V-p ac ki ngs use d on t he iG auge GL syst e m for

1.50” si de p oc ket a re di ffe re nt. T he lower set is sli ghtly
sm all e r t ha n t he up pe r set. D o not mi x t he m.

2 Unscrew the GL nose. Remove the lower V-packing set.

Unscrew the GL bottom adapter. Remove the upper V-packing set.

3 Replace the bottom adapter O-rings (n° 116).

4 Insert a small screw driver into the GL inserting tool of the top iGauge
heart and pull cautiously in order to remove it from its seat.
Insert a small screw driver into the GL inserting tool of the bottom
iGauge heart and pull cautiously in order to remove it from its seat.

5 Disconnect both batteries by pulling it straight. Do not turn the battery.

6 Replace the iGauge GL hearts O-rings (n° 113).

7 Connect a new battery on each iGauge heart by inserting first the guide
pin then by pushing the battery connector in place.

8 Grease the iGauge GL heart O-rings cautiously and insert them back in
their seat with their GL inserting tools.

9 Place a new V-packing upper set. Re-assemble the bottom adapter.

Tighten it.
Place a new V-packing lower set. Re-assemble the GL nose. Tighten it.

10 Re-assemble the latch and tighten it firmly.

WARNING Whe n usi ng an i Ga uge G L for t he fi rst ti me in a SPM, it i s

strongly a dvi se d t o run a d umm y run without t he el ect roni cs
(thus rem ovi ng t he i Ga uge G L hea rt a nd the batt ery ) be fore
runni ng t he i Ga uge G L de fi nit ivel y.

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October 2007
Section 2 Maintenance

Maintenance of FHPC contacts

The FHPC contacts of an iGauge or an iQuartz must be kept clean at all times. Do
not clean them with a sharp object nor with a metallic tool but with cloth or
cleaning paper.There is no other routine maintenance on the FHPC contacts than

WARNING The sea l of t he FH PC c ontact s is m a de of glass. It i s t hus

da ma gea bl e t o run a n iG a uge or a n iQ ua rtz in aci d or c orrosive
fl ui d wit hout p rotecti on.
In this c ase, al wa ys use a c arri er ful l of sili cone oil and /or the
aci d kit ( see secti on 4).

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October 2007
Section 2 Maintenance
The concept of the iGauge and the iQuartz is that the tool heart can be
assembled with different accessories for the gauge to be run:
- as an insert gauge (in carriers),
- as a slick line tool ,
- as a surface recorder.
The iGauge or the iQuartz is normally supplied with the accessories to run it
as an insert gauge. The procedure is the same for both recorders.
(Figure iM3 - iGauge accessories)
(Figure iM4 - iQuartz parts description and accessories)

Transformati on of a gauge into a slick line tool

In order to transform a gauge into a slick line tool:

1 Unscrew the insert housing by using two flat spanners (one on the
sensor holder, one at the top of the housing).

WARNING Do not use p ip e ra nge or lock sp anner on t he housi ng. U se

excl usiv ely flat spa nne rs on t he p urp osely - de si gne d fl ats.

2 Remove the electronics housing with great care by pulling it straight

and sliding it slowly and carefully around the electronics

3 Grease the O-ring thoroughly. Slide the slick line housing in place with
great care. Screw it and tighten it firmly using the purposely-designed

4 Unscrew the insert nose (with a big screwdriver for example). Install a
new nose O-ring (n° 014) on the slick line nose and screw it. Tighten
firmly using the purposely-designed flats.

Transformati on of a gauge into a surface recorde r

In order to transform a gauge into a surface recorder (this procedure is also

needed for gauge calibration below 690 bar or 10000 psi):

1 Unscrew the insert nose (with a big screwdriver for example). Install a
new nose O-ring (n° 014) on the test nose and screw it. Tighten firmly
using the purposely-designed flats.

WARNING Do not use p ip e ra nge or lock sp anner on t he housi ng. U se

excl usiv ely flat spa nne rs on t he p urp osely - de si gne d fl ats.

