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stN(;(l.At{ I , l_ lr R A t , Nr)tiec: lrc vcrh :rlicr- sltc, Itc, it (-lhl nctsotr sitrgulur)
lst r,fiftsoN I talh wc/,ellr Irus a Iinul -s: lrrl/,'s.
2nd Pl:rtsoN yo|f, tall. yotd tall.
3rd PERSON she !a/&s they talk
he talhs
it rains

(a) I ect breakfastevery morning. Thc simple prcsent tense e\presscs habits. In (a): Eating
( b ) Ann spea&s Englishevery day. breakfast is a habit, a usual activity. Eaery ttorning =
( c ) We s/eep every night. Monday morning, Tuesday morning, Wednesday
( d ) They go to the beachevery weekend. morning, Thursday morning, Friday morning, Saturday
moming, and Sunday morning.

44 a ctennz
.w EXERCISEI : rJfhat do you do every morning? On the left, there is a list of habits. On the
right, makea list of vour habits every morning. Put them in order. \?hat do you do
first, second,third, etc.?


(a) eat breakfast 1 . Theahrm cloehings. '. .

(b) go to class 2. I turn off the alarm clock.

(c) put on my clothes 3.
(d) drink a cup of coffee/tea

- (e) shave
(f) put on my make-up

1 (g) uke a shower/bath

(h) get up

(i) pick up my books

(i) walk to the bathroom

(k) watch TV

(l) look in the mirror 12.

rz (m) turn off the alarm clock 13.

I (n) gu to tlrc kitchcn/thccnlctcril

(o) brush/combmy hair

(p) saygood-byeto my roommate/

wife/husband 17.

. (q) brush my teeth 18.

. (r) do exercises 19.
i (s) washmy face 20.

) (t) stetch, yawn, and rub my eyes 2t.

(u) otherhabits 22.


always usualbl ofterl sourctueS scldonl rarcl! ,tetcr
100% 99'/o-90% 90"/"-7 50/. 7 so/o-2s% 25'/,-rO% 10yo-1%. 0%

FREQUENCY SIT\IPLE Alusays, usually, often, sometimes,

SUBJECT .+ ADVERB + PRESENTVERB seldo?tt, rarelg and neoer are called
"frequency adverbs." They come between
( a) Bob alusays cornes to class. the subject and the simple present verb.*
(b) Mary usually cornes to class.
( c) We often drcrcrr TV at night. always
(d) I sotnetirtes dna& tea with dinner. unally
( e) They seldorn go to the movies. oJletr
(f) Anna rarely rzra&esa mistake. sutrJEcr so teli',tcs + vltRll
(g) I r.eoer eat paper. seAont

*Somc frcqucncy advcrbs can also comc at thc bcginning ()! at thc cnd of a scntcncc. For cxamplc:
Sofietitnes I gct up at sel.)en. I sornetirnes gct up at seven- I get up et seoensometimes.
Also: See Chan 2-3 for the use of freouencv adverbs with 6e.

Sun. Mon, Tnes. Wed. Thurs. Fd. Sat.

Ann always drlnks iea with lunch. g g .e .e g .e
Bobusuallydrinkstea withlunch. -Fr --r g g ,R -R.
Mariaotten drinkstea with lunch. .e -R -ee
Garysometimesdrinkstea withlunch. g g g
Ali seldom drinkstea with lunch. g -Fe
Georgiararelydrinkstea wilh lunch. g
Joy neverdrinks tea with lunch.

E EXERCISE2-ORAL: Find the suBJEcrsand vERBSin the sentences.Then add the

FREQUENCY ADVERBS in italics to the sentences.

| . always I eat breakfast. ' I alusayseat breakfast.

2. ttvalljt I get up at 7:00.
3. oltan I drink nvo cupsof coffecin thc morning.
4. neaer I eat carrotsfor breakfast.
5. seldont I rvatchTV in the morning.
6. sonrctintes I havetea with dinner.
7. usttctll-y llob clts lurrchat thc cilfctcriu.
8. rarely Ann drinkstea.

9. always I do my homework.
lO. oftcn We listen to music afterdinner-
ll. neaer John and Sue watchTV in the afternoon.
12. always The studentsspeakEnglishin the classroom.

E EXERCISE3-ORAL: \Jse alosaJ,ts,usually, often, sometitnes, seldotn,'rarely, and'

neoer to talk about your activities (your habits)after 5:00 Lu. every day.
1. eat dinner 15. stud]'
2. eat dinner at six o'clock 16. studl'Englishgrammar
3. eat dinner at eight o'clock 17. drink milk
4. watch TV 18. pla-vwith my children
5. listen to music 19. kissm-vhusband/wife
6. go to a movie 20. havea snack
7. go shopping 21. go ro bed
8. go dancing 22. go to bed at eleveno'clock
9. go swimming 23. go to bed after midnight
10. spendtime with my friends 24. go to bed early
11. talk on the phone 25. go to bedlate
12. speakEnglish 26. tum off the lights
13. write a letter zt- oream
14. reada newspaper 28. dreamin English

rDr^r l|;NcY
sutllri(;t + nti + ;;;;;;;,

lir.-rlucncyadvcrbs follow be.

+ $t+
trp G + late for class.



Frequencyadverbscome before all
simplcprcscntvcrtrscxccpt be.
Tom + sotnetintes + comes late.

f EXERCISE4: Add the FREeuENcyADVERBin itatics to the sentence.

1. always Ann is^ontime for class.
2. always Anrtrcomesto classon time.

3. oflen Sue is latefor class.

4. otten Sue comesto classlate.

5. neoer Ron is happy.

6. naner Ron smiles.

7. usually Bob is at home in the evening.

8. usually Bob staysat home in the evening.

9. seldom Tom studies at the librar)' in the evening.

10. seldom Tom is at the library in the evening.

17. rurely I eat brealdast.

12. oJten I take the bus to school.

13. usualljt The weather is hot in July.

