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Public Speaking is the biggest fear in the world for up to 40% of the people so being on stage in

front of an audience already makes you a hero for 4 out of 10 people in the audience.

How to become a good speaker? Well there's a lot of things you can do but I summarize it for
you in a very simple way. The eight P principle and also Presentation is with a P so it works.
First of all define your purpose. What's your purpose? And the question that you have to ask is:
Why are you going to deliver a speech or why are you going to talk in front of the audience? Of
course you also have to focus on how you're going to do that and what you want to achieve.
But define in the first place- and that's first step- Define why you do it. Wha'ts your goal what's
your vision what's your motivation. It's not easy to do so, but it's of crucial importance. Second
P: Prepare Preparation. There's a lot of things we can tell about preparation I will fin-tune twi
things. The structure of your preparation is always the same. It's actually very simple. You have
a beginning, you have a body and you have the end. Let'ta focus on the beggining and the
ending. I recommend you in your presentation to start with a big bang. How will you come in?
And that's really a choice but you need to prepare it. Now 99% of all the speeches I saw in my
life start like this. "Good Morning Everyone" My name is Lihnie Boyose I'm very
happy to be here and I will talk about change and change management. End of
the introduction. Okay 99% of the time that's how I see presentations start.
This is my recommendation for a big bang and there are a lot of possibilitues you can use a joke
a quote a statement an historic fact you can choose whatever you want but in with a bang. It
might look just an exam like this. "If you always fo what you always did you will always
get what you always got". Albert Einstein he said that was the reason why people
resist to change you need to drive it proactively and when you're in control and in
charge you can take lead. You see what the difference is and you have a lot of possibities
here but you need to prepare it. Same for the end. The end of your presentation needs to reflect
to the beginning. You need to complete the circle. So you can say. " If you now start doing
things differently, if you now think about the Alberts in the world. If you now want
to prepare yourself to be ready and to embrace change and make the difference
in the world. If you're ready to do so you will be successful in your career and in
your personal growth. And you lay down. Everyone knows that It's dine. You made link to
the beginning.
Number 3 P of powerpoint. It's a choice but if you use it know that it's only to support and to
reinforce your message. It's not to explain something and this is what you should avoid.
You should not have bullet points on your slides and then explain the topics. You should
actually not explain a topic. You should inspire people and that's linked to your purpose, your
motivation, your goal. Why are you telling it? Tell a story. Don't explain a content that makes a
huge difference. And if you want to do it with powerpoint or without powerpoint that's your
choice. But if you use it go for images. It will reinforce what are you saying. Fourth P passion. If
you're not passionate about what you are going to say and do how can we even expect that
your audience will be passionate about it. You cannot. So you need to make sure that you're
excited that you are energized because you need to give this energy to your audience. That you
are ready in a positive vibe to share it. That you share the love about what you are going to talk
about and that's passion. So find the passion. Do that in your purpose. Prepare it in that way.
Adopt your slides to it and make sure that you reach out the public.

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