WARNING WH E N U SE D O N SU RF AC E, THE M AXIM UM iG auge or iQ ua rtz

OPE RAT ING PRE SSU RE IS 690 bars or 1 000 0 p si.
In ca se of ove rp re ssure, seve re d a ma ges c ould occ ur to the
iGa uge mec hanic s a nd possi bl e i nj urie s c oul d occ ur to
op erati ng pe op le.
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October 2007
Section 2 Maintenance

Maintenance of special iQuartz hous ing relief valve

When a iQuartz housing with relief valve is used, the status of the relief
valve must be checked after each run. The relief valve rod must be flush
with the bottom of the relief valve nut. If the relief valve rod has popped
out, it means that the gauge internal pressure was greater than the outside
pressure and that the relief valve has completed its task.
(Figure iM9 – iQuartz housing relief valve detail).

WARNING It is ex tr e mel y im po rtan t to redress th e reli ef v alve as frequen tl y

as possibl e and in an y case ea ch ti m e the r el ief valv e ro d has
been found ou t of its s ea t.

To redress the iQuartz housing relief valve:

1 Make sure the rod is pushed back in order to introduce a large

screwdriver in the relief valve nut. Unscrew the relief valve nut.

2 Pull the relief valve rod and spring out (a M3 screw can be used to latch
into the relief valve rod in order to help pulling on it).

4 Place two new O-rings (n° 007).

5 Replace the relief valve rod and push it down in its seat, replace the
relief valve spring and nut. Tighten the relief valve nut with the

6 Check that the relief valve rod is flush with the bottom of the relief
valve nut.

Cleaning of the iQuartz sensor bellow

The iQuartz bellow is covered by one of the iQuartz noses that should never
been taken off in the field. Its cleaning (which is the only needed maintenance)
should be done in the lab by a trained technician and there should be no
mechanical stress applied to it neither with the finger, metallic object or else.

WARNING NEV ER TRY TO UNSCR EW IT . It woul d mak e the bellow to los e

silicone oil and th e s ensor would hav e to be sen t back to its
manufac tur er a t a high cos t.

To clean it, just use a small brush and diesel. The bellow is not fragile as
such (it resists to the gauge pressure range) but bending or marking it
would affect the accuracy of the gauge and its resolution.

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Section 2 Maintenance

Replacement of L battery

To replace an L battery on an iGauge or an iQuartz:

1 Unscrew the electronics housing by using two flat spanners (one on the
sensor holder, one at the top of the housing).

WARNING Do not use p ip e ra nge or lock sp anner on t he housi ng. U se

excl usiv ely flat spa nne rs on t he p urp osely - de si gne d fl ats.

2 Remove the electronics housing with great care by pulling it straight

and sliding it slowly and carefully around the electronics

3 Disconnect the battery by pulling it straight. Do not turn the battery to

remove it. Dispose it according to local regulations.

4 Install a new battery by inserting first the guide pin then by pushing the
battery connector in place.

6 Grease the O-ring thoroughly. Slide the electronics housing back in place
with the same care than for removing it. Screw it and tighten it slightly.

WARNING Pa y great atte nti on whe n repl aci ng t he el e ctroni cs housing

on a n iG a uge or a n iQ uart z. D ue to close t ol erance
bet wee n t he O- ri ng a nd the housi ng thre ad , the O -ri ng ma y
be d a ma ge d when rep lac ing the housi ng.

To replace a 2L battery on an iGauge GL, follow the procedure described to

replace the O-rings and V-packing.

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October 2007
Section 2 Maintenance

Spare parts list for iGauge, iGauge GL and iQuartz

The spare parts needed for regular maintenance include only O-rings, screws,
V-packing (for the iGauge GL) and battery clips. Life duration of O-ring is 10
years. Please keep them away from UV.

See the relevant figures for O-rings location and number.

Red references on figures are for parts to be changed regularly.
Orange references on figures are for parts to be changed from time to time.

O-ring part numbers are given for a set of 10 pieces of Viton 709/90 O-ring.
For part number of Viton 858/95 O-rings, replace S by F: for example, the
part number of a pack of 10 n° 111 V858/95 O-rings is D.30.P.F111.

Screw part numbers are given for a set of 10 pieces.

The V-packing set for the iGauge GL is given for the complete gauge.