14. neoer Sue drinks coffee,

15. .rrrrrrrtrilrc's
Shc th.inkslutt,

I ExERclsES-wRlrlEN: Describea rypicalday in your life, from the time you get up in the
moming until you go to bed. Use the follorving words to show the order of your
activities:then, netct,at . . . o'cloch, aJter that,late.
Exatnple:I usuallyget up at seven-thirty.I shave.brushmy teeth, andtakea shower.
ThenI put on my clothesand go to the studentcafeteriafor brcakfast.
After that I go backto my room. I sometimeswatch the newson TV.At
8:15| leavethe dormitory. I go to class.My classbeginsat g:3O.l,m in
classfrom 8:30to 1l:30.After that leat lunch.lusuallyhavea sandwich
anda cup of tea for lunch, (Contimrc.ll.ttilym anrylcvlunr ck4t,)

48 r cHnpren

VOICED VOICELESS Somesoundsare "voiced." You useyour
voice box to makevoicedsounds.For
(a) lbl rub (b) lpl sleep example,the sound1b/comesfrpm your voice
ldl ride lrl write box. The final soundsin (a) arevoiced.
lvl drive lfl laugh
Somesoundsare "voiceless,"You don'tuse
your voicebox. You pushair through your
teeth and lips. For example,the sound/p/
comesfrom air tlrough your lips. The final
soundsin (b) arevoiceless.

(c) rubs -- rubhl (d) sleeps = sleeplsl Final -s is pronounced /z/ after voiced sounds,
ridcs = ideh-l tvites = writelsl as in (c).
drivcs = diaclzl laughs = Iaughlsl Final -s is pronounced /s/ after voiceless
sounds, as in (d).

C EXERCISE6: The final soundsof the vrnns in thesesentences

are,,voiced."Final -s is
pronounced/z/. Read the sentencesaloud.
1. Cindy rides the bus to school.
2. Jackusually drives his car to school.
3. Rain falls.
4. Sally often dreams about her boyfriend.
5. SometimesJim runs to class.
6. wcars bluc jcans cvcry clny.

7. Antr ltlrvays sccs Mr. I-cc at tllc n.rilrlict.

Find the vsRB in eachsentence.Pronounce it. Then read the sentencealoud.

8, The teacheroften standsin the front of the room.

9. Georgelivesin the dormitory.

10. Jeanrarelysmiles.

I l. Sar-r'r
alwayscomcsto classon time.

12. It rains a lot in Seattle.

13. Jucktlways rcmcmbcrshis rvifc'sbirthday.

14. It snowsin Nerv York City in the winter.

EXERCISE7: The final soundsof the wnss in these sentencesare "voiceless." Final -s is
pronounced /s/. Read the sentencesaloud.

1, Mike sleepsfor eighthourseverynight.

Ottr tcachcr rrlwlrys lrclps tts.
J. Jack writcs r lcttcr to his girltiicnd evcry day.
4. Sara never laughs.
5. Sueusually drinks a cup of coffeein the morning.
6. I(atc walks to schoolcvcry day.

Find the vERBin eachsentence.Pronounce it. Then read the sentencealoud.

7. My child often clapsher hands.

8. Olga alwaysbitesher pencilin class.
9. Maria usuallygetsup at seven-thirty.
10. Yoko asksa lot of questionsin class.
11. Ahmed alwaystalksin class.
12. Sue coughsbecauseshesmokes.

tt lF

-srr (a) push > Pushes pushla?.l Ending ofverb: -sh, -ch, -ss,;x,
-c, (b) tcach -> tcaches kachlazl Spelling: add -es.
-ss (c) kiss -' ftr'rses kisslazl Pronounciation: /az/.
-r (d) fix ' fixes fixlazl

8: Usethe vpnrs in italicsto comDlerethe senrences.
1. bnrh Anitr bruSheS her hair every morning.

2. teach Alex English.

3. Jix A mechanic cars.

4. drinh tea every afternoon.

5. watch Joon-Keeoften televisionat night.

6. &l'ss Peteralways his children goodnight.

7 . wear Tina usually ieansto class.

8. wash Eric seldom dishes.
a walh her dog twice eachday.

1 0 . stetch, $7henDon getsup in the morning, he


(a) cry , cies I-lnd ofverb: consonant + -t.

try -> tries Spelling: changey to t', add -es.

(b) ,ay 2als End ofverb: vowel + -y.

enjoy - enjoys Spelling: add -s.

I E X E R C I S E9 : l . l s c l l r c w o r d s i r r i t u l i < :ts0 s o r r r n l c t ct l t c s c t c t r e c s .

l. pay, akmys Boris his bills on time.

2. uy, scldotn Our baby at night.

3. study Paul ut thc library.cvcry day.

4. smy,usuallg Jean home at night.

Ily Kunio is a pilot. Hc a planc.

6. carry, always Carol her booksto class.

7. pray Jack everyday.

8. buy, seldam Ann new clothes.

9. worry Tina is a good student,but she

about her grades.

lO. enjoy Don good food.

I lzcoe a book.
Haoe, do, and go havc irrcgular forms for rhird
person singular:
ttJ haoe - has
do "+ does
(c) Idomywork.
(d) She does her work. ;:"I
go + goes

(e) Theygo to school. she

(f) Shegoes to school. he | + goes lgowzl

52 r cHRprEnz
I EXERCISE l0: Use the given vnnns to completethe sentences.

|. do Pierre always does his homework.

2. ilo Ve always dO our homework.

3. hae Yoko and Kunio - their books.

4. haae Ali - a car.

5. go BiU- to schooleveryday.

6. go My friends often- to the beach.

7 . do Anna seldom- her homework.

8. do We - in classevery day.

9. go,go Roberto - downtown every weekend. He and his wife


lO. hazse Jessica a snackevery night around ten.


(a) rub -r ru6s rublzl To form a simplepresentverb in 3rd personsingular,

nde '-+ rides rtdchl you usuallyadd only -s, as in (a) and (b).
smile 'r szrTes smilehl
dream - dreams drearuhl In (a): -s is pronounced/z/. The final soundsin (a)
run -+ ru/ls runhl are voiied.
wear + wears weo zl
drive - dnbes diaehl
see + iee.r seehl
snow + Jl?ouus snowkl

(b) drink - drinhs dinklsl In (b): -s is pronounced/s/. The final soundsin (b)
sleep --' s/eqps n are uoiceless.
write - anles "pl"l
laugh -r /cagis laughlsl

(c) push "+ I'ushes pushlazl End ofverb: -sh, -ch, -ss, -x
teach - teaches tcachlazl Spelling: add -es
kiss - Arlses k*slazl Pronunciation: /a/
6* --+/res fixlazl

( d) cry -- 4t12" crylzl End ofverb: consonant+ -t

study - rt4dr'es studyhl Spelling: changey to ?',add -es

( e) pay -' po:rs payhl End ofverb: vowel + -y

buy ' brrys buylz.l Spelling: add -s

( f ) have --+ ftos [hazl The 3rd person singular forms of iaae, go, and do are
go + goes leowzl irregular.
do -, does ldaz,

! EXERCISEI I-ORAL (BOOKS CLOSED): Thlk abouteverydayactivitiesusingrhegiven


sruDENT A: I cat brcakfast cvcr]'morning.
TEAcHtlt: What does (... ) do evcry morning?
sruDENT B: He/She eats breakfast.

