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WEB 3.0The next generation of Internet…
The next generation of Internet…

Renaissance Softlabs (P) Ltd

The Next Generations of Web

Web1.0 :

Think of Web1.0 as a library.

Web2.0 :
Web2.0 is more like a big group of friends and acquaintances.

And now… The third generation

Web3.0 :
A few enhancements or a radically different change.

Evolutionary or Revolutionary… Let us explore…

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Web 3.0 – In a Nutshell

 Web 3.0 is going to be like having a Personal assistant who knows

practically everything about you and can access all the information on the
Internet to answer any question.

 Web 3.0 is a Giant Database of sorted information.

 The core of web 3.0 lies in its ability to act as a guide for Internet users and
preventing it from becoming mere a cumbersome database.

 While Web 2.0 uses the Internet to make connections between people, Web
3.0 will use the Internet to make Connections with information.

In fact, there are many facets of Web3.0…

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Scenario – The Sunday Plan
Before Web 3.0
 You open a Web browser and head to Google to search for theater,
movie and restaurant information.
 You need to know which movies are playing in the theaters near you,
so you spend some time reading short descriptions of each film
before making your choice.
 Also, you want to see which Mexican restaurants are close to each of
these theaters.
 And, you may want to check for customer reviews for the restaurants.

In total, you visit half a dozen Web sites before you're

ready to head out the door.
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Scenario – The Sunday Plan
Advent of Web 3.0
Web 3.0 -- will make tasks like your search for movies and food faster
and easier.
 Instead of multiple searches, you might type a complex sentence or
two in your Web 3.0 browser, and the Web will do the rest.

 In our example, you could type "I want to see a funny movie and then
eat at a good Mexican restaurant. What are my options?"

The Web 3.0 browser will analyze your response, search the Internet
for all possible answers, and then organize the results for you.

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Keyword Matching Vs Context matching

Current Search Engine :

 Keyword matching
 No idea of relevance
 Steel could return Mr. Steel in a novel or Steel metal

A Web 3.0 Search Engine:

 Match keywords
 interpret the context
 Return relevant results
and Suggest other content related to your search terms.

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….So what has changed

 The web can now understand Context!!

 More human like.

 It is more intelligent and smarter

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Facets of Web 3.0 - Intelligence

The emergence of Semantic Web!!!

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Facets of Web 3.0 - Intelligence

 The process of teaching machines the meaning of

data/information present in the world wide web is called
semantic web

 The concept of semantic web will play a central role in the

evolution of web 3.0 and this term has therefore, become
synonymous with web 3.0.

Facets of Web 3.0 - Personalization

 Web 3.0 browser will act like a personal assistant.

 The more you use the Web, the more your browser learns about you and

 the less specific you'll need to be with your questions.

Web as a Personal Assistant!!!

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Facets of Web 3.0 - Personalization

Visualize asking your browser open questions like "where should I go

for lunch?"

Your browser would consult its records and then suggest a list of
restaurants based on your
like and dislike,
current location
Past experience and your feedback on Facebook etc.. .

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Facets of Web 3.0 - Personalization

 Every User will have a unique Internet Profile

 Browsing History.

 Tailor the browsing experience to each individual.

 Different people performed an Internet search with the same keywords using
the same service,…

… they'd receive different results determined by their individual profiles.

Example :A Trip to Goa

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Facets of Web 3.0 - Communication

The Communication of Web Bots!!!

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Facets of Web 3.0 - Communication
 Right now, the Web's structure is geared for humans. It's easy for us to visit
a Webpage and understand what it's all about.

 Computers can't do that.

 With Applications communicating with each other…

 computers will scan and interpret information on Web pages using software

 These software agents will be programs that crawl through the Web,
searching for relevant information.

Ontologies ----- Metadata

Example : Smart Leave Management System

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Facets of Web 3.0 - Customization

The Customization of Web!!!

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Facets of Web 3.0 – Mashups!!!

 A Mashup is the combination of two or more applications into a single


For example:

 A developer might combine a program that lets users review restaurants

with Google Maps.

 The new Mashup application could show not only restaurant reviews, but
also map them out so that the user could see the restaurants' locations.

Creating Mashups will be so easy in Web 3.0 that anyone will be able
to do it.

Example: Health Mashup

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The Advent of Widgets!!!
Internet Apps for all screens of your Life…

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Facets of Web 3.0 - Widgets

Differences between the

“lean forward” PC usage environment, controlled by a mouse and keyboard,

and the

“lean back” TV viewing environment controlled by a remote.

…Anytime Anywhere Everywhere!!!

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If this is not enough….

Adding a New Screen to your life!!!

…Landline phone becomes Media Phone

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Example: Sample Widgets

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Facet of Web 3.0 RIA(Rich Internet

Rich Internet applications (RIAs) offer a rich, engaging experience

that improves user satisfaction and increases productivity

Benefits of RIA

 Rich user experience (user interface and user interaction)

 Improved responsiveness

Example: PhotoViewer
o Rich user experience (user interface and user interaction)

The Advent of Avatars!!!

The new Avatar of Internet …

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Facets of Web 3.0 - Avatars

 The virtual World

 Real World experience

 Redefining Interface and Interaction

Example : Social networking

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Before Web 3.0

 With the Web technology currently available to you:

 A lot of research to find the best vacation options.

 Research potential destinations and decide which one is right

 Visit two or three discount travel sites and compare rates for flights
and hotel rooms.

 Spend a lot of your time looking through results on various Search Engines
results pages.

 The entire process could take several hours.

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Advent of Web 3.0

 Sit back and let the Internet do all the work for you.

 Use a search service and narrow the parameters of your search.

 The browser program then gathers, analyzes and presents the data to you in
a way that makes comparison a snap.

It can do this because Web 3.0 will be able to understand information on

the Web.

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• Any Queries Feel Free to Ask


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