Tool Use O-ring N° of Part number

for size 0-rings for 10 pieces
per gauge of Viton 709

iGauge Electronics housing 111 2 D.50.P.S111

Test nose 111 1 D.50.P.S111
Slick line nose 014 1 D.50.P.S014

iQuar tz Electronics housing 111 2 D.50.P.S111

Slick line or test nose 014 2 D.50.P.S014

iGauge GL Top adapter and 113 4 D.30.P.S113

1" O D iGauge GL heart
iGauge GL body V-packing set D.50.P.VPAC

iGauge GL iGauge GL heart 113 4 D.30.P.S113

1.50" OD Bottom adapter 116 2 D.30.P.S116
iGauge GL body V-packing set D.51.P.VPAC

Tool Use Screw N° of Part number

for size screws for 10 screws
per gauge

iGauge Electronic board TC-M1.6 2 D.50.P.SSCR

iGauge GL and battery clip l= 5 mm
iQuar tz

Description Part number

for iGaug e, iGaug e GL and iQua r tz

battery clip D.50.P.CLIP

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October 2007
Section 2 Maintenance

Accessories list
fo r iG a uge a nd iQ ua rtz The concept of the iGauge and iQuartz is that the heart can be assembled
with different accessories for the gauge to be run:
- as an insert gauge (in carriers),
- as a slick line tool ,
- as a surface recorder.
The iGauge and the iQuartz are normally supplied with the accessories to run
it as an insert gauge.
The following table gives the part number for each part or each kit.

Description Part number

for iGaug e
insert housing D.50.A.HOUI
insert nose D.50.A.NOSI
kit with insert housing and nose D.50.A.HNI

slick line housing D.50.A.HOUS

slick line housing for 2L15 D.50.A.HOUSL
slick line nose D.50.A.NOSS
kit with slick line housing and nose D.50.A.HNS

test nose D.50.A.NOST

for iQua r tz
insert housing D.50.A.HOUI
insert nose D.50.A.NOSQI
kit with insert housing and nose D.50.A.HNQI

slick line housing D.50.A.HOUS

slick line nose D.50.A.NOSQS
kit with slick line housing and nose D.50.A.HNQS

test nose D.50.A.NOSQT

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October 2007
Section 2 Maintenance

fo r iG a uge G L The iGauge GL is used as insert in a gas lift special 1" OD or 1.50” dummy.
The following table gives the part number for the accessories needed
according to its application.

Description Part number

for iGaug e GL 1.00 ”

GL inserting tool D.50.A.INT
Top adapter for internal pressure D.50.A.GLAI
Top adapter for casing pressure D.50.A.GLAE
Modified BK lock D.50.A.BLOCK

for iGaug e GL 1.50 ”

GL inserting tool D.51.A.INT
Bottom adapter for internal pressure D.51.A.GLAI
Bottom adapter for casing pressure D.51.A.GLAE
Modified RK lock D.51.A.RLOCK

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Section 2 Maintenance

Connection cables list for iGauge, iGauge GL and iQuartz

The gauges can be programmed, tested and read by using:

- the FHPC-I connection cable that clips directly onto the FHPC connecting
pins for the iGauge and iQuartz,
- the Emergency connection cable that connects in place of the battery for
the iGauge GL. It is also used on iGauge and iQuartz when the gauge battery
is flat or missing.

The FHPC-I connection cable clips onto the gauge in such a manner that the
top of the FHPC connector - opposite to the cable - be in line with the
housing extremity.
(Figure iM6a - iGauge connections)
(Figure iM6b - iGauge connection cables)

The following table gives the part number for cable and part.

Description Part number

for iGaug e an d iQua r tz

FHPC-I connection cable D.50.A.CIA

for iGaug e, iGaug e GL and iQua r tz

iGauge emergency connection cable (complete) D.50.A.SOS
Emergency connection cable D.50.A.ECC
Adapter for PRM4 cable D.50.P.SOSI

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Section 2 Maintenance
Carriers for iGauge and iQuartz

The iGauge and iQuartz can be used as an insert in:

- slick line carriers (for 2 iGauges or 1 iQuartz),
- DST external carriers (for 4 iGauges or 4 iQuartz) or
- DST internal carriers (for up to 6 iGauges or 6 iQuartz).