't'EACFtEll: cat
STUDENTA: I always eat dinner at the student cafcteria.
T E A C H E R : W h a t d o e s ( . . . ) a l $ ' a y sd o ?
tt: I-lc/Slrcrlwuys clts clinncr ut thc stu(lcnt cal'ctcria.

54 r z
l. eat 6. study 11. listento
2.go 7. get up 12. rvash
3. drink 8. watch 13. put on
4. brush 9. speak 14. carry
5. have 10. do 15. kiss

! .EXERCISEl2-ORAI (BOOKS C[OSED): 'Tetta ctassmateabout your usual habits in the

morning. (Look at the list you made for Exercise I if you wish.) Your classmatewill
then write a summary of your daily morning habits.
sruDENT A: TbllStudentB ten tofifteen thingsyou do eaerymorning.
sruDENT B: TakenotesushileStudentA is talhing. (Youwill usethesenous hm to wrin a
paragraphabout StudentA's usual morning labits.)
Then switch roles.
sruDENT z: TbllSntdentA ten tofifteen thingsyou do eoerymorning.
sruDENT A: TahenoteszohileStudentB is talhing.
you finish talking, eachof you should write a paragraphaboutthe otherperson's
daily morning activities. Pay specialattenrionto final -s/-es.

I EXERCISE l3: Complete the sentences.IJse the words in parentheses.IJse rhe sr,apLB
PRESENT TENSE.Pay special attention to singular and plural, to spelling, and to
pronunciation of final -s/-es.

1. The students(ask,oJten) Often OSk questionsin class.

z . P ablo (stttdy, ttsually) at the library every


3 . Olsa (bite) her fingemailswhen sheis nervous.

Don (cash) a checkat the bankoncea week.

5 . Sometimes| (worry) aboutmy gradesat school.

Sonya (worry, neaer) abouther grades,

She (sutdy) hard.

6. Ms. Jonesand Mr. Anderson (teach) at the local high

school.Ms. JonesAeacu math.

7 . I lirtls (//v/ 'l'hay (huac)


8 . A bird (ly) It (hauc) wlngs.

9 . lason (do, alzoays) his homework. He

( t!o, t,cz,at) to bcd until his homcwork is finishcd.

t:xr,riFssrNo lM[ (t ARr t) r 55
10. Mr. Cook (scaalwals)* hello to his
neighbor in the morning.

1 1 . Ms. Chu (pay,alzwys)* attention in

class. She(azszuer.) questions. Shc (lisren)

to the teacher. She t'asfr) questions.

12. Sam (enjoy) cooking. He (tr1,, often)

to makenew recipes.He (likc) to havecompanyfor dinner.

I-lc (ittuitt) mc to dinncr oncc u lronth, rWhcnI arrivc, I /goJ

to tlre kitchen and (uatch) him

cook. He (haoe,usually) three or four

pots on the stove. He (watch) the pots carefully.He (nake)

a big messin the kitchen s'hen he cooks. After dinner, he

(wash, always) all the dishes and blean)

thc kilchcn. | (toolt, rt,i.'r)

It ( be) too much troublc- Ilut my liicncl Sum (kruc)

to c()()k.

*l'ronunciation ofsays = lsczl. l'ronunci.ltion ol pdts = /pc-vz,/-

(a) I donot drink cofltc- Nf i(iA rlvr;:
Wc do not tlrirrk crrl'l'cc-
You do rtol drink coffce.
They donot drink coffee. ii:rl.*+
(b) She does not drink coffee.
He .loes ,toa drink col'fcc. slrc
It does not drink coffee. he .f -mainverb
it )

Do and does are called "helping verbs."

Notice in (b): In 3rd person singular, there is no -s on ihe

main verb; the final -s is part of does.
fNcoRRlicf: Shcdocsttot tl*rks coffcc.

(c) I doz'r drink tea. coNTRAcTroNs: do not = don't

They doz'l have a car. does not = doenft
(d) He doesz'r drink tea. Peopleusuallyuse contactions when they speak.
Mary doesz't havea car. People often use contractions when they write.

I EXERCISE14: Use the words in inlics to makeNrcarrvs sENTENcEs.

l. Iike, not Ingrid

2. lihe, not t don't like tea.

3. knota, not Mary and Jim are strangers.Mary Jim.

4. need,not It's a nice day today. You your

5. snozo,not Ir in Bangkok in the winter.

6, speak,not I French.
7. be, not I hungry.
8. lioe, not Bunerflies long.
9, haae,not A butterfly a long life.
lO. be, not A bunerfly large,
ll. be,not Buterflies large.
12. haae,not lfe classeveryday.

13. lnac, not This city nice weathcr in the summer.

14, ba,ur lt cokl totluy.

15, rain,not It cvcry day.

f EXERCISE 15: Completc thc sentenccs. Usc thc words in parcnthcscs. Usc thc 3trrnr.r:

1. Alcx 1lihe1 likeS tcu)but hc ( tiha,rc0 doesn't like cc'ffcc.

2, S'.trt ( htutw) Ali, lrut sfrc (l;rnzo,ttot)


3. Pablo and Maria (want) to stayhome tonight. They (unnt, not)

to go to a movre.

4. Robert (be, not) hungry. He (usant,not)

a sandwich.

5. Mr. Smith (drinh, not) coffee, but Mr. Jones

(drinh) twelve cups every day.

6. | (be, not) rich. | (haae,not)

a lot of money.

7. This pen (belong,not) to me. It (belone)

to Pierre.

8. My friends (liae, not) in the dorm. They (haoe)

an aDartment.

9. lt (be) a nice day today. lt (be, not) cold. You

(need, not) your coat.

lO. Today (be) a holiday. We (haae, not)

class today.

