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Soal UTS Kelas 10

Soal materi Descriptive text

Read The following text and answer the questions
Simien National Park was one of the first sites to be listed in 1978. It is one of the highest
mountain areas in Africa, and the World Heritage List (WHL) calls it 'one of the most
spectacular landscapes in the world'. It is also important for its wildlife. Rare animals like the
Gelada baboon and the Simien fox live there. It is also the only place in the world where you can
find the Walia ibex, a type of goat. The population of this animal is getting smaller and smaller.
That's why the site is now on the List of World Heritage in Danger.
1.  The text talks about ....

2. We cannot find .... except in Simien National Park.

3. The word 'it' (sentence 2) refers to ....

4. What is Walia ibex(Sentence 5)?

5. The site is in danger because .... 

Soal Materi Announcement Text

Read the following text and answer the questions!

Let’s Go Green
Our school will conduct a green campaign. We will plant more trees and recycle our garbage to
make our school clean and green. take part in the campaign.
a. Donate one tree to our school. Give your tree to Mr. Stewart. He will arrange a place for
your tree,
b. Do not litter. Put your garbage in the right container.

1. The school will __________ more trees.

2. The students must __________their garbage in the right container.
3. The students can donate __________ to the school.
4. Mr. Stewart will __________ where to plant the trees.
5. The campaign is to make the school __________ and green.
Soal Materi Introduction
1. “ Hello,______is Nadin.

2. Diana : “_____ is your name?”

Rafi : “My name is Rafi.”
3. Sena : “Good moning, Via.”
Via : “ _________“

4.Alda :”How are you?”

Ghea : “_________”

5. Teacher : “Where are you from?”

Student : “_________Pontianak”

Soal Materi Historical Recount text

Read the following text and answer the questions!
Bandung as Sea of Fire was a fire that occurred in the city of Bandung on March 24, 1946.
Within seven hours, about 200,000 residents of Bandung burned their homes.
British troops as part of the Brigade MacDonald arrived in Bandung on October 12, 1945.
Bandung was deliberately burned by TRI and local people. There were black smoke billowing
high into the air everywhere. The British Army began to attack so fierce. The greatest battle
happened in the Village name Dayeuh Kolot, in South Bandung, where there were a large
ammunition depot belonging to British. In this battle, Barisan Rakyat Indonesia destroyed the
ammunition depot.
The strategy to fire Bandung was considered because the power of TRI and people’s militia was
not comparable to the British forces and NICA. This incident inspired to create the famous song
“Halo Halo Bandung”. To remember what they did and struggled, they built the Bandung Lautan
Api monument.

1.What kind of the text above?

2. Whats is the text about ?

3. Where did the Bandung as Sea of Fire?

4. What was destroyed by Barisan Rakyat Indonesia?

5. What is the social function of the text …

Kunci Jawaban

Soal materi Descriptive text

Answer Key
1.  Simien National Park 
2. Walia ibex 
3. Simien National Park 
4. A type of goat
5. The population of the animal is getting smaller and smaller.
Soal Materi Announcement Text
Answer key
1. plant
2. put
3. one tree / trees
4. arrange
5. clean
Soal Materi Introduction
Answer Key
1. my name
2. What
3. Good morning
4. I am fine
5. I’m from
Soal Materi Historical Recount text
Answer Key

1. Historical recount text

2. History of Bandung as sea of fire
3. In the Bandung city/Bandung city
4. Ammunition depot
5. To tell the reader about a historical event

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