The following table gives the part number for each carrier and its spare

Description Part number

for i Gauge sli ck line ca rri er

slick line carrier for 2 iGauges D.50.A.SGC2
set of shock absorbers (3 pieces) D.50.P.SGM3
set of n° 118 O-rings (10 O-rings per set) D.30.P.S118

for iGaug e DST ex ternal ca rri er

DST external carrier D.50.A.FBE
set of shock absorbers (2 pieces) D.50.P.VITE
set of 10/32 screws (10 screws per set) D.50.P.FBES
(use 5/32" Allen key)

for iGaug e DST in ternal car rier

DST internal carrier D.50.A.FBI
set of shock absorbers (2 pieces) D.50.P.FBIA
internal sleeve D.50.P.FBIS
internal gauge holder D.50.P.FBIH
set of tools (sleeve driver + gauge insert tool) D.50.A.FBIT

Description Part number

for i Quar tz slic k lin e ca rri er

slick line carrier for 1 iQuartz D.50.A.SGQ
set of shock absorbers (2 pieces) D.50.P.SGM2
set of n° 118 O-rings (10 O-rings per set) D.30.P.S118

for iQua r tz DST ex ternal ca rri er

DST external carrier D.50.A.FBEQ
set of shock absorbers (2 pieces) D.50.P. VITE
set of 10/32 screws (10 screws per set) D.50.P.FBES
(use 5/32" Allen key)

for iQua r tz DST in ternal ca rri er

DST internal carrier D.50.A.FBIQ
set of shock absorbers (2 pieces) D.50.P.FBIA
internal sleeve D.50.P.FBIQ
internal gauge holder D.50.P.FBIH
set of tools (sleeve driver + gauge insert tool) D.50.A.FBIT

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Section 2 Maintenance

Battery type list

A "E" after a battery name or its part number stands for Electrochem cells.

Use Battery Maximum Part number

for type Temperature
°C (°F)

iGauge L15E 150 (300) D.50.B.L15E

iQuar tz

iGauge GL 2L15E 150 (300) D.50.B.2L15E

Nota : Battery must be disconnected from the tool during storage.

Safety, maintenance and troubleshooting manual Page 14
October 2007
Section 3 Full Bore Internal carrier operation

Operation of Full Bore Internal DST carrie r

Up to 6 iGauges can be used inside the Full Bore Internal DST carrier for
recording the internal pressure during a DST, for example.

(Figure iM7 - Full Bore Internal DST carrier parts description)

To easily insert the iGauges inside the carrier, use the below procedure:

1 Use the supplied tools:

- FBI screw driver
- iGauge handler
2, 3 Place the FBI screw driver inside the carrier
4 Insert the iGauge handler in the FBI screw driver and use it as a
lever to unscrew the internal sleeve
5, 6 Remove the internal sleeve from the carrier. There is no need to
remove the internal gauge holder nor the bottom shock absorber.
7, 8 Prepare an iGauge by sliding two O-rings (n° 113) around it. They
will act as lateral shock absorbers.
9, 10 Snap the iGauge on the iGauge handler.
11, 12 Insert the iGauge in its location (behind the internal gauge holder).
If needed, use a stick or a piece of metal to help the insertion by
tilting the internal gauge holder.
13 Make sure the iGauge is well resting in its location (the iGauge must
be partly supported by the shock absorber).
14, 15 Tilt the iGauge handler in order to unsnap the iGauge and to release


iGauges to be inserted. After inserting all the needed iGauges, lock
them in place by installing the top shock absorber.

16, 17 Place the internal sleeve after greasing it cautiously.

WARNING Ta ke gre at c are not t o drop t he i nte rnal sl eeve too harshly i n
orde r not t o da ma ge it s t hre ad.

18, 19 Use the FBI screw driver and the iGauge handler to tighten the
internal sleeve.

WARNING The re i s no ne ed to ov er-ti ghte n t he i nte rnal sl eeve . H owev er,

it m ust be ti ghte n e nough so t he be gi nni ng of t he ca rrie r
fe ma le thre ad be v isi ble. It i s a good i ndic a tion t hat the
sle eve i s we ll in p lac e.

20 The carrier is now ready to run.

Safety, maintenance and troubleshooting manual Page 1
October 2007
Section 4 Acid kit

Protecti on of a gauge for acid job operations

When an iGauge or an iQuartz is used during acid treatment, it is advisable to

protect the FHPC contacts, above all if Fluorhydric acid is scheduled to be
part of the treatment. Protecting the FHPC contacts used in any erosive and
corrosive environments is anyway a must that will lengthen the life of the
gauge. (Figure iM8 - Acid kit installation)

To install the Viton protective shrinkable tube around the iGauge:

1 Use the following equipment:

- high temperature grease,
- FHPC masking plug,
- Viton shrinkable tube and
- hot air blower ( > 150 °C).