58 r z
16: Use verbsfn
Nrce'vr by usin;;: the sentences.Make alr
T:::::;Tltete orthe senrences

carry \/ -^
EU - smohe v
Tann- 'H:: '''
eat v
pM on

1. Bob doesn't oo
to schooleveryday.
2. My roommates
arefrom Japan.Thev
3. Fred has a beard. Spanish.
in the morning.
4. Suehasa briefcase.
a bookbagto class.
-5. $irc
to classon Sunday.
6. Sully takcscar.col.
hcr lrcalur. Shc
t crg rcltclr.
havelunchat home.'l)rey
at the
8. SomctimesI
'l-V my homeworkin the evening.
instcad. I watch
9. Jack-isa careful writer.
speurngwhen he writes. mistakesin
1 0 . My sisterlikes tea,
but she
l l . I'm lazy. I
exercisesin the morning.
12. SometimesAnn
Sherir..,to..FGF6iii-dJfril her shoeswhen shegoes

TEACHER: eat breakfast every day
sruDENT A: I don't eat breakfast every day.
'rEAcIiER: Tell me about (Student A).
sruDENT B: SheAIe doesn't eat breakfast every day.

1. walk to schoolevery day 7. write a letter every day

2. shaveevery day 8. go dancingeveryday
3. read a newspaperevery day 9. drink coffeeeveryday
4. go shopping every day 10. eatluncheveryday
5. study grammar every day 11. listento music eveiy day
6. watch TV every day 12. cometo classeveryday

I EXERCISEI8-ORAL: Usethe givenwordsto maketuthful sentences.

1. Grass\ be blue. - Grassisn'tblue. 19. An architect\ designbuildings.
2. Grass\ be green. -) Grassis grun. 20. Doctors\ designbuildings.
3. Dogs \ have tails. "+ Dogshaaetails. 21. Doctors \ takecareof sick people.
4. People* \ have tails. + Peopledon't hase taik. 22. A bus \ carry peoplefrom one
5. A restaurant\ sell shoes. placeto another.
6. A restaurant\ servefood. 23. The wearher\ be very hot today.
7. People\ wear clothes. 24. It \ be very cold today.
8. Animals \ wear clothes. 25. Glass\ break.
9. A child \ needlove, food, care, 26. Rubber\ be flexible.
and toys. 27. Rubber\ break.
10. A child \ need a driver'slicense. 28. English\ be an easylanguage
11. Refrigerators\ be hot inside. to learn.
12. Refrigerators\ be cold inside. 29. Peoplein this city \ be friendly.
13. Elecuicity \ be visible. 30. It \ rain a lot in this city.
14. Light \ be visible. 31. Apples\ haveseeds.
15. Fresh vegetables\ be good for you. 32. Scientists\ have all the answersto
16. Junk food** \ be good for you. the mysteriesof the universe.
17. Cats \ havewhiskers.
18. Birds \ havewhiskers.

r,r'.r,,/,/i,is u lrllrr:ll rrnrr. lt Inkcall Ilttrxl ccrl).

*i.ft-o*/oor-l is lbod that has a lot offat and/or $ugari but litde nutritional value.

50t 2

DoI l
(a)#FJs:t 1pnn trel coffee? Do tou
\ + main oerb (simgbfonit)
I)o rDe
Do they l
Does stre)
(b)f,Sr lffii |rl coffee? Does he + main aerb (simpk Jonn)
Doesit l

Notice in (b): The main verb in the question does

not havea frnal -s. The final -s is part of does.
INcoRREcr: DoesBob likz.scoffee?

(c) A re you a student? rJflhenthe main verb is a form of6e, do is Nor

(d) rNcoRREcr: Do gou bea student? used. See Chart 1-9 for question forms with 6e.


Do, don't, does, and doesn't are
(e) Do you /l&etea? '-+ Yes, I do. (I /rAetea.) used in the shon ansivers to yes/ no
No, I doz't. (l don'tlihetea.) questionsin the simple present.
(f) DoesBob like tea? -+ Yes, he does. (He }ies tea.)
No, he doesz't. (He doun't liketea.)

I EXERCISE19: Make questions.Giveshortanswers.

t. t: Do you like tea?

B: Yes,I do. (I liketea.)

z. n: Do you likecoffee?
lr: --NO'l-dOnlt ( l tkrr'r likc coli'cc,)

u: (I don't spcak Jnpnncsc-)


B: (Ann spcaksFrcnch.)


l]: (Ann and'lbm don't speakArabic.)

6. A:
B: (I do exercisesevery morning.)

7. A:

B: (I don't havea Spanish-Englishdictionary.)

8. A:

B: (Sue has a cold.)

9. A:

B: (The teachercomesto claSsevery day.)

10. A:

B: (]im and Sue don't do their homeworkeveryday.)

I I. A:

B: (It rains a lot in April.)

t2. A:

B: (My parentslive in Baghdad.)

2(FORAL (BOOKS CLOSED): Ask and answerquestions.

TEAcHER: walk to school every day
sruDENT A: Do you walk to school every day?
sruDENT B: Yes, I do. oR: No, I don't.
s'IUDITN'rA: Docs (Sudcnt B) rvalk to school cvcry day?
s t'ul)l;N't'(;: Ycs, lrc/shcclocs. ()rt: No, hc/sltc tltrcsrr'l.
l. walk tu sclrool cvcry day 9. wcar bluc jcans cvcry clty
2. watch'fV cvcry day 10. havcrcar
3. eat breakfastevcry day 11. havc a bicyclc
4. spcakEnglish cvcry day 12. Iikc icc crcarn
5. comc to class cvcry day 13. likc (tattrc <{ city)
5. gct up at scvcn o'clock cvcrv dal' 14. livc in ftutnc otu hotcl)
7. t:tlk on tlrc plx)lrc cvcry r,lay 15. livc in ln
8. go to the bank every day 16. go shopping every day

2l: Make questions.Give short anslvers.LJsethe namesof your classmates


l. ,t\:

s: Yes.he does, (Hespeaks


62 t cnemenz
B: No, she doesn't. (Shedoesn'r

t n: ls (Ali)in closstodoy?
B: (He isn't in classtoday.)

4. A:

B: (He comesto classeveryday.)

). A:

B: (They're in classtoday.)

6. A:

B: (She sitsin the sameseateveryday.)

7. At

B: (fle hasa mustache.)

8. A:

B: (Shedoesn'thavea bicycle.)

9. A:
B: (He's rvearingblue jeanstodry)

10. A:
B: (He wearsbluejeanseveryday.)

1 1 .A :
B: (They aren'tfrom Indonesia.)

1 2 :A :
B: (They don't havedictionarieson their desks.)