2 Grease thoroughly the FHPC contacts ( in order to fill all spaces).

3 Place the FHPC masking plug in its location taking care of different
slope angles not to put it upside down. Grease must fill all spaces.
Clean gently the grease excess.

4 Place 3" (8 cm) of Viton shrinkable tube above the FHPC contacts.
The length of the tube must be big enough to cover completely the
FHPC masking plug.

5, 6 Hold the gauge with one hand and start blowing hot air with the hot
air blower.

WARNING Ta ke gre at c are not t o he at t he ga uge too m uch. H andl ing the
ga uge wit h a bare ha nd all ows t o fe el t he t em pe rat ure a nd to
stop bl owi ng hot ai r, i f t he te m pe rat ure be come s t oo hi gh.
Ta ke gre at c are not t o burn y oursel f !!!

WARNING For a re gul ar shri nka ge, sta rt bl owi ng hot a ir at one ext re mit y
of t he t ube (a s shown on t he fi gure s), all a round t he ga uge,
close from t he ha ndl ing ha nd, be fore sta rti ng mov i ng a way
from t he ha nd li ng ha nd.

WARNING Whe n bl owi ng hot ai r, ma ke sure t hat the blow re ac he d all

around t he t ube for a re gula r shri nkage around the ga uge.

7 Blow hot air all around the gauge for a regular shrinkage and
optimum protection.

If required, a second protection can be installed above the first one.

After the job, clean the gauge with fresh clean water, remove and replace all
O-rings after cleaning all O-rings grooves with fresh clean water.

Safety, maintenance and troubleshooting manual Page 1
October 2007
Section 4 Acid kit
To remove the Viton protection, just cut it with a knife or a cutter, remove
the FHPC masking plug (that can be used again) and clean the FHPC contacts

Safety, maintenance and troubleshooting manual Page 2
October 2007
Section 5 Slick line carrier

Maintenance of slick line carrier hea d

The pressure port of the slick line carriers for iGauge and iQuartz is located
inside the fishing head. It is important to check that the port is free from
debris and that the buffer tube is clean.
(Figure iM11 – Slick line carrier head)

To dismantle the buffer tube section from the slick line head:

1 Remove the M10 screw with a 5 mm Allen key (or ± 3/16")

2 Use a standard screw to pull the Teflon buffer tube out of its seat.

3 Clean the buffer tube seat and make sure the communication hole does
not contain any debris.

4 Clean the buffer tube or replace it (D.50.P.BUF) if it is damaged. Make

sure that the buffer tube holes and grooves are clean and free.

5 Re-assemble all parts. Do not over-tighten the M10 screw.

Safety, maintenance and troubleshooting manual Page 1
October 2007
Section 6 Troubleshooting

Troubleshooti ng with PC

The symptoms are not presented by order of importance but chronologically

as they may happen during the use of the gauge. Some may me obvious,
some more complex.
It is assumed that the operator is following the standard procedure to
access the gauge (for programming or reading) with the PC.

The ga uge ca nnot be neit he r "st o pp ed a nd test ed" no r re ad

Sym p tom : After clicking the 'Stop & Test' icon or the 'Read Data' icon,
the message "Gauge Communication Failure, Gauge not
Communicating" is displayed on the screen.
Reasons: There is no communication between the PC and the gauge for
one or more of the following reasons:

#1: The communication port is erroneous.

Solution: Check the port to which the FHPC cable is connected it must
be a serial 9 pin RS-232 port. Check that it is the port
indicated in the Configuration|System menu.

#2: The FHPC-I cable is not properly connected to the computer

or the gauge.
Solution: Check the connections by disconnecting the connectors and
re-connecting them. In particular, on gauge side, check that
the contacts are clean and in good condition, that the FHPC
connector is in place (the top of the connector - opposite to
the cable - must be in line with the housing extremity).

#3: The gauge battery is flat or missing.