IJ. A:

B: (She'swriting in her book right now.)

14. A:

B: (She studieshard.)

1 5 .A :

B: (They speakEnglish.)

(rvHERD) + DolDoEs + suBJEcr + I!{AIN \'ERB SHORT ANSWER

(a) they Iizse in Tokyo? Yes, they do. / No, theY don't.
(lt) llhere thcy lioe? In Tokyo,

(c) I)oas (;inl lioe irr l{onrc? ' Yes, shc clocs./ No, shc tlocsn't.
(Ll) lVtrct'e <krcs (iina liueP ' Irt llotnc'

N(11t: (1) lrrd (e) 1rc cullcd "1.csiro qucstiorrs." hc answcr t() tltcsc qucstiotrs catt bci',:s or lto (tr) and (d)
..inlirflnation 'l'hc
arc c$llcd qucstions." answcr givcs inftrrmation. llTrere asks for inf<rrnration about placc.

Noticc irr tlrc c\Itnl)lcs: lirrur ol ycs/n()(llrcsli()nsln(l itrlirrnrntion qucsti()nsis thc samc:
t)trllr()li,r I rit'lllli(:'l' I AtAIN Yllltll

t EXERCISE22: Make qucsuols.

1, A:
B : Yes, she does. (Jean eats lunch at the cafeteria every day.)

2. 4..
B: At the cafeteria. (Jean eats iunch at the cafeteria every day.)

3. A:
B : At the postoffice. (Peterworks at the post ofFce.)

4. A:
B : Yes,he does. (Peterworks at the post office.)

5. A:
B: Yes,I do. (I live in an apartrnent.)

6. A:
B : In an apartment. (I live in an apartment.)

7. A:
B: At a restaurant.(Bill eatsdinner at a restaurant every day.)

8. A:
B: In the front row. (I sit in the front row during class-)

v. A:
At the Unilersity of Wisconsin. (Jessica goes to school at the University of

10. A:
B : On my desk.(My bookis on my desk.)


1 1 .A :
B: 'fb class. (I go to classevery morning.)
t2. A:
B: In class. (fhe students are in classright now.)
13. A:
B: In Australia. (Kangarooslive in Australia.)

23:-ORAL (BOOKS CLOSED): Ask a classmate

I EXERCISE a question.Useushete.
Example: live
S'TUDIiNTA: Vhere do you live?
sruDENT B: (freeresponse)
1. live 9. go after class
2. eat lunch every day 10. eat dinner
3. sit during class 11. be (nameof a studentin this room)
4. study at night 12. be (nanrcsol ttoostudcnts)
5. go to school 13. be (naneoJa countryor city)
6. buy schoolsupplies 14. be (namesof two countriesor cities)
7. buy your groceries 15. be (something a studentowns)
8. go on weekends 76. be (somethingsa studentwsns)


(a) When do you go to class? At nine o'cloch.

(b) Whet tbne do you go to class? At nine o'cloch.

(c) When does Anna eat dinner? At six p,Lt.

(d) What titne does Anna eat dinner? At srix

(e ) What time doyoa zsaclly go to class? The frequency adverb aszally comes immediately after the
subject in a question.
euEsrroN woRD + DoE /Do + suBJEcr + usulrrr + NIAIN !'ERB

tA "Q-word" is a "question word." Whqe, uhen, what, what timc, who, arrd ulrt are examples of question u'ords.

f EXERCISE24: Makeouestions.
1. A:
B: At 7:30 (I eat breakfastat 7:30 the morning.)

z. A:
/A\ B: At 7:00. (Alex usually eats at 7:00.)

--l\i7 J\ J. -f\:
lvl B: At 6:45. (I get up at 6:45.)

At 6:30. (Mariausuallygetsup at 6:30.)

5. A:
B : At 8:15. (The moviestartsat 8:15.)

Around 11:00. (I usuallygo to bed around 11:00.)

B: At half-pastnvelve. ( I usuallyeat lunch at half-past nvelve.)

At 5:30. (The restaurantopensat 5:30.)

9. A:
B : At 9:05. (The train leavesat 9:05.)

1 0 .A :
B : Bctwccn6:30and 8:00. (l usuallycrt dinncr bctwccn6:30 und 8:()0.)

66 r cuaptrnz
I 11. A:

I 12. A:
B: At 10:00r,.u. (fhe library closesat 10:00 P.M.on Saturday.)

B: At a quarter past eight. (My classesbegin at a quarter past eight.)

I 2S-ORAL (BOOKS CLOSED): Ask a classmatea question.Use iphen or

uhat tirne.
Example: eat breakfast
sruDENTA: VhenlVhat time do you eat breakfast?
STUDENT B: (freeresPonse)
1. getup 7- go back home
2. usuallyget up 8. get home
3. eatbreaKast 9. have dinner
4. leavehome in the morning 10. usually study in the evening
5. usuallyget to class 1 1. go to bed
6. eatlunch


( a ) Where ts Thailand? Thailand rb in SoutheastAsia.

(b) rWhcrc afe your books? My books are on my desk.
( c ) Vlrcn ,s' thc con,:crt? conccrt rs on April 3rd.
(d ) Wlrut yorrrrt rt'tc? My nlrnc is Yoko.
(c) Vlrut tinrc ts' ir? It is tcn-thirty.

Q-\volr.t) + tx) + sultjl(:l + J\lAlNvr:-r{ll t,oN(; ANSVr!r{

( f ) Vlrcrc do you lhte? ' I froe in Los Angcles.

'' 'l'hc planc
(g) Vhut timc does thc phnc at-riae? strtlues at six-fifteen.
(h) Whar do monkcys eat? -' Monkeys ea, fruit, plants, and insects.
(k) \tfhen does Bob study? Bob slzdr'es in the evenings.

No'ncn: In questionswith be as the main and only lerb, the subiectfollows 6e. In simplepresentquestions
rvith vcrbsothcr than 6e, rhe subiectcomesbcnveen do/does and the main verb.

E EXERCISE26: Complete the questionsin the dialoguesby using is, are, does, or d.o.

(1) A: rVhat time the movie start?

(2) B: Seven-fifteen. you want to go with us?

(3) A: Yes. Vhat time it now?
(4) B: Almost seveno'clock. you readyto leave?
A: Yes,let's go.


(5) A: Where my keysto the car?

(6) B: I don't know. Where you usuallykeepthem?
A: In my purse. But they'renot there.
B: Are you sure?

(7) A: Yes. you seethem?

(8) B: No. thcy in oneof yourpockcts?
A: I don't think so.

(e) B : your husbandhavethem?

A: No. He has his own set of car kevs.
B: I7ell, I hope you find them.
l\: Thanks.


(l0) A: yott gtt to sclrool?

It: Ycs.

(11) A: your brother go to schooltoo?

B: No. He quit schoollast semester.He hasa iob now

(12)A: it a good iob?

B : Not really.

(r3)A: Vhere he rvork?

D. At a restaurant.He washesdishes.

(14)A: he live with you?

No, he liveswith my parents.

( 1 5 )A : your parentsunhappy that he quit school?

B: They're very unhappyabout it.

(16)A: they want him to retum to school?

B: Of course. They don't want him to be a dishrvasherfor the rest of his life. They
havemany dreamsfor him and his future.

27: Completethe dialogueswith appropriatequestions.


B: At eight. (The concert begins at eight.)
2. A:
B: Yes,it is. (SanFranciscois in the rvinter.)

3. A:
Ir. In May. (The weatherstartsto get hot in Ma)'.)

4. A'.
B: Yes. (I dreamin color.)

5. A:
B : Yes. (Igor comesfrom Russia.)

6. A:
B: Russia. (Olga comesfrom Russia.)

B: Yes,he is. (Ivan is from Russia.)

8. A:
B: In Moscow.(lled Squareis in Moscos'.)

9. A:
B: Yes. (Birds sleep.)

B: In treesand bushesor in their nests. (They sleepin treesand bushesor in their

n c s l s .)

LXPn[SjrNGl'n[SLNr]rME(r'AlrTl) r 69

10. A:
B : The blue whale. (The biggestanimal on earth is the blue whale.)

1 1 .A :
B: No, they arent. (\Thales aren'rfish.)
B: Yes,they are. (They are mammals.)

B : Ycs, they do. (They brcathc air.)
1 2 .A :
| | : N o , i t i s l r ' t , ( A s c a l r o r s ci s r r ' tI r r r a r r r r r r l l . )

13. A:
B : A very small fish that looks a little likc a horse.
(A seahorseis a very smallfish that looks
a little like a horse.)

14. A:
B : Yes. (A starfishhas a mouth.)

B: In the middle of its underside. (It is in the middle of its underside.)

B: Clams, oysters,and shrimp. (A starfisheatsclams,oysters,and shrimp.)

7O r csaprenz
28: Complete the dialogucswith your own words.
1 . A : Do
l]: No, I don't.

2. A: Where are
l]: I dolr't know.
'What )
3. A: time does

.1. A: Wlrcrr tlo


5. A: Is


6. A: What is



8. A: are


9. A: What do


10. A: Vhat does )


! EXERCISE29-ORAL/WRITTEN: Interview someone(a friend, a roommate, a classmate,

etc.) about her/his daily schedule.Use the information from the intervierv to rvrite a
you mightwantto ashdurtngtheintcraiew:
Vhat do you do every morning?
do you do every afternoon?
What do you do every evening?
What time do you . . . ?

Iu litrglish,PcoPlcttsc r't trr
(a) \0hat dry is it? ft's /vlorrday. cxprcss (to txlk about) (inrc.
(b) \ v h t t n r o n l hi s i l ? It's Scl)tcnrbcr.
(c) V h a t y c u ri s i t ? ft's -. l-txtl<at Appcnclixcs2 anci3 in
(d) VhaCs the date today? .fr's Scptcmbcr l5th. the back of drc book for lists of
Ir's thc 15th of Scptcmbcr. days, months, and numbcrs.
(e) lvhat time is it? It's 9:00.*
/t's nine. Look at Appendix 4 in the back
ft's nine o'clock. of the book for ways ofsaying the
ft's nine (o'clock) n.u. time.

*American English uses a colon (nvo dots) betrveen tie hour and the minutes: 9100 A.M. British En8lish
uscs one dot:
9.00 A.M.

30: Make questions.I-lseuhat in your questions.
t. t: Whot doy is it?
B: It's Tiresday.
z. t\:
B: It's March 14th.

5. A:
B : Ten-thirty.

4. A:
B: March.

5. A:
B: It's six-fifteen.

6. A:
B : The 1stof April.

R. rJflednesday.

8. A:
B: July3rd.

9. A:
B: It's 6:05.

10. A:
B: It's 10:55.

7dl .J22

n a) rVe haveclasssl one o'clock. a, + a specific time on the clock
b) I have an appoinunent with the doctor at 3:00.
c) rl(/esleepat night. ot + n;ght

3 d) My bir$day is iz October. rz + specific montr

e) I wasbom dn 1960. dz + specific year
f) have class iz the morning. in + the moming
g) Bob has classr'n the afternoon. in + the aJumaon
h) I study iz the evening. in + the evening

q i ) I have classoz Monday. oz + a specific day of the rveek

i) I wasbom on October3l, 1975. oz+aspecificdate

mt (k) ugehaveclassJrotn 1:0Oto 2:00. forez (a specifictime) ro (a specifictime)

I EXERCISE 3l: Oornplctc lhc scr.ltcllccswirh t,l{rit()st,n()Nsotr ,l.tMt.

l. \Jfehave class Ot tcn o'clock.

2. \i9c huvc class ten clevcn.

3. I haveclass tlte morning.

4. I work the afternoon.

5. I sttrdy llrc cvcning,

(r. I slccl:r rrigtrt.

7. I was bom May.

8. I was born 1979.

9. I was born May 25.

10. I was born May 25,1979.

11. The post office isn't open Sunday.

12. The postofficeis open 8:00n.u. Monday.
'fhe post
13. office closes 5:00P.M.


f EXERCISE wi*r pruposrrroNsoF TrME.
32: Completethe sentences
l. Janehas an appointrnent with the dentist ten-thirty.

2. We go to class the morning.

3. The bankis open Friday,but it isn't open Saturday.

4. My birthday is February.

5. I wasborn February14, 1973.

6. I watch television the evening.

7. I go to bed night.

8. The bank is open 9:00 A.M. 4:00p.u.

9. I was in high school 1988.

10. Our classes

begin January10.
11. I study at the library the afternoon.

12. \7e havea vacation August.

(a) It's sunny today. In English, people usually use r't rvhen they talk
(b) Il's hot and humid today. aboutthe weather.
(c) Il's a nice day today.