Solution: Replace it by a new battery if it is to run a job. To read the
gauge data, connect the right FHPC cable directly to the
gauge battery connector in place of the battery. The FHPC
cable now supplies current directly to the gauge.

#4: The gauge communication system has failed.

Solution: See below "Electronics troubleshooting". DO NOT TRY TO

Safety, maintenance and troubleshooting manual Page 1
October 2007
Section 6 Troubleshooting

Co m m unicat io n st op s d ur ing d ata r ea di ng

Sym p tom : After clicking the 'Read Data' icon, the PC starts reading the
gauge, but after a while the message "Gauge Communication
Failure, Gauge not Communicating" is displayed on the
Reason: The gauge battery is nearly flat.
Solution: Replace the gauge battery.
If no new gauge battery is available (at well site for example),
remove the gauge battery, and connect the right PRM4 cable
directly to the gauge battery connector in place of the
battery. The FHPC cable now supplies current directly to the

The ga uge d oe s not sta rt a fte r pr o gr a mm ing

Sym p tom : After programming the gauge, the message "Gauge

Communication Failure, Gauge not Communicating" is
displayed on the screen.
Reason: The gauge battery is nearly flat.
Solution: Replace it by a new battery if it is to run a job.

Safety, maintenance and troubleshooting manual Page 2
Figure iM1 - O-rings installation

Pressure side Gauge internal side

Right Wrong
Figure iM2 - iGauge parts description

Electronics insert housing


L15E Smart battery


L15E Smart battery

guide pin

Battery clip (1)

TC-M1.6 screw (2)

n° 111 O-ring (2)

FHPC contacts

iGauge heart

Insert nose
Figure iM3 - iGauge accessories

Insert housing

Slick line housing


Insert nose Test nose Slick line nose

iGauge heart (D.50.A.NOSI) (D.50.A.NOST) (D.50.A.NOSS)
n° 111 O-ring (1) n° 014 O-ring (1)
Figure iM4 - iQuartz parts description and accessories

L15E Smart battery


Electronics insert housing


n° 111 O-ring (2)

FHPC contacts

iQuartz heart

n° 014 O-ring (2)

iQuartz iQuartz
slick line nose test nose
(D.50.A.NQSS) (D.50.A.NQST) iQuartz bellow

insert nose
Figure iM5 - iGauge GL parts description for 1.00 side pocket

Top adapter Modified BK lock

for internal pressure (D.50.A.LOCK)
or for casing pressure

GL inserting tool

iGauge GL heart

V packing set (1)

D.50.P.VPAC n° 113 O-ring (4)

GL body

GL nose
Figure iM6a - iGauge connections

FHPC-I connection cable


1- Align top of HPC connector

with extremity of housing

2- Connect and push firmly in place

iGauge adapter for PRM4 connection cable

PRM4 cable (D.50.P.SOSI) (D.50.A.SOS)

PRM4 connection cable connects

in place of the battery

to PC
Figure iM6b - iGauge connection cables

Communicating with an iGauge (or iQuartz): usual method

FHPC-I connection cable


Reading an iGauge (or iQuartz): emergency method

iGauge emergency connection cable

Emergency connection
cable adapter for igauge


Emergency connection cable (D.50.A.ECC)

Figure iM7 - Full Bore Internal DST carrier parts description

DST internal carrier


Shock absorber (2)


Internal seeve for DST internal carrier


iGauge (not supplied with carrier but shown for better understanding)

Internal gauge holder for DST internal carrier















Figure iM8 - Acid kit installation

High temperature

FHPC masking plug


Viton shrinkable tube


1 2

3 4

5 6

Figure iM9 - iQuartz housing relief valve detail

Relief valve nut

! Relief valve spring

relief valve relief valve

closed open

Relief valve rod

n° 007 O-ring (2)

Figure iM10 - iGauge GL parts description for 1.50 side pocket

GL inserting tool
iGauge GL heart

Modified RK lock
n° 113 O-ring (4) (D.51.A.LOCK)

GL body (1.5 )

n° 116 O-ring (2)

Bottom adapter (1.5 )

for internal pressure
V packing set (1) (D.51.A.GLAI)
(upper and lower) or for casing pressure
D.51.P.VPAC (D.51.A.GLAE)

GL nose (1.5 )
Figure iM11 - Slick line carrier head

Pressure buffer

M10 screw

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