(t1) What's the aseather lihd in IstanbulinJanuary? Peoplecommonlyask about the weatler by
(c) Hoto's the usearrrerin Moscow in tlrc summcr? ssyil:g: lvhut's lhc zucdtlw likc?<lrr:How's thc

33-ORAL: Horv'stheweathertoday?Usethesewordsto talk about today's
I;.xanplt: I'tt'tt
llaspotrsc:lt's lrot lotluy. otr: It isrr\ / It's rrot hot torlly.
|. hot 7. elourly l.l, gltxrrnl' br .L"n.'nt ,. ..-
2. warm 8. partly ckrudy 14. hunrid
3. cool 9. clear 15. muggy
4. chilly 10. nice 16. stormy
5. cold 11. windy 17. freezing
6. sunny 12. foggy 18. bclow frcczing

74 t cuentnz
34-ORAL: Changethe Fahrenheittemperarures to Celsiusby choosing
from the list. Then describethe temperaturein rvords.

38.C 0" C
24" C -18"C
r/ 10" C 50"
30" above freezing
1. 50.F - - "T U L
I lreezing
2. 320F -10.
3. 100"F belowheezing
4. 7S"F -40"
5. 0"F

I ExERclsE 35: "Approximate" means "close but not exacr." Here is a fast way to qeran
approxirnate number rvhen you convert from one temperature systemto anorher.*

. To changeCelsius to Fahrenheit DouBLETHEcELsnJS

Examples: 12"C x 2 = 24 + 3O= 54"E (Exactnumbers: 12oC= -;3.6.8)
2O"Cx2 = 40 + 30 = 70"E (Exactnumbers: 20.C = 68"E)
35"Cx2 = 70 + 30 = 100"E (Exacrnumbers: 35.C = 95.E)
. To changeFahrenheit to Celsius: suBTRAcr 30 FRotvtl'HE T.AHRENHETT

Examples: 60'F - 30 = 30 + 2 = 15'C. (Exactnumbers: 60.F = l-;.6"C.)

8O"F- 30 -- 50 - 2 = 25"C. (llxlcr numl-rcrs:80oF- 16.7"C.)
9(l"lr - .lO - fnl 2 . l l I ( l . ( l i x i t c l r r t r r r r [ c r s :( ) ( l " l ;- l ] . 1 " ( j . )

( ) l t t r n g ct l t c { i r l k r w i r r gl r o r l O e l s i u sl o l r i r l r r c n l r eri tn c l I r u l t r c l r t r c ti o
t O c l s i u s .C i r l c u l l t ct h c

l. 22"C , 22'O = dppt.oxintdt.v 74olt (22oOx2 =44+ 30 = 74"1;)

2. 2"C 6.45.F
3. 30"C 7. 70011
.1. I0"(I 8. 58"t;
5. r 6"C 9. I (X)"t:

*'lir get exact nunrbcrs, u$e these formulas:

C = 5/9 Cl: -32) oR l: = 9/s (oC) + 32.

r EXERCISE36-REVIEW: Add'-s or -es wherenecessary.
Discussthe correctpronunciation:
lsl,lzl, or lazl.

A00",,,""1{ll,,.,111i,ifL (2)Hewalktoschool
almost every day. (3) Sometimeshe catcha bus, especiallyif it's sqld and Finy

outside. (4) Abdul sharetre apartmentwith pablo. (5) pablo come from Venezuela.

(6) Abdul and Pablogo to the sameschool. (7) They takeEnglish

classes. (8) Abdul

speakArabic as his first language,and pablospeakspanish. (9) They communicate


Iinglish. (10) Somcrinrcs

Abdul t.y to tcuchputrlot. spcnka rittlcAratric,ur.rtlpubro

give Abdul Spanishlessons. (1 l) They laugha lot during the Arabic and

lessons. (12) Abdul enioy having Pabloashis roommate,bur he miss his family back in



(13) Snakes eat an sorts ofthings. (r4) Eggs are a favorite food ofmanv snakes.

(15) rrxlhena snake eat an egg, the snakefirst curl around the cgg. (16) It don't
want thc

egg to roll away. (17) Then the snakeopen its mouth and move the egg into its throat.

(18) It squeezethe egg with musclcsin irs neck. (19) -fhc egg brcak a'd go into

snitkc'sstontach. (20) 'l'hcn lhc snukcspit orrt tlrc cggslrcll.(2 | Srrlkcs lrvc lp c1t c*gs.

37-REVIEW: completerhe sentences
with the wordsin parentheses.Use the
srt',tpI-E pRESENTof the verbs.

l. (Anita,go) to her uncle'shouseevery day?

2. (monhzys,eat) insects?
3. A: I usually (remember,
not) my dreams.
(yo4 remember) your dreams?

76 t cuentnz
I I : Solttcl irrrcs, I ttltcn (turitQ nty tlrcirttts thrwn irs srron trs

I wakeup. | (like) to think about my dreams. I fry)

to understand them.

| (understand,not) my brother. He
( luntc, tu ) tujolr or lt nlilcc l() livc. llc (slccp)

at his friends' apartrnents. He (take,not)

careof himsclf.| (twrry) bout him rll thc tinrc.

5, Oceanwaves(be,) interesting. In an oceanwave,water (mooe)

up and down, but the water (moue,not)

forward. This movement lbe) the same

asthe movement you can seein a rope. If you shake one end of a rope, waves(run)

alongthe rope, but the rcpe (m@e,not)

fonvard. The water in an ocean wave (mooe)

forward only wh en a wave (reach) land. Then an o ceanwave (carry)

sand and other things forward

when it ftit) a sandy beach. h

/+! 64,
a+-L s,

6. A: (you, study) a lot?

B: 1 (study) at leastthree hours every night. My roommate

(study) at leastfive hours. She'sverv seriousabout

her education. How about you? (you, spend)

a lot of time studying?

A : No, I clon't. I (spuul) s littlc timc as possiblc. I

(like, not) to stud)'.

B: s'l.ry (yorr, 6c,l r studcnt?
My nlrrcrrls1zo,,rl,) f l l C [ ( ) A r ) f r r s r ' l r r r r r l .| ( r r , t t t t ,t l r t )

to be herc.

B: In tlrat case,I (thinl<.) tlrat you shoulddrop out of scl.rool

a n c ll i n t l r j o b u n t i l y o u l i g u r c o u t w l r a t y ( ) u w a n t t o d o u ' i l l rr r r u r l i l s .

7 . | (lt,tutl [w(] r()()nltn:rtcs.Onc rrf thcm. Slnr, is irlwaysrrcat

ancf clcrrrr. llc (zt'<rslr) ftis clrrlltcs rtttcc u \t'cck. (1unr,kttozo)

Matt, my other roommate? He (bel

the opposite of Sam. For example, Matt (change,not) the

sheetson his bed. He (&eepl the samesheetsweek after

week. He (uash, neuer) his clothes.

He (uear) the same dirty ieans ever)' da)-. Sam's side of the

room (be, alu,ays) neat.and Maft's side

(be, alway) a mess. As mv mother always

(say) , it (tahe) all kinds of people

to make a lvorld.

f EXERCISE38-REVIEW: Completethedialogueswith your own words by askingquestions.

1. A:
B: No, I don't.

2, A:
B: Yes,I am.

3. A:
B: In an aDartment.

4. A:
B: Six-thirty.

5. A:
ll: Montliry.

(r. A:
l|: At lrornc.

7. A:
lJ: No, he docsn't.

8. A:
B: No, sheisn't.

9, A:
B: South of the United States.

10. A:
B: Yes,it is.

1 1 .A :
B: Yes,they do.

12. A:
R: In SoutheastAsia.

1 3 .A :
B: Hot in the summer.

14. A:
B: Seotember.

1 5 .A :
B: Yes,I do.


r ExERclsE39-REVIEW: correct the mistakesin the followingsentences.
1. Yoko .live- in Japan.

2. Ann comes usuatly to ctasson time.

3. Peter watch TV every evening.

4. Anita carry a briefcase to work every day.

5. Sheenioy her job.

6. I no knowJoe.

7. Mike don't like milk. He never drinkit.

8. Tina doesn'tspeaksChinese. She speakesSpanish,

9. Do you are a student?

10. Does your roonxnate sleepsrvith the window open?

I l. A: Do you like strong coffee?

B: Yes,I like.

12.. I(/here your parents live?

13. t0flhattime is your English class begins?

14. Olga isn't need a car. She have a bicycle.

15. Do Pablo doeshis homework er.ery day?

40-REVIEW: Choosethe correctcompletion.
l. Alex _ knorv French.
A. isn't B. doesn't C. don't
2. - lJex speak Russian?
A. Is B. Does C. Do

3. _ Alex from Canada?

A. Is B. Does C. Do
4. Vhen _ you usually study?
A. are B. does C. do

8O r cuapren
5. Anita - a iob.
A. no have B. no has C. doesn'thave

6. Omar - his new car every Saturday.

A. wash B. washs C. washes

7. I(rhere doesTina - to school?

A. go B. goes C. to go

8. Fumiko - English at this school.

A. study B. studies C. studys

9. Fumiko and Omar - studentsat this school.

A. is B. are C. be

10. They - speakthe samelanguage.

A. aren't B. doesn't C. don't

I EXERCISE4l-REVIEW: Completethe sentences.

l. A: Do you

B: Yes, I do. How about you? Do you


2. A: don't
B: I know.

3 . A: doesn't

B: l{cnlly? l)ocs
A: I t'lon't know.

4. Whcrc is
l l : Al lrontc.

A: Whcrc clocs
l t : On lrilih Avcrruc.

I]: Yes,I do.

B: No, he doesn't.

B: Yes,I am.

B : No, he isn't.

6. A: Do you like

B: Yes,of courseI Everybody

7. A: !7hat snakes?

B: They long, thin animals. They have



B: Yes,they

snakeseat eggs?

B: Ycs,thcy

8. A: you usually in the morning?


A: Vhen


1. s-rU-DENTA: Say five things about Student Bt ph-v"sicalappearance (for example,

describehair color, eye color, straight or curly hair, glasses,a mustache, a beard, etc.
srrrDENTn: Agree or disagreewith the description.
)-fullltNl A: You havc dark huir.
sruDEN'l'ts: (Nods in agreentent.)
sruDENT A: You have black eyes.
s"luDUN'l'l|: No, I havc brown cycs.
STL-DEN-I. A: You have dark brown eyes.
srL'DENTB: Okay. That's right.
st'til)ttN'tA: Vlu wcrr glirsscs.
5'lut)[N l B: Ycs.
xtitclt rclas,with Studuu I) sultittgtiac thirtgs about StuJarutl's dppauruttcc.
2. sruDtsN-rA: Ask Student B five questions about things s/he has and doesn't have
(for example, a car, a colnputcr, a pct, children, a TV set, a bricfcasc, ctc.).
st t jt)tiN'l tt: Ansrvcrthc
5 l u l ) l r N ' lA : l)o you hlvc a clli'
s-ruoeN'r B: No.
STUDENTA: Do you have a comPuter.
srL'DEN-I'B: Yes, but it's not here. It's in my counul-.

822 2
Thenswitch roles.
3. sruDENr A: Ask Student B five questions about things s/he likes and doesn't like (for
example,kinds of food and drink, music, movies,books,etc.)
sruDENT B: Answer the ouestions.
sruDENT A: Do you like pizza?
sruoBNr s: Yes.
sruDENT A: Do you like the music of (nane of a group or singer)?
sruDENT B: No. I don't.
Thenswitch roles.
4. Vrite about the other person. Give a physicaldescription. Write about thingsthis
personhas and doesn't have. I7rite about things this personlikesand doesn'tlike.

I EXERCISE43-REVIEW: Find out information about your classmates'hometowns. Use the

information to write a report. Ask questions abott: the narneof the hometmln,its
Iocation, its population, its ueather and aoerageternperaturein a particular month (ofyour
sruDENTA: What's your hometown?
sruDENr B: Athens.
sruDENTA: $fhere is it located?
sruDENTB: In southrvesternGreeceon the AegeanSea.
sruDENTA: Vhat's the population of Athens?
STUDENT B: 3,507,OO0.
s'ruDEN'r'A: What's the weatherlike in Athens in May?
sruDENTB: It's mild. Sometimesit's a litde rainy.
STUDENT A: lghat's the averageremperarurein May?
STUDENT B: The averagetemperatureis around 8" Celsius.

Chart for recording inlonnation about your classtnates'hometousns.

Weather mild in Moy

(oround 8"C,
in the mid-forties
I uln,t t"it )

| . l { . 1 : , ' , l l ' , 1 1 . 1: , 1l l l l l N l l r l ' r \ 1 . ' lI ' r ll.f

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